Developing Interactive Multimedia Learning for Teaching Integral
Calculus in College
Nana Sepriyanti
, Remiswal
and Hutomo Atman Maulana
Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol, Jl. Prof. Mahmud Yunus Lubuk Lintah, Padang, Indonesia
Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis, Jl. Bathin Alam Desa Sungai Alam, Bengkalis, Indonesia
Design Research, Interactive Multimedia Learning, Integral Calculus.
This research aims to develop interactive multimedia learning in the form of Compact Disk by using Macro-
media Flash Professional for teaching Integral Calculus in College. This research refers to the development
model of ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation). The research’s subject
is students of mathematics department UIN Imam Bonjol Padang, Indonesia. Data were collected through ob-
servations, interviews, checklist, videotaping, and analyzing the students’ works. The interactive multimedia
learning was validated by experts in mathematics education and multimedia to meet the criteria of validity
(relevance and consistence). The interactive multimedia learning was implemented and evaluated trough one-
to- one and small group evaluation before it was tried out in a field test. The results showed that the interactive
multimedia learning worked as intended in the classroom. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded
that the interactive multimedia learning is valid, practical and effective.
Research suggests that despite the numerous bene-
fits of using technology in mathematics education,
the process of embedding technology in classrooms
is slow and complex (Cuban et al., 2001)(Duderstadt
et al., 2002). It has been suggested that adequate
training and collegial support boost teachers’ willing-
ness to integrate technology into their teaching and to
develop successful technology-assisted teaching prac-
tices (Becker et al., 1999). Supported by their teach-
ers and by using different kinds of instructional mate-
rials (e.g. ‘Traditional’ worksheets on paper, interac-
tive applets, quizzes) students were guided towards
discovering the concepts of derivative and / or in-
tegral. These learning environments were tested in
Austrian high schools with several hundred students
(Embacher et al., 2006). Computer algebra systems
(such as Derive, Mathematica, Maple or MuPAD)
and dynamic geometry software (such as Geometer’s
Sketchpad or Cabri Geometry) are powerful techno-
logical tools for teaching mathematics. Numerous re-
search results suggest that these software packages
can be used to encourage discovery and experimen-
tation in classrooms and their visualization features
can be effectively employed in teaching to generate
conjectures (Draaijers et al., 2004)(Lavicza, 2007).
The material in Differential Calculus includes
number systems, multiple function operations, func-
tion limits, continuous functions, function derivatives
and application of derived concepts. The material
in integral calculus includes integrals, integral us-
age, transcendent functions, integration techniques,
and unnatural indeterminate and integral forms. The
purpose of studying calculus as proposed by Zhang,
(Zhang, 2003) is that students understand mathemat-
ical ideas and to develop logical, profound and cre-
ative thinking skills. Moreover, it has functions to
enhance the intellectual and imaginative abilities, so
that students will gain skills in arithmetic and obtain
useful tools for future needs. The successful of the
students in understanding the material of this calcu-
lus will make it easier for the students to understand
the material in a course that uses mathematics in their
Calculus consists of abstract concepts and has a lot
of prerequisite knowledge. As a lecturer, we must be
able to simplify the concept of abstract calculus into
things that are easy to understand, innovate and cre-
ate learning quality for calculus and fun in the class-
room. Pleasant learning will certainly have an im-
pact on the results of the studies obtained by students.
Based on the observations in the Department of Math-
ematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Teacher Train-
Sepriyanti, N., Remiswal, . and Maulana, H.
Developing Interactive Multimedia Learning for Teaching Integral Calculus in College.
DOI: 10.5220/0009185104260432
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education and Humanity (ICoSEEH 2019) - Sustainable Development in Developing Country for Facing Industrial
Revolution 4.0, pages 426-432
ISBN: 978-989-758-464-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ing in UIN Imam Bonjol Padang, the effectiveness of
calculus learning is low. This is seen from the low of
students’ learning outcomes. The percentage of stu-
dents who got A grade for a calculus course in the
last 3 years only average 19.4%, and for the value of
B only 49.2%, the remaining got the values of C, D
and E. The low of effectiveness in learning calculus is
also experienced by other students from another col-
lege. Several researchers have examined the problem
of the low effectiveness of calculus learning, such as
(Dhoruri et al., 2007)(Sepriyanti et al., 2017)(Yuan,
2002)(Zhang, 2003).
