Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intention among University
Students: A Comparative Study between IPB University (Indonesia)
and WULSS-SGGW (Poland)
Maya Rizki Sari
, Jono M. Munandar
, Eko Ruddy Cahyadi
, Michał Borowy
, Ishbir Mujahid Adha
Dept. Management, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego W Warszawie, Warsaw,Poland
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Entrepreneur Intention, Theory of Plan Behaviour, Attitude, Subjective Norms, Perceive Behavioural Control
Abstract: Entrepreneurship is a trend, this entrepreneurial growth brings tremendous economic improvement to a
country, so that more and more a country has entrepreneurship, the economy will increase. Type of country
according to base sector in Poland is agrarian country, same with Indonesia. The low number of entrepreneurs
is indicated as a gap between human resources and education problems in farmer’s level. Colleges play an
important role in creating young agricultural entrepreneurs which is a crucial issue in this country. Based on
the various descriptions above, it is necessary to study the level of interest in entrepreneurship among students.
In addition, it is necessary to conduct a study of what factors influence entrepreneurial interest in students.
Entrepreneurship is an important issue in the world
economy. The economic progress or deterioration of
a nation is largely determined by the existence and
role of entrepreneurial groups. There is no nation in
the world that can become a developed country
without being supported by a number of youth and
communities who are self-employed. The high level
of scientific research, its relation to student education
and the diversity and attractiveness of our teaching
determine the position of universities in the country
and throughout the world. The campus is forward-
thinking where high-quality education meets the
world class of research and innovation, but the output
is for the global labor market as a worker. In fact, the
opportunity to open a business is equally great. This
is certainly interesting to discuss, with the Theory of
plan behavior researchers try to analyze the factors
that influence Entrepreneurial Intention on Students
at IPB University and WULS-SGGW.
The entry of Poland to become a member of the
European Union in 2004 has also increasingly
encouraged significant progress in all sectors. The
annexation process promotes the process of structural
reform and opens up possibilities for new
development with funding from the European Union.
Same with the country of Indonesia, agrarian country.
Given that entrepreneurship has become an
international issue regarding the development of
quality and increasing the number of entrepreneurs in
their respective countries because entrepreneurship
has an important role for the advancement of a
country, entrepreneurial spirit needs to be grown in
Indonesian students as prospective university
graduates and young people who will help continue
the course of the Indonesian economy, so that it
becomes a superior human resource.
As an agrarian country with tremendous natural
resources, agricultural sector of Indonesia is a very
potential business area to be developed by youths.
Developing agricultural entrepreneurship is needed to
drive human resource productivity of the sector (Lee
and Wong, 2004). Business actors in agricultural
commodity are only about 44.20 million people (0.17
per cent) of the Indonesian population. The low
number of entrepreneurs is indicated as a gap between
human resources and education problems in famer’s
level. Colleges play an important role in creating
young agricultural entrepreneurs which is a crucial
issue in this country. The colleges are responsible on
increasing growth of graduated scholar to be
Sari, M., Munandar, J., Cahyadi, E., Borowy, M. and Adha, I.
Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intention among University Students: A Comparative Study between IPB University (Indonesia) and WULSS-SGGW (Poland).
DOI: 10.5220/0009204603600368
In Proceedings of the 2nd Economics and Business International Conference (EBIC 2019) - Economics and Business in Industrial Revolution 4.0, pages 360-368
ISBN: 978-989-758-498-5
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
unemployment about 14.5 per cent in period 2012-
2015. There is low intention of those scholars for
being entrepreneurs in agriculture due to financial
factors which needs huge financial capital (Badan
Pusat Statistik, 2019).
2.1 Entrepreneurial Intention
Entrepreneurial intention can be interpreted as the
first step in the process of establishing a business that
is generally long-term (Boateng and Bampoe, 2014;
Kruger, 1993). Entrepreneurial intention reflects a
person's commitment to start a new business and is a
central issue that needs to be considered in
understanding the entrepreneurial process of
establishing a new business. The intention of
entrepreneurship has recently begun to get attention
for research because it is believed that an intention
related to behavior can prove to be a reflection of real
behavior (Tjahjono and Ardi, 2008). In the theory of
planned behavior it is believed that factors such as
attitudes, subjective norms will shape one's intentions
and then directly affect behavior.
