Study of Open Space Utilization in Pekanbaru City, Riau Province
Mira Hafizhah T., Febby Asteriani, Danel Teguh P., Mardianto, Angelina Rulan S.
Departement of Urban and regional Planning, Universitas Islam Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
City, Open Space, Public Area, Utilization.
Public open space is a necessity for residents of Pekanbaru City and other big cities, with a variety of
communities and residents of Pekanbaru City certainly need public open space that is suitable for their
community needs, such as gathering, sports, recreation and so on. In addition to making the city neat, beautiful,
beautiful, this also serves as a support for the city community to feel comfortable in their city, creating a happy,
healthy, intelligent and active society. The purpose of study to know utilization of open space in pekanbaru
city ecspesialy in MTQ area,Pekanbaru city park, urban forest andPlaza in the Great Mosque of An-Nur, The
analysis technique used qualitative descriptive analysis.The result of questionnaire and interviewisOpen spaces
in the city of Pekanbaru are used by visitors as a place to exercise, playground, recreation in distributing talents
or hobbies, trading and there are also those who use it as a culinary or snacking place that traders provide
around the location of public open spaces. Most of the public or visitors to public open space use public
open space as a place to exercise. The condition of public open space is generally good, comfortable, and
management is quite good. However, public open space facilities that still do not meet the needs of visitors,
the condition of the facility also needs to be paid more attention, visitors prefer the location of public open
spaces that are not far from where they live.
Public open space is a necessity for residents of
Pekanbaru City and other big cities, with a variety
of communities and residents of Pekanbaru City
certainly need public open space that is suitable for
their community needs, such as gathering, sports,
recreation and so on. In addition to making the city
neat, beautiful, beautiful, this also serves as a support
for the city community to feel comfortable in their
city, creating a happy, healthy, intelligent and active
society(Pekanbaru, ; Budihardjo and Sujarto, 1999;
Budihardjo, 2011).
The public open space needed by the people
of Pekanbaru City is certainly a public open space
equipped with supporting facilities or infrastructure
in accordance with the function of the public open
space.Public open spaces in Pekanbaru City are
spread in several Subdistricts in Pekanbaru City,
while public open spaces in the urban scale in
Pekanbaru City are full MTQ areas in Bukit Raya
District, MTQ Park at Arifin Ahmad Road Crossing
in Marpoyan Damai District, Polytechnic Playground
Caltex Riau in Rumbai District, Bandar Lake
Kayangan Lembah Sari in Rumbai Pesisir District,
Main Riau Stadium Area in Tampan Subdistrict,
Urban Forest in Sail District, City Park, Plaza in the
Great Mosque of An-Nur, CFD on Diponogoro street
in Pekanbaru (Kuntjojo, 2009; Mulyandari, ; Woolley,
Open space can be interpreted as undeveloped land
or an environmental area designated as parks, roads,
and natural destinations such as agricultural areas.
(Mulyandari, ; Schmitt, 2004; Agboola et al.,
2017).Public open space in Permendagri Number 1
of 2007 concerning structuring green open spaces in
urban areas, is spaces in a city or wider area, both in
the form of area / area and in the form of elongated
areas / lanes where the use is more open which is
basically without buildings.
The research approach used in this study is
the inductive approach, starting from the desire of
Hafizhah T., M., Asteriani, F., Mardianto, . and Rulan S., A.
Study of Open Space Utilization in Pekanbaru City, Riau Province.
DOI: 10.5220/0009149101820187
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (ICoSET 2019), pages 182-187
ISBN: 978-989-758-463-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
researchers to give meaning to observational data in
the form of empirical generation (initial categories,
assumptions, then become a theory)(Kuntjojo, 2009;
MacDonald et al., 2009; Ishii et al., 2010).
The purpose of this study utilization open space in
Pekanbaru City. The scope of the area in this study is
the administrative area of Pekanbaru City consisting
of several open space in Pekanbaru, this are has been
chosen based on most activity community.
MTQ areas in Bukit Raya District,
Pekanbaru City Park,
Urban Forest,
Plaza in the Great Mosque of An-Nur,
To find out the utilization of public open
space in the city of Pekanbaru can be used
qualitative descriptive analysis, in which this
qualitative descriptive analysis will explain the theory
descriptively about the utilization or function of
public open space, this analysis is used to be able to
see the direction of regional public open space, the
activity tendency will be carried out to analyze the use
of land around the public open space. It is also done
by distributing questionnaires in public open spaces
that are semi-open
The sampling technique in this study uses a
selected sample (Non Probality sample), because
the population studied is infinite (Population whose
number and identity of members is unknown).
