Constructivism of Problem-based Learning Failure in Increasing
Students Critical Thinking and Strategy of Cognitive Conflict
Zetriuslita and Dedek Andrian
Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Islam Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Critical Thinking, Curiosity, Problem Based Learning.
The aim of this research was described and analyzed the apply constructivism based on Problem-based learning
model and cognitive conflict strategy for the increasing ability of MCT (mathematical critical thinking) and
MCA (mathematical curiosity ability). This research adopted a quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest
control group design. This research used the design of the mixed method with sequential explanatory
strategy. The population consists of students teachers of Mathematics Education Program of Riau Islamic
University. The instrument of collecting quantitative data is essay test and questionnaire and interview sheet,
observation sheet to collect qualitative data. The findings show that (1) no difference MCT ability and
MCA disposition with taught by Problem based learning model and cognitive conflict strategy with explicit
direct instruction (EDI) approach, namely; high, medium, low; (2) but in thinking process development in
teaching and learning, were founded that there were difference MCT ability and MCA dispositions with have
taught by problem-based learning model and cognitive conflict strategy(high, medium, low); It known through
observation, interview and result in teaching and learning.
Critical thinking is a one skill must be owned
by every person. With critical thinking, students
will always be careful in carrying out something
and make a decision based on a found problem.
In Higher Education, this capability is needed for
each course requires students to can think critically,
because by using critical thinking, students should
solve the problem is given, including a course
on Number Theory. The results of research Lee,
Wootton, Chang, and Phan ()(Kondakci and Aydin,
2013) showed a positive relationship between critical
thinking and academic achievement. Students need
critical thinking when facing a challenge, and he
can make decisions, evaluation, and consideration
well the received information, used for solving the
problem, make plans for actioning. This capability
enables students can find alternative what he thinks
is important and consider to make decisions in order
to solve the existing or information
can be used make conclusions that are true and the
same time see a contradiction or whether there is any
consistency or irregularities in the information. In
critical thinking, people analyze and reflect on the
results of thinking. In short, someone who thinks
critically always be sensitive to the information or
situation at hand and tend to react to situations or
About curiosity, Suhadak (2014) states that
curiosity is characterized by the activity of searching
and finding that appear enthusiastic to learn, find out
and investigate. Suhadak opinion is also supported
by McElmeel (2002) hat the information about the
curiosity of student can be known from the student
motivation for learning, investigating, and finding
out. This variable is important developed in the
teaching and learning process in the mathematics
classroom. because curiosity is part of the motivation
(Shellnut, 1996). Elliott, et al (2000) suggest that
an important role curiosity in learning more is that
curiosity can encourage and build knowledge learners
(Suhadak (2014). Therefore, the increase of curiosity
in the classroom should be the goal of mathematics
learning. Because when students have a high level
of curiosity on something, the closer they with the
learning environment, a classmate even in group
study (Binson, 2009).
To develop students’ critical thinking and
curiosity required a study that investigates all aspect
about critical thinking and curiosity, which believed
that learning directed to learners who are dominant
Zetriuslita, . and Andrian, D.
Constructivism of Problem-Based Learning Failure in Increasing Students Critical Thinking and Strategy of Cognitive Conflict.
DOI: 10.5220/0009158703670372
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education and Humanity (ICoSEEH 2019) - Sustainable Development in Developing Country for Facing Industrial
Revolution 4.0, pages 367-372
ISBN: 978-989-758-464-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and nature educators and guiding learners in teaching
and learning. One allegedly adopts learning is
problem-based learning (PBL) and cognitive conflict
History about Problem-based learning (PBL)
begun from medical education at the faculty of
medicine at McMaster University in Canada in the
mid-1960s. This concept as soon as adopted by three
other medical schools, the University of Limburg at
Maastricht in Netherlands, University of Newcastle in
Australia, and University New Mexico in the United
States (G. Camp, 1996). According to (Chyn, )
stated that the problem-based learning approach has
a powerful pedagogical and teaching and learning
system explicitly and directly teach critical thinking
skills to students various level. G. Camp (1996,
p.3also stated that the constructivist view of learning
facilitates, PBL can be adopted from pre-school to
post-graduate training and broadens its application far
beyond medical training.
