The Study of Organizational, Production, and Marketing
Management in Mangampu Tua and Tambunan Brass Band
Ensamble Groups at Medan
Muhammad Takari and Elisabeth Purba
Faculty of Cultural Science, University of Sumatera Utara
Keywords: Management, Organization, Production, Marketing, Brass Band.
Abstract: The theme this paper is the brass band ensamble management. The main question in this research are, how
management application, in (a) organization, (b) production, and (c) marketing in two brass band group at
Medan, Mangampu Tua and Tambunan, by qualitative method, and researchers as participant observer. The
fieldwork data analyzed by management and ethnomusicology science. We use three main theory:
organization, production, and marketing management. The finding this research are: (A) the organization
management based on Batak Toba tradition management, they adopted the musicians based on patrilineal
kinship and friendly system, meeting with verbal media, very focused the role of the leader, the musicians
majority as freelance player. (B) The production management based on repertoires Toba Batak musical
tradition, plus North Sumatran another ethnic musics, Indonesian’s popular musics, and world popular
musics. There are variations the group of musicians accordingly to market demand, as simple in sulim and
keyboard, the trio vocalist plus keyboard, and the full ensamble. (C) The marketing management two brass
band groups use the oral media, the group card name, plank, quality of performance, discount the money of
performance, variated the performances to equilibrium the economic power of demander, etc.
In filling their lives, humans create and are based on
culture which includes elements: religious systems,
languages, technology, education, social
organizations, arts, and economics. These cultural
elements can be realized in forms: ideas, activities,
and artifacts (Koentjaraningrat, 1990). In living life
and culture, humans must work in certain fields,
which involve management. The same is true of art
groups. These artists generally form art
organizations. This organization was created by
humans to manage their lives more directed and
Etymologically the word management comes
from French management, which means the art of
implementing and regulating. While
terminologically experts define management in
various ways. Terry (2005:1) defines management as
a process that involves guidance or direction of a
group of people towards tangible organizational
goals. Thus management is an effort carried out
jointly to determine and achieve organizational goals
by implementing the functions of planning,
organizing, directing, staffing, and controlling. In
this paper, three main issues are examined, namely:
how is organizational, production, and marketing
management of the Mangampu Tua and Tambunan
music group?
To support understanding in discussing problems,
several reference books are used, as follows. (1)
Performance Management Books, written by
Wibowo (2014), discuss performance management,
which creates relationships and ensures effective
communication. Performance management focuses
on what organizations, managers, and workers need
to succeed. (2) Aritonang research, 1992, in Melody
Analysis of Brass Music at Saur Matua Traditional
Ceremonies in Medan Municipality, describing the
traditional ceremonies of the Toba Batak death
through an approach to analyzing the melody of
music played by wind music groups by presenting
the concept of margondang music. (3) Sianturi,
2012, wrote a thesis entitled The Ensemble of
Takari, M. and Purba, E.
The Study of Organizational, Production, and Marketing Management in Mangampu Tua and Tambunan Brass Band Ensamble Groups at Medan.
DOI: 10.5220/0009198600430050
In Proceedings of the 2nd Economics and Business International Conference (EBIC 2019) - Economics and Business in Industrial Revolution 4.0, pages 43-50
ISBN: 978-989-758-498-5
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Inflatable Music at the Toba Batak Traditional
Ceremony, describing and reviewing the repertoire
of musical structures that functioned at traditional
ceremonies in the Toba Batak community. (4)
Sinurat, 2001, which examines the Development of
Brass Music in Medan City with the Entry of Music
Elements of the Toba Batak Tradition in a music
group in the city of Medan. This thesis highlights
and focuses on how the Toba Batak traditional
musical instruments enter acculturatively into the
wind ensemble. (5) Damanik (2006) analyzes the
ups and downs of wind music organizations in
Medan. It can be seen from the results of his study
that the periods of ups and downs of the inflatable
group occurred, due to the law of demand and
2.1 Concepts and Theories
Music is a sound organization that plays an active
role in human life. The important role of music is
also very much needed in a culture either through
vocals, instruments, or a combination of both. Music
always develops its form, use, and function in the
midst of society. Among the functions of music is as
a medium of entertainment, ritual, worship, and
education. Music is one part of the arts that is
enjoyed through hearing through sound color,
rhythm, melody, harmony, and dynamics that are
woven in a texture that can produce an expression.
