The Influence of Social Media towards Intention to Visit Lake Toba
in North Sumatera
Endang Sulistya Rini and Beby Karina F. Sembiring
Department of Management, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Prof. T.M Hanafiah, SH, Kampus USU, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Social Media, Intention to Visit
Abstract: Lake Toba is one of the many places to visit in Indonesia. The volcanic lake, which has the dimension of 100
km long and 30 km wide; making it the biggest lake in Southeast Asia, is located in the province of North
Sumatra. It has eye-catching scenery and boasts many attractions that can be experienced, starting from
cultural experience and natural spots, manmade or not. Unfortunately, the lake is spoiled by household and
agricultural wastes. The water became polluted and has foul odor. The method of research is qualitative mixed
with quantitative with a descriptive technique. The data was acquired by asking 100 tourists that have never
visited the lake. The result of this research can be used as a mean for the government to increase the number
of visitors the lake has.
Tourism activities not only provide national income,
they also stimulate the socioeconomic of the
community welfare by creating new jobs as well as
bringing in foreign investments. This trend prompts
each province to develop its own tourism program by
marketing, improving infrastructure, building tourist
facilities, etc.
Social media is a group of internet-based
applications that are built based on ideology and
technology of Web 2.0, which makes user-generated
content exchange possible (Kaplan & Haenlein,
2010:53). According to Paramitha (2011:42), social
media is a media that allows social interaction in two
ways. Social media changes how information is being
spread on the internet, from one to the peers and
become peers to peers. Based on this research, social
media is an online communication tool that makes
social interaction easier which allows information to
travel further among the audience. Social media has
five characteristics such as participation, openness,
conversation, community, and connectivity.
The existence of internet-based social media
enables one person to communicate with hundreds,
even thousands of people, that can also be used by the
government to introduce and promote tourist
attractions. Foux (2006:6) said consumers (tourists)
assume that social media is a reliable source of
information for advertisement and service.
Consumers (tourists) that use a different kind of
social media tend to look for more information before
making a final decision (decision to visit). Basically,
the decision to visit is the decision one makes before
deciding to visit a place based on several factors. The
decision to visit is influenced by appealing factors
and driving factors. Driving factors are internal
factors that push an individual to travel while
appealing factors are factors from external that attract
the individual to the destination. (Crompton in Kozak
& Decrop, 2009:17).
One of the main tourist attractions in Indonesia is
Lake Toba. It is located in the province of North
Sumatra and is the biggest volcanic lake in Southeast
Asia. With length reaching 100 km and width of 30
km, the lake has spectacular sight and possesses many
unique attractions such as cultural experience and
natural spots, both natural and manmade.
Unfortunately, upon closer inspection, the lake is
being polluted by household and agricultural wastes.
The water has become polluted and emits a foul odor.
According to data from the Central Bureau of
Statistics (Badan Pusat Statistik - BPS) of North
Sumatra, there was a drop in the number of foreign
tourists that visited the lake in 2018. Foreign tourists
reached 270,837 in 2014, 229,288 in 2015, 233,643
in 2016, and 261,461 in 2017. However, in 2018,
there were only 231,465 foreign tourists; even after
the government has designated Lake Toba as one of
four of super prioritized main attractions. Toba is
expected to bring in 20 million foreign visitors and
Rini, E. and F. Sembiring, B.
The Influence of Social Media towards Intention to Visit Lake Toba in North Sumatera.
DOI: 10.5220/0009200201330136
In Proceedings of the 2nd Economics and Business International Conference (EBIC 2019) - Economics and Business in Industrial Revolution 4.0, pages 133-136
ISBN: 978-989-758-498-5
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
275 million local visitors in 2019 which will bring the
income of IDR 16 trillion.
2.1 Social Media
According to Kotler and Keller (2012:568), social
media is a tool that can be used to share texts,
pictures, audio, and videos with another user as well
as establishments.
Kaplan and Haenlein (2010) in Lesmana (2012:1)
define social media as a group of internet- based
applications that were built upon the ideology and
technology of Web 2.0 and enable the creation and
the exchange of user-generated content. Web
2.0 has become the very foundation of social
media. Social media is divided into different
categories; including social networks, forums,
weblogs, social blogs, microblogging, wiki, podcasts,
pictures, videos, ratings, and social bookmarks.
(Lesmana, 2012:10)
According to Paramitha (2011:42), social media
is a media that was designed to give easy access to
social interactions that are interactive or two ways.
Social media is based on internet technology that
changes the way information spreads from one to the
peers to become peers to peers.
Andreas M. Kaplan and Michael Haenlein (2010)
categorize social media into 6 (six) types:
1. Collaborative projects give ways to collaborate in
content creation among users simultaneously, i.e.
Wikipedia. A number of sites like this allow their
users to add, delete, and edit contents. Another
type of collaborative project is social
bookmarking that groups up anything that is
related to content media to the user liking.
2. Blogs are one of the first types of social media that
grew as private web and in general, show date-
stamped entries in chronological order. The most
popular type of blog is a text-based blog.
3. Content communities have their main goal of
sharing media content among users, such as text,
photos, videos, and PowerPoint presentations.
The users do not have to create a private profile
4. Social networking sites allow users to connect
with each other to create a profile with private
information and invite friends and family to
access the said profile and send emails as well as
instant messages. A profile usually consists of
photos, videos, audio recordings, blogs, etc.
Example of social networking sites are Facebook,
MySpace, and Google+
5. Virtual game worlds are platforms that replicate
the environment into three dimensions (3D)
which allow the users to appear as an avatar and
interact with others according to the rules.
