quality of public services can be enhanced through
improving the quality of management, namely by
efforts to minimize the gap between service levels
and consumer expectations (Bastian, 2006).
Capital expenditure is a component of direct
spending in the government budget that produces
output in the form of fixed assets. Capital expenditure
is generally allocated, can be used as a means of local
development, such as the development and
improvement of the education, health and
transportation sectors, so that people can enjoy the
benefits of local development. According to
Mardiasmo (2009) stated that the higher the level of
capital investment is expected to deny the public
participation rate with the event. The development of
industrial infrastructure has a real impact on local tax
increases because meeting the quantity and quality of
services and public facilities will make the
community feel comfortable and be able to run their
business efficiently and effectively to increase their
participation in growth. With the rapid development
of development, is expected that an increase in local
independence in financing its activities, especially in
terms of finance, with the rise in productivity of the
people who are in the area will have an impact on the
local economy along with increasing per capita
The development of industrial infrastructure and
providing facilities to increase investment will have a
positive impact by increasing the Local Original
Revenue so that it can reduce the dependence of the
Local Government on the Central Government. Local
Original Income consists of local taxes, local
retribution, the results of the management of
separated local assets, and other legitimate local
original income (Kawedar, et al. 2008). In Law of The
Republic Indonesia Number 34 Year 2000 on taxes
and retribution, it is mentioned that the local tax is
obligatory contribution made by the individual or
entity to areas without direct payment balance, which
can be imposed by legislation applicable, which is
used to finance the local administration and local
development. Local tax for each districts/city be seen
from the post Local Revenue in the Realized Budget
Report. Sources of local income include, Motorized
Vehicle Tax, Motorized Vehicle Transfer Fee Tax,
Motorized Vehicle Fuel Tax, Surface Water Tax, and
Cigarette Tax.
Local retribution are an essential source of local
income to finance local government and local
development. In Law of The Republic Indonesia
Number 34 Year 2000 stated that local retribution, in
the future referred to as retribution, are local
retribution as payments for particular services or
permits that are expressly provided or provided by the
Local Government for the benefit of individuals or
entities. The ability of regions to grant funding from
areas is highly dependent on the ability to realize
economic potential into forms of economic activity
capable of creating revolving funds for sustainable
local development (Darwanto and Yustikasari, 2007).
Opinion (Yossi, et . Al., 2015) states that Local Tax
and Local Retribution do not influence Capital
Expenditures. The granting of authority from the
Central Government to the Local Government is
balanced with the transfer of funds, facilities and
infrastructure as well as human resources. The
removal of these funds manifests a balanced fund
which consists of the Special Allocation Fund, the
General Allocation Fund and the Revenue Sharing
Fund that has been explained in Law of The Republic
Indonesia Number 33 Year 2004 concerning financial
balance between the Central Government and the
Local Governments.
Special Allocation Funds are and an originating
from the State Revenue Budget, which is allocated to
specific regions to help to fund special activities
which are local affairs and following national
priorities. The use of Special Allocation Funds is
more directed at investment activities in the
development, acquisition, improvement, and
improvement of physical facilities and infrastructure
with a long economic life, including the procurement
of supporting physical facilities, and excluding
capital inclusion. With the allocation of Special
Allocation Fund is expected to affect capital
expenditure, as Special Allocation Funds tend to be
added to the fixed assets owned by the government to
improve public services. Research conducted
(Sumarmi, 2009) states that the Special Allocation
Fund has a positive and significant effect on capital
expenditure in this research area, which is also in line
with research conducted by Sudika and Budiartha
General Allocation Funds are several funds
allocated to each Autonomous Region (Province and
Districts/City) in Indonesia each year as development
funds aimed at equitable distribution of financial
capacity between regions to fund the needs of the
Autonomous Region in the context of implementing
decentralization. Studies conducted by Legrenzi and
Milas (2001) to find empirical evidence that funds
transfers in the long-term effect on capital spending
and a decrease in the number of transfers of funds can
cause a reduction in capital expenditure spending.
The same thing also expressed by Holtz-Eaken et al.
(1985) which states that there is a close relationship
between transfers from the Central Government and