Table 12: Sensitivity analysis to production.
80% 90% 100% 110% 120%
(Bbl/Y) (Bbl/Y) (Bbl/Y) (Bbl/Y) (Bbl/Y)
2017 58830 66190 73540 80890 88250
2018 52130 58650 65170 71680 78200
357.97 404.52 451.07 497.62 544.17
Figure 7: Sensitivity analysis.
and SL = 110 the production rate increased from
284 BFPD to 583 BFPD with EV = 90%. Based
on the results of production optimization for the next
2 years according to the time of HPU leasing, oil
production is 0.139 MMBBL, if it is assumed that
oil prices of US 52/BblareMMUS 7,213. Based
on the revenue sharing using the PSC system with
non-capital investments of MUS $ 0.150, the NPV
contractor MUS $ 451.07, IRR¿ MARR, POT <1
year and DPI 4.00 are obtained. From these results,
it can be seen for the next 2 years BM 1 and BM 2
wells are still economical to produce.
Thank you very much for supported by Universitas
Islam Riau and BOB PT. BSP Pertamina Hulu.
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ICoSET 2019 - The Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology