Towing Service Ordering System based on Android:
Study Case - Department of Transportation, Pekanbaru
Panji Rachmat Setiawan, Yudhi Arta and Rendi Sutisna
Department of Informatics Engineering, Universitas Islam Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Car Users, Breaking Down, Towing Service, Android
The department of transportation is an element from the government of Pekanbaru, led by the head of de-
partment who responsible and work under mayor and regional secretary. Towing services from department
of transportation are part of their task to implementing regional autonomy authority. Present increasingly
rapid technology demands government agencies push hard to maximize their performance in order to facilitate
services for the community. Four-wheel vehicle users who mostly don’t know about car engine and when
suddenly their vehicle is breaking down, it can cause panic. Sometimes car users who visit Pekanbaru, or only
passing by, don’t know towing service’s telephone number, will have difficulty experiencing problem if their
car is breaking down. Then, from the government side will experience difficulties during pickup, because the
officer in charge doesn’t know where the shortest route or where’s the exact location. Meanwhile, for ordering
service still done manually and not computerize by using telephone. To overcome this problem, a system is
built in the form of an android application, so that it can overcome the problem. Using this system, cars users
can ordering towing services from their smartphone, and also the officer can easily locate their location from
the system.
Nowadays, mobile technology has given big impact
for our society. It can be seen by increasing num-
ber of mobile technology users. As example, almost
everyone around us using mobile phones. They use
it for work, entertainment, bank transaction, buying
groceries and not closed every activities using mobile
phone. But, not every activities has already using mo-
bile technology, and there’s so many reason why not
integrated with mobile technology, like cost for inte-
gration, or cost for development.
Mobile technology that is currently popular is An-
droid. Android is an operating system that is modified
from Linux Kernel which is based on open source, so
that it can be used by anyone. Android technology can
be used in a variety of human activities with the aim
to making it easier, starting from facilitating commu-
nication, learning, to service issues in the community.
The increasing number of residents in Indonesia,
especially in Pekanbaru, does not rule out the pos-
sibility of users four-wheel drive type is increasing.
Car is no longer seen as a special item, it can be seen
from the level of traffic congestion that is increasingly
crowded by many vehicles including cars.
The department of transportation is an element
from the government of Pekanbaru, led by the head
of department who responsible and work under mayor
and regional secretary. Towing services from depart-
ment of transportation are part of their task to imple-
menting regional autonomy authority.
Present increasingly rapid technology demands
government agencies push hard to maximize their
performance in order to facilitate services for com-
munity. Four-wheel vehicle users who mostly don’t
know about car engine and when suddenly their vehi-
cle is breaking down, it can cause panic. sometimes
car users who visit Pekanbaru, or only passing by,
don’t know towing service’s telephone number, will
have difficulty experiencing problem if their car is
breaking down. Then, from the government side will
experience difficulties during pickup, because the of-
ficer in charge doesn’t know where the shortest route
or where’s the exact location. Meanwhile, for order-
ing service still done manually and not computerize
by using telephone. To overcome this problem, a sys-
tem is built in the form of an android application, so
that it can overcome the problem. Using this sys-
tem, car users can ordering towing services from their
smartphone, and also the officer can easily locate their
Setiawan, P., Arta, Y. and Sutisna, R.
Towing Service Ordering System based on Android: Study Case - Department of Transportation, Pekanbaru.
DOI: 10.5220/0009150002000204
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (ICoSET 2019), pages 200-204
ISBN: 978-989-758-463-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
location from the system.
Based on research, (Akbar et al., 2014), the high tele-
phone credit rates with limited service areas also help
lazy customers to use this service. System like this is
no longer feasible to use when time becomes very im-
portant because the increase of human activities. One
of popular operating system on smart phone is an An-
droid, which experienced rapid development after it
was acquired by Google Inc. Android is a computer
code-based software that can be distributed openly
(open source), so that programmers can create new
applications in it. With the increasing growth of An-
droid, it indicates that there are more Android-based
devices, so many people will use android phones.