Brass band is a form of wind which consists
entirely of musical instruments made of brass, which
originated in the 1820s. Brass bands were used by
the cavalry regiment and became very well-known
especially in the United Kingdom and the United
States. In England, brass bands became a military
tradition together with wooden wind ensembles in
the 1800s. The brass band music tradition that
originally appeared in Europe and America, in this
day and age has become a musical tradition of other
nations, including the Toba Batak people in North
Sumatra, which is also commonly referred to as an
inflatable music ensemble.
The three main theories used in reviewing the
inflatable ensemble management system. (A) In
reviewing organizational management,
organizational and leadership theory are used,
namely organizing is the whole process of grouping
people, tools, tasks, responsibilities and authorities
in such a way as to create an organization that can be
moved as a unity in order to achieve predetermined
(B) To review the management of musical art
production by Mangampu Tua and Tambunan in
Medan, production management theory was used.
According to Assauri (1980), production is defined
as all activities in creating and adding to the use of
goods or services, for which activities require
production factors in economics in the form of land,
labor, and skills (organization, managerial, and
skills). The optimal production area of a company
will be fulfilled by the following factors: (a) the
availability of basic materials, (b) the availability of
machinery capacity, (c) availability of labor, (d) the
amount of demand for production, (e) availability
other production factors.
(C) To examine how the two music groups
market their products in the form of performances,
marketing management theory is used. This theory
rests on how products in the form of goods and
services are marketed, according to the needs of
their customers. Assauri (2004) states that marketing
is the activity of analyzing, planning, coordinating,
and controlling all activities related to product
design and launch, communication, promotion, and
distribution of these products, setting prices and
transacting, in order to satisfy consumers and while
being able to achieve the goals of corporate
organization in the long term.
2.2 Brass Band in Toba Batak Culture
at Medan
Before Christianity appeared in Batak land, the
music used in traditional customs events, or other
ritual events was the gondang sabangunan ensemble
and the uning-uningan ensemble that was used to
call ancestral spirits and in the context of other
traditional ceremonies. Gondang as a local wisdom
for Batak people has a strategic role in the
environment of this community's cultural activities.
Along with the entry of Christian religion, it also
developed an inflatable music ensemble.
Now wind music for the Batak people seems to
have been culturally attached. At each wedding
ceremony and death of saur matua or other events,
always include the genre of wind music as part of
this ceremony. In its development, wind music
groups were found in various big cities that were
professionally managed to accommodate the
demands of the Toba Batak community in
conducting ceremonies.
The presence of an inflatable music ensemble in
the cultural life of the Toba Batak community,
especially its use in the ceremony of the death of
Saur Matua, gave rise to many different reactions
among the Batak people themselves. Some people
are worried about the presence of this wind music,
which erodes the role of gondang. The view of
Christian theology gives the assumption that the
presence of wind music is a "savior" for Batak
EBIC 2019 - Economics and Business International Conference 2019
The first Toba Batak wind music group is
Tambunan Music Group, which grew and developed
in the village of Tambunan Balige, which then
moved to the city of Medan. With the presence of
this music group, making musicians who do not
have jobs yet have the knowledge and musical talent
join in looking for landlords to form new wind
groups. Within a few decades, the Tambunan
inflatable music group in Balige accompanied a
traditional event in the city of Medan. The same is
the case with the first use in the Toba Samosir area.
But beforehand in the city of Medan there were
already inflatable music groups accompanying the
traditional ceremonies of death, specifically for
spiritual songs. This group serves long-term
activities similar to the time determined by the
musician itself, because the musicians consist of
police officers. This group was called the Brimob
Music Corps in the care of the Mobilization
Detachment Brigade of the North Sumatra Police
around 1978 to 1986.