The method of sampling is done using accidental
sampling. The method of taking accidental sampling
is taken on the basis of if only, without being planned
in advance, also the desired number of samples is not
based on considerations that can be justified, provided
they meet the needs. The conclusions obtained are
only crude and temporary. In research it can happen
to obtain samples that are not planned in advance, but
by chance, that is the unit or subject is available to
researchers when data collection is done. The process
of obtaining this kind of sample is called accidental
sampling (Kuntjojo, 2009).
From the sampling technique researchers
conducted questionnaires on weekdays and on
holidays. On weekdays the time chosen is 2 days
between Monday and Friday, and on holidays on
Saturdays and Sundays. Special Car free Day is only
done one day, namely on Sunday because this activity
is only done once a week. So the number of samples
obtained in each public open space can be seen in the
following table :
Table 1: Respondent Public Open Space in Pekanbaru
No Public Open Space
Work day Holiday Result
1 MTQ 10 20 30 12
2 Pekanbaru
City Park
7 16 23 16
3 Urban Forest 8 10 18 9
4 Plaza in the
Great Mosque
of An-Nur,
9 16 25 17
Result 34 62 96 54
4.1 Utilization Open Space in
4.1.1 MTQ Area
Pekanbaru’s MTQ full area is one of the public open
spaces in Pekanbaru City, this area is located on
Sudirman street, the Full Zone of MTQ is located
on Jendral Sudirman street which is the road of
Pekanbaru City Protocol. To reach this location
very easily, visitors can use private vehicles such as
bicycles, motorbikes or cars. In addition, visitors
can also use city transportation, the MTQ full area is
passed by several city transportation such as Angkot,
City Bus, and TransmetroPekanbaru.this area has
quite extensive land, the total area of this area is
around 15 hectares. The facilities are quite complete,
such as seating, lighting, garden houses, trash bins
and other supporting facilities. The Full Zone of
MTQ has land as a place for citizens to exercise,
create play, gather and so on. However, activities
in the currently reduced MTQ area can be seen at
this time visitors of this region are decreasing. The
existence of land conversion in some areas, this
area has quite extensive land, the total area of this
area is around 15 hectares. The facilities are quite
complete, such as seating, lighting, garden houses,
trash bins and other supporting facilities. The Full
Zone of MTQ has land as a place for citizens to
exercise, create play, gather and so on. However,
activities in the currently reduced MTQ area can be
seen at this time visitors of this region are decreasing.
The existence of land conversion in some areas.
The MTQ area is one of the public open spaces
in the city of Pekanbaru, with its strategic location,
the area is crowded with residents of Pekanbaru
City in the evening and at night, as seen from the
answers of 30 public visitors to the open space
questionnaire (60%) when visiting more often done
in the afternoon and (40%) make visits at night. with
a wide area, this MTQ area is often held art events,
expo music concerts and other events, in the MTQ
Study of Open Space Utilization in Pekanbaru City, Riau Province
Figure 1: MTQ Area
area there are various kinds of traditional houses in
various regencies in Riau Province. In addition to
art performances, Pekanbaru residents often use the
MTQ area as a place of recreation (33%), socialize
(23%) and do sports activities (27%) in this place such
as playing football, and so on. At night the MTQ
area was made into the city of Pekanbaru as a culinary
tourist spot (17%), such as grilling corn, bananas and
various kinds of food sold by traders in the MTQ area.
4.1.2 Pekanbaru City Park
Pekanbaru City Park is located in a very strategic
area that is in the city of Pekanbaru precisely
on Diponogoro street in Pekanbaru Subdistrict,
transportation modes that can be used towards this
area visitors can use Transmetro Pekanbaru or
personal vehicles. Pekanbaru city park has an area
of 2.3 hectares. This city park is equipped with quite
good facilities such as lounge benches, swimming
pools, various children’s games and several types of
plants and flowers that make this garden beautiful,
besides these facilities in the city park also provides
bicycle rental and selling various kinds of food and
Figure 2: Pekanbaru City Park
Pekanbaru City Park, located on Diponogoro
street, is one of the public parks that can be utilized
by Pekanbaru City residents, the city park serves
as a provider of oxygen or an area that provides
healthy air amidst pollution in Pekanbaru City. Of
the 23 questionnaires distributed in the City Park,
visitors said visitors used the City Park as a place
of recreation (43%), sports (13%), socializing, and
gathering places for Pekanbaru City residents (26%).
