Financial Budgeting, Financial Governance, and Conflict of Interest:
A Critical Challenge to Good Financial Reporting
Idhar Yahya and M. Zainul Bahri Torong
Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Finance Report Quality, Budget Planning, Budget Planning, and Conflict of Interest
Abstract: This study aims to analyse the quality of finance report as an act of finance responsibility from North Sumatera
Province to the public, using budget planning, finance administration, and conflict of interest as independent
variables. Data that are being used are premier data. The data are then analysed using warpPLS software, with
106 respondents consisting of the head of working unit, finance and accounting staff, treasurer of expenditure,
and treasurer of income. Data testing is conducted using validity convergent test, average variance extracted,
composite reliability, cronbach’s alpha, and R-Squared test. This study’s result shows that budget planning,
finance administration, and conflict of interest positively and significantly affect finance report quality. It can
be concluded that budget planning and finance administrationare accountability of government finance
management, by keeping interest free of conflict, in order to maintain the objectivity of finance report.
Regional government’sfinance report is an integral
part of national finance administration, hence finance
report on government entity must follow the rules of
law and the implementation of government standard
accounting. Finance report is of quality when it gives
information regarding company operation, in
particular cash flow and investor equity (Biddle,
Hilary dan Verdi :2009), whereas (Tang, Chen dan
Zhijun :2008) defines quality finance report as a
report that give the reliable information regarding
performance and finance position. Meanwhile, (Jonas
dan Blanchet:2000) defines that quality finance report
must give information about financial information
completely and transparently, not to mislead or
confuse the user. All these are in line with the rules of
PP No.71/2010; quality finance report becomes very
important when government performance is
Budgeting is imperative in public sector
management, as it is part of government finance
administration, which still receives critic and input,
(Milewska, Jozwik :2014; Usui, Alisyahbana :2003;
Posseth, Nispen:2006; Zarinah, et al: 2016).
Budgeting is the final government struggle for rare
resource, showing the priority of government.
Budgeting is considered as the most important
economic tool of any government (Olurankinse:
2011). Budgeting is paired with finance report to
assess the succeed rate and realisation in one-year
budget. Budgeting is a financial plan about what will
and should be done (Musgrave:1961), while
(Wildavsky:1961) say that budgeting is life source for
government, meaning that budgeting is very
important to conduct public services. Some variants
of budgeting system are developed to meet many
purposes, including finance control, management
planning, fund using priority, and public
accountability. (Schick:1966) stated that basically
budgeting has three function, i.e. planning,
supervising, and managing, yet in early modern
budgeting, the emphasis is on government
supervising. However, this emphasis is reduced is the
next stage of development, as accounting technique,
audit technique, and other technique are found (UU
No.17 tahun 2003).
Increasing demand from society regarding public
service, especially in the early stage of regional
autonomy implementation, with limited income,
force government to improve its effectivity and
efficiency due in many aspects, including public
expenditure. The alternative of for improvement is
better budgeting. Other improvement taken is to
implement performance-based budget, which is
believed to give great benefits for more party
(government, legislative, and society).
Yahya, I. and Bahri Torong, M.
Financial Budgeting, Financial Governance, and Conflict of Interest: A Critical Challenge to Good Financial Reporting.
DOI: 10.5220/0009201702170220
In Proceedings of the 2nd Economics and Business International Conference (EBIC 2019) - Economics and Business in Industrial Revolution 4.0, pages 217-220
ISBN: 978-989-758-498-5
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Belief of good budgeting and conflict of interest
always becomes the bet in preparing the budget,
which effect can be seen clearly in its operation and
in finance report. Finance administration becomes the
main centre in finance accountability, so that finance
report quality can be maintained.
Finance report must be free from all conflict of
interest. Conflict of interest can reduce public belief,
integrity belief, and non-siding with public officials.
(Mafunisa, M J: 2002) Conflict of interest is a
condition where some government officials,who have
authority, act to gain profit for personally or other
people, which can affect neutrality and decision
quality. Conflict of interest will invite problem when
an institute or organisation is involved in a program
implementation or activity; this can ruin motivation
and cause unethical or improper act. (UU No
30/2014). In work place, it can be seen that staff
members with less conflict of interest work better and
more productive than those with more conflict of
interest. However, (Ushie, et al: 2015), stated that
conflict can also bring positive impact, when
proactive conflict management strategy and dialogue
are used to stop bad, low productivity performance.
Based on such problem, the purpose of this study
is to analyse and give empirical evidence regarding
the effect of budget planning, finance administration,
and conflict interest on finance report quality of
regional government.
National finance system improvement starts from the
implementation of UU No.17/2003, giving the rise to
good governance in managing national finance,
which is professional, open, fair, honest, and
responsible. This rule implementation is expected to
be the powerful law in enforcing the application of
finance management which is clean, dignified, and
free from corruption (Halim: 2012). With this policy,
the quality of regional government’ finance report can
be trusted and believed (PP No.71/2010).
Budget is a finance plan made in a detailed and
systematic way, containing the plan of income and
expenditure in a certain period. Budget is also a
statement regarding performance estimation which
will be achieved in an organisation, measured in
terms of monetary unit. In public organisation, budget
becomes accountability instrument in executing and
conducting a program or an activity funded by public
Government in completing national finance
management implement budget based performance,
in order to improve transparency and accountability
of public services, as well as effectivity from
implementation of policy and program (Istianah:
2010). The success indication of this budget based
performance is when improvement happens in public
services, social welfare, democracy, fairness,
equality, and good relation between central and
regional government.