Based on the interviews with students of Tadris
Mathematics class of 2016 with initials HN and DW
it was obtained the information that the students real-
ize that Calculus is very important to learn, but they
faced the fact that the calculus is abstract and diffi-
cult, especially if the given problem is a matter of the
story. Calculus is only considered as a collection of
numbers and formulas that have nothing to do with
their daily lives. Though the problems faced in ev-
eryday life cannot be separated from the problems of
Based on the results of interviews with the lec-
turer of Calculus, it has obtained information that the
students’ involvement has not been fully in the learn-
ing process, not yet effective in using the media and
has not used multimedia-based interactive media for
learning calculus yet, has not accepted what is ex-
plained by the lecturer either. This resulted in the stu-
dent’s difficulties in understanding the concepts that
have been taught by the teacher, it is found that the
students are also difficult in transferring the concept
of calculus into real life. The learning process that
took place has a low result on student learning activi-
ties and student’s results in studying are also low.
The difficulty in understanding the abstract of cal-
culus material and being far from everyday life has
always been the pretext of students in studying calcu-
lus. The cause of such difficulties can be sourced from
within the student as well as from outside, for exam-
ple the way of presenting the calculus material or the
learning atmosphere that being carried out. The dif-
ficulties experienced by learners are also encountered
by Khambari, Luan, & Ayub (Khambari et al., 2010).
They say to overcome these difficulties; Information
and Communication Technology (ICT) can be an al-
ternative solution. Information and Communication
Technology such as computers, props, or other media
are expected to improve the effectiveness of learning.
Many countries consider ICT as a vehicle for upgrad-
ing the education system to a better degree and in-
terpret ICT as an improvement and development of
e-generation-based learning that will make efficiency
in classroom activities.
By the 21st century is now Indonesia’s educational
experience a paradigm shift from behaviorists to con-
structivist. Responding to these changes, (Priyanto,
2009)(Rusman and berbasis Komputer, 2013) states
that teachers / lecturers are not just teaching (trans-
fer of knowledge) but must be a learning manager.
It means that every lecturer is expected to be able to
integrate the information and communication of tech-
nology (ICT) into learning activities, create learning
conditions that challenge, creativity toward student
activities, motivate students, use multimedia, multi
methods, and various learning resources in order to
achieve the expected learning objectives.
The rapid development of computer technology
has been felt in various sectors of life, so that in learn-
ing the development of technology is needed. This
is in line with the opinion expressed by (Aks¸an and
Eryılmaz, 2011) in the education sector, for example
the use of computers has been developed not only as
a tool that is only used for administrative affairs, but
also it is very possible to be used as a means of oper-
ating the learning media. For example, the existence
of a multimedia computer is capable of displaying im-
ages and writings that are still and moving and vocal.
This kind of thing should be responded positively by
the teachers / lecturers so that computers can be one
tool that helps in developing learning.
NCTM (1973) states that the use of computers as
learning media actually has long been developed in
many countries such as America and Britain. As a
medium, the computer is useful for teachers as a tool
in preparing teaching materials and organizing learn-
ing activities. Currently the use of computers as a
medium of learning mathematics is rarely applied in
schools because not many manufacturers offer special
software of mathematics learning, so it takes expertise
and tenacity of teachers to take advantage of software
potluck. Therefore, the use of computers is dependent
on the teacher as a facilitator in designing computers
as a medium of learning mathematics.
(Arsyaz, 1997)(Muhson, 2010)(Sudjana and Ri-
vai, 2010) revealed that various studies have been
conducted on the use of instructional media in teach-
ing and learning process to the conclusion that the
process and result of student learning showed signif-
icant difference between learning without media and
learning by using the media. Therefore, the use of
learning media in teaching and learning process is
highly recommended to enhance the quality of learn-
ing, including computer media. Based on these fac-
tors felt the importance of developing multimedia-
based calculus learning media in the form of Macro-
media Flash Professional.
Developing Interactive Multimedia Learning for Teaching Integral Calculus in College
Research development in learning mathematics at
the level of Higher Education is relatively new and
not much studied, including research on the devel-
opment of Interactive Multimedia-based learning by
using Macromedia Flash Professional. Though prob-
lems in college, especially in mathematics education
cannot be solved by only composing experimental re-
search on strategies or learning methods.
Some researchers have observed this problem,
such as (Khairani and Febrinal, 2016)(Sepriyanti
et al., 2018) with the results of research indicates
that the learning media developed valid, practical
and effective because it can improve students ’con-
cept understanding and improve students’ positive re-
sponses in learning. Fahmi (Fahmi, 2014), the re-
sults showed that the learning media developed had
an impact on students’ mathematics learning behav-
ior. Sinurat (Sinurat et al., 2015), the results showed
that the media used in the mathematics learning can
improve students ’mathematical skills and the last is
(Safitri et al., 2013), with the results of research me-
dia Macromedia Flash learning developed effectively
to improve students’ conceptual understanding.