Visitors who often come to city parks (26%), rarely
(52%), are very rare (22%). Visit times are often
carried out in the morning (4%), during the day
(26%), in the afternoon (70%).
4.1.3 Urban Forest
Pekanbaru City Forest is located in Sail District,
Sukamaju Village, Pekanbaru, precisely on
Diponegoro street.Access to the city forest visitors
can use private vehicles such as motorbikes or cars.
Visitors can also use the Transmetro Pekanbaru
public vehicle that passes Diponogoro street, after
which visitors walk a little to the urban forest
area.Urban forest is one of the lungs of the city of
Pekanbaru, the city forest in the Sail District has
a variety of plants, and has facilities that are quite
good, but still not maintained in the assessment of the
overall forest of Pekanbaru City can be categorized
quite well.
Figure 3: Urban Forest
Urban forest is a land in the middle of the
city which is left to be planted perennials or trees
that grow in the middle of the city or on the
outskirts of urban settlements. Urban forest located
in Sail Subdistrict is very large or very important
role for Pekanbaru City, this urban forest serves
as a counterweight to human ecology in various
ways such as air cleanliness, availability of ground
water, sun protection, animal life in the city, and
also as recreation place for the people of Pekanbaru
City. In addition to these main functions, there
were 18 respondents from the City Forest Zone
said that visitors used urban forest as a place of
recreation (28%), and often used as a photographer
and model talent channel for photography activities
(44%), sports (11% ), socializing (17%). The time
ICoSET 2019 - The Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology
Figure 4: Plaza in the Great Mosque of An-Nur
of visit is often done in the morning (6%), during the
day (6%) in the afternoon (88%). The following is an
illustration of the use of urban forests by the people
of Pekanbaru City.
4.1.4 Plaza in the Great Mosque of An-Nur
Pekanbaru Great An-nur Mosque is the largest place
of worship in Pekanbaru City, the mosque was built
in 1963 and completed in 1968 and carried out a total
renovation in 2000, the Great Annur mosque has a
plaza that is wide enough to be used as an open space
public by the people of Pekanbaru City.In addition to
private vehicles, transportation that can be used by
visitors to go to the Great Mosque of Annur is City
transportation or Transmetro Pekanbaru which passes
through the great annur mosque.
The Great Mosque of Annur has an area of about
12.6 hectares, with the land area providing flexibility
for the provision of open land for the public of
Pekanbaru including the green park area and large
parking area.The existing conditions of the Plaza
located in the Great Mosque area of Annur is quite
good, this area has a field to play, creativity, track to
run, large parking, RTH is quite good. In addition,
the Great Mosque of Annur is equipped with various
educational facilities ranging from the Playgroup to
High School and also has a library and meeting hall.
The Great Mosque of Annur Pekanbaru is the
grandest Muslim house of worship in the city of
Pekanbaru, with an area of about 12.6 hectares
of this mosque area having educational facilities,
ranging from preschool, kindergarten, elementary
school, junior high school to high school level. place
of worship. The Great Mosque of Annur has a
very large plaza, from the respondents who got 25
people in the Mesjid Agung plaza, in the plaza this
mosque residents of Pekanbaru use as a place to play,
recreation (12%), exercise (76%), socialize (12% )
and others. Visitors who often come to this place
(40%) are rare (32%), and very rare (28%). The time
of visit is often done in the morning (4%), during the
day (4%), in the afternoon (88%).
To further find out the use of public open space in
the city of Pekanbaru can be seen from the results of
interviews with visitors to public open spaces. Based
on the results of interviews, visitors can be seen in the
following table 2.
MTQ full visitors rarely go to this location, the time of
visit is more often done in the afternoon and evening,
but more visitors visit in the afternoon. The full
condition of MTQ is good, visitors are comfortable in
this location, management of MTQ area is quite good,
except that facilities in the MTQ area do not meet the
needs of users of public open space, the cleanliness of
this park is still lacking, MTQ is very strategic, access
to easy locations reachable. Visitor advice on the
Government so that facilities at the location of public
open spaces are equipped according to the needs of
City Parks are often visited in the afternoon
with the aim of exercising, gathering and recreation,
visitors who come to this place live not far from the
location of city parks, facilities in the city park are
still incomplete and in poor condition, the cleanliness
of city parks is not maintained Access to the city park
is easy, the city park is located in a very strategic
location in the city center. Suggestions for visitors
to the government and managers to complete and
improve urban park facilities to be better and more
comfortable to visit.
