Application of Augmented Reality as a Multimedia Learning Media:
Case Study of Videography
Ahmad Zamsuri, Fadli Suandi and Rizki Novendra
Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Lancang Kuning, Jl. Yos Sudarso KM. 8 Rumbai, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Augmented Reality, Marker, Teaching Module, Tracking
The application of AR (augmented reality) is currently growing and adopted by various fields, including in the
field of education. AR can be combined with conventional teaching materials such as books to provide more
in-depth experience and understanding of the material to be conveyed. This research utilizes AR technology
which is used in multimedia lecture teaching modules that discuss videography material. Testing by comparing
the minimum distance and maximum distance on the marker printed on white paper and opaque paper. The
results of the study found that teaching modules printed on white paper were better in AR tracking at a certain
distance compared to modules printed on opaque paper. The similarity between markers with each other also
makes the application display object incompatibility with the marker.
Learning media is one of the factors that can improve
the quality of education. The use of learning media
can increase motivation and interest for students in the
teaching and learning process. Integration between
learning media and technology is busy nowadays.
This is done with the aim of producing learning media
that are more effective and efficient (Afdal et al.,
2018; Amir, 2017).
Multimedia-based computer technology was later
adopted to support interactive learning media. The
technology is very effective for students to understand
the material taught compared to conventional learning
methods. This is in line with the standard
learning process contained in the Government
Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia number
19 in article 19 which reads: ”The learning
process in educational units is held interactively,
inspiring, fun, challenging, motivating students to
actively participate, and providing sufficient space
for initiatives, creativity, and independence in
accordance with the talents, interests, and physical
and psychological development of students ”(Hanan
et al., 2018; Republik Indonesia, 2005).
One of the technological advancements that
are widely adopted in today’s learning media is
Augmented Reality (AR). AR is a technology that
allows virtual information generated by computers to
be combined into a real environment. The presence of
AR can bridge between real and virtual in real-time.
The application of AR is currently growing and
adopted by various fields, including in the field of
education. AR can be combined with conventional
teaching materials such as books to provide more
in-depth experience and understanding of the material
to be conveyed(Jung and Dieck, 2018; Riyanto,
In this study, the author will use AR technology
which is used in multimedia lecture teaching modules
that discuss videography material. Videography
material that is full of practices is not optimal if
it only uses teaching materials in the form of text,
so it is considered necessary to use AR as a media
that can display material information in the form of
videos. This is expected to help students to more
easily digest lecture material using AR-based learning
media (Wulansari et al., 2013).
The method used in this study is the Multimedia
Development Life Cycle (MDLC) method. The
MDLC method is used to create AR-based learning
material that uses multimedia content in the form
of videos. This method consists of several phases,
namely: Concept, Design, Material Collecting,
Assembly, Testing, and Distribution. The following
is a general description of MDLC in Figure 1.
Zamsuri, A., Suandi, F. and Novendra, R.
Application of Augmented Reality as a Multimedia Learning Media: Case Study of Videography.
DOI: 10.5220/0009149201880193
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (ICoSET 2019), pages 188-193
ISBN: 978-989-758-463-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: MDLC development model
The initial concept in this study was to develop
a video-based augmented reality application as a
supporter of learning about videography. At the
design phase, a text-based teaching module will be
designed that contains some teaching material on
videography. After that, a marker is designed to refer
to certain material. Each material each has 1 marker
that will help the reader to use AR technology when
scanning the marker that has been made (Azuma,
1997; Azuma et al., 2001).
At the material collection phase, a number
of resources will be collected in designing
teaching materials and making applications such
as markers and videos supporting teaching materials.
Furthermore, in this step, the application supporting
materials will be processed. AR application
development uses Unity and vuforia. The AR
application will be used on mobile devices based on
the Android operating system (Milgram et al., 1995).
Next is the testing phase using the camera of a
mobile device with the Android operating system.
The test is done by trying to scan the markers that
have been made using white paper and opaque paper
with various lighting conditions, and the distance
whether the marker can display the video so that
the use of AR can be well adopted in the teaching
material. In the last phase, the distribution will be
made instructions on the use of teaching materials
along with the AR applications that have been made.
Thus the teaching material can be used and utilized
by those who want to use it.
3.1 Concept
The concept in this study is to create an augmented
reality application that is used in a text-based
multimedia teaching material. The learning material
chosen is about videography. The material used in
this study is about the 8 basic movements of the
camera in videography.
