The Impact of Tourism on Social, Economic and Cultural Conditions in
Kecamatan Siak
Nurhayati, Rona Muliana, Febby Asteriani, Dinda Ratu
Departement Urban and Regional Planning, Universitas Islam Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Tourism , Social Impacts, Economic Impacts, Cultural Impacts
This study aimed to identify the impact of tourism on social, economic and cultural conditions in Kecamatan
Siak. The research method was quantitative deductive by using the Likert scale. Population in this research
was Kecamatan Siak residents. The number of samples were 382 families with stratified sampling method.
The results showed that tourism had positive and negative impacts on development in Kecamatan Siak. (1)
The positive impact on the social sector with the highest value was to strongly agree on the increase of the
relations and good communication techniques. The negative impact with the highest value was to agree on an
increase in social deviations such as commercial sex, drug use and destruction of tourist attractions (2) The
positive impact on the economic sector with the highest value was to strongly agree on the increase in of local
businesses. The negative impact with the highest value was that there would be an increase in prices of local
goods and basic goods. (3) The positive impact on the cultural sector with the highest value was to strongly
agree on the increase in tourism human resources. The negative impact with the highest value was agreeing
on the occurrence of consumptive lifestyle.
Today, tourism is an alternative sector in the develop-
ment in Riau. This is due to the decline in the prices
of oil palm which has caused a reduction in the con-
tribution of the oil mining sector and palm plantations
in the development of Riau. Tourism has an important
role, along with the shifting of economic structure to
the service sector.
Siak district is a district that intensively promotes
its region as a tourist destination. This is accordance
with the vision of kabupaten Siak in years 2016-2021.
The Kabupaten Siak vision is “Creating the devel-
oped and prosperous district of Siak in a religious and
malay cultured society and creating Kabupaten Siak
as a tourism destination in Sumatra”(Heriawan, 2004;
Irianto, 2011; Kurniawan, 2015). From this vision,
Kabupaten Siak established itself as a tourism desti-
nation in Sumatra. Through the tourism sector, it will
certainly has an impact on regional development in
Kabupaten Siak, such as economic growth, increased
employment, increased community income, changes
in social life(Akil, 2002; Cohen, ; Foster, 2000).
After 1 year of establishing the vision of Kabu-
paten Siak, it is interesting to identify the performance
of the tourism sector in Kecamatan Siak. Therefore,
the objectives in this study were: (1) to identify the
impact of tourism on the social conditions of the peo-
ple in Kecamatan Siak: (2) to identify the impact of
tourism on the economic conditions of the people in
Kecamatan Siak; (3) identify the impact of tourism
on the cultural conditions of the people in Kecamatan
Siak(Mill, 2009; Pitana and Gede, 2009; ?).
The various impacts of tourism on the social, eco-
nomic and cultural sectors have been examined by the
following authors.
The research paradigm pointed in this study was the
rationalistic paradigm. Rationalistic paradigm be-
lieves that a reliable source of knowledge is the mind,
in which empirical functions only to confirm knowl-
edge obtained from the mind ((WTO), 1980; Geriya,
2004; Kodhyat, 1982).
The method of this study was a quantitative de-
Nurhayati, ., Muliana, R., Asteriani, F. and Ratu, D.
The Impact of Tourism on Social, Economic and Cultural Conditions in Kecamatan Siak.
DOI: 10.5220/0009143703070311
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education and Humanity (ICoSEEH 2019) - Sustainable Development in Developing Country for Facing Industrial
Revolution 4.0, pages 307-311
ISBN: 978-989-758-464-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved