Framing Analysis of Ulama in the Presidential Election
Fatmawati Moekahar
, Asrinda Amalia
and Aidil Haris
Department of Communication, Faculty of Communication, Universitas Islam Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Ulama, Framing, Political Communication.
The bargaining position of the ulama in the midst of Indonesia’s political dynamics ahead of the Presidential
Election Indonesia in 2019 is in influential opinion leaders. Although ahead of the 2019 presidential election
the votes of the ulama were divided, but this condition did not discourage politicians from continuing to hold
the ulama to seize power. The aims study is framing analysis to the news at and
This study uses a qualitative methodology with Robert N. Entmant’s framing analysis model. The results
of the discussion it was concluded that the framing of the two media in revealing the reality of the results
of ijtima ulama 2 was objective while still carrying different media agendas. The neutrality of the media
in the content of the news is more focused on maintaining group relations between the two camps of the
presidential and vice-presidential couples who are equally supported by the clerics. This is assumed to keep
ukhwah Islamiyah in the Indonesian Muslim community so that it is not divided by black campaign discourses,
especially discourses that corner ulama. Thus, it can be understood that scholars and power in the perspective
of political communication are the opposite components.
Ulama and power are like two sides of a coin which in
essence are inseparable. The independence achieved
by the Indonesian people is inseparable from the role
of the ulama as the front guard. Therefore, the rela-
tionship between the ulama and the power becomes
an inseparable component of the unitary state of the
Republic of Indonesia.
The bargaining position of ulama in the midst of
Indonesian politics ahead of the Presidential Election
of the Republic of Indonesia in 2019 is in influen-
tial opinion leaders. Although ahead of the 2019
presidential election the votes of the ulama were di-
vided, but this condition did not discourage politi-
cians from continuing to hold the ulama to seize
power. The political dynamics in Indonesia have un-
wittingly brought massive involvement of ulama to
participate in affiliation with practical political forces.
As a result, this condition caused the ulama to be
drawn towards practical politics in order to seize
power. When carefully understood, ulama are peo-
ple who have Islamic scholarship that focuses on de-
veloping Islamic propaganda and propaganda. When
scholars are involved in practical politics, in essence
they are never a problem. Even so far, the involve-
ment of ulama in the political sphere has become
something very possible.
The problem now is, how does mass media frame
this reality into a news that has ideological, factual,
and balanced values, so that this phenomenon be-
comes an objective reality. The relationship between
ulama and power is not seen from the political aspect,
but must be seen from various other aspects. It is un-
deniable that the existence of mass media is currently
defeated by the development of social media. If you
see the rapid development of communication technol-
ogy, mass media is in a very competitive position. In
fact, some of the media owners were forced to slam
the steering wheel by affiliating to power or play-
ing the role of capitalist media business by putting
forward maximum profits. As a result, mass media
coverage seemed to be a special order’ for affiliate
Therefore, to see how far the media ideology plays
a role, this study focuses on the study of framing anal-
ysis on the results of ijtima ulama 2 related to the
discourse on the choice of president and vice presi-
dent for the 2019-2024 period. The aim is to ana-
lyze the framing of the media against the coverage of
the ijtima ulama 2 related to the determination of the
choice of the president and vice president of the Re-
Moekahar, F., Amalia, A. and Haris, A.
Framing Analysis of Ulama in the Presidential Election.
DOI: 10.5220/0009162603950401
In Proceedings of the Second Inter national Conference on Social, Economy, Education and Humanity (ICoSEEH 2019) - Sustainable Development in Developing Country for Facing Industrial
Revolution 4.0, pages 395-401
ISBN: 978-989-758-464-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
public of Indonesia for the 2019-2024 period. There
are two online media reviewed, namely,
Ulama and Power
The history of Indonesia during the colonial period,
the Dutch government once restricted the political
role of the scholars. Even various regulations made
by the colonial only to alienate the ulama from vari-
ous activities that could cause social-political turmoil.
