Table 2: The Length Growth of Selais Fish Larvae Cultured
on Different Stock Density.
Length Growth of Selais Fish Larvae
T1 T2 T3
Average Initial
Length (g)=ALW
0.03±0.00 0.03±0.00 0.03±0.00
Average Final
5.42±0.49 5.31±0.02 5.20±0.24
Length pain (g)= WG 5.39±0.48 5.28+0.02 5.17+0.24
Daily Length rate
(g) = DWG
0.26+0.02 0.25+0.01 0.25+0.02
Specific Length
rate (%/day) = SGR
10.74+0.00 10.70+0.00 10.55+0.00
Similar with performance of the growth weight,
the highest length growth (LG,DLR, and SLR, 5.39
±0.48 cm/day: 0.26±0.02, and 10,74 ±0.10%, re-
spectively ) of selais fish larvae was found at treate-
ment of T1 (stocking density of 10 larvae L
), while
lowest length growth (LG, DLR, and SLR were
5.17±0.00 g/day : 0.25±0.02 , and 10.55±0.00%, re-
spectively) was found at treatement of T3 (stocking
density of 50 larvae L
It was mean that the best length growth of selais
fish larvae found in the lowest stoking density. Sim-
ilar findings were recorded in other reared species
(Herrera, 2015; Huet, 1971) who achieved the best
growth of fish larvae at lower stocking densities.
The high growth (weight and length) of fish larvae
in treatment of T1 compared to T2, and T3 may be
due to fish larvae maintained with low stocking den-
sity do not spend much energy to compete using more
space and food. Haque et al. (Haque et al., 1984) said
that the fish that were kept with the lowest stocking
density provide more space, food, and less competi-
tion. So that the fish larvae in the T1 treatment (the
lowest stock density of fish larvae in this experiment)
have more energy to support the growth of fish larvae
in the treatment of T1.
Survival rate of selais fish larvae on different
stocking density was shown ini table 3.
Table 3: The Survival Rate Of Selais Fish Larvae Cultured
On Different Stock Density.
Survival rate selais fish larvae(%)
T1 T2 T3
1 68,00 50,67 54,00
2 54,00 62,67 52,00
3 50,00 52,00 48,80
Total 172,00 163,33 154,80
Average 57,33 55,11 51,60
In table 3 was shown that the survival rate of selais
fish larvae was varied (T1,T2, and T3 was 57,33%,
55,11%, and 51,60%, respectively) in different stock-
ing densities. However base on analysis of variance
we found that there were no apparent effects of stock-
ing density (10, 30, 50 larvae L
) on the survival at
the levels tested (P>0.05). The best survival rate was
found in T1 (stocking density of 10 larvae L
) while
lowest growth was found at T3 (stocking density of
50 larvae L
The results of this study also show that the sur-
vival rate of selais fish larvae is inversely proportional
to stocking density. The higher stocking density, the
lower the survival of fish larvae. This means that
stocking density is a determining factor for the sur-
vival of fish larvae. According to Herrera (Herrera,
2015) stocking density affects survival, growth, be-
havior, health, water quality, food, and production.
The survival rate of fish larvae in this study was
relatively low (<58%) because of the high mortality
of larvae during the study. The high mortality rate of
fish larvae in this experiment may be caused the test
fish larvae used in this experiment were pre-larvae of
selais fish (three-day post-hatched larvae mean weight
0.0012±0.00 g; mean length and 0.03±0.00 cm).
while another research (Efendi et al., 2016) found that
the survival rate of post- larvae of selais fish larvae
feed Tubifex sp enriched with probiotic was reached
98%, The survival rate of selais fish larvae can be in-
creased by giving probiotics through natural feed such
as Tubifex sp.
3.2 Water Quality
The result of measurement on water quality parame-
ters can be seen in table 4. The average temperature
found in all treatment was the same about 26
It means the water temperature for fish larvae in all
treatment was optimal. It is stated the optimal tem-
perature for fish life is 25
C- 32
C (Boyd, 1989; ?).
The degree of water acidity [pH] in media culture at
all treatment were ranged among 6,0-6,5. Even if the
pH of the water in the research was not optimal for
fish larvae, but it still supports the growth and sur-
vival of the selais fish, According to (Elvyra et al.,
2010) selais fish (K. limpok) be able to live in the wa-
ter with a little bit acidic water that ranged between
5,5-6,0. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) in this research were
5,0 – 5,2 ppm higher than the amount of the DO
(3,16–3,45ppm) in the aerated container using aera-
tor. The height of dissolved oxygen in this research
caused by the using of recirculation system while the
debit water that entered in research container 0.05 1/
The concentration ammonia (NH3) in culture me-
dia ranged between 0.29-0,63 ppm. It means the
amount of ammonia in the culture media was still in
the eligibility limit on the selais fish larvae. Boyd
ICoSET 2019 - The Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology