Investment Climate in the Indonesian Mining Business
Surizki Febrianto and Raja Febriana Andarina Zaharnika
Department of Law, Universitas Islam Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Investment, Mining, Mineral, Coal, Regulation
Minerals and coal contained in the Indonesian mining jurisdiction are non- renewable natural wealth as the
gift of God Almighty which has an important role in fulfilling the livelihoods of many people, therefore man-
agement must be controlled by the State to provide real added value to the national economy in an effort
achieve prosperity and prosperity in a just manner. Mining is part or all of the stages of activities in the con-
text of research, management and commercialization of minerals or coal which includes general investigation,
exploration, feasibility studies, construction, mining, processing and refining, transportation and sales, and
post-mining activities. Mining Business is an activity in the framework of the exploitation of minerals or
coal which includes the stages of general investigation, exploration, feasibility studies, construction, mining,
processing and refining, transportation and sales, and post-mining activities. The main issue: How is the In-
vestment Climate Mining Investment in Indonesia Since the issuance of Government Regulation (PP) No. 24
of 2012 concerning the implementation of Mineral and Coal mining business activities, as well as Minister of
Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 7 of 2012 which was subsequently refined by 2 ESDM Minis-
terial Decree No. 11 of 2012 concerning Increasing Mineral Value Added through Smelter Management and
Purification activities. The paper describes In order to control ore exports and encourage downstream indus-
tries, the government has issued Government Regulation (PP) No. 24 of 2012 concerning the implementation
of Mineral and Coal mining business activities. Furthermore, several related regulations were issued such as
Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 7 of 2012 which was subsequently refined by 2
ESDM Minister Regulation No. 11 of 2012 concerning Increasing Mineral Value Added through Mineral Pu-
rification and Management (smelter) activities, where the main material contained in said mining companies
can export mineral ores abroad before January 2014 if it has obtained a recommendation from the Minister of
Energy and Mineral Resources. Other related regulations that have been issued in order to support the imple-
mentation of the Minerba Law, are the Minister of Trade Regulation No. 29 of 2012 concerning the provisions
on mining product exports and Minister of Finance Regulation No. 75 of 2012 concerning Determination
of Goods subject to Export Levy and Export Duty Tariff, the Center for Foreign Trade Policy will conduct
evaluations relating to the prohibition of exports in the form of ore (raw material or ores).
1.1 Background
Minerals and coal contained in the Indonesian mining
jurisdiction constitute non-renewable natural wealth
as a gift from God Almighty which has an important
role in fulfilling the livelihoods of many people, there-
fore management must be controlled by the State to
provide real added value. Therefore, the management
of mines and minerals must add value to the national
economy. To achieve this, the management of mineral
mining must be based on benefits, justice and balance
and alignments with the interests of the nation and
state (Saleng, 2004; Sutedi, 2011; Himawan, 2003).
Mineral and coal mining activities which are min-
ing business activities outside geothermal, oil and gas
and ground water have an important role in provid-
ing tangible added value to national economic growth
and sustainable regional development. In line with
this, the government continues to make efforts to en-
courage business people to continue to improve them-
selves and make breakthroughs so that they can boost
the added value of Indonesian mines and minerals to a
position that can prosper the people and determine the
trade in world mines and minerals. The government’s
good intention in encouraging business people to in-
crease the added value of the said mines and minerals,
as stated in Law No. 4 of 2009 concerning Mineral
and Coal Mining (Minerba), in which the Act has reg-
Febrianto, S. and Zaharnika, R.
Investment Climate in the Indonesian Mining Business.
DOI: 10.5220/0009149003520358
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education and Humanity (ICoSEEH 2019) - Sustainable Development in Developing Country for Facing Industrial
Revolution 4.0, pages 352-358
ISBN: 978-989-758-464-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ulated the obligation to process and refine mines and
minerals which are implemented no later than 5 (five)
years after the said Act was promulgated on January
12, 2009 so that the processing and refining applies
mining and minerals fell in January 2014. As a result
of the promulgation of Law No. 4 of 2009, nation-
ally there has been a massive increase in mineral ore
exports in the last 3 year (Manuputy et al., ; Sefri-
ani, 2011; Salim, 2006). In order to control ore ex-
ports and encourage downstream industries, the gov-
ernment has issued Government Regulation (PP) No.