Based on researches that have been done by pre-
vious researchers, it gives an evidence that the use
of Macromedia flash in learning is to give a poten-
tial impact on the process, attitudes, abilities and stu-
dent learning outcomes. Therefore, the development
of learning media Macromedia flash professional is in
college is also very necessary.
This research used the ADDIE model to develop
the product. Expert validation is conducted to keep
the quality of the product that consist of two con-
tents/material experts and two media experts. The
standard of the product isachieved if the experts gave
at leastvalid for each criterion. The quality of in-
structional media (practicality) is carried out to 8
(eight) students of Tadris Mathematics Department
UIN Imam Bonjol Padang who have taken Inte-
gral Calculus courses selected randomly from three
classes, they are class A, B, and C. Time and place
of this research were conducted on June 1, 2017 un-
til September 20, 2017 at UIN Imam Bonjol Padang.
In this study there are five procedures performed 1)
Analytical phase (Analysis), 2) Design stage, 3) De-
velopment stage, 4) Implementation stage, 5) Evalua-
tion stage. Data collection was obtained from several
techniques, namely: observation, interview, and liter-
The initial design/prototype of interactive multimedia
as follows:
Opening page view
The opening page that appears on the learning media
when it is run. This page has one button, the start
button to go to the main page. It is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Preview of opening page.
Main page view
This main page consists of Pendahuluan (introduc-
tion), Materi (contents), Latihan (exercises), Evaluasi
(evaluations), Referensi (references), and Profil (pro-
files). This page comes with a back sound once the
view is opened. Each page on the main menu will be
linked to the main page using the menu button.
Figure 2: This caption has one line so it is centered.
The introduction main menu
If the introduction button on the main page is clicked,
then it will show learning matrix as shown in Figure 3.
This learning matrix contains the learning outcomes
and contents that must be mastered by students on a
ICoSEEH 2019 - The Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education, and Humanity
Figure 3: This caption has one line so it is centered.
weekly basis or meeting. It will help the student to
adjust the time for each content.
The contents main menu
Main menu of the contents consists of four main top-
ics as shown in Figure 4. These topics were built
by using a learning matrix that provided in introduc-
tion menu. The student must learn the topics se-
quentially from Integral (the definite integral), Pen-
erapan Integral (applications of the integral), Fungsi
Transenden (transcendental functions), and Teknik
Integrasi (techniques of integration).
Figure 4: This caption has one line so it is centered.
The exercise main menu
Exercise can be accessed by clicking Latihan onthe
main page. There are four exercise packages based on
the topics of study. The student can answer each ex-
ercise by inputting the answer in the box that has pro-
vided. They also can check whether correct or wrong
the answer by clicking periksa button. Every correct
answer will be marked by a green checklist next to the
answer, while the wrong answer will be marked with
a red cross as shown in Figure 5. Students can repeat
typing the answer again by pressing cobalagi button
so that the answer box will be blank.
Figure 5: This caption has one line so it is centered.
Students can re-try to answer the questions in the
fields provided and re-examine the answers. How-
ever, students can also directly see the correct answer
by pressing the (?) button so that the solution will ap-
pear as shown in Figure 6. The solution can be closed
by clicking (X) button.
Figure 6: This caption has one line so it is centered.
The evaluation main menu
Evaluation can be accessed by clicking evaluasi but-
ton onthe main page. Evaluation-1 is an evaluation
aimed at measuring learning outcomes for integral
review materials and application, while Evaluation-2
for transcendent functions and integration techniques.
Evaluation can be selected by clicking on one of the
buttons available on the page. Before starting the
evaluation, it will be given an instruction at first page
as shown in Figure 7. In each evaluation there were 10
questions to be answered with a duration of 60 min-
Problems will appear randomly, so that among
students who one with another small will get the same
Developing Interactive Multimedia Learning for Teaching Integral Calculus in College
Figure 7: This caption has one line so it is centered.
problem even though done simultaneously. Evalua-
tion can be started by clicking MULAI (start) button
on the page. On the top right there is a time indicat-
ing the remaining time available to answer the ques-
tion. The problems will be answered by clicking on
one of the available answer options. After the whole
question is answered, then the value of the evaluation
results can be known and included part of the mate-
rial that has not been mastered by students as shown
in Figure 8. Student who have not mastered the mate-
rial can re-understand the material or try to answer the
problem back by clicking cobalagi button once again.
