Based on the results of Suciawati's research
(2016), there was a significant relationship between
smoking history and the incidence of breast cancer.
Based on OR, respondents who smoked had a 2.5
times greater chance of developing breast cancer
compared to respondents who did not smoke. This
was consistent with Maria's research (2017) that
smoking was a risk factor for the incidence of breast
cancer. Furthermore according to research by
Hosseinzadeh et al in 2014 showed that there was a
positive relationship between active and passive
smokers against breast cancer. (Ayu et al., 2016).
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15-65 years in Kendari City in 2018. Family history
was a risk factor for breast cancer events in women
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hormonal contraceptive use was a risk factor for
breast cancer incidence in women aged 15-65 years
in Kendari City in 2018. The age of first childbirth
was not a risk factor for breast cancer incidence in
women age 15 -65 years in Kendari City in 2018.
Smoking history was a risk factor for the occurrence
of breast cancer in women aged 15-65 years in
Kendari City in 2018.
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