23 of 2010 which has been amended by PP No. 24 of
2012 concerning the implementation of Mineral and
Coal mining business activities. Furthermore, sev-
eral related regulations were issued such as Minister
of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 7
of 2012 which was subsequently refined by 2 ESDM
Minister Regulation No. 11 of 2012 concerning In-
creasing Mineral Value Added through Mineral Pu-
rification and Management (smelter) activities, where
the main material contained in said mining compa-
nies can export mineral ores abroad before 2004 if it
has obtained a 2 recommendation from the Minister
of Energy and Mineral Resources. Other related reg-
ulations that have been issued in order to support the
implementation of the Minerba Law, are the Minis-
ter of Trade Regulation No. 29 of 2012 concerning
the provisions on mining product exports and Minis-
ter of Finance Regulation No. 75 of 2012 concerning
Determination of Goods subject to Export Levy and
Customs Tariff(Starke, 2014; Istanto, 2010; Utomo,
2005). In connection with these various problems,
and based on the Request Letter for Cooperation in
mining and mineral studies from the Directorate of
Industrial and Mining Exports (DG Daglu) Number:
1022 / DAGLU.3.4 / ND / 8/2013 dated August 13,
2013, the Center for Foreign Trade Policy will evalu-
ating the impact of the policy in question, especially
relating to the prohibition of exports in the form of ore
(raw material or ores) on mining and mineral com-
modities that will take effect in January 2014. This
is in accordance with the explanation of Charles Hi-
mawan who said ”These regulations are sometimes
so numerous that they cause obscurity of applicable
laws. To utilize multinational capital to the maxi-
mum, it requires legal clarity. Furthermore, it was
stated, if the authoritative law means the law that is
obeyed by people, both the person who made the law
and the person against whom the law was intended, it
will be seen here the connection between humans and
law ”(Lanini et al., ; OCallaghan, 2010; PERMANA
and DREBENSTEDT, 2013).
1.2 Identification of Problems
Identification of problems in a study is very important
because it is a guideline and makes it easier for the
author to discuss the problems to be studied, so that
the goals to be achieved are clearly in accordance with
what is expected.
Based on the background description of the prob-
lem above, the authors formulate the problem as fol-
How is Investment Climate Mining Investment in
Indonesia Since the issuance of Government Reg-
ulation (PP) No 24 of 2012 concerning the imple-
mentation of Mineral and Coal mining business
How is the Minister of Energy and Mineral Re-
sources Regulation No. 7 of 2012 which was sub-
sequently refined by 2 ESDM Ministerial Decree
No. 11 of 2012 concerning Increasing Mineral
Value Added through Smelter?
1.3 Research Purpose
In this paper, the writer has specific objectives to be
achieved, including knowing in depth about the busi-
ness world, especially about investment in the mining
sector. In this case the writer’s critical thinking lies
in the regulations and government policies that have
an impact on investment efforts. Therefore, the writer
needs to study the government regulations, especially
regarding the prohibition of the export of mineral ores
(raw materials ores) abroad, so that it has an impact
on the upstream mining industry in Indonesia.
In conducting this research, the author uses the legal
normative legal research method, namely the author
tries to provide a description of the research methods
as follows:
2.1 Research Approach
Approach to the problem is the process of solving
or solving problems through predetermined stages so
as to achieve the research objectives. To discuss the
problems contained in this study the author uses a nor-
mative juridical approach.
2.2 Research Specifications
The specification of this research is descriptive re-
search. Descriptive research is intended to provide
Investment Climate in the Indonesian Mining Business
as much preliminary data as possible about humans,
circumstances or other symptoms. The point is pri-
marily to reinforce the hypotheses, in order to be able
to help strengthen old theories or within the frame-
work of composing new theories.