This effort was carried out by the colonial government
because ulama were considered to be an influential
group capable of mobilizing the masses to oppose the
colonial government so that it could potentially create
socio-political conflicts. So it is not surprising, if the
strategy of seizure of power carried out by the ulama
is not oriented to occupying the position of ruler, but
seeks to save the Indonesian republic unit from the
cruelty of the invaders.
In principle, the concept of power encourages the
ongoing process of zero sum which can be analogous
to that one party will benefit and the other party will
bear the loss. Because it is this zero-sum approach
that causes the inevitable power of conflictual situa-
tions with the logic of their thinking is that each other
of the class facing each other will try to maintain or
gain power. Thus, the actual power relations are suffi-
ciently appropriate to be studied from the Marxian ap-
proach which considers that in power relations there
is always a dominant (superordinate) class and subor-
dinated class, and therefore it is possible for the resis-
tance movement to be typical Marxian (Muslim et al.,
In understanding Marxian power relations this can
be traced from the four steps of the approach: first,
power relations as manifestations of special modes
or configurations of class domination rather than as a
phenomenon of pure interpersonal relations. Second,
power relations pay close attention to the relation-
ship between economy, politics and the dominance of
class ideology. Third, power relations pay attention to
the limitations inherent in many executions of power
rooted in a class or other form of class domination
and try to explain this in structural contradictions and
antagonisms. Fourth, Marxian directs strategies and
tactics to reproduce, defend or overthrow class domi-
nation (Muslim et al., 2015).
Politics and Power
When talking about politics and power, the stereotype
that emerges is that politics as a means of gaining
power. In fact, the political meaning and power are
not as cheap as that, precisely politics must be under-
stood philosophically as a manifestation of the efforts
of every citizen to achieve common good or mutual
”The abuse of power in the political world that is
often carried out by political actors raises the view
that the main purpose of participating in politics is
only to gain power. In fact, in essence the use of
power in politics aims to regulate the interests of all
people in the organization, not for personal or group
interests. For this reason, the limitation of power is
very necessary in order to grow the trust of members
of the organization towards the holders of power and
the creation of justice and comfort in life (Paramita,
In his article, Paramitha also explained that power
is the capacity a person has to influence the way
people think and behave in accordance with what
they want. This power can be obtained from various
sources which are divided into formal power and per-
sonal power. Power is usually synonymous with poli-
tics. Politics itself is interpreted as an effort to partic-
ipate in managing and controlling community affairs.
”The abuse of power in the political world that is
often carried out by political actors raises the view
that the main purpose of participating in politics is
only to gain power. In fact, in essence the use of
power in politics aims to regulate the interests of the
entire community, not for personal or group interests.
For this reason, the limitation of power is very nec-
essary in order to grow public trust in the holders of
power and the creation of justice and comfort in life.
Politics and power are exercised to balance the indi-
vidual interests of employees and the interests of man-
agers, as well as the interests of the organization”.
Ulama and Politics
The phenomenon of scholars contributing to politics
is not unusual. However, the position of the ulama in
the midst of the ummah must be placed in a place that
is in accordance with the realm of the ulama (khittah).
Ahead of the upcoming 2019 Election and Presiden-
tial Election, the involvement of ulama in Indonesia’s
democratic political vortex must get the right atten-
tion. More than that, serious criticism is needed in
order to return the ulama to their khittah and make re-
ligion a source of inspiration, not disintegration. This
is what must be the attention of the Indonesian people
when ulama are in a practical political vortex.
Zuhairi Misrawi in his article in Geotimes stated
that the ulama were not actually involved in politics,
either directly or indirectly. Ulama must be an ex-
ample and heir of the Prophets who build harmony
among the people, not just the opposite to encourage
ICoSEEH 2019 - The Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education, and Humanity
”Khaled Abiou el Fadl in And God Knows the
Soldiers: The Authoritative and Authoritarian in Is-
lamic Discourse (El Fadl, 2001), presents an interest-
ing solution regarding the importance of understand-
ing the authority of the ulama. He divided the two
ulama models: authoritarian scholars and authorita-
tive scholars. Authoritarian scholars will always re-
gard their views as absolute truth. In fact, his views
crossed the principles commonly used in the Islamic
legal tradition. Not only that, authoritarian scholars
will heed morality which is the foundation of every
religious view.
