purposes of this Toba Batak culture. They recognize
this discount strategy as a form of economic activity
in any field. The goal is to attract more consumers
and also adjust to the financial capacity of
(d) Expansion of the genre of musical
performance production, both of the inflatable bands
although specializing in the flow of music to
traditional Toba Batak. However, they also improve
the quality and quantity of music in the Tambunan
and Mangampu Tua music groups, in a better and
broader direction so that all people can enjoy not
only the Toba Batak tribe. According to the
explanation of the two leaders of this group, the
progress of the development of music in Indonesia
towards more modern music such as jazz, R & B
(Rhythm and Blues), rock'nroll, pop, and of course
to follow this development, this Toba Batak wind
group adopt performances from these genres that are
tailored to the needs of ceremonies and events in
(e) Promotion by maintaining customer trust, in
increasing competitiveness, the two groups carry out
marketing strategies by maintaining customer trust.
This strategy covers psychological, artistic, technical
and religious aspects. According to the explanation
of the two leaders of the inflatable group, in order to
maintain the continuity of their existence, one of the
marketing strategies they do is by maintaining
customer trust. This means that customers are people
who have trusted them, both in terms of
psychological closeness and the musical
performances they perform. All this is done so that
social relations are maintained and they get closer
(f) Maintaining the quality of performances, in
this marketing strategy, which is not done directly is
by the way each of these inflatable groups maintain
the quality of the performance. What they mean by
the quality of the show is the musical performance
of the inflatable group which includes: neat and
orderly performances, aesthetic compositions
according to the tastes of the Batak people, the use
of songs in accordance with the demands of the
times, as well as maintaining traditional songs as
identities that strengthen Batak culture. Likewise the
quality of appearance on the stage includes a good
sound system, the appearance of musicians and
singers well, if necessary in the performance at night
managed by exotic and interesting lighting and stage
(g) Providing various choices of performance
costs, in the framework of this marketing strategy,
the two groups of winds, get around the economic
capabilities and tastes of consumers by providing
various forms of performances at different costs.
This they do based on experience in the field. That
among those consumers there is someone who wants
a simple form of performance such as the genre of
sulkib (sulim and keyboard), or a keyboard and a
trio of vocals. What was important to them in the
ceremony they held was accompanied by and
colored musical performances characterized by
Batak, but with a relatively simple form and
(A) The management of the Mangampu Tua
organization is based on the management of
traditional musical groups found in the Toba Batak
culture. Its management is very dependent on the
chairman or leader of this organization of wind
music, even this chairman has also been named the
owner of the organization of wind music. In this
case the Old Mangampu is chaired by M. Silaban.
However, organizational authority does not fully
support the group leaders. In the Mangampu Tua
group, a music leader is also appointed, who is
responsible for the performance and distribution of
players' honorariums. The group leader shares the
organization's power and authority with its members.
Under the head of music, there are several
musicians: saxophone, trombone, trumpet, sulim,
bass guitar, string guitar, and gondang, as well as
keyboard players. Organizationally, when the
beginning of the development of wind music and
experiencing glory, most music players are
permanent members of this group, but now
according to the development of the times when so
many similar groups emerged which resulted in a
lack of show orders, the majority of Old Mangampu
music players were freelance.
The Tambunan inflatable music group also bases
its organization on the main role of the group leader,
Mr. S. Tambunan. Slightly different from
Mangampu Tua who recruited members based on
friendship and musical skills, the Tambunan Musik
inflatable music group put forward the members of
one clan, namely the Tanmbunan clan, though not
all of them. Then it is also quite different from the
Old Mangampu which divides organizational
elements into three groups, namely the group leader,
musician leader, and musicians - the Tambunan
music group uses only two organizational elements,
namely the group leader, and the musician.
However, to guard not to get a vacancy of players,
this group divides the two groups of music players,
namely those who are semi-permanent and those
who are freelance.
Still in relation to the management of this
organization, especially its financial management,