6. The virtual social world allows the inhabitants to
act freely and to live as an avatar in a virtual world
like in real life. An example of this is Second Life.
According to Purnama (2011:116), social media
has its own special characteristics, including:
1. Range: The range of social media, from local to
2. Accessibility: social media can be accessed easily
with a cheaper fee.
3. Usability: social media is relatively easy to use
because there is no need for training or skills
4. Immediacy: social media could produce instant
reaction of the mass
5. Permanence: social media could change
comments instantly by editing.
2.2 Intention to Visit
The tourist’s interest to visit in Marketing for
Hospitality and Tourism can be assumed with the
interest to buy a product (Sholikha 2019). Meanwhile,
consumers’ interest to buy is part of a consumer’s
behavior in consuming, with the tendency of being
respondent before making the right decision in buying
the product (Fitriah, 2018:77).
According to Annafik and Rahardjo, the buying
interest is a phase when an individual list all possible
choice to buy and ends up buying a product or a
service based on several consideration. (Fitriah,
2018:78) claims that buying interest is obtained from
the learning process and thoughts that could shape a
Buying temptation according to Fungkiya (2018)
is a tendency, passion, and desire to possess
something. Temptation is an aspect of psychology
that has an enormous effect to an individuals
behavior as well as a source of motivation that will
guide them in what they are doing. According to
Ferdinand (2002:129) the interest to buy / to visit can
be identified by a number of indicators such as:
1. Transactional interest, a tendency for someone to
buy a product
2. Referential interest, a tendency for someone to
refer a product to someone else
3. Preferential, a tendency that shows an individual’s
behavior that has first preference of a product.
This tendency tends to swap the product in case of
something happening to the product.
4. Exploration interest, a tendency that shows an
individual’s behavior that is always looking for
information about a product that they are looking
at by finding the positives of the product.
EBIC 2019 - Economics and Business International Conference 2019
to Visit
H0: There is NO significant impact of social media
towards the interest to visit Lake Toba
H1: There is a significant impact of social media
towards the interest to visit Lake Toba
The research method that is used is qualitative that is
combined with quantitative with a descriptive
technique. The data acquisition was done by creating
a questionnaire and given to 100 visitors that have
been to Lake Toba.
4.1 Descriptive Analysis
Based on the sex descriptive result, there are 53 male
respondents (53%) while there are 47 female
respondents (47%). The descriptive result that is
based on age shows that there are 92 individuals who
are in the age of 17-25 years old (92%), 5 individuals
of the age of 26-35 years old (5%), 2 individuals of
the age 36-45 years old (2%), and an individual of the
age of 45 years old (1%).
The descriptive result that is based on the
profession can be seen that there are 5 civil employees
(5%), 4 entrepreneurs (4%), 7 high school students
(7%), 83 university students (83%) and 1 other
profession (1%).
The descriptive result on how the respondents
knew about Lake Toba can be shown by each number;
66 individuals know or hear from friends and family
(66%), 5 individuals that have heard from
advertisement in printed media (5%), 16 individuals
that have heard from social media (16%), and 1 other
method (1%).
4.2 Hypothesis Results
Multicollinearity test
Table 4.1.
Collinearity Statistics
Tolerance VIF
Social Media
a. Dependent Variable: The Interest
Table 4.1. above shows, the value of variance
inflation factor for the independent variable is less
than 10 (VIF < 10) and the tolerance value is less or
equal to 0.1 (tolerance value ≥ 0,1)
Significance test for partial correlation (t-test)
Table 4.2.
a. Dependent Variable: The Interest
The variable on social media gives positive and
significant impact on the interest of visit as seen from
the significance value (0.000) is less than 0.05 and the
t-value (5.298) is bigger than t-table (1.984)
Determination Coefficient Test (R
Table 4.3.
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Erro
the Estimate
,223 ,215 1,435
a. Predictors: (Constant), Social Media
b. Dependent Variable: The Interest
The value of Adjusted R Square is 0.25. Meaning
that 21.5% of the interest to visit can be explained by
Social Media. Meanwhile the 78.5% can be explained
by other factors that are not being identified in this
The impacts of Social Media towards the interest
to visit
Based on the result of the analysis from this research,
it is known that the variable X (social media) has a
The Influence of Social Media towards Intention to Visit Lake Toba in North Sumatera
significant effect on the variable Y (interest to visit
Lake Toba). The tests that were carried out obtained
the significant value of 0.000 so that the significance
of probability < significance α is (0.000<0.05). This
can be simplified that variable X has a significant
effect on variable Y.
The descriptive result that is based on the sex of
the respondents shows that males are more willing to
make the trip than the female counterparts. If the
result is changed to age category, it shows that the
younger generation is more willing to take a trip there
in their free time. The range of the age, 17-25, shows
that most of them are still in high school or university,
where most of them travel when there are school
activities during the holidays.
The result of this research is backed up by the
result from Amalia (2019) that says social media has
a significant and positive effect on the interest to visit.
This research is also similar with what
Wicaksono (2017) has done that resulted in social
media platform, Instagram does indeed have an effect
on the followers’ interest to visit the place.
The government is strongly expected to provide the
need of young foreign visitors like Wifi in public area
so that they still able to access social media. When
they access social media, they tend to upload photos
that will also promote the site of Lake Toba.
To increase the variable on social media, the
regional government ought to provide many places
that are instagrammable so that the tourist are
triggered to take photos and upload them on their
social media.
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