The Practice of Letter of Attorney in Land Sales
R. Murjiyanto, Erna Sri Wibawanti, Muhammad Ramadhan
Janabadra University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Power of Attorney sell- Sale and Purchase of Land- Sales and Purchase Agreement - the notary -legal
Abstract: The research with the title the Practice of Letter of Attorney in Land Sales is a normative study conducted in
Bantul Regency by taking resource persons of Notary-Conveyor in the Bantul Regency. The results of the
study were analyzed descriptive-qualitatively. Based on the results of the research, there were several reasons
for making a power of attorney to sell in land sales was because the requirements for the sale and purchase of
Land Title Deed are not complete but the price has been paid in full, or because the seller cannot attend the
sale certificate before Land Deed Official (Conveyancer/PPAT). Therefore, in order to provide a guarantee
to the buyer, a Sales and Purchase Agreement is made which is accompanied by a Power of Attorney of
Selling. The seller cannot attend directly to sign the sale and purchase deed before the Land Deed Official
and also because the purchased land will be sold to another party. The power of attorney to sell relating to the
Sales and Purchase Agreement is included in the Sales and Purchase Agreement deed whose purpose is to sell
to himself (recipient of the power of attorney) as the buyer who has already settled, while the ordinary power
of attorney is made separately to sell to other people who are basically intended to represent seller for various
reasons the seller cannot attend to sign the sale and purchase deed directly before the Conveyancer. The legal
strength of the power of attorney to sell with paid off within Sales and Purchase Agreement Lunas is strong,
because the power of attorney to sell is basically to provide legal protection to the recipient of the power of
attorney, that is, the buyer who has paid in full the land price, so that the sale and purchase has already
occurred. Whereas the power of attorney to sell to other people is basically really intended to represent the
seller, the risk resulting from the sale and purchase remains the responsibility of the seller.
The transfer of rights in the form of buying and selling
land is a form of transfer of land rights that is mostly
carried out by the community. Land sales is one of the
legal actions that must be carried out by making a sale
and purchase deed by the Conveyer as stipulated in
Article 37 of Government Regulation Number 24 of
1997 which states that the transfer of land rights and
ownership rights to apartment units through buying
and selling, exchange, grants, income in the company
and other legal deeds of transfer of rights, except the
transfer of rights through auction can only be
registered if proven by a deed made by the authorized
Conveyancer according to the provisions of the
applicable legislation.
Sometimes the land sales cannot be carried out
properly due to various reasons, such as the price has
not been paid in full or there are requirements that
have not been fulfilled. Nevertheless there are also
other reasons why buying and selling is not done as it
should, namely through a sale and purchase deed by
If the sale and purchase cannot be carried out
according to the applicable provisions, namely with
the Conveyancer deed, what is often done is to make
a deed of the Sale and Purchase Agreement (PPJB).
There are two kinds of PPJB, namely PPJB Lunas, in
the sense that land prices have been paid in full but
there are other requirements that have not been
fulfilled and PPJB has not been paid off. In the PPJB
paid off accompanied by a Selling Power of Attorney.
The power of attorney to sell will be used by the buyer
for the buying and selling process before
Conveyancer. Selling Power of Attorney which will
be used by buyers for the sale and purchase process
by Conveyancer, without having to be present the
buyer is often made for various reasons. Therefore
this research was conducted to find out the reason for
making the Selling Power of Attorney and the legal
force of the power of attorney to sell it. Power of
attorney to sell can be defined, as the power of
Murjiyanto, R., Sri Wibawanti, E. and Ramadhan, M.
The Practice of Letter of Attorney in Land Sales.
DOI: 10.5220/0009203600210025
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Social Sciences (ICASESS 2019), pages 21-25
ISBN: 978-989-758-452-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
attorney from the owner of the goods to another party
as the recipient of the power of attorney, to sell certain
items owned by the owner of the goods, including
doing actions in the interest of selling the goods.
(Setyawan, 2016)
In this study based on the problems: How does the
form of power of attorney sell related to PPJB and
power of attorney that are usually not related to
PPJB? The method used is to use normative research
methods that are supported by empirical data, namely
research based on secondary data by reviewing
various laws and regulations as well as books,
journals as well as writings relating to Selling Power
of Attorney, sales deed documents.
2.1 Reasons for Making Power of
Attorney of Selling
Land buying and selling according to national
agrarian law that uses the basis of customary law is
buying and selling that is cash, clear and real. Cash
means that delivery of rights by the seller to the buyer
is carried out together with the payment of the price
by the buyer. With this act, the right to change was
immediately implemented. Prices paid at the time of
delivery do not have to be paid off, the remainder will
be considered as debt from the buyer to the seller who
is subject to the debt payable law. Real nature means
that the intention or intention spoken must be
followed by a real action to show the purpose of the
sale and purchase, while Clear means that the legal
act must be carried out before the Conveyancer as a
sign that the act does not violate applicable law,
means to be carried out openly, clearly the object and
subject of the owner, complete letters and proof of
ownership (
SW and Sumardjono, 1993)
The process of buying and selling land according
to national agrarian law, in addition to the agreement
regarding prices and goods (land), a deed must be
made by Conveyancer. Sometimes the buying and
selling process before Conveyancer cannot be done
yet, because there are some requirements that have
not been fulfilled, such as the price has not been paid
in full, or there are other requirements documents that
do not yet exist. Therefore, before the sale and
purchase process with the sale and purchase deed
made by the Conveyancer was carried out, the parties
entered into a sale and purchase agreement (PPJB).
In practice, many people execute the land sales,
which are one of the legal actions related to land
rights in cash or in full, are made more often using a
Sale and Purchase Agreement (PPJB) due to various
factors or reasons. (Kurniawati, 2018)
Sale and Buy Agreement is made to temporarily
bind before making AJB officially before the Land
Deed Making Officer (Conveyancer). In general, the
contents of the PPJB are the agreement of the seller
to bind themselves to sell to the buyer accompanied
by the giving of a sign or advance based on the
agreement. There are two kinds of Sale and Buy
Agreement (PPJB), namely PPJB Lunas, in the sense
that the land price has been paid in full, but there are
requirements that have not been fulfilled, so that the
land price has not been paid in full. Sale and Purchase
Some of the reasons for using Power of Attorney
of Selling in buying and selling land are:
a. The price of land has been paid in full, but the
requirements for making a sale and purchase deed
are not complete. Therefore, because the price has
been paid in full, then in order to provide a
guarantee to the buyer, a Sales and Purchase
Agreement (PPJB) is made which is accompanied
by a Selling Power of Attorney. With this power
of attorney, then when all the requirements have
been fulfilled, without the need for the presence
of the seller because it has been represented by
giving power, with the power of attorney to sell to
the buyer, the PPAT can immediately make the
Sale Deed to process the name of the certificate.
The Power of Selling is intended to provide
protection for buyers who have paid the price of
the land in full. Basically the power of attorney to
sell aims to simplify the work of the Notary if the
seller cannot attend to sign the deed of sale due to
certain reasons. In addition, the purpose of using
the power to sell is to protect the interests of the
parties from things that are not desirable, for
example a broken promise from one of the parties.
With the power to sell it becomes a kind of
juridical safeguard in protecting the interests of
the parties who make it. (Meiliyanza, 2016) The
granting of the power of sale in the binding deed
of sale and purchase is not included in the
meaning of absolute power which is prohibited
because the power of attorney is made in order to
perpetuate a valid causal agreement, and legal
actions referred to in the power of sale are not for
the power of attorney but for the benefit of the
power of attorney, which is the release of legal
obligations by the power of attorney as the seller
to the power of attorney as the buyer because the
price has been paid in full. (Latumenten, 2003).
The deed of power to sell is not an absolute power,
ICASESS 2019 - International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Social Science
absolute power is an irrevocable power, the term
absolute power is not a legal term, in the sense that
there is no strict arrangement regarding that right.
To be able to understand the true meaning of
absolute power, it must be interpreted
etymologically (Andasasmita. 1991).
b. The seller cannot attend directly to sign the sale
and purchase deed before the Land Deed Maker
Officer (Conveyancer).
