SMEs are a part of the economic business group that
are really important for the economy and one of the
priorities in economy development work program in
Medan. (
Medan Baru Sub-distrct are one of the place that
becomes a gathering place for the printing
businesses that are well known in Medan. Thats
because Jl. Jamin Ginting and the surroundings of
Medan Baru sub district are a very strategic
locations for them because it’s near Universitas
Sumatera Utara (USU) or North Sumatra university
and a couple of offices complex. Based on the field
survey in 2019 that the SME’s printing
entrepreneurs that they haven’t run the business
with the idea of knowledge based business which
means that they haven’t utilize the social capital and
their customer capital well and optimally, With
crowded visitors everyday these entrepreneurs better
use this opportunity to increase social capital and
customer capital of their business. For Example is
that by knowing their customers characteristics so
they can produce a product that suits the wish and
needs of their customers so it may form some
customers loyalty.This could be a stimulant for the
entrepreneurship growth and SME’s sustainability.
By utilizing technologies that being offered that
brings innovation and their own specialty compared
from products elsewhere that still using traditional
equipments and methods in their production
The printing SMEs does must have the
knowledge for Entreprenual Intellectual Capital the
potential of Entreprenual Intellectual Capital
requires the community to understand a good
management towards social capital, social capital
and technological capital, therefore socialization and
communication are needed to manage Entreprenual
Intellectual Capital for increasing SMEs
performance. This research focused on the
utilization and managing Entreprenual Intellectual
Capital that are hoped can provide knowledge and
understanding and also can inspire the SMEs doer
specially in Medan Baru sub district,Medan on
utilizing Entreprenual Intellectual Capital as a tool
to run their business.
2.1 Intellectual Capital
Intellectual capital in general can be defined as the
difference between the company market value and
book value from the company assets or from the
financial capital. Intellectual capital by Nahapiet
and Ghoshal (1998) referring to the knowledge and
the skill that’s the social collectivity have like an
organization, intellectual community or professional
practices. Intellectual Capital represents a valuable
resources and an ability for some knowledge based
Entreprenual intellectual capital are some
characteristics and habit that are owned by
entrepreneurs. Most of their activities that their
doing are purposely for inovating and using
technologies as a base tool for growing their
business. Their characteristics are persistence, took
up some calculated challenges and work committed
(Audretsch & Keilbach 2004). So that’s
Entreprenual intellectual capital that’s business
owned refers to an employee that’s innovative,
willing taking risk and contributes in their business
2.2 Social Capital
Coleman in Fukuyama (2002:12) defines that social
capital are an organization capabilities to work
together to achieve their common goals in various
groups and organizations. Theory about social
capital states that networks of communication are a
resources that can be used for daily activities.The
members of the “capital” networks, for example in a
special forms that can be used for various needs,
access, supplies, opportunities and social status.
2.3 Customer Capital
Customer capital also called relations capital, is a
knowledge that’s being embedded through skills and
being used by individual interactions or a
knowledge that’s embedded in the business
networks (Nahapiet and Ghosal, 1998 in Bataineh
and Zoaby, 2011). Customer capital covers growth,
customer knowledge, stockholder, supplier,
industrial association (government) and also the
community. So that’s this capital as a
comprehensive knowledge for marketing and
customer relations fields. The quality of the
relationship and an ability to find or attracts new
customer are a key factor for thr companies success
(Montequin et al., 2006 in Alipout,2012).
2.4 Technological Capital
Adeosun, et al (2009) conclude that the use of
technology gives a positive feedback for
management strategies that’s related with