On the contrary, authoritative scholars will use
views that reflect objectivity, rationality, and priori-
tize general welfare. Authoritative scholars will be
very careful in issuing their views, especially reli-
gious views which have a greater impact on the pub-
Media Settings Agenda
The main theorem of the agenda setting is Maxwell
McCombs and Donald Shaw. They wrote that the
audience not only studied the news in other matters
through mass media, but also learned how much im-
portance was given to an issue on the topic of the
way the mass media emphasized the topic (Nurudin,
2007). For example, in reflecting on what the candi-
dates said in an election campaign, the mass media
seemed to determine which topics were important.
”Assuming the Agenda Setting has advantages be-
cause it is easy to understand and relatively easy to
test. The rationale is that among various topics pub-
lished by mass media, topics that get more attention
from the media will become more familiar to their
readers and will be considered important in a certain
period of time, and will be the opposite for topics that
receive less attention from the media (Vivian, 2008).
Political Communication
There are two words in understanding political com-
munication namely communication and politics. So
that it can be understood simply that political com-
munication is the whole process of transmitting, ex-
changing, and seeking information (including facts,
opinions, beliefs, etc.) carried out by participants in
the framework of institutionalized political activities.
This definition requires the process of political com-
munication to be carried out institutionally. There-
fore, communication carried out between friends or
relatives is not included in the focus of the study. Nev-
ertheless, the concepts studied in political communi-
cation are very large, which due to limited space, will
only take a few (Syaiful Rohim, 2009).
This study used qualitative approach. The data collec-
tion technique was carried out through documentation
in the form of online media clips about news about the
results of Ijtima Ulama 2 at and repub-, which were then analyzed using Robert N
Entmant framing analysis.
There are several important aspects in Robert N
Entmant’s framing analysis, namely; Define Prob-
lems (Defining the Problem) How is an event / issue
seen? As a what? Or what problem? Diagnose causes
(estimating problems or sources of problems). What
event was seen caused by what? What is considered
the cause of a problem? Who (actor) is considered
the cause of the problem? Moral judgment (making
moral decisions) What moral values are presented to
explain the problem? What moral values are used to
legitimize or delegate an action? Treatment recom-
mendation. What solutions are offered to solve the
problem / issue? What path is offered and must be
taken to overcome the problem? (Kriyantono et al.,
Ijtima Ulama II Supports Prabowo-Sandiaga,
This Is Jokowi’s Comment ... (Edition 17
September 2018)
In the news, the editor of Kompas presented Joko
Widodo’s comments about Ijtima Ulama 2. It was
explained that Indonesia was a democracy. That
there was one group then supporting Prabowo, an-
other group supporting Jokowi and Kiai Ma’ruf Amin
were part of the dynamics of democracy. Here’s the
” - President Joko Widodo re-
sponded to the results of Ijtima Ulama II which
stated that he supported the pair Prabowo Subianto-
Sandiaga Uno in the upcoming 2019 Presidential
Election. According to Jokowi, as a democracy, the
support of a group for certain vice presidential can-
didate pairs is common. ”Indonesia is a democratic
country. That there is one group then supports Pak
Prabowo, another group supports me and Kiai Ma’ruf
Amin, that is democracy. So please, it is not prohib-
ited in a democratic country like ours, Jokowi said
when met at MNC Tower, Jakarta” (Kompas, 2018a).
Prabowo Attends the Second Meeting of the
GNPF Ulama (Edition 16 September 2018)
In this report, the Kompas editorial directed more
about the presence of Prabowo at the meeting of the
Framing Analysis of Ulama in the Presidential Election
Table 1: Ijtima Ulama II Supports Prabowo-Sandiaga, This
Is Jokowi’s Comment.
Define Prob-
The definition of the
problem is directed and
clear, namely Jokowi’s
response to the results
of the ijtima ruling
ulama 2
The issue that was
rolled out directed
the public to Jokowi’s
response to the ulama’s
support for Proabowo.
Moral Judge-
By choosing the incum-
bent Presidential Candi-
date informant, he was
impressed that Jokowi
did not question the re-
sults of the ulama’s ij-
tima verdict.