A power of attorney to sell is made if the buyer
does not want to directly attend himself to sign the
sale and purchase deed before the Land Deed
Maker Officer (Conveyancer), so as to empower
other people to represent him. But there are times
when there are other reasons, because the land
purchased will be sold to another party. This is
done with the aim of avoiding taxes and also the
double / twice transfers of rights. This is usually
done by developers or buyers whose profession is
buying and selling land / houses. They buy land
and have been paid in full and all the requirements
for buying and selling have been fulfilled, but do
not want to buy and sell as they should because
they do not want to pay taxes, especially the Land
and Building Rights (BPHTB) fees and the cost of
making a Deed of Sale and Purchase and transfer
of rights. Therefore PPJB Lunas is made with a
Selling Power of Attorney, so that later those who
will pay taxes and transfer fees are when buying
and selling to new buyers. Still according to the
resource person, even in the form of PPJB, the
land office requires proof of income tax (PPh),
this is to avoid PPJB being used as a way to avoid
taxes. The income tax paid is income tax on a sum
of money from the value of the transaction that
has been paid, not the overall price. But if it has
been paid in full, it means that the income tax that
must be paid is calculated from the total value of
the transaction price as a whole. Whereas for
BPHTB that must be paid by the buyer will be
paid during the process of making AJB. So with
this Power of Attorney Selling a new BPHTB will
be charged when making a Deed of Sale before
PPAT, for the production of PPJB BPHTB not yet
This power to sell can be entered as a clause in the
PPJB, it can also stand alone, in the form of a separate
deed. So, when signing, signed two deeds: PPJB and
the Deed of Power to Sell. In the event that the power
to sell is entered as a clause in the PPJB, the PPJB
deed will only be signed. There are two types of
power of attorney to sell, namely a power of attorney
to sell to himself (the recipient of the power of
attorney), and the power to sell to another party. The
power of attorney to sell to itself is usually related to
PPJB while an ordinary power of attorney, in the
sense that the power to sell to another person is not
related to PPJB.
The power to sell to oneself can be a part of the
PPJB, it can also be a separate deed of authority. If
the power to sell Kediri itself is made in its own deed,
then when the rights are transferred at the land office,
the PPJB must be included. To distinguish ordinary
power of attorney from the power of attorney to sell
to oneself is the editorial sentence. For the power of
attorney to sell to oneself the sentence used is "sell to
the recipient of the power of attorney", while the
usual power of attorney reads "giving power to and
on behalf of the authorizer to sell to anyone".
In the event that the selling power is separately
made with the PPJB, then when registering the sale
deed to the Land Office, the PPJB must be
accompanied. Because basically the power of selling
is made based on PPJB which has paid off, so that
both are interconnected and inseparable. This is to
avoid misuse of the selling power, for example, for
example, the power of attorney is used to make a sale
and purchase deed, which the buyer is different from
the buyer listed in the PPJB. This can cause legal
problems in the future, including can be used for
irregularities in the tax field.
In the case of the seller or the buyer acting through
a power of attorney, then there must be a special
power to sell. General power, which is usually only
for management action does not apply to selling. The
power must be firm in selling the land sold. The form
of power must be written, verbal power cannot be
used as a basis for buying and selling land. The
written power of attorney is also at least legalized (by
a Notary / Registrar of District / State Representatives
abroad) (Wicaksono and Sugiarto, 2009).
However, the special power of attorney is
different from the absolute power of attorney as stated
in the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs on
March 6, 1982 Number 14 of 1982 jo. Supreme Court
Jurisprudence dated April 14, 1988 number 2584 K /
Pdt / 1986 which affirmed that absolute power,
regarding the sale and purchase of land, cannot be
justified because in practice it is often misused for
smuggling buying and selling of land.
Authorization to sell is of the nature or type of
special power of attorney because it only concerns
one particular interest or more, the contents of which
are clearly and explicitly stated regarding acts or legal
actions authorized by the recipient of the power of
attorney.(Zainudin, 2017)
The Practice of Letter of Attorney in Land Sales
1.2 Legal Protection using Power of
Attorney of Selling for Buyers
Protection of buyers who have paid off and made
using PPJB, besides being carried out with conditions
must be followed by making irrevocable power-
giving clauses. The point is that if the seller does not
fulfill it, the buyer can sue and request compensation
in accordance with the agreement stipulated in the
sale and purchase agreement.
The Selling Authorization contained in the PPJB
Lunas deed is absolute, meaning that it cannot be
revoked and will not end due to the reasons set out in
Article 1813 of the Civil Code. This is to ensure legal
certainty for buyers who have paid in full the price
they have paid in full but cannot yet be implemented
because of one thing or another there are conditions
that have not been fulfilled. It should also be noted
that, if the power to sell this an inseparable part of
PJB is complete, then in the event the said PJB
certificate is completely signed without any
erroneous, coercive or fraudulent elements, then the
PJB process is complete, which continues to be AJB
and comes back the name of the certificate, it is
already running as it should.
A power of attorney to sell, subject to the
regulation of power of attorney in article 1792 -
article 1819 of the Civil Code Law (KUHPer). In
these articles, there is no regulation regarding the
period of validity of a power of attorney. So, the
validity period of a power of attorney depends on the
agreement of the parties, in accordance with the
principle of freedom of contract in article 1338 of the
Civil Code Law (KUHPer).
