effectively and efficiently. Various kinds of research
about development strategy of SMEs in Indonesia
have been conducted, among them by (Winarni, 2006;
Situmorang, 2008; Hafsah, 2004). Basically,
strategies of SMEs development that are proposed by
the researchers are not based on its advantages or local
potencies (SMEs potencies) and external
opportunities, as well as the development strategies
proposed are still based on qualitative approach.
Although there are many in number, SMEs
encounter the main problem, namely additional value
of their products is relatively small. It is because of
their small capital so that the opportunity to expand is
limited. Secondly, human resources are relatively
low, thus, level of creativity and product innovation
is low as well. The third, marketing network that they
have is limited. The fourth, the system of organization
management has not work well yet. Therefore, the
process of development and coaching of small and
medium enterprisesis is a must to be carried out by
local government in the era of regional outonomy if it
does not want to be left behind and knocked out from
economic development in the period of upcoming
free market. The objectives of this research are 1)
Analyzing sectors of superior SMEs that are the most
potential to be developed; 2) Identifying competitive
superiority of SMEs; 3) Formulating development
strategies for superior sector of SMEs.
Types and Data Sources
Data used in this research were subject data, namely
the data that were in formed of opinion, attitude,
experience or character of person or group who
became research subjects (respondents) (Hasanah,
2018). Data sources in this research were primary
data, that was the research data which were obtained
directly from the data sources that were particularly
collected and directly related with the problems
observed. The primary data in this research were
obtained through dividing or distributing
questionnaires that were given to the respondents who
in this case were businessmen in category of micro
small business. Besides that, the data sources in this
research were secondary data, that was, the data that
were generally collected by institution of data
collector and published for data user community
(Kuncoro, 2005). The data collections that were going
to be conducted by using multiple source of evidence,
were interview, archive study and direct observation.
Interview was used as main data sources. The
stakeholders who became respondents in order to gain
the research data were representatives of
Disperindagkop in Sleman Regency, owners,
managers and employees of SMEs.
Population and Sampling
Population in this research were businessmen who
were grouped entreprenuers in the category of SMEs.
The detail in Sleman Regency for the total number of
SMEs were as many as 112 businesses and the total
number of small business were as many as 90
businesses (Disperindagkop, 2014). Determining the
sampling in this research was based on formulation of
Slovin namely n=N/1+Ne
in which n is the number
of sampling; N is the number of population and e is
fault tolerence which is set. The smaller fault
tolerance set, the more accurate the sampling
describes the population. By using level of the fault
tolerence as much as 10 percent thus it was obtained
the number of sampling of micro business in Sleman
Regency as many as 52.8 business (rounded to 53).
For the sampling number of Small Business, by using
the same formulation thus it was obtained the
sampling number for small business as many as 47.3
(rounded to 48).
Methodology of Data Collection
Data used in this research were primary data that were
collected by open and closed questionnaires, with the
purposes for getting data about dimension of
developed construction in this research.
Technique of Data Analysis
Location Quotient
Formula of LQ with basic value of GRDP is as
LQ = (1)
In which:
= sum of GRDP on a sector x in region
= sum of GRDP on all sectors in region R
= sum of GRDP on a sector x in refernce region
= sum of GRDP on all sectors in reference
region N
Diamond Cluster Model
Cluster is interpreted as "geographic concentrations of
firms, suppliers, related industries, and specialized
institutions that occur in a particular field in a nation,
state or city." Another definition about clusters is
"geographical concentration of industries that gain
performance advantages through co-location". Cluster
show the relationship among companies which
provide complementary service, including consulting
service, education service provider and training,