Based on historical facts, the first wind music
group that appeared in Medan was Duma Music.
This group was founded in March 1987. Duma
Musik is in Medan City, when it was formed it
consisted of 10 members from the City of Balige
who were contracted for two years. When Duma
Musik was formed in the city of Medan, actually
there were already inflatable bands in several
churches and the Regional Police of North Sumatra,
but because the players pulled out from areas in the
Toba Batak region and did not have a specific name
and binding organization, the authors considered that
the beginning of forming an inflatable music group
based on the organization was Duma Music.
Tambunan Music experiences glory from the
beginning of its formation. With 12 members of the
player, Tambunan Musik performed with a complete
inflatable music ensemble, so it seemed more grand
and luxurious. Tambunan Music still survives today
even though with various dynamics in it and the
players in it have also been changing. The
Tambunan Music player who still remains today is
only Mr. S. Tambunan who is the leader of
Tambunan Music at this time.
In 1995, the number of inflatable bands in the
city of Medan again increased. This year, Horas
Music was formed and then followed Tonggo Music
and Parulian Music. Of the three inflatable groups,
only Tonggo Musik still survives to this day. So in
1995 there were 5 inflatable bands in the city of
Medan namely; Duma Music or Esperanza Music,
Tambunan Music, Horas Music, Tonggo Music, and
Parulian Music.
In 1997 the monetary crisis that occurred in
Indonesia was enough to influence the development
of wind music groups in the city of Medan. Until
around 2000 there were no inflatable bands formed.
However, in the era of the 2000s and beyond there
were developments marked by the formation of
many new wind groups. In 2018 there were around
23 inflatable music in the city of Medan.
2.3 Organizational Management
Independent Variable
The two wind music groups, namely Mangampu Tua
and Tambunan Music can be classified as traditional
based organizations, which are passed down from
one generation to the next regularly following the
norms that occur in that society. According to Takari
(2008), the management of art carried out by people
in Indonesia archipelago [including the Toba Batak]
is traditionally the following. (a) Artistry is not the
main profession but a side job, (b) highlight the
leaders who are usually also the main artists and the
main funding supporters of the organization, (c)
distribution of honorariums that are somewhat
confidential, and usually "sweet" words such as
"cash money," "money tired," and the like, (d)
division of tasks is not very specific, (e)
organizations of traditional traditional arts are rarely
formed based on certificates, (f) recruitment of
artists is "revoked," (g) the principle is family, (h)
very closely with rituals.
Similarly, what happened in the two
organizations of wind music, namely the Old
Mangampu and Tambunan Music. For the case of
the Mangampu Tua, this group even though they still
use family and family principles, but they are more
open. This means that this group accepts other clans
outside the leadership clan, Silaban. But for the
Tambunan Musik case, they prioritized the family
principle, especially the colleague of one clan, but
still the Tambunan clan. Although they also included
musicians outside the Tambunan clan, in principle
this organization prioritized and the majority of its
members were surnamed Tambunan.
In accordance with Takari's description, then in
the case of the wind music group Mangampu Tua
and Tambunan Musik, the ritual aspects of the Toba
Batak tradition with musical performances are very
closely related. But the other side is interesting, even
though what they do is seen and lived as worship,
but these music players still expect the honorarium
in each show. So the aspects of worship and
economy in these groups go hand in hand and
strengthen each other, not only dominated by aspects
of worship, so they are sincere if they are not given
The Study of Organizational, Production, and Marketing Management in Mangampu Tua and Tambunan Brass Band Ensamble Groups at
(A) The Mangampu Tua music group was
established on December 6, 1998 in Medan and does
not have a notary certificate. The owner and leader
of the Mangampu Tua music group is M. Silaban.
This Mangampu Tua music group is in great demand
by Batak people in Medan City. Usually a day or
two can order them to play music in different places.
The economic impact benefits musicians.
