Biosurvey of Mercury (Hg), Cadmium (Cd), and Lead (Pb)
Contamination in Reclamation Island-Jakarta Bay
Salmita Salman
, Achmad Sjarmidi
and Salman
Ecology Research Group, School of Life Science and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia
Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Islam Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Biosurvey, Heavy Metals, Jakarta Bay, Reclamation
Man-made islands allegedly alter the coastline that slowing pollutants retention time. Green mussels (Perna
viridis) are one of the organisms known to accumulate heavy metals. Biosurvey needs to be conducted
to acquire information on heavy metal content in man-made habitat and biota. The aims of this research
are to identify the water quality related to heavy metal presence; to measure heavy metal content in green
mussels (Perna viridis) around the reclaimed island to determine heavy metal level pollution on reclamation
island. Sampling was conducted in August 2017 in reclamation islands C and D. Heavy metal measurement
values refer to the SNI method 3554-2015. Data of heavy metal content in water, sediment, and green
mussels were analyzed with quantitative descriptive method. The results show biological oxygen demands
(BOD), and chemical oxygen demands (COD) has exceeded the water quality standard which indicates a high
level of pollution. The results of the examination of the heavy metal in seawater show that mercury (Hg),
cadmium (Cd), and lead (Pb) are below the tools detection limit (<0.0002; <0.00011; <0.00086 mg/L) and
below seawater pollution standard for biota. Concentrations of heavy metals mercury, cadmium, and lead in
sediments around the reclaimed islands and Teluk Naga area are below heavy metal pollution standards for
sediments. Mercury (Hg) levels below the tools detection limit (<0.0004 mg/L); cadmium (Cd) ranges from
0.02-0.20 mg/L; lead (Pb) ranges from 0.50 to 5.46 mg/L. Heavy metals examination in green mussels indicate
that mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), and lead (Pb) are below the tools detection limit (<0.001; <0.00011;
<0.00086 mg/L) and below the heavy metal pollution standard on bivalves. Generally, water and sediment
around the reclaimed islands and natural habitat in August 2017 are not polluted by heavy metals so there is no
harm to biota. Heavy metals quality in water, sediment and mussels are below the pollution standard and based
on the USEPA system belong to grade A. The heavy metal index on Reclaimed Island is 18 and considered
good. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the reclaimed islands C and D in August 2017
were safe from heavy metal mercury, cadmium, and lead pollutions.
One of the purposes of island reclamation in DKI
Jakarta Provincial Regulation is to comply with
land needs with consideration of the ever-increasing
population. Modeling research by (Badriana, 2015;
Aprilia and P., 2017)states that
There is current velocity value decrease after
reclamation, the current velocity value change
occurs in the gap and around reclamation area
The increase in sediment may potentially appear
around the inland/near coastal reclamation area
and in inter-island reclamation gap.
Changes in currents around the reclaimed
island will decrease the retention time in washing
contaminants from the land. This results from
sedimentation rates increase around the estuary,
eutrophication and contaminants cumulation
including heavy metals. Research on heavy
metal pollution in Jakarta Bay has been conducted
before and indicating heavy metals detected with
varying levels (Cordova, 2011; Putri et al., 2012;
Permanawati et al., 2013; Suryono, 2006).
Green mussels have a sedentary lifestyle, attached
to the substrate using byssus, and filter feeder that
allows heavy metals to enter the body (Cordova
et al., 2016). Green mussels are able to bind metals
and integrate metal concentration in water over time
(Dumalagan et al., 2010) so they can be recommended
as heavy metal biofilter (Koropitan and Cordova,
Salman, S., Sjarmidi, A. and Salman, .
Biosurvey of Mercury (Hg), Cadmium (Cd), and Lead (Pb) Contamination in Reclamation Island-Jakarta Bay.
DOI: 10.5220/0009151202050210
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (ICoSET 2019), pages 205-210
ISBN: 978-989-758-463-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2017). Currently, there is no information about
the content of metals in green mussels that live in
reclaimed island C and D habitat. Based on these
condition biosurvey of heavy metal content on green
mussels and their habitats is necessary. Thus the
objective of this research was to identify the water
quality related to the heavy metal presence and to
measure heavy metal content in green mussels (Perna
viridis) around the reclaimed island.
2.1 Research Location, Time, and
The research was conducted from July to December
2017. Sampling station determined purposively based
on green mussels presence at the point of biota
monitoring attached in Environmental Management
Plan and Environmental Monitoring Plan (RKL-RPL)
of C and D reclamation islands (A, B, C, and
D) and Teluk Naga (figure 1). There are
three observation points at each station, positioned
by Global Positioning System (GPS). Sampling
was conducted in August 2017 and expected to
provide an overview of water conditions in the dry
season. Descriptive method research was used to
determine levels of heavy metals in green mussels.
Mussels were collected by hand-sorting techniques
(Abdulgani and Aunurohim, 2010).
Figure 1: Sampling Station
2.2 Tools and Materials
Tools used in this research include water sampler
model JT-1 made in the USA, sediment sampler, 250
ml and 500 ml polyethylene plastic bottle, Global
Positioning System (GPS) Garmin GPSMAP64s,
coolbox, plastic clip bag, beaker glass, pipettes,
meter, FiveGo pH meter, Atago refractometer made
in Japan, turbidimeter, oven, funnel, vernier caliper,
adhesive label paper, analytical balance, Mettler
Toledo Seven2Go dissolved oxygen (DO) meter,
action camera for underwater photo and videography,
Fujifilm Finepix s4800 camera, stage sieve, 700
series inductive coupled plasma optical emission
spectrometry (ICP-OES) device year 2013 made in
Australia. Materials used include green mussels
(Perna viridis), water samples, sediment samples,
distilled water, preservative samples (86% H
70% HNO
2.3 Sample Storage, Preservation, and
Sampling and handling of the sample refer to
Puget Sound Water Quality Action (PSWQA)
(PSWQA., 1997) and Standar Nasional Indonesia
(SNI) 06-2412-1991 (SNI, 2008). The data taken
include the measurement of several physical and
chemical parameters of water quality. Measurements
were performed either in-situ or ex-situ through
laboratory analysis and were done three times at each
observation point. In-situ measurements included
depth, temperature, pH, salinity and dissolved oxygen
(DO). Ek-situ measurements for grain size analysis
was done at the Ecology Laboratory of School
of Life Science and Technology Institut Teknologi
Bandung (SITH ITB) and for Total Suspended Solid
(TSS), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical
Oxygen Demand (COD) and heavy metals samples
were sent to Saraswanti Indo Genetech (SIG) Bogor
laboratory. Sediment texture was determined based
on (K., 1922) by filtering sediment using a stratified
filter. The sediment type is determined using
Miller’s triangle (Miller and White, 1998). TSS,
sediment grain and green mussels samples are stored
at 4
C. Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) samples
are stored in dark bottles at 4
C. Chemical Oxygen
Demand (COD) samples were preserved with H
Water samples are preserved with HNO
3.1 Heavy Metals in Seawater and
Analysis result of heavy metals cadmium (Cd),
mercury (Hg) and lead (Pb) in the water and sediment
of Reclamation Island and Teluk Naga provided in
ICoSET 2019 - The Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology
Table 1. All metals values were below seawater
quality standards (Decree Ministry of Environment
and Development No. 51, 2004) so they are relatively
safe for biota. This result was similar to (Putri et al.,
2012) that reported the concentration of mercury,
cadmium, and lead in the waters of Muara Kamal is
below the standard of seawater so it is suitable for
mussels and other biota growth. The concentration
of heavy metals in the aquatic ecosystem due to the
presence of natural heavy metals and heavy metal
waste. The concentrations of heavy metals are higher
with the input of waste into the waters and accumulate
in the ecosystem. Heavy metals in an aquatic
ecosystem experiencing various processes such as
precipitation, dilution, dispersion, and absorption
by living organisms in aquatic habitat (Warner and
Preston, 1974; HP., 1984).
Mercury (Hg) concentrations in sediments around
Reclamation Island and Teluk Naga are not hazardous
to the environment and living organisms. Mercury
(Hg) concentration in the research area probably low
that it is undetectable. Cadmium (Cd) concentration
in sediments range from 0.07 to 0.15 mg/L.
The concentration value was below the standard
of IADC (International Association of Drilling
Contractors)/CEDA (Central Dredging Association)
(1997). Cadmium (Cd) at that concentration has no
potential hazard to the living organism. The results of
Cd analysis showed higher concentrations in sediment
than water column in each research site. This happens
due to heavy metals have a tendency to settle because
of the large mass. Lead concentrations in sediments
range from 2.10 to 4.62 mg/L. The concentration
values were below the standard of IADC/CEDA
(1997). Presence of Pb metal allegedly due to the
concentration of Pb in the waters and the amount
of organic and inorganic particles in the waters (CC
et al., 2007; Begum et al., 2009; S and MH., 2010).
Metals content in sediment is influenced by
several factors, among others; organic matter content,
grain size, and mineralogy. High concentrations
of heavy metals are generally associated with grain
size texture (SE., 2001). Sediment textures on
Reclamation Island are mainly sand which may
be one of the reasons for the low metal content.
Cadmium and lead content in sediment is greater
than in seawater but below the pollution standard of
sediment. The levels of heavy metal sediment at each
station can be said not to endanger marine organisms.
It is accord to (Permanawati et al., 2013) which states
that heavy metal content (copper (CU), lead (Pb), zinc
(Zn), cadmium (Cd), and chromium (Cr)) in water
and sediments in Jakarta bay waters below pollution
3.2 Heavy Metals in Green Mussels
Table 1 shows the concentration of heavy metals
mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), and lead (Pb) in the
green mussels are not detected and below heavy
metal pollution standards for bivalves according
to Badan Standarisasi Nasional (BSN) 7387 (SNI,
2009). Mercury, cadmium, and lead contained in
water and sediments have not exceeded the specified
standard threshold. This shows that heavy metal
concentration does not pollute the environment even
though Jakarta bay has the potential to be highly
polluted. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in green
mussels can occur because heavy metal enters into
the body of the living organism easily and quickly
(de Astudillo L. R. et al., 2005). But this research did
not show the accumulation of mercury (Hg), cadmium
(Cd), and lead (Pb) on the green mussels. This is
probably due to low of mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd),
and lead (Pb) content in water and sediment. Heavy
metal accumulation in aquatic organism according to
(SE., 2001) are influenced by many factors, among
The concentration of heavy metals in water
The concentration of heavy metals in sediment
Acidity of the water and sediment
Chemical oxygen demand (COD) level in water
Sulfur content in water and sediment
Types of aquatic organism
Organism age and body weight and
Organism life phases (eggs, larvae)
If concentrations of heavy metals in water are
high then there is a tendency for heavy metals
concentrations to be high in sediments, and the
accumulation of heavy metals in the demersal
organism occur (K. et al., 2004; IDL and SM., 1996).
Seawater Standard Quality for Marine
Biota, standard criterion set by Indonesia
Government Decree Ministry of Environment
and Development (DMED) No. 51/2004. Tool
detection limit for mercury (Hg) 0.0002 mg/L;
cadmium (Cd) 0.00011 mg/L; lead (Pb) 0.00086
Sediments pollution standard in Indonesia has
not been established. IADC (International
Association of Drilling Contractors)/ CEDA
(Central Dredging Association) (1997) has been
used as standard. Tool detection limit for mercury
(Hg) 0.0004 mg/L.
Biosurvey of Mercury (Hg), Cadmium (Cd), and Lead (Pb) Contamination in Reclamation Island-Jakarta Bay
Table 1: Water quality and heavy metal content in water, sediment and green mussels.
