comprehensively and holistically about the forms of
local wisdom that are utilized in improving the
economy of the community. Given the essence of
qualitative methods in looking at society as a subject,
based on the views of the community itself (emic
view), so that the data obtained is really as it is
(Moleong, 2000).
2.2 The Research of Informan
Informants in this study included key informants who
were considered to be able to provide a lot of
information needed in this study. Additional
informants are likely to increase as long as they are
considered able to provide information that is relevant
to the research objectives. There are no restrictions on
the number of informants, as long as the data needed
has answered the objectives of this study. Key
informants chosen included: BUMDES management,
mangrove ecotourism manager and Lubuk Kertang
Village Head.
3.1 Existing Conditions of Mangrove
Ecotourism Management
Management of mangrove ecotourism in Lubuk
Kertang Village, currently managed by several self-
help groups, namely: Mekar Group (established in
2006), Sustainable Mangrove Group (established
since 2008) and Gold Mangrove Group (established
in 2014). Of the three mangrove management groups,
the Mekar Group was the first group involved in
mangrove management. They pro-actively initiated
community awareness to move to carry out
conservation and rehabilitation activities of
mangrove forests which had suffered damage in the
1990s. The establishment of the Mekar Group is the
result of the initiation of several non-governmental
organizations that routinely advocate for the
rehabilitation and conservation of mangroves in
Lubuk Kertang Village.
Mekar Group's income source is not only from
tourist visit retribution, but also the source of income
is through group activities, including various types of
food sold to visitors, boat tours, relaxing huts,
bathroom retribution, merchant tax and kiosk tax. In
its development, the Mekar Group has collaborated
with several government and non-government
The collaboration takes place in the form of
partnerships, which consist of: partnerships with the
North Sumatra Provincial Forestry Service through a
partnership forest program, the Natural Resources
Conservation Agency, the Forest Management Unit,
Pertamina and the Langkat District Environmental
Management Agency. As is the case, Pertamina
which provides cash and facilities every year, Yagasu
(Sumatra Elephant Foundation) also provides
assistance to them (Aulia, 2017). But they are only
limited to providing assistance, not participating in
the management of the tourist area (Purba et al, 2018).
Because, in management such as cleaning,
renovating, reforestation of mangroves is currently
still managed by the Mekar Group. Currently there
are 43 people in the blossom group, including the
chairman (Purba et al, 2018).
3.2 Barriers to Synergy of Mangrove
Ecotourism Management with
Lubuk Kertang BUMDES
The main approach in this study uses the concept of
empowerment in placing the people of Lubuk
Kertang Village in West Brandan Subdistrict Langkat
District not only as an object in managing mangrove
ecotourism, but also as its subjects who play an active
role in developing village income through developing
BUMDES to create village economic independence
(Suparjan et al, 2003: 43).
The establishment of BUMDES must begin as a
pattern to strengthen the economy of the village
community. The village economic embryo must first
be clearly identified. Indispensable identification
should not be established after the BUMDES does not
include any activities in it and currently that occurs in
some BUMDES. This is because the establishment of
BUMDES only through a "project approach" is not
based on a strength and potential of local resources
(Saputra et al, 2014). BUMDES as an instrument to
move the economy of the community has not yet fully
become an understanding among local economic
activities and village people. Finally, the BUMDES
should be the initial capital of the social movement
from the "economic" struggle that has not been
maximally achieved.
The awareness of the village community to
understand their position in order to take the village
into an economic center has not yet become a goal.
BUMDES is present as a place to organize village
people to increase their enthusiasm in strengthening
and developing the economy. BUMDES can be used
as a sharing tool for village community groups to
improve product quality and quantity while
discussing the strategic development of marketing. So
BUMDES will gradually become a center for them if