According to M. Silaban in every month, when
they are in the decade of the 1980s, the number of
orders or calls to play music can reach up to 40 to 50
times on average. In line with the times, with more
and more birth of inflatable music groups in the city
of Medan, resulting in increasingly intense
competition, making a lack of orders to play music
to each group. As a result, it reduces the income of
managers, chairmen, and musicians. At present, the
musicians in the Mangampu Tua group are mostly
freelance musicians, by the management they are
given the freedom to play with any music group
other than Mangampu Tua, if there is no order to
play music for this group. They are commonly
referred to as musicians "pull out."
(B) The Tambunan music group is from the
Pematangsiantar area, which was founded in 1980
by S. Tambunan. He took members of his music
group from Pematangsiantar. He trained local youth
to learn instrument sulim, keyboard, taganing, and
As it grew and many people used the Tambunan
music group, S. Tambunan added members to his
music and made facilities for the members of his
music. The facilities provided are housing for
members of the music, vehicles, and a fairly large
salary and they are bound by a contract in the
Tambunan music group.
Within a month in the 1980s, the number of
orders or calls to play music reached up to 30-40
times. But the growing age, more and more
emerging music groups in the city of Medan or
outside the city of Medan. So this made competition
in the wind music groups in Medan tight and made a
lack of orders to play music in Tambunan's group.
The impact is making less income for musicians.
During its heyday, musicians were bound by
contracts and provided with housing facilities. In
accordance with social conditions, then in the
present period starting in 2005 to 2015, musicians
are no longer provided with housing facilities and
are not tied to work. The musicians in Tambunan
have been freelance or have been free to go to any
music group if there are no calls to play music in the
Tambunan music group.
Figure 1: The Organizational Structure of Mangampu Tua
Figure 2: The Organizational Structure of Tambunan
The complete cost of performing the inflatable
groups is as follows.
(A)Mangampu Tua, chairman or leader of musicians
namely A. Silaban who arranges musicians and
divides his salary. The performance costs based on
the distance and proximity of the venue are as
1. The cost of performances in the city of Medan
and its surroundings, with a complete ensemble,
is in the range of IDR 2,500,000 to IDR
2. The cost of the show in Medan and surrounding
areas, with a complete ensemble, plus the
gondang sabangunan ensemble is IDR 3,500,000,
because they added 3 more gondang players.
3. The cost of the show at Brastagi, complete with
all musical equipment, is IDR 4,000,000 to IDR
4. The cost of the show in Balige and Dolok The
complete bun of all musical instruments in the
range of IDR 10,000,000 to IDR 12,000,000.
5. The cost of the show in Medan, which only uses
sulim and keyboard (sulkib) is IDR 1,500,000
6. The cost of the show in Medan, which only uses
the trio singer and keyboard is IDR 1,500,000
EBIC 2019 - Economics and Business International Conference 2019
(B) Tambunan Music, show fees can be specified as
1. Performances in the city of Medan in a complete
wind music ensemble of IDR 2,500,000
(determined by the leader of this fee will be
deducted by 10% (IDR 250,000) for
2. If the show is only a keyboard and flute in the
city of Medan, it costs IDR 1,200,000 (with a
distribution of IDR 250,000 for two players; and
Rp. 700,000 for the owner and transportation
3. If you leave Medan City and show in the City of
Brastagi, Karo, the cost of the show is IDR
4. All performances above, if added gondang music
involving 2 people, then each gondang player
gets an honorarium of IDR 300,000 (two players
IDR 600,000) for the venue for performances in
Medan. If you leave Medan City 2 people x IDR
1,000,000 = IDR 2,000,000.
Nowadays, in Medan, seldom use gondang, now
people prefer to use keyboards and just the reason to
save because of the difficulty of making money now.
The honorarium distribution system conducted by
the Mangampu Tua music group is the distribution
of results, which are determined as follows.
(A) Old Mangampu
1. For all players, 30% of IDR 2,500,000 = IDR
750,000. So, for each music player that is equal
to IDR 750,000 / 8 people = DR 93,750.