3.1 Results and Discussion “Investment
Climate Mining Investment in
Indonesia Since the issuance of
Government Regulation (PP) No. 24
of 2012 concerning the
implementation of Mineral and
Coal mining business activities”
3.1.1 Regulations and Policies on the Existence
of Mines and Minerals in Indonesia
Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution mandates that the
earth, water and natural resources contained therein
be controlled by the state and utilized as much as pos-
sible for the prosperity of the people. The mandate
of the 1945 Constitution is the foundation of min-
ing and energy development to utilize the potential
wealth of mineral and energy resources that are op-
timally owned in supporting sustainable national de-
velopment. The mines, minerals and coal contained
in the Indonesian legal jurisdiction are non-renewable
natural wealth as the gift of God Almighty which has
an important role in fulfilling the lives of many peo-
ple. Therefore, the management must be controlled
by the State to provide real added value to the na-
tional economy in an effort to achieve prosperity and
equitable welfare of the people. Mining is an activity
of extracting precious and economically valuable de-
posits of deposits from the skin of the earth, both me-
chanically and manually on the surface of the earth,
beneath the surface of the earth’s water. The Govern-
ment of the Republic of Indonesia through Govern-
ment Regulation No. 27 of 1980 divides the excavated
material into 3 groups, namely:
1. Strategic excavation material called group A ex-
cavation consists of: petroleum, liquid bitumen,
frozen wax, natural gas, solid bitumen, asphalt,
anthracite, young coal, uranium radium, thorium
other radioactive minerals, nickel, cobalt, tin.
2. Vital excavation is also referred to as class B ex-
cavation consisting of iron, molybden, chromium,
tungsten, vanidium, titan, bauxite, copper, lead,
zinc, gold, platinum, silver, mercury, arsenic, an-
timony, bismuth, ytrium , rhutenium, cerium, and
other rare metals, beryllium, corundum, zircon,
power crystals, cryolite, fluorspar, barite, iodine,
bromine, clhor, sulfur.
3. Non-strategic and non-vital excavation materi-
als, also referred to as group C excavations.
These consist of: nitral, nitrite, phosphate, rock
salt (halite), asbestos, talc, mica, graphite, mag-
nesite, yarocyte, leucite, alum (alum ), ocher,
gemstones, semi-gemstone, quartz sand, kaolin,
feldspar, gypsum, bentonite, diatomaceous earth,
absorbent soil (fuller earth), pumice, trass, obsid-
ian, marble, slate, limestone, dolomite, calcite ,
granite, andesite, basalt, trachite, clay, sand, as
long as they do not contain group A or group B
mineral elements on a scale that is significant in
terms of mining economics.
The classification of the above excavation is insepa-
rable from the 1967 Basic Mining Law which con-
firms that the classification of minerals is based on
different roles for the nation and state. Group A is a
mineral that is very important for the country’s econ-
omy because it brings in relatively large foreign ex-
change. Group B is a mineral that concerns the liveli-
hood of many people, while group C is a mineral that
is needed for industrial or building materials.
Meanwhile, based on the criteria of mineral min-
ing commodities that can be increased, the added
value can be classified into 3 (three) groups, namely
metal minerals, nonmetallic minerals and rocks. The
description of each type of mineral mining commod-
ity is as follows:
1. The group of metal minerals is a type of metal
mineral mining commodity which includes ore:
copper, gold, silver, tin, lead and zinc, chromium,
molybdenum, platinum group metals, bauxite,
ore, iron sand, nickel, cobalt, manganese and an-
2. Nonmetallic mineral groups consist of various
types of non-metallic mineral mining commodi-
ties which include: calcite (limestone / lime-
stone), feldspar, kaolin, bentonite, zeolite, silica,
zircon and diamond.
3. The rock group is a type of rock mining com-
modity, among others: Toseki, Marble, Onik, Per-
lite, Slate (slate), Granite, Granodiorite, Gabro,
Peridotite, Basalt, Opal, Chalcedony, Chert (ri-
jang), Jasper, Chrysoprase , Garnet, Jade, Agat
and Topas.
In welcoming the ban on the export of raw mate-
rials for mining and minerals in January 2014, there
were 15 (fifteen) companies that stated readiness for
ICoSEEH 2019 - The Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education, and Humanity
processing and refining facilities that would be op-
erational in 2014. Of the 15 companies, there were
6 companies that have prepared themselves with the
progress of mining and mineral processing and refin-
ing facilities have reached 100% to operate in 2014.