Food delivery service application is an information
system on an Android-based mobile device to sim-
plify restaurant food ordering process and optimize
delivery of food services at restaurant.
Next, based on research, (Hanaf et al., 2013), that
in the process of serving customers who come to re-
pair or take their cars, PT. Surya Kencana experienced
various obstacle in conducting a transaction. These
transaction sometimes do not go according to plan
which cause various customers complaints. Among
them is the recording of customer data and payment
transactions that are still carried out using notes in the
book which can cause transaction process hampered.
From the problems that described earlier, PT. Surya
Kencana needs an information system as a tool to pro-
vide right solution to solve the problem. Therefore, a
web-based car workshop information system will be
created at PT. Surya Kencana. It is expected that PT.
Surya Kencana can solve these problems and can im-
prove service to customers by using system.
And then, based on research, (Steven, 2015), that
PT. Isuindomas Putra still running their process man-
ually, where customers come directly to workshop,
register their car which is takes time, and others still
waiting for their turn. Therefore the author makes
computerized web-based application for car service
ordering system. With the car service ordering sys-
tem, customers is easier ordering service for their
2.1 Basic Theory
2.1.1 Meaning of Ordering
Based on research, (Hermawan and Kurnia, 2016),
meaning of ordering is the process, manufacture, how
to order, or order itself. The following is the definition
of ordering according to experts:
Order is receipt of an order from customer for
a product. Continuation from order is delivery
goods to the hands of buyer, safely.
Reservation in general sense are booking agree-
ment between two or more parties.
Ordering is the entire process of activities related
to managing inventory, product location distribu-
tion, and records every booking transaction for
both passengers and goods.
2.1.2 Meaning of Service
Service is an activity carried out by interacting with
people or with physical machine in order to produce
customer satisfaction. Service cannot be equated with
something that tangible, because it is intangible and
not real. Service only can be felt and experienced by
each individual. (Rao, 2011).
Service is an activity originating from an individ-
ual or organization by way of giving to other people
or connoisseurs of service and basically the service
has intangible properties and does not result in any
ownership.(Chatterjee and Hevner, 2010).
According to (Kotler, 2012), determine that there
are 5 determinants of service quality, presented se-
quentially based on their level of importance, includ-
ing tangibles, empathy, reliability, responsiveness,
and assurance.
Meanwhile, (Tjiptono, 2010) identified 10 factors
or main dimension which determine the quality of ser-
vice, including reliability which is include 2 points
performance and dependability, responsiveness, com-
petence, access, courtesy, communication, credibility,
security, understanding, tangible.
According to (Saladin, 2012), there are 10 factors
in service quality, includes readiness of service facili-
ties, good communication, employee must be skilled,
good relations with consumers, employees must be
customer oriented, must be real, quick response, se-
curity must be maintained, tangible, understand the
desires of consumers.
According to (Alma, 2010), types of services can
be classified as follows
Personalized Service, divided into 3 groups, per-
sonel service, professional service, business ser-
financial service, consists of banking service, in-
surance service, investment securities
Public utility and transportation service
Hotel service
Towing Service Ordering System based on Android: Study Case - Department of Transportation, Pekanbaru
2.1.3 Mobile Apps
according to (Purnama, 2010), mobile app is an appli-
cation that running on mobile device. By using a mo-
bile application, can easily do every activities such as
holiday, selling, studying, doing office work, brows-
ing, etc. Mobile app has many types on size, design,
even layout, but they have very different characteristic
form desktop, which is smaller size, limited memory,
limited processing, low voltage, strong and reliable,
limited connectivity, and short life span.
Based on sources from the book, (Safaat, 2008),
android is a robot who looks like human. Android is
a operating system for smartphone and tablet.