2. For owners (group leaders) of 70% of IDR
2,500,000 = IDR 1,750,000
(B) Tambunan Music
1. 20% of the one-time income for the owner.
2. As much as 80% of the one-time income for
music players after deducting the cost of
transporting goods in the form of musical
instruments and sound systems. The price
determined by the Tambunan music group for
each consumer who booked the Tambunan music
group at a party around Medan was IDR
2,500,000, for example the cost of transporting
goods amounting to IDR 200,000, which was
divided by IDR 2,300,000 where 20% x
2,300,000 = IDR 460,000 for owners and
musicians there are 7 people so that 7 people get
80% x 2,300,000 = IDR 1,840,000; so each
musician gets IDR 1,840,000 / 7 people = IDR
2.4 Production Management
One of the factors that used this wind music outside
the church was due to the limitations of the gondang
sabangunan ensemble to be used as accompaniment
on the event. The second reason, as one of the
factors when in the event of the death of a wealthy
and respected businessman in Balige in the 1950s.
His death, which had no offspring for the Batak
people, was called mate ponggol, an unwanted death
in the traditional life of the Batak people. This kind
of death is not condemned, including not being
allowed to use music during the funeral ceremony
with the accompaniment of gondang sabangunan.
Prestige hasangapon which is inherent makes them
show authority by inviting wind music at the
ceremony of his death. The Batak people who
witnessed the ceremony were moved and were
amazed at the ceremony. In a relatively short time,
the idea of the community to use wind music for an
alternative to gondang sabangunan arose.
The first time the inflatable music was used in
the ceremonies of the death of Saur Matua was the
result of deliberations by members of the church,
because they felt they were united with the wind
music that had been heard and presented during
worship services and on Christmas and New Year's
Day. They assume that wind music can have a dual
function, namely in ceremonies and ceremonies.
Inflatable music was originally used in the
traditional Saur Matua ceremony around the 1950s
and was combined with the music of gondang
In the implementation of adat, wind music is
performed to accompany tortor (Batak dance) during
the ceremony. Thus this wind music is a tool for the
panorors for respect for God, the elements of
succession of Natolu, and all the people present at
the ceremony. Before the intermediate elements of
natolu paopat sihal-sihal (the kinship elements of
natolu and elements of friends who died in groups or
individuals) gave words of comfort to the bereaved
family, they were greeted with wind music and the
tortor (tradition dance) of the deceased family.
Dalihan natolu's relatives pay homage to the
deceased and the family asks for gondang in the
wind music group, according to the rules for
gondang demand in the traditional Toba Batak
tradition. During funerals, wind music is also used
and presents songs that are adopted from Christian
hymns on Ende Books.
Just as in the traditional ceremony of saur matua
(the death of perfect old man), wind music is also
The Study of Organizational, Production, and Marketing Management in Mangampu Tua and Tambunan Brass Band Ensamble Groups at
used to accompany the traditional Toba Batak
marriage ceremony. In this ceremony, wind music is
played at certain times, namely: (1) when picking up
the bride from her parents' house (marsibuha-buhai),
(2) accompanying the bride from the house to the
church, (3) when the bride enters customary hall, (4)
when receiving donations from the invitation
(manjalo), and (5) at the time of mangulosi
(receiving ulos from two elements of dalihan natolu
and those who love them).
After the ceremony of blessing the marriage in
the church, the two brides and their families and
other invitees will leave the church and prepare to
enter the building where the traditional ceremony
will take place. The entry of the bride and the whole
family to the traditional house was greeted with
wind music, until all invitations entered the building,
and took positions according to custom. In addition,
wind music is played during a batch ride. The last
time the inflatable music was played to accompany
the mangulosi ceremony was to give ulos to the
bride and her party by the parboru (women's party).
All the songs performed by this wind music are not
bound and generally what is often performed in a
wedding ceremony is the Anakonhi Do Hamoraon di
Ahu song from North Tapanuli, at a Selayang
Pandang (Glence) from Malay culture, Poco-poco
from Eastern Indonesia, Lapaloma from Spain, or
song Tapanuli's pop song.
2.5 Marketing Management
In relation to marketing within these Toba Batak
wind music groups in Medan, each group has their
own marketing policies. However, in general, the
marketing they do generally includes: (a) promotion,
(b) media and means of introducing wind music
groups, (c) negotiating performance costs, (d)
introduction of leaders and musicians, and similar
(a) Reported verbally, which was carried out by
these two wind music groups, through kelisanan. In
this case, the existence of the two groups of music
was conveyed by the management (leaders and
musical artists) to all those who were known or were
newly known. The content of oral communication
messages in this regard is about the existence of a
music group that they are members of the group.
Then to the person who receives the message
(communicant) who is later expected to invite or use
the services of this group's musical performances,
told about the existence of the inflatable group,
especially its advantages both in terms of product
superiority and price. But in this case according to
the two leaders of the inflatable group, they did not
vilify other groups, or negatively promote other
music groups, and promoted positively towards their
own music groups. They only communicate what is
superior in this group.
(b) Promotion through business cards and
plankat, besides marketing management carried out
by Mangampu Tua and Tambunan Musik wind
music is to give business cards that they have
printed, to their family or close relatives. Also
handing out business cards at family gatherings. In
addition, the two inflatable bands made plans for a
music group to be installed in front of the main road
of their activity headquarters, which can be seen by
many people. So the promotion technique in the
framework of this marketing is by visiting
acquaintances or relatives who are already sick,
especially in conditions of serious illness (usually
hospitalized), to use their music groups in various
traditional Batak ceremonies. According to the
explanation of the two inflatable groups, usually
what happens often is that close relatives of this
music group ask for a discount or ask for a tilted
price from the actual price, making this music group
sometimes experience reduced money coming in for
this music group.
Figure 3: Performing Situation of Mangampu Tua Brass
Band in Medan City
Sumber: Dokumentasi Takari dan Elisabeth Purba, 2018
(c) Marketing strategy with discounted show
fees, these two wind music groups in Medan City
also offer discounted show fees, the amount of
which is not more than 10% of the usual price or
standard price. The main purpose of this discount is
to attract interested people who will use their
services in a traditional ceremony or other event in
the Toba Batak culture. According to the two grum
leaders' speeches, with a promotional strategy with
discounts, it will be able to increase the number of
consumers or their potential recipients for various
EBIC 2019 - Economics and Business International Conference 2019
purposes of this Toba Batak culture. They recognize
this discount strategy as a form of economic activity
in any field. The goal is to attract more consumers
and also adjust to the financial capacity of
(d) Expansion of the genre of musical
performance production, both of the inflatable bands
although specializing in the flow of music to
traditional Toba Batak. However, they also improve
the quality and quantity of music in the Tambunan
and Mangampu Tua music groups, in a better and
broader direction so that all people can enjoy not
only the Toba Batak tribe. According to the
explanation of the two leaders of this group, the
progress of the development of music in Indonesia
towards more modern music such as jazz, R & B
(Rhythm and Blues), rock'nroll, pop, and of course
to follow this development, this Toba Batak wind
group adopt performances from these genres that are
tailored to the needs of ceremonies and events in
(e) Promotion by maintaining customer trust, in
increasing competitiveness, the two groups carry out
marketing strategies by maintaining customer trust.