There is an emphasis
on the common thread
of the problem, that
the results of ijtima
ulama are a dynamic
of democracy. The
treatment recommenda-
tion statement was im-
pressed that Jokowi ac-
cepted the ijtima ruling
ulama 2.
two GNPF scholars and the reason GNPF held ijtima;
scholars 2. Next quote:
”Previously, the Chairman of GNPF Yusuf
Muhammad Martak said the meeting of the ulama was
a meeting of the two GNPF scholars. For information,
at the first meeting, the GNPF cleric recommended
two combinations of presidential and vice presiden-
tial pairs. First, Prabowo Subianto partnered with
Ustadz Abdul Somad. Secondly, Prabowo Subianto
was accompanied by the Chairman of the PKS Syuro
Council Salim Segaf Al-Jufri. ”Because the two vice
presidents recommended were not accommodated, it
was appropriate and upheld the respect we gave to the
forum in the second ijtima (meeting), Yusuf said at
a press conference at Grand Cempaka. In this sec-
ond meeting, said Yusuf, the GNPF ulama will con-
vey various aspirations and struggles that have been
carried out (Kompas, 2018b).
Hasto: Jokowi Already Runs the Pact of In-
tegrity of Ijtima Ulama
In the September 17 2018 edition, the Kompas editor
directs his coverage of the Jokowi camp’s response to
the results of ijtima ulama 2 and the fact that integrity
has been made. Here’s the quote.
Table 2: Analysis of News Framing Entitled: Prabowo At-
tends Second Meeting of the GNPF Ulama.
Define Prob-
The definition of a
directed and clear prob-
lem is the presence of
Prabowo at the Ijtima
meeting Ulama 2 and
the response of the
Chair of the GNPF to
the reason for holding
the ijtima ulama 2.
The discourse that was
rolled out focused more
on the reason for hold-
ing the ijtima ulama.
Moral Judge-
The moral value pre-
sented by the editor of is trying
to see ijtima ulama as
a political dynamic in
The solution offered in
the news is the objec-
tivity of reality that is
presented in a directed
” - The stronghold of Joko
Widodo-Ma’ruf Amin honored the support given
by the Fatwa Guards National Movement (GNPF)
to the pair Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno in the
2019 Presidential Election. Secretary of the National
Campaign Team (TKN) Hasto Kristiyanto said,
all parties were free to determine political choice.
”The attitude of the campaign team, we believe that
freedom of opinion, assembly, including to express
aspirations give support to which candidate pairs we
respect, Hasto said at Cemara Post, Central Jakarta,
Monday (09/17/2018). Regarding the integrity pact,
Hasto claimed that Jokowi had run it during the
administration period. According to Hasto, Jokowi
had not merely promised ”black and white”, but had
realized it. ”President Jokowi in his leadership also
did what became an integrity pact that was generated
from the order of the cleric where Jokowi also carried
out publicity programs very well,” he explained.
Framing Analysis of News Regarding Ijtima
Ulama 2 at
Participants of the Ijtima Ulama Are Re-
quested to Provide Support (September 16,
2018)’s September 16, 2018 edition entitled
”Participants of the Ulama’s Ijtima Requested to Pro-
vide Support” emphasized to the audience that ijtima
ulama as a final decision on GNPF, and all partici-
ICoSEEH 2019 - The Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education, and Humanity
Table 3: Framing Analysis News Entitled: Hasto: Jokowi
Already Runs the Pact of Integrity of Ijtima Ulama .
Define Prob-
Defining the problem
is quite objective even
though it still directs the
discourse by selecting
pro Jokowi’s informants
TThe media agenda was
directed to Jokowi’s
team’s attitude towards
the decision of Ijtima
Moral Judge-
There was a moral deci-
sion that was impressed
that Jokowi was not just
a promise. The editor
directs the public dis-
course that Jokowi has
That Jokowi runs public
relations programs very
pants to the wing-syap GNPF must commit to support
it. The following is the excerpt of the news:
Republika.Co.Id, Jakarta - The National Fatwa
Guards Movement (GNPF) of the Ulama has just
completed Ijtima Ulama and National Figure II at
the Grand Cempaka Hotel on Sunday (9/16). Ijtima
Ulama and National Figures II I plenary session de-
cided and determined four things.