Figure 8: This caption has one line so it is centered.
Display Reference Menu
The reference menu contains reference-related infor-
mation used in the development of learning media
in the form of contents/study materials, practice and
evaluation questions and some theories used in devel-
oping an interactive learning media. Reference can be
accessed by clicking Referensi in the main page.
Expert validation is conducted to assess the de-
signed product so that it can know its strengths and
weaknesses. Validation is done by showing the design
of the design and then the experts are asked to judge
it. Expert validation consists of expert in media and in
Figure 9: This caption has one line so it is centered.
content. Validation from the expert in media side was
done by the lecturer of mathematics education study
program at the State University of Padang and lec-
turer of tadris mathematics at State Islamic Univer-
sity Imam Bonjol Padang. The experts see and listen
to the learning media, then they judge by using closed
and open questionnaire instruments. The result of va-
lidity as a whole is categorized as valid. However,
if viewed from each aspect. Expert media validation
results are shown in the Table1.
Table 1: The Expert Media Validation Result.
No. Aspect of as-
Percentage Description
1 Coloring 75.00 Valid
2 The use of
words and
80.00 Valid
3 The screen
83.30 Very Valid
4 Animation 75.00 Valid
5 Menu com-
90.00 Very Valid
6 Design dis-
100 Very Valid
Total (overall) 83.85 Very Valid
Validation from the expert in contents side was
done by two lecturers of calculus of tadris mathemat-
ics at State Islamic University Imam Bonjol Padang.
The result of contents/materials validation results are
shown in Table 2:
Table 2: The Validation Result of The Content Experts.
No. Aspect of as-
Percentage Description
1 Instruction 75.00 Valid
2 Curriculum 85.30 Very Valid
3 Material 83.30 Very Valid
Total (overall) 81.80 Very Valid
The results of validity are categorized as valid,
ICoSEEH 2019 - The Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education, and Humanity
both in terms of learning, curriculum, and material
Implementation Phase
Once the learning media is validated and declared eli-
gible for trial, then it will continue to the implementa-
tion stage. At this stage, the product is carried out in a
small group that consist of 8 students of mathematics
Tadris UIN Imam Bonjol Padang who took the inte-
gral calculus courses. Furthermore, each student was
given a questionnaire to assess the learning media in
terms of practicality.
Evaluation Phase
An evaluation is conducted to know the results of
the implementation of instructional media in terms of
practicality by students. The results can be seen in Ta-
ble 3, seen as a whole learning media is categorized
very practical.
Table 3: The Result Of Practicality Test.
No. Aspect of as-
Percentage Description
1 Operation 95.00 Very practical
2 User reaction 95.00 Very practical
3 The safety of
the program
92.50 Very practical
4 Additional
92.50 Very practical
Total (overall) 94.25 Very practical
Based on the result of student’s calculus integral
test step shows that the obtain effectivity percentage
value with effective category with an average score
of 71.39 %. The percentage of students who got A
grade for Calculus Integral course average 25 %, for
the value of B is 46.43 %, for the value of C is 25 %
and for the value of D is only 3.57 %.
Table 4: The Result Of Effectivity Test.
No Grade Percentage
1 A 25.00%
2 B 46.43%
3 C 25.00%
4 D 3.57%
CD interactive multimedia-based learning as the out-
put of this research is a good learning media and it
can be used independently by the student self. In or-
der to save costs and use of the CD, these learning
media can be copied and installed to the smartphone
directly. Based on the results of the study, the CD in-
teractive multimedia-based learning of Integral Cal-
culus has validity assessment in very valid criterion
with an average score of 82.83 %. This validity is
assessed from two criteria, namely: 1) Media expert
validation criteria show that the qualitative media ob-
tained is very valid with the percentage of 83.85%.
So that the learning media is suitable for learning.
2) Contents/material expert validation criteria show-
ing the qualitative which is the category is very valid,
with percentage 81.80 %. So that learning media can
already be used for learning.
The quality of instructional media is based on the
aspect of practicality. Practicality is assessed from
one criterion that is the quality of technical crite-
ria (technical quality). Multimedia-based interactive
multimedia learning media developed according to
user trial subjects that has met the practical criteria
that can be used with the percentage of practicality
94.25% and was produced in accordance with aspects
of effectivity assessment so that the developed CD In-
teractive multimedia-based learning is included in ef-
fective criterion with an average score of 71.39 %. So,
it is concluded that the learning media is suitable for
the use as an interactive learning media.
This study was supported by DIPA Universitas Islam
Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang 2017.
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