The concept of the 8 basic movements is explained
through text in teaching materials, then the function
of the augmented reality application designed is as
an additional medium that will display video-based
tutorials on the 8 basic movements of the camera. The
following research concepts can be seen in Figure 2.
Figure 2: The concept of Augmented Reality developed
3.2 Design
Augmented reality application developed using Unity
version 2018.2.11 which is integrated with Vuforia
as a marker storage database. The application is
designed later through a compiler (output) process
with the output in the form of an .apk extension
so that the application can be run on an Android
device. Android devices that can run this augmented
reality application with minimum specifications
using Android 4.1 JellyBean and the maximum
specifications of Android 8.0 Oreo.
For making augmented reality markers using
the Adobe Photoshop CS 6 application. Markers
are made using certain black and white letter
combinations that aim to obtain a high contrast
level with the aim of the marker being more easily
recognized during application testing.
Next is making a simple teaching module about
the basic techniques of videography. This teaching
module is designed using the Microsoft word
application. In this module a brief explanation
of 8 types of basic camera movements for video
capture is accompanied by examples of how to take
through tutorial videos that will appear when scanned
augmented reality markers use an Android device.
Application of Augmented Reality as a Multimedia Learning Media: Case Study of Videography
3.3 Material Collecting
The resources collected in this step are teaching
modules along with video tutorials supporting
learning materials basic techniques of camera
movement on videography. The teaching module
adopted in this research is based on journals
and several websites that discuss basic shooting
techniques in the science of videography.
After the teaching module is finished, the next
step is to make a video tutorial related to the basic
techniques of shooting on videography. Each of the
techniques described will contain 1 tutorial video
and 1 marker. The following examples of teaching
materials and markers can be seen in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Teaching materials along with markers that will
display the learning video tutorial when scanned
3.4 Assembly
This research began by making teaching material
about the basic techniques of camera movement in
videography. Next, 8 simple modules are produced
as teaching material. Then followed by making 8
markers. Last is to create an augmented reality
application that is integrated with the teaching
modules that have been created.
3.4.1 Production of Teaching Modules
The material presented in this teaching module only
discusses the basic techniques of camera movement
in discussions about videography. By collecting
learning material from journals and websites, 8
teaching modules are produced representing eight
camera movement techniques discussed in this
module which include a discussion of techniques:
zoom, tilt, dolly, dolly zoom, arc, follow, tracking
and pan . The resulting document is created using
the Microsoft Word application.
3.4.2 Markers Production
At this phase the author makes 8 markers using
the Adobe Photoshop CS 6 application. The
marker making technique is adopted at this phase
by making markers based on the names of each
camera movement technique. An example is in the
discussion of zoom techniques, the word ’zoom’ is
used for making markers. When discussing the dolly
technique, the word dolly’ is used as a marker on
the marker. In order for the marker to be easily
recognized during the application experiment, the
color combination used must produce a high degree
of contrast. Simple colors that have high contrast are
black and white. So that the color is chosen as the
main color on the marker that will be made. Black
will be the edge surrounding the marker, and will
become the color of the word made. White is used
as the background for the marker. Markers used in
this study can be seen in figure 4.
Figure 4: The marker that will be tested
3.4.3 Production of Augmented Reality
The phases of making augmented reality applications
use 2 main tools, Vuforia engine and Unity. Vuforia
engine functions as a database of marker storage
that has been created. Unity functions as processing
software that can process graphics, images, sounds,
animations and so on. Unity is a cross platform
software that can produce application output in
various formats such as .exe, .apk, and so on.
In the first phase is registering 8 markers that have
been made at Vuforia. After all the markers have
been uploaded, a rating statement for each marker
will appear. The rating is rated with a star with a
maximum value of 5 stars and a minimum of 0 stars.
If the marker gets a 5 star rating, it indicates that the
marker is more easily detected. Conversely, if the
rating is closer to 0, the more the marker will be more
difficult to detect.
Of the 8 markers that have been uploaded to
Vuforia, we got 7 markers with a rating of 4 stars and
1 marker that has a rating of 3 stars. The following
is the appearance after the entire marker has been
uploaded to Vuforia as can be seen in Figure 5.