No. Parameter A B C D TN Standard Quality
1 Bright(m) 0,9 1,8 1,4 0,9 1,7
Coral: >5;
mangrove: -;
seagrass: >3;
natural >0,5
2 Turbidity (NTU) 10,5* 7,0* 4,5 8,3* 5,5* <5
3 Total suspended solid
9,3 7,3 8,3 13,0 3,6 20
4 Waste - - 3 5 - Nihil
5 Temperature (0C) 28,9 28,7 29,0 29,1 30,2 Natural (20-30)
pH 8,4 8,6 8,6 8,9* 8,6 7-8,5
1 Salinity (%) 29,3* 30,0 30,1 30,2 30,8 Natural (30-40)
2 Disolved oxygen (mg/L) 3,89* 4,70* 4,67* 4,55* 5,16 >5
3 COD (mg/L) 70,0* 85,1* 71,2* 79,6* 81,7* 20
4 BOD (mg/L) 265,3* 474,8* 373,8* 593,2* 418,2* 20
5 Mercury (mg/L) nd** nd** nd** nd** nd** 0.001
6 Cadmium (mg/L) nd** nd** nd** nd** nd** 0.001
7 Lead (mg/L) nd** nd** nd** nd** nd** 0.008
1 Mercury (mg/L) nd** nd** nd** nd** nd** 0.03
2 Cadmium (mg/L) 0.14 0.07 0.08 0.15 0.09 0.8
3 Lead (mg/L) 3.19 2.29 2.1 4.62 2.5 85
Green mussels
1 Mercury (mg/l) nd** nd** nd** nd** nd** 1
2 Cadmium (mg/l) nd** nd** nd** nd** nd** 1
3 Lead (mg/l) nd** nd** nd** nd** nd** 1.5
*value higher than pollution standard, ** nd=not detected
Figure 2: Mechanism of accumulation and detoxification of heavy metals by bivalves (Soto et al., 2003)
Green mussels pollution standard based on
Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) 7387: 2009
[17] as the maximum limit of heavy metal
contamination in food. Tool detection limit for
mercury (Hg) 0.009 mg/L; cadmiun (Cd) 0.00011
mg/L; lead (Pb) 0.00086 mg/L.
ICoSET 2019 - The Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology
The heavy metals entering cells through the lipid
layer of the membrane by endocytosis, through a
pumping and organic chelating system. Non-essential
metals that enter the cells will compete with essential
metal to bind to ligands. Binding mechanism of
metal and proteins generally damages sulfide bonds
(N. et al., 2004). Metals binding to biomolecules then
will accumulate in hepatopancreas or be detoxify.
The mechanism of accumulation and detoxification
of heavy metals in bivalve can be seen in Figure
2. Heavy metals modify existing enzyme processes
by interfering with and replace calcium (Ca) ions
that affect oxidation. In this research-heavy metal
mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), and lead (Pb) of
green mussels samples are inert within the acceptable
limit for green mussels and other predators. This
can be observed from the absence of heavy metals
accumulation in mussels indicating that cadmium
(Cd) and lead (Pb) in sediments that enter mussels
body has been detoxified.
3.3 Heavy Metal Pollution Level on
Reclamation Island
Pollution level of heavy metal on water, sediments,
and biota are determining using STORET method
(US-EPA/United States Environmental Protection
Agency) based on scores (Decree of the Minister
of Environment (DMED) no. 115/2003 about
Guidelines for Determining Status of Water Quality)
(DMED No.115, 2003). Results show that heavy
metal mercury, cadmium, and lead in water,
sediments, and green mussels around reclamation
island are below standard quality so that it is included
in class A. This is probably due to the intensity of
waste disposal consist of low heavy metals.
Although in this research there was no heavy
metal pollution, it does not indicate the condition
around the reclaimed island is good. Physical and
chemical analysis of water shows that turbidity,
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical
Oxygen Demand (COD), and dissolved oxygen
(DO) parameters do not comply with water quality
standards in Decree Ministry of Environment and
Development No. 51/2004. Biological Oxygen
Demand (BOD) concentrations in water range from
265,3 to 593,2 mg/L, it is much higher than the
standard quality which is 20 mg/L. Chemical Oxygen
Demand (COD) concentrations in water range from
70,0 to 85,1 mg/L that higher than the standard
quality which is 20 mg/L. dissolved oxygen (DO)
concentrations in water range from 3,89 to 5,16 mg/L
that below than the standard quality which is 5 mg/L
except for Teluk Naga station. These parameters
illustrated the high pollution around the reclaimed
Based on the results it can be concluded that :
Mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb)
content in the water below the water quality
standard for biota. Mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd)
and lead (Pb) content in sediments below the
standard set by IADC/CEDA. The content of
heavy metal in water and sediment of reclamation
islands are safe for biota. High Biological Oxygen
Demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand
(COD) content showed high organic pollution
around reclaimed islands C and D
There is no accumulation of heavy metal mercury
(Hg), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) occur in green
Heavy metal pollution level in the water,
sediment, and green mussel organs based on the
STORET (US-EPA) method included in class A
which is classified as not contaminated by heavy
metals mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), and lead
(Pb). Mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), and lead
(Pb) quality index in reclamation island C and D
amounts to 18 so that it is classified as good.
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