This strategy covers psychological, artistic, technical
and religious aspects. According to the explanation
of the two leaders of the inflatable group, in order to
maintain the continuity of their existence, one of the
marketing strategies they do is by maintaining
customer trust. This means that customers are people
who have trusted them, both in terms of
psychological closeness and the musical
performances they perform. All this is done so that
social relations are maintained and they get closer
(f) Maintaining the quality of performances, in
this marketing strategy, which is not done directly is
by the way each of these inflatable groups maintain
the quality of the performance. What they mean by
the quality of the show is the musical performance
of the inflatable group which includes: neat and
orderly performances, aesthetic compositions
according to the tastes of the Batak people, the use
of songs in accordance with the demands of the
times, as well as maintaining traditional songs as
identities that strengthen Batak culture. Likewise the
quality of appearance on the stage includes a good
sound system, the appearance of musicians and
singers well, if necessary in the performance at night
managed by exotic and interesting lighting and stage
(g) Providing various choices of performance
costs, in the framework of this marketing strategy,
the two groups of winds, get around the economic
capabilities and tastes of consumers by providing
various forms of performances at different costs.
This they do based on experience in the field. That
among those consumers there is someone who wants
a simple form of performance such as the genre of
sulkib (sulim and keyboard), or a keyboard and a
trio of vocals. What was important to them in the
ceremony they held was accompanied by and
colored musical performances characterized by
Batak, but with a relatively simple form and
(A) The management of the Mangampu Tua
organization is based on the management of
traditional musical groups found in the Toba Batak
culture. Its management is very dependent on the
chairman or leader of this organization of wind
music, even this chairman has also been named the
owner of the organization of wind music. In this
case the Old Mangampu is chaired by M. Silaban.
However, organizational authority does not fully
support the group leaders. In the Mangampu Tua
group, a music leader is also appointed, who is
responsible for the performance and distribution of
players' honorariums. The group leader shares the
organization's power and authority with its members.
Under the head of music, there are several
musicians: saxophone, trombone, trumpet, sulim,
bass guitar, string guitar, and gondang, as well as
keyboard players. Organizationally, when the
beginning of the development of wind music and
experiencing glory, most music players are
permanent members of this group, but now
according to the development of the times when so
many similar groups emerged which resulted in a
lack of show orders, the majority of Old Mangampu
music players were freelance.
The Tambunan inflatable music group also bases
its organization on the main role of the group leader,
Mr. S. Tambunan. Slightly different from
Mangampu Tua who recruited members based on
friendship and musical skills, the Tambunan Musik
inflatable music group put forward the members of
one clan, namely the Tanmbunan clan, though not
all of them. Then it is also quite different from the
Old Mangampu which divides organizational
elements into three groups, namely the group leader,
musician leader, and musicians - the Tambunan
music group uses only two organizational elements,
namely the group leader, and the musician.
However, to guard not to get a vacancy of players,
this group divides the two groups of music players,
namely those who are semi-permanent and those
who are freelance.
Still in relation to the management of this
organization, especially its financial management,
The Study of Organizational, Production, and Marketing Management in Mangampu Tua and Tambunan Brass Band Ensamble Groups at
Mangampu Tua divides revenue by a slightly larger
amount than Tambunan Musik, which is to the
owner, which is 30%, the remaining 70% is shared
with all music players. Conversely, in the Tambunan
Music group, 20% for the owner, and 10% for
transportation were also paid to the owner, so it was
cumulative 30%. The remaining 70% is shared
equally among all musicians.
(B) The management of Mangampu Tua and
Tambunan Musik production is relatively the same.
The production produced by these two wind groups
is in the form of musical performances. The songs
presented are traditional Toba Batak songs, popular
Batak Toba songs, popular songs in the North
Sumatra area, other regional songs from the
Archipelago, national popular songs, even popular
world songs. In order to produce this musical
performance, both of them always look in the
context of the ceremony in which the production is
presented. If for ritual ceremonies, the production of
this musical performance will use repertoires that are
commonly used in the ritual tradition, but are added
with other songs when entering entertainment
(C) The marketing management carried out by
these two wind music groups can be said to be the
same. Both use marketing methods through: (i)
preached verbally, (ii) promotions through business
cards and plans; (iii) marketing strategies with
discount on show costs; (iv) the expansion of the
genre of musical performance production; (v)
promotion through maintaining customer trust; (vi)
maintain the quality of the performances, and (vii)
provide a variety of performance costs.
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EBIC 2019 - Economics and Business International Conference 2019