ICoSET 2019 - The Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology
Figure 5: Display of the marker uploaded to Vuforia
The second phase is to make an augmented reality
project using Unity. The project in this study as
well as the name of the application produced is
VideografiAR. The following picture of the project
that has been made using Unity can be seen in Figure
The project consists of 1 main scene called
videografiar which contains 8 marker objects. In
Figure 5.12 you can see the naming of objects based
on the name of the marker preceded by the word
’ImageTarget’ in front of it. Each object contains each
marker along with the tutorial video which will then
be displayed when the camera on the android device
detects the marker.
Figure 6: Display of the marker uploaded to Vuforia
After completing all objects in the main scene, the
next is to do the build process. The build process is a
process that will make a scene that has been made into
an output in the form of an application with a certain
format. In this project the selected build process is the
Android platform. The following look of the build can
be seen in Figure 7.
Figure 7: Build process in Unity
3.5 Testing
After the application creation process is complete,
then the application is installed on an Android device
to be tested. Android devices used in this trial are
Samsung S7 Edge with the following specifications:
Operating System: Android 8.0.0 Oreo
Memory: 4GB RAM, Internal: 32GB
Rear Camera: 12 MP
The test in this study uses 2 types of paper with
different colors. The first paper is white HVS paper
and the second paper is opaque paper with a darker
color. All markers were printed on both types of
paper, then tested how the minimum and maximum
distance of the marker was successfully tracked using
the augmented reality application. The following test
documentation can be seen in Figure 8 and Figure 9.
Figure 8: Markers printed on white paper and opaque paper
Application of Augmented Reality as a Multimedia Learning Media: Case Study of Videography
Figure 9: Markers detected using an android device and
displaying a tutorial video
After testing, the following results from the test can
be seen in table 1. From the test, it can be concluded
that there is a difference in the farthest distance of the
marker printed on white paper and opaque paper. Of
the 8 markers tested, markers printed on white paper
can be detected at distances greater than 5 to 10 cm
compared to markers printed on opaque paper. For the
detection of markers at the shortest distance on white
paper and opaque paper each is at the same distance
of 5cm.
Table 1: The marker detection test results using an Android
Marker Marker White Paper Opaque Paper
Name Rating Shortest
1 Pan 4 5 cm 70 cm 5 cm 65 cm
2 Zoom 4 5 cm 90 cm 5 cm 85 cm
3 Tracking 4 5 cm 65 cm 5 cm 55 cm
4 Follow 4 5 cm 75 cm 5 cm 60 cm
5 Dolly 4 5 cm 85 cm 5 cm 80 cm
6 Tilt 3 5 cm 30 cm 5 cm 25 cm
7 Dolly
4 5 cm 90 cm 5 cm 85 cm
8 Arc 4 5 cm 85 cm 5 cm 70 cm
All markers tested successfully displayed
videography learning tutorial videos using the
augmented reality VideographyAR application.
Markers with a rating of 3 produce the farthest
distance shorter than markers with a rating of 4.
When tracking markers with a lower rating, the
camera on an android device must be closer to the
marker less than 30 cm.
Especially for markers with the name ”Dolly
Zoom” there is still confusion in displaying video
content. The one that should appear is a dolly zoom
videography technique tutorial video, but at the time
of testing, several times the video tutorial on dolly
videography and the zoom videography technique
came along. This is because the marker with the name
”Dolly Zoom” contains the word dolly and zoom
which is also used in the marker ”Dolly” and ”Zoom”.
So that when the marker design must be considered
so that between markers with one another do not have
3.6 Distribution
After the testing is done, the next is the distribution
process. At this stage, all teaching materials,
applications with .apk format and procedures for
using the application are stored in the same folder
as VideografiAR. Then it is left to those who need
augmented reality teaching materials in learning the
basic techniques of videography.
The VideografiAR augmented reality application
that has been developed successfully displays video
learning tutorials to complete the videography
learning module by utilizing markers embedded in
the learning module. From the tests conducted
Markers printed on white paper are better at tracking
at a distance than markers printed on opaque paper.
Another factor influencing marker tracking is the
rating of the marker. The higher the marker’s rating
used, the further the range of marker tracking to
display the learning tutorial video. In the design of
markers it is better to avoid the same word / form,
because it has the potential to cause tracking errors by
the application, so the video tutorial displayed does
not match the marker being tracked.
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Application of Augmented Reality as a Multimedia Learning Media: Case Study of Videography