2.1.4 API
According to (Tulach, 2008), API or Application Pro-
gramming Interface, not just a set of classes and
methods or functions and simple signatures. But the
main aim is to overcome the ”clueless” in building
large size software, starting from something simple
to complex, and a component behavior that is diffi-
cult to understand. It can be concluded that the API
is a collection of commands, functions, classes and
protocols that allows software to connect with each
other. The purpose of the API is to eliminate clueless
from the system by creating large blocks of software
throughout the world and reusing commands, func-
tions, classes, or protocols that they or API has.
As noted by (Svennerberg, 2010), Google Maps
API is the most popular API on internet. This record
has been done at May 2010, this state that 43%
mashup (applications and websites which combining
two or more data sources) using Google Maps API.
Some of the purpose of using Google Maps API is to
see the location, look for an address, get driving in-
structions, etc.
Location Based Service (LBS) is an information
service that can be accessed using mobile device
through the internet and cellular network and utilize
the ability to pinpoint the locations on mobile device.
(Razaq and Jananto, 2014).
At this time, department of transportation at Pekan-
baru, car towing system still done manually, ordering
by telephone made by the driver, or ordering to the
operator at department of transportation’s office, then
the operator will look the availability of crane unit and
assign crane’s driver who’s willing to look available
tow truck, and tow the ordering car at the location
that has been ordering by phone and receive towing
cost immediately after car has been delivered to the
Figure 1: Existing System
3.1 System Development and Design
The system that will be developed is citizen order
towing service using their smartphones in this case
is Android which has already installed towing service
ordering system application. Then, ordering will re-
ceive by server which will be processed immediately
by spreading notifications to all active drivers, after
that the driver will receive an order and immediately
pick up to the location that has been ordered and do
the towing.
Figure 2: Development System
This is a design of system that will be develop
After development has already done, next step author
doing a test for system, and it shows good result, just
like author’s expectations.
4.1 Car’s Users Register
At this stage of testing carried out by the driver (citi-
zen) as a user on an android-based application, to reg-
ister new account, then fill in user data form. After
filling in all fields, a successful message will appear,
ICoSET 2019 - The Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology
Figure 3: Design System
but if there’s something wrong, a warning message
will appear.
Figure 4: Driver Registration
4.2 Driver Login Process Testing
At this stage of testing carried out by the driver (cit-
izen) as a user on an android-based application, to
log in user must fill in username and password, after
filling all fields, main page will appear, but if there’s
something wrong, a warning message will appear.
Figure 5: Driver Registration
4.3 Testing of Towing Service Ordering
At this stage of testing carried out by the driver (cit-
izen) as a user on an android-based application, to
order the first thing to do is press order button and
fill in all fields from filling form. User must fill pick
up location and destination, then system will look for
where driver is located. After getting location and
destination, next step is driver must fill in driver’s car
data and take pictures of the condition of the car will
be towed. The order data will be saved and will ap-
pear on history tab menu.
Figure 6: Testing Towing Service
Figure 7: Order History
4.4 Towing Service Testing
Officer waits for order that has been sent by the driver
through an android-based application, then it will be
immediately received by the officer by pressing ac-
cept button, after that google map will appear and will
find the location of the driver. If driver’s location has
been found, officer must press pickup button, and af-
ter pickup process is complete, officer must deliver
Towing Service Ordering System based on Android: Study Case - Department of Transportation, Pekanbaru
to driver’s destination. After the delivery is finished,
driver data will be saved and stored in the order his-
Figure 8: Receive Message
Figure 9: Pickup Process
Figure 10: Pickup History
Based on the results of the analysis and discussion
that has been done, conclusions can be taken as fol-
lows system can replace manual system that has been
used so far to be a more computerized system, easier
for people to process towing service reservation, can
produce towing report.
The suggestions that can be given for the develop-
ment of this system are as follows further research is
expected to add payment features, and able add offi-
cer’s location in real time, so the driver can find out
where is officer’s location
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ICoSET 2019 - The Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology