behaviors statistically have no effect on the
performance of MSMEs in Medan at present. One of
the main reasons is the low awareness of business
actors to implement the financial behavior itself.
However, based on research that has been carried out
this behavior, for now, is not significant to the
achievement of their performance.
Marketing behavior in this study had a positive
influence (B = 0.679) and significant (sig <0.05) on
the performance of MSMEs. In the proposed model
this influence is the dominant influence on the
achievement of MSME performance. Thus, there is
enough evidence to state that marketing behavior has
a positive and significant effect on the achievement
of MSME performance in Medan. Every one unit
increase that occurs from marketing behavior, MSME
performance will increase by 0.679 units. This
marketing behavior includes activities in product
development, evaluation and pricing, evaluation and
determination of distribution channels, as well as
promotional activities to increase demand for
products. Thus, the better this marketing behavior is
applied by business actors, the better performance it
will achieve.
This study shows that the current situation of business
actors shows that current financial behavior does not
affect the performance of MSMEs. The application of
financial behavior is currently not effective, therefore
it needs attention and development in financial
behavior in order to create performance
improvements based on the financial behavior of
business actors. On the other hand, marketing plays a
very important role in influencing this performance.
Marketing in this case is closely related to the
achievement of performance. Good marketing will
bring customers and create performance, especially
from a financial perspective.
The authors gratefully acknowledge that the present
research is supported by Universitas Sumatera Utara.
The support is under the research grant TALENTA -
Penelitian Dasar for year 2019
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