research is limit to several parameters and major of
monitoring in basic water parameter only parameters
(Lambrou et al., 2014; Jinghuan and Yi, 2010; Grossi
et al., 2013).Water pollution monitoring system
proposed in (Randhawa et al., 2016; Li et al., 2017;
Cheng et al., 2016) used multi sensors but limited
sensor that only cover basic parameter of water which
is temperature and pH, as well as the data keep in local
makes incompatible to online remote monitoring. The
analysis of water quality using image recognition and
by remotely for a long distance monitoring caused
accuracy problems (Do
na et al., 2014; Olatinwo and
Joubert, 2018). Use of robotics in water pollutant
monitoring in deep rivers and oceans has obvious
advantages but the cost is prohibitive and required
skilful operators (Teixid
o et al., 2018; Kadir et al.,
In this research expected to achieve a new
system in sensing technology for nodes of WSNs
system that ability to achieve multi parameter of
water quality at a river in Riau Province, located
in Indonesia. Furthermore, the real time based
monitoring, system includes river water level and
flowrate sensor, parameters that are vital for flood
managements during rainy season. In this research
contributes to new knowledge and offer new design
for river water pollutant monitoring system by data
collection, including a new sensor design that is
able to collection accurate data. Proposed a new
technique of communication from WSNs sensor
nodes to gateway via WSNs sink for effectiveness
in data sharing and transmission is also an important
aim of this research. The use of local and remote
data monitoring, a complete monitoring system of
interface implement to achieve historical data queries,
the real time data and network state to display, data
analytical and alarm for abnormal situations is made
The proposed new design of sensor nodes in the
WSNs for the application in this river water pollutant
monitoring system is based in the analysis and initial
survey to the field of the actual environmental in
Siak river, in Riau Province. In this proposed design
several sensors applied to achieve detection for all the
parameters of the pollutant index and the river water.
Figure 1 shows a scenery of the actual condition
of Siak river in Indonesia with activities for the
community in daily life such as washing, swimming,
fishing and others on the river.
Figure 1: A photograph of Siak river in Riau Province.
The real situation and condition of the river water
and river of Siak River in Riau Province, Indonesia
is in dirty condition and poses high risk to the
ecosystem around the river. Furthermore, people and
communities use of river water in their daily activities
is very high risk as well. Figure 3 shows of the actual
condition of river water polluted and contaminated by
chemical and material caused by industries operating
around the river (circle bottom left), some of kids
playing and swimming in the river as seen in figure 3
at top right. Based on these observations and analysis
of water, indicator of some parameters in river water
quality is very urgent and required to do a monitoring
system for example temperature, dissolved oxygen
(DO), pH. and electrical conductivity. The monitoring
of river water designed as not only for water pollution
monitoring system, but more than that is to make
a sensing node where additional sensors can be
apply and added. In addition, water flowrate and
level measurement is very important as indicator for
flooding in the river. Most of rivers located in Riau
Province in Indonesia are at very high risk to the
flooding because of high intensity of raining and low
level to the sea level. The system for flooding alert
is very important for reminding the communities for
preventive action while water level arise and reach
in a dangerous level. The smart of sensor node in
WSNs consists of four indicators as indicated for
measurement pollutant water and water river status
and alert. The indicator as shows in table 1 the
complete of indicator measurement with range of
sensors and also for the accuracy.
Table 1: Design Specification of the sensor nodes
Parameter Range Accuracy Method
Temperature 0 to 16
C ± 0.5
C Thermistor
DO 0 to 20 mg/L ± 0.5 mg/L Polarography
pH 0 to 14 ± 0.1 Glass Electrode
Salinity 0 to 50 % ± 0.5
Multi Parameter of WSNs Sensor Node for River Water Pollution Monitoring System (Siak River, Riau-Indonesia)