System and procedure of administration in
regional treasurer relates to performing tasks and
authority of government treasurer in administration,
and also responsibility of conducting regional
government budget. Administration cannot be
separated from finance report unit. Work unit as
administrativeoperator has an authority to make
connection, resulting in regional income or
expenditure, and also testing and giving the bill to the
user of the budget, meanwhile the operator of
treasurer is given to general regional treasurer. All of
these must be supported by good finance management
(PP No.58 /2005, Permendagri No.13/2006 and
Quality finance report must be free from conflict
of interest. Conflict of interest can be defined as
quarrel, dispute, or opposition that happen from a
person or a group of people in daily life (Coser:
1967). Conflict of interest can be a threat to national
government in conducting its function lawfully.
Conflict may be positive and improve performance,
although most are negative in nature and may prove
to be fatal. In short, not all conflict situation is bad
(Omisore and Abiodun: 2014).
2.1 Conceptual Body and Hypothesis
Based on background and theory study, conceptual
body developed in this study is shown on Figure 1.
Independent variables are budget planning, finance
administration, and conflict of interest, whereas
dependent variables are finance report quality
Figure 1: Theoretical Framework
EBIC 2019 - Economics and Business International Conference 2019
Hypothesis from this study is that budget
planning, finance administration, and conflict of
interest affect finance report quality
2.2 Population and Sample
Population from this study is Provincial Government
of North Sumatera. Study procedure is conducted
using survey method and data are obtained from
questionnaire given to respondents. The respondents
are Head of Regional Work Unit, finance/accounting
staff, income treasurer, and expenditure treasurer,
with 106 samples in total.
2.3 Data Analysis Method
For data analysis method, WarpPLS software is used.
PLS (Partial Least Square) is a structural equation
method (SEM), which is variant based, can
simultaneously perform measurement model test and
structural model test.
3.1 Data Testing
Data testing is done using convergence validity test,
which shows that all variables (outer loading) give
proper value, meaning that all questions on each
indicator are valid (ranging between 0.59 until 0.909).
Other tests performed are Average Variance
Extracted (AVE) test, Composite Reliability (CR)
test, and Cronbach’s Alpha (CA) test; all three tests
show valid value, i.e. higher than the critical number
of 0.5 and 0.7. Finally, R-Squared test is performed
with number of 0.334, meaning that 33.4% of finance
report quality in regional government is explained by
budget planning variables, finance administration,
and conflict of interest, while the remaining 76.6% is
explained by other factors outside of this study.
3.2 Budget Planning Effect on Finance
Report Quality
Based on the result of data analysis, budget planning
positively and significantly affects finance report
quality. This means that good budget planning is the
most important aspect in compiling finance report.
Budgeting aspect is planned by work unit almost a
year prior to its execution, therefore some
miscalculation in budgeting may happen (Abdullah,
Problem that always arisesis the inability to use
budget properly and fairly due to conflict of interest
or other technical problems that are hard to avoid.
Obeying rules and executing the planned budget
accordingly will greatly affect financial report of
regional government. However, in reality, budget is
often used to achieve a certain purpose, such as
opportunistic behaviourmade by legislative or
executive (Abdullah, Asmara: 2006). Performance-
based budget in regional government has been
implemented since 2002, although in its development
this has not been implemented properly, awareness
for this matter should be improved to cultivate dutiful
3.3 Administration Effect on Finance
Report Quality
Data analysis shows that finance administration
positively and significantly affects finance report
quality. This means that administration’s function is
both for accountability and controlling the execution
of local government budget. Accountability function
means good administration is a requirement for good
finance report quality. Administration’s controlling
function is organised in regional regulation and
legalised by a certain authority. In short, this
adminstation body is important since all organisation
activity are written and compiled (Permendagri
3.4 Conflict of Interest Effect on
Finance Report Quality
Conflict of interest positively and significantly affect
finance report quality. Conflict of interest must be
avoided in all organisations, so that every decision
taken can remain objective. Transparency and
accountability must exist each time finance report is
compiled. In this study, finance report conveyed that
there are still some parts of control division, which
are not working properly, affecting finance report
quality. Control function effectivity is greatly
affected by the organisation structure complexity and
how it is designed. The more complex an
organisation’s structurebecomes, the tighter
supervising and control function needs to be.
Conflict may arise due to differences in
background, culture, and experience from each
member. These differences are sometimes
deliberately made as a strategy for the leader to make
some changes or happen naturally, as stated by
Hocker and Wilmot. Conflict may happen due to
people involved have different purposes or similar
Financial Budgeting, Financial Governance, and Conflict of Interest: A Critical Challenge to Good Financial Reporting
purpose but different way of achieving it (Wirawan,
2010: 8).
a. Budget
Regional government budget is tool of accountability,
management, and regional economy policy as part of
good and clean governance. Government is expected
to improve efficiency in using the budget through
good budget planning, so that society expectation can
be met by conducting some government programs.
Performance-based budget has been implemented,
yet improvement needs to be continued.
b. Administration
The activity of finance administration has the power
to control the budgeting, since there exists authorised
body to supervise as settled in regional regulation.
Administration is often considered as an important
part of comprehensive document or part of legal
proof. Administration must always be conducted
properly because work volume increases each year.
c. Conflict of Interest
Conflict of interest exists when assignments and
responsibilities of an employee have a potential to be
compromised with individual or group interest.
Conflict of interest is real and can be felt (Staff
Guidance note: 2007). There is always a possibility
for conflict of interest to rise or be perceived. Both
possess potential to be problematic, as conflict may
disrupt harmony and balance in organisation.
Objectivity can be affected if conflict arise and
conflict will definitely affect finance report quality.
These problems should be avoided, so that
independency and objectivity can be maintained.
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