Respondents obtained said that they rarely came
to the location of the urban forest, and visitors came
in the afternoon with the aim of sports, recreation of
talent / hobby distribution, visitors felt comfortable
being in the location of urban forests, management
of urban forests was quite good, but facilities at
this location were still lacking complete, city forest
cleanliness is not well maintained, access to city
forests is easy. Most of the visitors come to use
personal vehicles at a distance from the house not so
far to the city forest. Suggestions for the Government
to improve and equip facilities at the location of urban
forests and maintain cleanliness in the location of city
The Great Mosque of Annur Plaza is visited in the
afternoon with the aim of sports, recreation, gathering
and socializing, the condition of the Great Mosque of
Annur plasa is good, and cleanliness in the plasa area
is very well maintained. Access to easy locations,
most visitors come to the location using personal
vehicles. advice the end to the management and the
government so that the facilities in the plaza of the
Study of Open Space Utilization in Pekanbaru City, Riau Province
Table 2: Interview Visitors to Open Public Spaces in Pekanbaru City
No Open Spaces Result
1 MTQ Area 1. Visitors are more likely to go to the location in the afternoon and evening.
2. The purpose of visitors in the afternoon is to exercise around public open
spaces, play, recreation, gather with communities such as photography lovers,
skateboarding and those who intentionally come only to enjoy snacks sold by
traders in the MTQ area.
3. The purpose of visitors at night in general is to enjoy culinary sales by traders
in MTQ areas such as roasted corn, roasted bananas, satay and etc. And on
certain nights the MTQ area is a place for performing arts such as music concerts,
expo events and other events.
4. Riau Town Square Development Activities that are not clear about the
development disturbs visitors’ comfort.
5. Public open space facilities are still lacking, such as seating, garden houses
and other supporting facilities.
6. MTQ Area Cleanliness needs to be improved.
7. Strategic MTQ area in the city center and access to the area is quite easy,
traversed by city
transportation and trans metro pekanbaru.
8. Many visitors come to use personal vehicles such as motorbikes and cars.
9. The reason visitors choose this MTQ area is because it is close to where they
10. Visitor suggestions to the government to complete and improve public open
space facilities in the MTQ area, so that the MTQ area can be utilized optimally
2 Pekanbaru City Park 1. City parks are often visited in the afternoon and evening.
2. The purpose of visitors to this place is to play, recreation, relax and gather.
3. Visitors feel comfortable in the city park.
4. City park facilities are still incomplete and in poor condition.
5. Cleanliness in city parks is still lacking
6. Access to the location is very easy and the location is very strategically located
in the city center.
7. Visitors who come to the location use personal vehicles
8. Many visitors who come to this location because the city park is a comfortable
place for recreation and close to where to live.
9. Hope for the government to complete facilities and further improve the
condition of the facilities and cleanliness of city park
3 Urban forest 1. Visitors visit the urban forest more often during the day and evening.
2. The visitor’s destination comes to the forest city for recreation, enjoying the
fresh air of the city forest, gathering with friends and those who come to take
3. The city forest is very comfortable with fresh air, but the cleanliness in the
city forest is still lacking so that it disturbs the comfort of visitors.
4. Facilities are still lacking with unfavorable conditions.
5. Visitors come using motorbikes and cars.
6. Many visitors come to the city forest because it is not far from where they
7. Hope for the government to be installed or repaired by existing facilities such
as seats, trash bins and roads in the urban forest to make it more comfortable.
4 Plaza in the Great
Mosque of Annur
1. When visitors come to the plaza of the Great Mosque of Annur in the
2. The purpose of visitors in general is to exercise and play.
3. The Great Mosque of Annur Mosque is very comfortable
4. Cleanliness is very awake.
5. Facilities at this plaza are still not as comfortable as seating.
6. Access to the Great Mosque of Annur Plaza is very easy.
7. Visitors come to the location using personal vehicles.
8. Visitors come to the location because this location is not far from where
visitors live.
9. Suggestions to the government are to complete the facilities and add greenery
to the location of the park to make it more comfortable.
ICoSET 2019 - The Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology
Great Mosque of Annur are complete.
Overall, the condition of public open space
in Pekanbaru City is good but that needs to be
considered again, namely the completeness and
maintenance of facilities in public open spaces. In
spatial planning, open space in the city of Pekanbaru
is still very lacking to meet the needs of the city of
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Study of Open Space Utilization in Pekanbaru City, Riau Province