Of the 6 (six) mining companies, including PT. Delta
Prima Steel and PT. Meratur Jaya Iron Steel with its
production in the form of Sponge Iron, PT. Indo Ferro
with the production of Pig Iron, PT. Batutua Tem-
baga Raya with the results of processing in the form
of Cupper Chatode, PT. Indotama Ferro Allays and
PT. Century Metalindo with the processing of Silica
Manganese. Meanwhile, for the other 9 companies
the progress of processing and refining readiness fa-
cilities to operate in 2014 is still below 75%
In the last three years after Law No. 4 In 2009,
nationally there were several types of ore and min-
eral ore whose realization has increased massively,
including nickel ore exports increasing by 800%, iron
ore increasing by 700%, and bauxite ore increasing
by 500%. In order to control mineral ore exports
and encourage downstream industries, the govern-
ment issued a number of related regulations, includ-
ing ESDM Ministerial Regulation No. 7 of 2012 as
amended by PerMen No. 11 of 2012, Regulation of
the Minister of Trade No. 29 of 2012 concerning Pro-
visions on the Export of Mining Products and Regu-
lation of the Minister of Finance No. 75 of 2012 con-
cerning Determination of Export Prices for Calcula-
tion of Export Levy. The government requires export
duties for 14 mining minerals including copper, gold,
silver, tin, lead, chromium, molybdenum, platinum,
bauxite, iron ore, iron sand, nickel, manganese, and
antimony with an export duty range to be collected
ranging from 20% to 50% depending on the type of
ESDM Ministerial Regulation No. 7 of 2012 was
issued in order to secure the implementation of the
mandate of Law No. 4 of 2009 concerning Mineral
and Coal Mining, specifically related to the obliga-
tion to process and refine minerals in the country no
later than January 12, 2014. Then Candy 07 of 2012
this was amended based on RI Minister of Energy and
Mineral Resources Regulation No. 11 of 2012 dated
May 16, 2012 which states that mining companies can
export mineral ore or ore in this case nickel abroad
before 2014 if they have obtained a recommendation
from the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources
c.q Director General. These recommendations will be
provided with the following conditions:
1. Status of Production Operation IUP and IPR clear
and clean in the sense that each mining company
is required to have an approved Production Oper-
ation IUP.
2. Mining companies must pay off financial obliga-
tions to the state.
3. Mining companies must submit work plans and or
cooperation in the management and / or refining
of minerals in the country.
4. Mining companies must sign an integrity pact.
3.1.2 Development of the Indonesian Mining
There are two things that enable Indonesia to develop
into an advanced industrial country. First; Indonesia
is a country that has the most complete mineral wealth
in the world, although it is not the world’s main actor
in all raw materials, but Indonesia has almost the most
important mineral sources. Second, Indonesia has
relatively large and diverse types of energy sources,
ranging from petroleum, gas, coal and other renew-
able energy sources. However, until now Indonesia
has not been able to develop its industry properly, be-
cause the mineral mining products exploited in the
bowels of Indonesia are still exported in the form of
raw materials with very low added value. On the one
hand, indeed in terms of raw material and commodity
trade, Indonesia holds a key position. But most min-
ing companies have tied mining product sales con-
tracts with developed countries, so that Indonesia can-
not control the price of its mining commodities.
3.1.3 Policies Regarding Mining and Minerals
Starting from the issuance of Law Number 4 Year
2009 on 12 January 2013 concerning Mineral and
Coal Mining, where the basic material contained in
this Law regulates the removal of mineral and coal
mining products and prohibits the export of raw ma-
terials until 2014. Therefore, This law mandates the
construction of smelters so that domestic mining pro-
duction can be processed before being exported. The
purpose of the Minerba Law is intended, so that In-
donesia can feel the added value of mining and min-
eral products so that it can boost gross domestic prod-
uct and absorb labor. Based on the mandate of Law
No. 4 of 2009 referred to, it will become effective
in January 2014 for metal mineral mining commodi-
ties, nonmetallic minerals and rocks in the form of
raw materials (raw material / ores).