The intention of entrepreneurship is a
determination to do entrepreneurship with certain
goals that are owned by individuals. The intention of
entrepreneurship is a representation of actions
planned to carry out entrepreneurship. Besides the
intention of entrepreneurship can be interpreted as a
possibility or intention of someone to create
something new by using available and needed
resources by looking at the opportunities that exist
and without ignoring the risks that will be faced in the
future. Besides the intention of entrepreneurship can
be interpreted as a possibility or intention of someone
to create something new by using available and
needed resources by looking at the opportunities that
exist and without ignoring the risks that will be faced
in the future, To measure students' intentions for
entrepreneu rship there are several indicators (Engle
et al., 2010) which were then used as indicators of
entrepreneurial intention in this study, namely: Happy
entrepreneurship, Readiness for entrepreneurship, A
mature consideration for entrepreneurship, Decide to
become an entrepreneur.
2.2 Theory of Planned Behaviour
Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) which is the
development or refinement of Reason Action Theory
by Fishbein and Ajzen in 1975. The theory explain
the notion of intention as a dimension of individual
subjective probability in relation to self and behavior.
This theory explains the intentions (intentions) of
individuals to carry out certain actions or actions
(Ajzen, 1991). Intention is considered to be able to
see motivational factors that influence behavior.
Intention (intention) is an indication of how much
effort an individual will make to do something. Then
the intention is someone's estimate of how likely he
is to carry out a certain action.
Theory of planned of behavior states that
intention (intention) is a function of three basic
determinants, namely:
1. Attitude behaves (attitude toward the
2. Subjective norms.
3. Perceived behavioral control.
Being a basic theory in this study is because the
determination of three independent variables in this
study is a factor found in the theory of planned
behavior, namely the need for achievement,
subjective norms, and self-efficacy. This theory was
chosen as the basic theory of research because
according to Ajzen (1991) planned behavior theory is
suitable to explain any behavior that requires
planning, such as entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship
is clearly categorized into planned behavior because
individuals form expectations and assess behaviors
that are carried out on the results obtained afterwards.
Figure 1: Model of Intention in Theory of Planned
The model used in this study is based on previous
research (Linan and Chen, 2009). This study aims to
test and find out how much intention students have to
be able to work independently (entrepreneurship) and
what factors influence it. The model that will be used
as the basis for carrying out this research is
'Entrepreneurial Intention Model' which is an
integration model, Theory of Planned Behavior.
Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intention among University Students: A Comparative Study between IPB University (Indonesia) and
2.3 Attitude toward Behaviour
Attitude is a function based on behavioral beliefs,
namely a person's belief in positive and / or negative
consequences that someone will get when doing a
behavior (salient outcome beliefs). Attitudes toward
behavior (attitude toward the behavior) are defined as
the level of positive or negative assessment of an
individual towards a behavior. Attitude toward the
behavior is determined by a combination between
individual values about the positive and / or negative
consequences of the behavior raised (behavioral
beliefs) with a person's subjective value of the
consequences of such behavior (outcome evaluation)
(Ajzen, 2006).
Based on the TPB theory, personal attitudes
toward a behavior are derived from beliefs about the
consequences caused by these behaviors, which are
termed behavioral beliefs. Furthermore, based on
TPB, someone who believes that displaying certain
behaviors will lead to positive results will have a
favorable attitude towards the behavior, while people
who believe that displaying certain behaviors will
lead to negative results, then he will have an
unfavorable attitude.
2.4 Subjective Norms
Subjective norms are the beliefs of individuals to
comply with or fulfill suggestions or input from
surrounding people to participate in entrepreneurship
activities. Subjective norms are functions based on
beliefs or beliefs called normative beliefs, namely
beliefs about agreement and / or disagreement that
come from references of other people or groups that
are considered important and influential for
individuals, such as family, friends, and people which
is considered important.
Subjective norms are a measure of social pressure
to determine whether entrepreneurial behavior needs
to be done or not. The social pressure refers to the
perception of certain groups (reference people) who
approve or not a person's decision for
entrepreneurship and usually individuals try to adhere
to the perceptions of the group. Subjective norms
relate to perceptions where a group of people exerts a
large influence on people's behavior, studying where
social networks influence individual behavior.
2.5 Perceived Behavioral Control
Perception of self-control is defined as a function
based on control beliefs, namely the belief of
someone about the presence or absence of supporting
or inhibiting factors to be able to emerge behavior.
Belief can be obtained from the individual's previous
experience of a behavior, information that an
individual has about a behavior obtained by making
observations on knowledge possessed by themselves
and other people known to individuals, and also by
various other factors that can increase or decrease
individual feelings about levels difficulty in carrying
out a behavior. The more individuals feel a lot of
supporting factors and a few inhibiting factors to be
able to do a behavior, the greater the control they feel
for the behavior and vice versa, the fewer individuals
feel the supporting factors and many inhibiting
factors to perform a behavior, then the individual will
tend to perceive themselves difficult to do this
behavior. There are two factors for determining
perceived behavioral control, namely belief and
perceived power control.
3.1 Population and Samples
The population in the study was undergraduate and
postgraduate students of IPB University and WULS-
SGGW. In this study the sampling technique using
convience sampling. This is sampling based on the
availability of elements and the ease of getting them.
Samples are taken / selected because the samples are
in the right place and time. The sample will be
examined with the following conditions: a) Student
active in Bogor Agricultural University or Warsaw
University of Life Science b) Level of education are
bachelor and master.
This study uses surveys and questionnaires as a
data collection tool. Data collection is done by
distributing questionnaires to students in IPB
University and WULS-SGGW with survey online.
In this research the samples used were 150 from
each university.
Sampling Procedures
1. Questionnaire Online
2. Giving questionnaires to respondents with
Likert scale 1-6.
3. Using social media to share or find direct
participant to fill the questionnaire online
In this study, the data needed are primary data.
The acquisition of primary data is done through the
distribution of questionnaires, interviews to
observations to get an overview of intention
EBIC 2019 - Economics and Business International Conference 2019
3.2 Data Analysis Technique
To analysis data, researcher using Structural Equation
Modelling (SEM) with software Smart PLS. Because
of its ability to process data both for formative and
reflective SEM models. Formative SEM models have
characteristics including latent or construct variabels
to indicator variables. The reflective SEM model is a
SEM model which the construct variable is a
reflection of the indicator variable, so that the arrow
leads from the indicator variable to the latent variable.
Statistically, the consequence is that there will be no
error in the indicator variable.
Structural Equation Model (SEM) is part of a
statistical model that can explain the relationships
between variables (Ghozali, 2006). In general, a SEM
model can be divided into two. The first is the
measurement model and the second is the structural
model. Measurement model is part of the SEM model
that describes the relationship between latent
variables and indicators. Structural model is a model
that describes the relationship between latent
variables with one another or between exogenous
latent variables with endogenous latent variables.
Because there are two parts in the SEM model, there
are also two errors in SEM, namely an error in a
measurement model and in a structural model.
Partial Least Square (PLS) is a technique of
making models that are currently popular in
management research and entrepreneurship (Hair et
al., 2014). Procedure Structural equation models try
to explain the structure or pattern between a
collection of latent constructs measured by several or
one indicator. The PLS approach is used to see the
direct influence between individual internal and
external variables in assuming entrepreneurial
intentions. Based on the results of the PLS analysis
various indicators that are really strong in describing
each of the latent variables will be obtained. PLS is a
powerful analytical method because it can be applied
to all types of data scales (distribution free) where it
does not assume data with a certain distribution so
that data can be either nominal, category, ordinal,
interval or ratio. In addition to being able to be used
as a confirmation theory, PLS can also be used to
build relationships that have no theoretical basis.
The data were analyzed using Smart-PLS (Ringle
et al., 2020). In order to evaluate the importance of
each aspect of perceived service quality, a second-
order model was proposed in this study. The proposed
model summarized in Figure 1. The model was
evaluated for its validity and reliability based on
partial-least-squared criterion.
