Market to book ratio to Propensity to Pay Dividend
The finding explains that market to book ratio of a
company influences the propensity to pay dividend
significantly and negatively. The higher the market to
book ratio of company, the lower the probability of
propensity to pay dividend. It is suitable with the
residual theory that says a company will pay the
dividend if it does not have an opportunity to have
beneficial investment. In other words, the companies
with high opportunites to expand will keep their
current asset as their profit will be kept and allocated
more for investment than dividend sharing as it is
stated by Fama & French (2001), Tangjitprom (2013),
and Ferris, Jayaraman, & Sabherwal (2009).
The greater the firm size, the higher the probality of a
company to pay dividend will be. The higher the asset
growth, and the market to book ratio of a company,
the lower the probaility of company to pay dividend
will be. These findings support Baker & Wurgler
(2004a) that is about trade-off. When the investor
will increase the value of a company at the market
because of dividend sharing, then, the company
should pay the dividend. However, if the investors
prefer non-payer to payer, then the company do not
need to pay the dividend. This study does not only
discuss how much dividend that should be paid, but
also the possibility of company to pay the dividend.
As trade-off matter, the company will consider the
characteristic of company
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