The Chairperson of Organizing Committee of the
Ijtima Ulama and National Figures II, Ustadz Dani
Anwar said, firstly, to set Prabowo Subianto as a
presidential candidate in the presidential election in
2019. Second, set Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno as his
vice presidential candidate.
”Third, bind all Ijtima Ulama and National Fig-
ures II participants to provide support to the presiden-
tial and vice-presidential candidates recommended in
this decree, Ustaz Dani said through a written state-
ment to Republika at the Grand Cempaka Hotel, Sun-
day (9/16).
Ustadz Dani, who is also the Chairperson of the
Ijtima Plenary Session I Ulama and National Fig-
ure II, said that the fourth stipulation required the
Ijtima’ Ulama participants to socialize the results of
this recommendation to all Muslims. In addition, Ij-
tima Ulama and National Figure II also produced 17
points of integrity facts for candidates for president
and vice president (Republika, ).
Official Ijtima Ulama II Supports Prabowo-
Sandiaga (September 16, 2018)
News titled ”Official Ijtima Ulama II Supports
Prabowo-Sandiaga” reveals that the ulama and the
Table 4: Framing Analysis News Entitled: Participants of
Ijtima Ulama Requested to Provide Support.
Define Prob-
Defining objective is-
sues. Nevertheless the
editorial staff of Repub-
lika continued to roll
out the discourse that
the GNPF and all its
wings in all regions to
support the results of Ij-
tima ’Ulama 2.
The reality analysis is
directed at convinc-
ing the public that
the ulama’s decision
to become the final
Moral Judge-
Moral decisions empha-
size that do not re-
gard GNPF as a former
ulama fighter as a polit-
ical fighter.
The recommended rec-
ommendation is to re-
quire the Ijtima Ulama
participants to social-
ize the results of this
recommendation to all
entire Muslim community in Indonesia support
Prabowo-Sandiaga. The editor emphasized that the
ulama’s decision was the decision of the Muslim com-
munity. The following is the excerpt of the news:
II officially declared support for the pair of presi-
dential candidates-vice-president Prabowo Subianto-
Sandiaga Uno, after being signed by the former pegen
Kopassus integrity pact. Prabowo arrived at around
1:00 p.m. when the Ijtima Ulama II plenary session
continued on Sunday (9/16), and signed the integrity
pact at around 2:30 p.m. WIB. The Ijtima Ulama II
Forum, according to Habib Rizieq, through a message
played at the session, said there were three main agen-
das in the forum. First, directly listening to the reason
Prabowo chose Sandiaga Uno as a vice presidential
candidate rather than the vice president of the Ulama
I Ijtima recommendation, Ustadz Abdul Somad and
Salim Segaf Al Jufri. This is to avoid mutual suspi-
cion and divisions within the ulama’s body and the
Nationality Coalition. Second, the signing of an in-
tegrity pact by the candidate pairs as a form of strong
agreement and binding on both. Third, to arrange the
winning steps for Prabowo-Sandiaga Uno. Prabowo,
after the signing of the integrity pact conveyed his
gratitude and gratitude for the support provided by
Framing Analysis of Ulama in the Presidential Election
ijtima ulama. ”On behalf of Prabowo-Sandiaga to
thank the Ijtima Ulama II of the GNPF Ulama for the
trust given to us, for the sincere support given, this is
truly a touching time for me, and I have promised Ij-
tima that I will do what ”I will offer the best, as long
as my body and soul are dedicated to the Indonesian
nation and state,” Prabowo said at a press conference.
Table 5: Analysis of Framing News Entitled: Ijtima Ulama
II Official Supports Prabowo-Sandiaga.
Define Prob-
The definition of edi-
torial issues was very
clear and directed
that Ijtima Ulama II
officially expressed
support for the pair of
presidential candidates-
vice president Prabowo
The analysis of events
stressed that support for
the pair of presidential
candidates - vice presi-
dent Prabowo Subianto-
Sandiaga Uno was a
follow-up of the first Ij-
tima Ulama.