Authorization to sell is of the nature or type of
special power of attorney because it only concerns
one particular interest or more, the contents of which
are clearly and explicitly stated regarding acts or legal
actions authorized by the recipient of the power of
attorney. It should be noted that the prohibition on
absolute power of attorney, namely a power of
attorney containing the element "cannot be
withdrawn by the authorizer". In accordance with
article 1813 of the Civil Code Law (KUHPer), one of
the reasons for the termination of power of attorney is
if the authorization withdraws its power. This
absolute power ban was strengthened in the
Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs No. 14 of
1982 concerning Prohibition on the Use of Absolute
Authorities as the Transfer of Land Rights.
The deed of power to sell is not an absolute power,
absolute power is an irrevocable power; the term
absolute power is not a legal term, in the sense that
there is no strict arrangement regarding that right. To
be able to understand the true meaning of absolute
power, it must be interpreted etymologically
(Andasasmita. 1991). From the contents of the Power
of Attorney mentioned, the Power of Attorney can be
categorized as a General Power of Attorney or an
Absolute Power of Attorney, because the object is
very broad. Instruction of Minister of Home Affairs
No. 14 of 1982, in the second part, describes the
definition of Absolute Power of Attorney, namely:
a. Absolute Power is the power in which
the element of irrevocability is given by the
b. Absolute Power is the transfer of
rights to land that gives authority to the recipient
of the power to control and use the land and to
do all legal actions that according to the law can
be carried out by the right-holders.
In practice, this type of Absolute Power of
Attorney is prohibited from being used in the process
of transferring land rights / sale and purchase of land,
as stipulated in the Instruction of Minister of Home
Affairs No. 14 of 1982 aimed at regulating public
order in the transaction of sale and purchase of land.
Letter c, considering that the Instruction states: The
purpose of the prohibition is to avoid misuse of the
law which regulates the power of attorney by holding
the transfer of land rights in a covert manner using the
form of "absolute power". Such action is one form of
legal action that interferes with efforts to control land
status and use.
Even though the power of attorney to sell is
irrevocable, the authorization to sell in the binding
deed of sale and purchase is not included in the
meaning of absolute power which is prohibited
because the power of attorney is made in order to
perpetuate an agreement with a valid causal, and legal
actions referred to in the power of sale, not for the
interests of the power of attorney, but for the interests
of the power of attorney, which is the implementation
of legal obligations by the power of attorney as the
seller to the power recipient as the buyer because the
price has been paid in full (Latumenten, 2003). It
becomes a fair thing if someone has paid in full the
price of land to get protection with the power of
attorney to sell it.
Basically the responsibility in fulfilling the rights
and obligations in the power of attorney becomes the
responsibility of the principal which is in this case the
attorney acts for and on behalf of, and represents the
principal. An attorney does a business not for himself,
but for the interest of the person he represents, who is
the true owner of the interest. That means the legal
actions carried out by the attorney are the legal
actions of the principal (Adnyana, 2015). In theory,
ICASESS 2019 - International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Social Science
the power to sale is the delegation of some or all of
the authority that is in the power of attorney to the
person who receives power in the event and / or to
carry out legal actions to transfer the right to land
owned by the authority (Zainuddin, 2017).
From the results of the analysis and discussion of the
problem of using the power of selling in land sale and
purchase, several conclusions can be drawn as
1. The power of attorney to sell relating to PPJB is
included in the PPJB deed which aims to sell to
himself (the recipient of the authorization) as the
buyer who has already settled, while the
ordinary power of attorney is made separately to
sell to others which is basically really intended
to represent the seller for various reasons
because the seller cannot attend to sign the deed
of sale directly before the Land Deed Maker
Officer (Conveyancer).
2. The legal strength of the power of attorney to
sell with PPJB Lunas is strong, because the
power of attorney to sell is basically to provide
legal protection to the recipient of the power of
attorney, i.e. the buyer who has paid the land
price in full, so that the sale and purchase has
already occurred, and therefore it is natural that
the power of attorney to sell is irrevocable.
Whereas the power of attorney to sell to other
people is basically intended to represent the
seller, for various reasons, the seller cannot
attend to directly sign the sale and purchase deed
before the Land Deed Maker Officer
(Conveyancer), so that the authority of the
authorized person is only to sign the deed of sale
buy before Conveyancer. Against the risks
resulting from the implementation of the sale
and purchase remains the responsibility of the
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The Practice of Letter of Attorney in Land Sales