In the context of implementing various articles in
the Minerba Act, the government then issued Govern-
ment Regulation (PP) No.23 of 2010 dated February
1, 2010 concerning the Implementation of Mineral
and Coal Mining Business Activities, which in this
regulation implies that holders of Mining Business
Permits (IUPs) are operating production and Special
Investment Climate in the Indonesian Mining Business
Mining Business Permit (IUPK) Production opera-
tions must prioritize the needs of minerals and / or
coal for domestic interests. Therefore, in supporting
the development of domestic industries, it is neces-
sary to restructure the issuance of mining business
licenses for non-metal minerals and rocks. Further-
more, in order to provide greater opportunities for In-
donesian participants to participate more in mineral
and coal mining activities as well as to provide le-
gal certainty for holders of Coal Mining Concession
Work Contracts and Work Agreements intending to
extend in the form of Mining Business Permits, PP
is then issued No. 24 of 2012 dated 21 February
2012 concerning Amendment to Government Regula-
tion Number 23 of 2010 concerning Implementation
of Mineral and Coal Mining Business Activities.
Besides that, in order to increase the effective-
ness of controlling mineral ore exports and encour-
age downstream industries, the government has is-
sued various regulations such as Minister of Per-
manent Regulation ESDM No. 7 of 2012 which
was later amended by ESDM Regulation No. 11
of 2012 concerning Increasing Mineral Value Added
through Mineral Processing and Purification Activi-
ties. Increasing Added Value and processing obliga-
tions with minimum processing limits, this is done
with Mineral Processing and Purification Activities
which include processing and refining metal minerals,
processing non-metal minerals and rock processing,
as well as processing and refining certain metal min-
erals, processing non-metallic minerals certain, and
certain rock processing must meet the minimum pro-
cessing limits.
Meanwhile, in order to increase the effectiveness
of the export regulation of several types of mining
products, the government through the Ministry of
Trade has also issued Permendag No. 29 / M-AG
/ PER / 5/2012 as amended by Permendag No. 52
/ M-AG / PER / 8/2012 concerning Provisions on
the Export of Mining Products, where this regulation
regulates matters relating to procedures and permits
for the implementation of export activities of various
types of mining products by considering the neces-
sity to meet minimum processing limits. In addition
to this, based on the consideration / proposal of the
Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources as sub-
mitted through Letter Number 3038/30 / MEM.B /
2012 concerning the Policy for Control of Mineral
Ore Sales (Raw Material or Ore) abroad and in or-
der to increase added value and availability of mineral
resources in the country, it is necessary to regulate
the imposition of Export Levy on exported goods in
the form of mineral raw materials. In this regard, on
May 16, 2012 the government through the Ministry
of Finance has issued Permenkeu No. 75 / PMK.011
/ 2012 which was subsequently refined by Minister of
Finance Regulation No. 128 / PMK.011 / 2013 con-
cerning changes to the regulation of the finance min-
ister number 75 / pmk.011 / 2012 concerning the stip-
ulation of export goods subject to export duties and
export duty tariffs, wherein the main material In these
changes related to the sale of various types of mineral
raw materials to foreign countries subject to export
export tariffs of 20%, except for Marble and Traver-
tine products in the form of beams¿ 4 cm thick and
Granite beam products with thickness¿ 4 cm is sub-
ject to an export duty of 10%. The objectives of the
policy to impose export duty on mining commodities
are to ensure the fulfillment of domestic needs, pro-
tect the preservation of natural resources, anticipate
a drastic increase in prices from certain export com-
modities on the international market and or maintain
the stability of certain commodity prices within coun-
try. From the description above, it can be concluded
that increasing industrial excavation products requires
a high precision processing process which can ul-
timately increase the multipurpose of the excavated
material so that the marketing becomes wider. Accu-
racy of work is needed in all stages of activities so that
a lot of useful minerals are obtained and a little bit of
impurities is obtained so that the results obtained are
more maximal in accordance with the results of con-
sumer orders. With the existence of the Minerba Act,
all types of ore / mineral goods and minerals must
be processed and purified in advance to obtain added
value and then be exported. In Article 102 of the Min-
ing Law, Holders of IUP and IUPK are required to
increase the added value of mineral and / or coal re-
sources in the implementation of mining, processing
and refining, as well as the utilization of minerals and
coal. This new obligation is planned to take effect
in 2014. Seeing the prohibition policy, it will only
be enacted in 2014, some businesses have increased
production and exports on a large scale. This is done,
because in general the business actors argue that to es-
tablish a processing and refining plant in the field of
mining and minerals, a high cost is needed, so that the
opportunity during this transition period seems to be
used by businesses to produce and export on a large
scale because it feels the cost production is still rela-
tively cheap. As is well known, the majority of raw
mineral and mineral materials markets are mostly for
exports, but there are also those that are marketed do-
mestically and even to fulfill the need for further raw
materials as domestic industries also carry out imports
even though the original raw material comes from do-
mestic as well.