From its early history, PBL in the medical world
and has been proved growing, then the other in
education had been developed as well, especially
in mathematics education. among others Orhan
glu and Rohun (Tandogan and Orhan, 2007)
apply PBL in his research concluded that PBL affects
the outcome of learning, understanding concepts, and
attitudes of learners. While research Sheryl MaCSath,
John Wallace, Xiaong Chi, (2009) applying Based
Learning Active Learning in his research to the
principles namely, a) use small groups to collaborate
resolve the problem, b) students as a learning center,
c) use a real problem and d) the teacher as a facilitator.
His research concluded that the Active Learning
Based Learning can improve learning outcomes,
attitudes, and concepts of learners.
PBL is based on the cognitive constructivist
learning theory Piaget (1896-1980) and the social
constructivist Vygotsky (1896-1934) (Orey, 2010).
Piaget stated that the cognitive structure as schemata.
This theory explains that learning based on the
cognitive development of children. While Vygotsky
said that learners in constructing the concept need
to pay attention to the social environment. In
Vygotsky’s theory, there are two important concepts
that Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) and
scaffolding. According to (Herman, 2006), ZPD is
the distance between the actual development level is
defined as the critical thinking ability independently
and the level of cognitive development is defined as
the ability to think critically under adult guidance or
in collaboration with peers whose capacity is higher.
Besides PBL, strategy of cognitive conflict can
also reinforce students’ critical thinking skills,
Cognitive Strategies can be defined as a mental
procedures used to achieve the goal of cognitive
ranging from the most instinctive as sensing up on
the ladder of higher cognitive i.e. observation, save
and recall, imagination and thinking (Surya, 2015).
(Bruner, 1971; Gagne, 1985) in the Sun (2015) to
interpret cognitive strategy refers to the process used
in finding and solving problems. While cognitive
conflict can be interpreted as there is a common
perception (opinion) that raises a conflict between two
groups. Then if the individual happens indecision in
choosing one or more choice from a selection, the
individual has a conflict.
Of cognitive strategies and cognitive conflict
combined into cognitive conflict strategy. This
strategy is one of the constructivism learning. Piaget
constructivist theory states that when someone builds
a science, it is to establish a balance higher knowledge
required assimilation, namely contact or effective
cognitive conflict between the old concept with a
new reality (Woolfolk, 1984). The views Piaget
stated that learners are actively reorganizing the
knowledge that has been stored in the cognitive
structure. The development of cognitive structures
one with adaptation in the form of assimilation and
According to (Santrock, 2002), assimilation is
a thinking process by which information coming
into the people brain and changed in a way to
match the structure of the brain itself. While
the accommodation is the process of changing the
structure of the brain because of the observations
or information. More Santrock explains about
the assimilation and accommodation, that there
are two steps done in the process of learning to
change the concept. The first phase of the second
stage of assimilation and accommodation. With
the assimilation of students uses the concepts they
already have to deal with the new phenomenon. With
accommodation learners change the concept that no
longer fit with the new phenomenon they face.
Stimulation of cognitive conflict in learning will
greatly assist in the assimilation to be more effective
and meaningful for learners. For that approach to
cognitive conflict needs to be done in the mathematics
learning strategy. (Dahlan and Rohayati, 2012) says
that cognitive conflict rarely occurs in the context
of collaborative but in the personal context. When
collaborating is a time to solve conflicts that arise
in the individual learner (personal). Furthermore,
Ismaimuza (2010) states that the cognitive conflict
strategy commonly has a pattern such as exposing
alternative framework, creating conceptual cognitive,
encouraging cognitive accommodation.
ICoSEEH 2019 - The Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education, and Humanity
The quasi-experimental approach was used in this
research (Creswell, 2010; Cohen, 2007) which
aims to acquire numeric data on MCT and MCA
students have taught using PBL and Cognitive
Conflict Strategy (PBLCCS) and have taught using
EDI. Design research is using a combination of
quantitative and qualitative methods, known as a
mixed method with sequential explanatory strategy
(Creswell, 2010). The collection of data carried
out by two way, namely; quantitative during the
experiment in the classroom and qualitative after
quantitative analysis have done.
