the future by separating divisions that have been
burdening the parent company's performance.
4. Based on the results of different return on asset
tests between the parent company and the spinoff,
it was found that ROA was not significantly
different. The majority of the parent company's
ROA and spinoff has decreased this indicates that
the efficiency of the assets of the parent company
and the receipt of valuable assets from the parent
company belonging to the spin-off company does
not make the company's net profit on assets
5. Based on the results of the market-to-book
difference test between the parent company and
spin-off, it was found that the parent company
MtB and spin-off decreased and were not
significantly different. The decrease in MtB that
occurred at the parent company and spinoffs
indicated that market optimism towards the parent
company and spinoffs decreased which resulted in
the company's market value falling against the
book value
Based on the conclusions above, some
suggestions can be given, namely:
1. Based on the results of this study, investors who
want to buy and sell shares in companies that do
business units (spin-offs) should not make this
information the only benchmark in investment
decision making, but also need to consider factors
other factors such as the financial performance or
fundamentals of the company concerned
2. The results of this study are useful for the
Indonesia Stock Exchange to control and
supervise for companies that will or have already
conducted spinoffs. BEI can create a special index
of spin-off companies for spin-off companies, to
be able to monitor historically and make it easier
for investors to see stock price movements and the
fundamental performance of spin-off companies
3. The results of this study can also be considered by
companies listed on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange who want to do spin-offs to better plan
for more mature business and need to seriously
calculate the initial investment that will be
prepared for spin-offs. So that the spin-off process
conducted by the company becomes attractive for
investors who want to invest in the parent
company and the spin-off company itself
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