ICoSEEH 2019 - The Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education, and Humanity
3.2 Results and Discussion “Impact of
the Issuance of Minister of Energy
and Mineral Resources Regulation
No. 7 of 2012 which was
subsequently refined by 2 ESDM
Ministerial Decree No. 11 of 2012
concerning Increasing Mineral
Value Added through Smelter
Management and Purification
3.2.1 Impact of Mining and Mineral Export
Prohibition Policy
In Indonesia, the metal mineral mining industry is
controlled by foreign investors and state-owned com-
panies, as well as private companies. These compa-
nies are established based on Indonesian laws and
regulations in the form of an Indonesian legal en-
tity. In mining contract work documents, foreign min-
ing companies are also required to release ownership
shares. State ownership rights as a concept to date
have not yet had a clear and explicit understanding
and meaning that can be accepted by all parties in re-
lation to the management and utilization of national
natural resources so as to invite many interpretations
that have implications for their implementation.5 Law
No. 4 of 2009 concerning Mineral and Coal Mining
is a time bomb for Indonesia. This law regulates the
removal of mineral and coal mining products and pro-
hibits the export of raw materials in 2014. This law
mandates the construction of smelters so that domes-
tic mining production can be processed before being
exported. The objective of the Mining Law is very
noble: so that Indonesia can feel the added value of
mining products, boost gross domestic product, and
absorb labor.
In contrast to the initial expectations, post-
determination of this law mining exploitation actu-
ally jumped sharply. Mine owners compete to mine
as much as possible before being banned. As a re-
sult, production of a number of mining commodities
surged. For example, bauxite production in 2009 was
783,000 mt, in 2011 it was 17,634,000 mt, or jumped
2,150 percent. The same thing happened to nickel
ore commodities, where production in 2009 was only
5,802,000 wmt, but in 2011 it was 15,973,000, or a
175 percent increase.
The implementation of the ban on the export of
raw materials was in sight, but Indonesia still did not
have an adequate smelter to offset mine production.
It is recorded that there are at least three commodi-
ties that will deficit the smelter in 2014, namely cop-
per, bauxite and nickel. National bauxite production
in 2011 reached 17.6 million tons.7 At present, In-
donesia does not yet have a bauxite smelter. The plan
to build a number of bauxite smelters, up to 2014, can
only accommodate 7.1 million tons. The gap between
mine production and smelter capacity is 10.5 million
tons, assuming all smelter developments are smooth.
Nickel commodities experience the same thing.
Indonesia’s nickel mining produced 15.9 million tons
of nickel in 2011. Existing nickel smelters in Indone-
sia have a capacity of 9.03 million tons. Until 2014,
it is estimated that there will be an additional number
of new smelters, with a total capacity of 4.15 million
tons. The gap between mine production and smelter
in 2014 reached 2.72 million tons.
For copper commodities, national copper produc-
tion in 2011 reached 20.2 million tons, while existing
copper smelters could only accommodate 1 million
tons.8 The planned construction of a number of cop-
per smelters until 2014 only adds smelter capacity to
1.2 million tons. At least there will be 18 million tons
of copper that cannot be processed.
Implications of the lack of a first smelter, govern-
ment revenues from the mining sector can be in the
form of tax revenues (PPh), non-tax revenues (min-
ing royalties), and deadrent (land rent). This revenue
has the potential to drop if Minerba mine production
decreases. Second, the reduction in mine production
will have implications for reducing labor. With the
ban on the export of raw materials, workers must be
prepared to lose their jobs. Reduction of labor will
also occur in companies supporting mining activities,
such as shipping and heavy equipment. Third, if raw
material exports decline due to export restrictions, the
trade balance will be more deficit. This will have an
impact on the weakening of the rupiah exchange rate
which boosts import costs. The high cost of imports
will affect a number of products that still rely on im-
ported components. The Minerba Act has been stipu-
lated since 2009, but until now the removal program
has been in place. The government has not succeeded
in creating a business climate that has made investors
interested in building a smelter industry in Indonesia.
Investment Climate in the Indonesian Mining Business
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ICoSEEH 2019 - The Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education, and Humanity