3.1 The Quantitative Data and
Statistical Tests of Critical Thinking
Based on data analysis to increase students’ critical
thinking skills mathematically, can be described in the
following Table 1.
Table 1: Gmean and standar deviation of MCT
Class N GMean SD Error
EC 25 ,4987 ,22500 ,04500
CC 26 ,4772 ,21175 ,04153
From Table 1, it can be seen that the gain-average
(Gmean) and the standard deviation of critical
thinking skills students experimental class (EC) and
the control class (CC) is not much different and tend
to be relatively the same. Furthermore, by using
statistical tests, will be the homogeneity significance
of variances and differences in an average of
improvement of critical thinking ability (MCT) by
using the statistics software namely SPSS 20.00.
Table 2: homogenity test of variances and MCT
Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances
F Sig.
,131 ,719
From Table 2, test results Lavene, obtained by
means sig sig = 0.719 α, where α = 0.05. In
accordance with the criteria of testing, accept H0,
meaning that both classes of homogeneous variance.
From Table 2 also shows that Sig = 0.727
α, thank H0, meaning that there is no difference
critical thinking skills between experimental class and
control class.
3.2 The Quantitative Data and
Statistical Tests of (MCA)
As for seeing the results of an answer to a
mathematical curiosity of students, can be seen in
Table 3 below:
Table 3: Recapitulation of student response to the
questionnaire data for all indicators MCA.
Positive statement (+) Negative statement (-)
N 256 548 368 17 34 11 418 287
% 22 46 31 1 4 13 49 34
JS 68 83
µ 76
Information :
SL : Always
SR : Often
JR : Rarely
TP : Never
JS : Percentage of SL + SR and JR + RP
µ : Average of Percentage
Table 4: Gmean and standar deviation of MCA
Kelas N GMean
Std. Error
EC 25 ,094 ,242 ,04847
CC 26 ,028 ,294 ,06603
EC : Experiment Class
CC : Control Class
Gmean : Gainmean
Based on the table, it can make a conclusion that
EC and CC almost no different because the different
of GMean only in a small range. It’s mean, there is
no difference in the ability of EC and CC. This result
can be proven on Table 6 Based on SPSS software
From table 6, from Lavene test results, obtained
by sig = 0.576 α, where α = 0.05. In accordance
with the criteria of testing, accept H0, meaning
Constructivism of Problem-Based Learning Failure in Increasing Students Critical Thinking and Strategy of Cognitive Conflict
Table 5: Test Statistics for homogenity and enhancement of
ability curiosity
Levene’s Test
for Equality
of Variances
t-test for
of Means
F Sig. t df
,576 ,451 1,865 49 ,068
that both classes of homogeneous variance.From
Table 6 also shows that sig (2-tailed) = 0.068 α,
accept H0, in other that no difference in upgrading
mathematical curiosity experimental class students
with grade control.
3.3 Description of the Critical Thinking
based on the Students’ Academic
Ability Level
For further analysis of the data based on the students’
academic ability level is a student group of high,
medium and low, can be described the results of the
pretest, posttest and N-Gain of critical thinking skills
of students:
Table 6: The description of the pretest results, posttest and
N-Gain of (MCT).
High 9,0 4,5 24,5 22,5 0,75 0,70
Middle 3,05 2,09 13,05 17,8 0,36 0,55
Low 2,00 1,40 7,50 9,00 0,19 0,26
Information :
Rerata : Average
From table 6, it can be seen that NGain critical
thinking skills among groups of EC and CC is not
much different, for medium and low group CC group,
Ngain is higher than the EC.
3.4 Qualitative Analysis of the Critical
Thinking Process Mathematical and
Mathematical Curiosity
Based on the result of observations and interviews, it
can be described how the process of critical thinking
and mathematical curiosity. This result can be seen
pada Table.
Table 7: Result of observations from critical thinking and
mathematical curiosity process based on group
Observation result
Critical Thinking
Curiosity Process
students were excellent
in asking a question
about the given task.
