custody of children as many as 1,441 children,
consisting of children of men as many as 1,409
children and children of women as many as 32
children. Several inmates of children as many as
3,154 children, consisting of children of men as many
as 3,096 children and children of women as many as
58 children. Furthermore, regard this raises the
question correctly, whether the prison is a place that
is good and true for the process of education, growth,
and development of the child?
Many parentings consciously or unconsciously
put parents as an authoritarian figure, sole rule maker,
threatening, punishing when children make mistakes.
As a result, children become afraid, reluctant, or dare
not tell stories openly about what they want or
experience. Children who often get violence, both
from the closest people and strangers, often at the
same time receive threats and prohibitions not to
convey to others. The phenomenon of the iceberg in
cases of sexual violence also occurred because the
victims did not dare to report, or the only one
reported, but behind them, there were 6 victims even
more who did not report.
Various factors underlying the occurrence of
violence have been widely studied. Lack of social
control is the originator of the neglect of violence
against children. Children who get punishment from
parents is considered something familiar between
children and parents. Neighbors or anyone who will
not report the sentence as violent unless the child dies
or is seriously injured. The relationship between
children and adults behaves like a social hierarchy in
the community. Children should not argue what is
done by their parents. Father punishes children;
teachers punish students, make the child as being that
much lower and not enter who has the right and the
Oppressive economic and political structures have
given birth to a violent subculture. Due to economic
pressures, parents experience prolonged stress. He
became compassionate. He gets angry easily.
Physical fatigue does not allow him to joke with
children. Emotional violence, verbal abuse, physical
violence occurs. Parents can force children to do
heavy work or sell their children to prostitution agents
because of economic pressures.
Doctor Tabatabaei, a media expert in Iran, once
wrote that childhood is one of the stages of the age of
a human being, who has his own needs and capacities.
Soft souls and physical children do not have the
readiness to be confronted with conflicts and
problems experienced by adults. Neil Postman, an
American writer, also wrote that if there were no
boundaries between the world of children and the
world of adults, there would be no more so-called
childhood. Children are not adults in mini size. They
need support, support, and protection from "adult"
actors: family, community, government, and country.
Protection of children must be all activities to
guarantee and protect children and their rights so that
they can live, grow, develop, and participate
optimally following human dignity and dignity, and
receive protection from violence and discrimination,
as stated in Law No. 35 Th.2014 on Amendment of
Law No.23 Th. 2002 on Child Protection. Necessary
efforts to explore a variety Characteristic that can be
behind the violence on children so that can be
obtained openness child when getting abuse, whether
physical, emotional, and sexual, so that all the
behavior of the potentially abusive child and various
incidents in children can be anticipated.
The research question is what the correlation
between demographic characteristics and the
incidence of violence in children is? The objective is
identifying data about the shape, and the background
behind the sociological, children get violent,
identifying the frequency of violence on children, to
analyze the relationship characteristic of the
incidence of child abuse
The design of this study was a correlative descriptive
study, in which the research variables of respondents'
characteristics were correlated with the variable of
violence on children. The population in the study of
this were student SD Muhammadiyah derby Malang
grade 3, 4, 5, and 6, which were taken by random and
obtained 347 respondents of SD Muhammadiyah 1,
5, 6, and 9 the city of Malang, East Java, Indonesia.
The research was carried out in each SD
Muhammadiyah, namely 1, 5, 6, and 9 from the date
of 1 November until 15 December 2017. The process
of collection of data was done, by the way,
distributing questionnaires on each student in each
class at a different time. After the questionnaires were
distributed, the researcher read the questions and
explain the purpose of each question were listed on
the questionnaire. For students’ grades three and four,
the researchers provide explanations one by one on
each question that exists in the questionnaire as
attached because of the level of understanding of
children who still need assistance. The univariate test
in this study included age and sex. The bivariate test
in this study was to determine the relationship
between respondents' characteristics and the