Moral Judge-
The moral decision pre-
sented was the sign-
ing of an integrity pact
by Prabowo Subianto-
Sandiaga Uno as a com-
mitment to the Islamic
The recommendation
that was discussed
was Ijtima Ulama II
Officially Supporting
Kiai Ma’ruf Responds to the Results of Ijtima
Ulama II (September 17, 2018)
News titled ”Ma’ruf Kiai Responding to the Results of
Ijtima Ulama II” was an editorial effort to balance the
news about the results of the ijtima ulama 2. General
President (Presidential Election) 2019. He remains
optimistic that the pair Joko Widodo (Jokowi) -Ma’ruf
can win the 2019 Presidential Election. The following
is the quote:
presidential candidate (vice presidential candidate)
KH Ma’ruf Amin not worried about the results of
Ijtima Ulama II which supports the pair Prabowo
Subianto-Sandiaga Uno in the 2019 Presidential Elec-
tion. He remains optimistic that the couple (Jokowi)
-Ma’ruf can win the 2019 Presidential Election. ”Yes,
I don’t think there is a problem, he said at the KMA
House, Jalan Saharjo, Tebet, South Jakarta, Sunday
(9/16). He claimed, he also received support from the
scholars from the Islamic boarding school. Accord-
ing to him, around 400 scholars have expressed sup-
port for the Jokowi-Ma’ruf pair on Saturday (9/15).
He considered, scholars who support Jolowi-Ma’ruf
are people who truly have knowledge about Islam.
Because of this, he was not afraid of being left be-
hind by clerics. ”His ulama is truly a cleric, a cleric,
and that supports Jokowi-Ma’ruf Amin. So there is no
problem,” he said. He stressed that the differences of
opinion between the ulamas would not necessarily di-
vide Muslims. According to him, all groups have the
right to determine support.
Table 6: Kiai Ma’ruf Responds to the Results of Ijtima
Ulama II .
Define Prob-
The explanation of
the definition of the
problem is very clear
that KH Ma’ruf Amin
was not worried about
the results of Ijtima
Ulama II support-
ing the pair Prabowo
An analysis of the
events emphasizes that
the difference in views
between these scholars
will not necessarily
divide Muslims.
Moral Judge-
Moral decisions are ex-
plained that all groups
have the right to deter-
mine support.
The recommended
recommendation is that
scholars who support
Jokowi-Ma’ruf are
people who truly have
knowledge about Islam.
Based on the results of the framing analysis, it is
clear that the kompas and republika are still objec-
tively describing reality. However, the media agenda
presented provides a framing that the two media have
alignments with each pair of presidential candidates.
The neutrality of the media in the content of the news
is more focused on maintaining group relations be-
tween the two camps of the presidential and vice-
presidential couples who are equally supported by the
clerics. This is assumed to keep ukhwah Islamiyah
in the Indonesian Muslim community so that it is not
divided by black campaign discourses, especially dis-
courses that corner ulama.
Thus it can be understood that scholars and power
ICoSEEH 2019 - The Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education, and Humanity
in the perspective of political communication are the
opposite components. The ulama ideally became
the ummah communicator who was the heir of the
prophets, while the authority was the guardian. That
is, in the perspective of political communication,
scholars have a very important role in the sustainabil-
ity of a country. It must be admitted that the phe-
nomenon of scholars contributing to politics is not
unusual. However, the position of the ulama in the
midst of the ummah must be placed in a place that is
in accordance with his khittah.
Based on the results of the discussion it can be con-
cluded that the framing of the two media in revealing
the reality of the results of ijtima ulama 2 is objec-
tive while still carrying different media agendas. The
media agenda directed by the two media was very im-
pressive in favor of one of the presidential candidate
pairs. In the perspective of political communication,
scholars have a very important role in the sustainabil-
ity of a country. Scholars take part in politics is not a
strange thing. However, the position of the ulama in
the midst of the ummah must be placed in a place that
is in accordance with his khittah.
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Framing Analysis of Ulama in the Presidential Election