Students give opinions
when the discussion was
carried out. Student as
soon as asked to lecturer
if there are the confused
problem have found
during teaching and
learning process
most students asked
when there is a thing
wasn’t understood. If
observing from the
spirit in finishing the
given task, students
very enthusiastic in
the student asked his
friend in the group,
show students have a
curiosity on the
settlement of the given
The students ask a
friend in the learning
group, if students can’t
get a satisfactory answer,
the students can get an
answer from the lecturer
The students follow a
group discussion and l
isten well
no task is given in a
group discussion
3.5 Interview Result and Assessment in
Learning Process
All students interviewed about the process of
critical thinking about the outcome in answering the
questions provided. The results of these interviews
were divided into three groups: a group of students of
high, medium and low group students.
Table 8: Results of interviews about the critical thinking
process mathematical and mathematical curiosity group of
students of high, medium and low
Interview result and Assessment
in learning process
Mean CAt
Problem is given
to make us think
critically, create
confusion, but
challenged to find
investigated in a
group. Worksheets
provided are helping
the understanding of
the material provided
2,59 2,09
The question make
curious, the question
makes sense to know
what the answer is.
Curious about the
answer. Worksheets
are given to
stimulate us to better
understand it, has
never been given a
like this
The question makes
us have read more
carefully, confusing
too, but want to know
what the solution crate.
Give an explanation
2,46 2,28
The question make
curiosity arises, what
about the intent, but
sometimes confused
too, yet want to know
what the answer
Very confusing
question and the
question should
be read many times
2,33 1,88
not understand what
that means because,
confusing and
ICoSEEH 2019 - The Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education, and Humanity
CTPR : Critical Thinking Process and Result
Cat : Curiosity Attitude
Based on the quantitative analysis of mathematical
critical thinking and curiosity did not differ
significantly from those taught using PBLCCS
in the experimental class compared to using
EDI in the control class. This means that the
application PBLCCS not give significant effect.
From observations on the application of this
PBLCCS, students have not been able to construct
their own what will be learned without considerable
assistance from educators (lecturers). From the
interviews, their hopes of learning, first there is a
detailed explanation, there is setting the example,
new students are given the opportunity to learn in
a group. Most of the students are unfamiliar also
in learning no explanation is given in advance or
if there is an explanation, it is very minimal, so
that they do not know what to do about a given
task. In this case, the student has not been able to
independently build their knowledge, need more
detailed assistance of educators in understanding the
material provided. Yet effective means minimizing
guidance to improve critical thinking skillsThis result
appropriate with previous studies of (Sweller, 2006),
in a study that minimizes instruction or teaching tends
to be ineffective. Over half a century of empirical
research on this issue has given clear evidence and
guidance for teaching that minimizes significantly
less effective and efficient than guidance specifically
designed to support the cognitive processes needed
for learning. Also (Camp, ) states whether PBL is
just a paradigm shift from teacher learning center to
the student center or just a mere fad? So results of
research from (Zetriuslita, ; Zetriuslita et al., 2015)
about profile of mathematical critical thinking ability
student and (Zetriuslita et al., 2015) about profile of
mathematical curiosity ability student still low. It
means that we have to can something to increasing
both of them.
But in the process, critical thinking skills so
evident and mathematically when learning takes
place, it is concerned with their thought processes
in understanding a given task. They eagerly asked,
investigate what should be done, seen also their
sense of confused but curious about the completion
of a given problem. Likewise curiosity (curiosity)
developed this PBLCCS like the questions they
convey, ’bu this mean anything? ”, A way to
resolve how bu?’ And other questions indicating
they are keen to find out the solution. However,
in the process, they are very enthusiastic in solving
challenging problems, they are curious, challenged
that in their discussions eager to collaborate, although
not yet gave the impact to increase critical thinking
Based on the result, it can be concluded that PBL and
cognitive conflict strategy can’t give a satisfactory in
improving the student critical thinking and curiosity,
but if see from the process of critical thinking and
curiosity during the learning, the results show that
the process the development of critical thinking and
the attitude of curiosity towards mathematics run well
during teaching and learning process. Educators
expected can implement this concept in a good
situation and the right way so it is expected to have
an influence on students critical thinking ability
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ICoSEEH 2019 - The Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education, and Humanity