4.1 Validity and Reliability Model
The PLS model evaluation require validity and
reliability test for the given model. The indicator for
each construct should be able to explain its variables
well according to the its average variance extracted
(AVE) and composite reliability. The AVE value for
each construct should be more than 0.5 to achieve the
validity model. The composite reliability value for
each construct should be more than 0.7 to achieve the
reliability model.
The results of SmartPLS calculations that have
met the validity and reliability requirements are
shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3 below.
Figure 2: Structural and measurement models for IPB University before removed
Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intention among University Students: A Comparative Study between IPB University (Indonesia) and
Figure 3: Structural and measurement models for WULS-SGGW before removed
There are 2 types of validity in PLS SEM, namely
discriminant validity and convergent validity.
1. Discriminant validity
Valid indicators also need to be tested for
discriminant validity by cross loading or the average
value of the extracted variant (Average Variance
Extracted/AVE). Discriminant validity is an
additional concept which means that two
conceptually different concepts must demonstrate
adequate differentiation. The point is that the set of
indicators combined is not expected to be
unidimensional. Criteria indicators that can represent
a latent if it has a AVE value above 0.5. Table 1 and
2 gives AVE values above 0.5 for almost all
constructs contained in the research model.
Based on Table 1 and Table 2 it can be seen that
all constructs have a value of AVE> 0.5, this shows
that all constructs are valid.
2. Convergent validity
Convergent validity if a set of indocators can
represent a latent (valid) and the underlying latent can
be seen using factor loading values. An indicator is
declared valid if it has a loading factor> 0.5 or> 0.7
according to the researchers' determination of the
intended construct. Indicators that have a loading
factor <0.5 are removed, The following are valid
Table 3. Loading Factor Value (IPB University)
No Variable Statement Loading Factor Result
1 Attitude (X.1)
(X.1.3) 0.922 Vali
Full of Challen
e 1 (X.1.4) 0.95 Vali
Full of Challen
e 2 (X.1.5) 0.603 Vali
Norms (X.2)
Superior’s Influence 2 (X.2.2) 0.894 Vali
Superior’s Influence 3 (X.2.3) 0.91 Vali
Influence 1 (X.2.4) 0.857 Vali
Influence 2 (X.2.5) 0.637 Vali
Influence 3 (X.2.6) 0.573 Vali
Behavior (X.3)
1 (X.3.1) 0.85 Vali
2 (X.3.2) 0.588 Vali
EBIC 2019 - Economics and Business International Conference 2019
No Variable Statement Loading Factor Result
Confidence 1 (X.3.3) 0.591 Vali
Confidence 2 (X.3.4) 0.829 Vali
Self Efficac
1 (X.3.5) 0.883 Vali
Self Efficac
2 (X.3.6) 0.608 Vali
Intention (Y)
(Y.1) 0.977 Vali
Improve social status (Y.2) 0.977 Vali
Table 4: Loading Factor Value (WULS-SGGW)
No Variable Statement
towards (X.1)
Locus of Control 1 (X.1.1) 0.772 Vali
Locus of Control 2 (X.1.2) 0.684 Vali
Perceived Usufulness
0.828 Valid
(X.1.4) 0.797 Vali
Full of Challen
e 2 (X.1.6) 0.76 Vali
Norms (X.2)
Superior’s Influence 1
0.895 Valid
Superior’s Influence 2
0.901 Valid
Superior’s Influence 3
0.624 Valid
Influence 1 (X.2.4) 0.564 Vali
Influence 2 (X.2.5) 0.838 Vali
Behavior (X.3)
1 (X.3.1) 0.819 Vali
2 (X.3.2) 0.909 Vali
Confidence 1 (X.3.3) 0.908 Vali
Confidence 2 (X.3.4) 0.538 Vali
Self Efficac
1 (X.3.5) 0.633 Vali
Self Efficac
2 (X.3.6) 0.616 Vali
Intemtion (Y)
Prefer to be entrepreneur
0.563 Valid
Improve social status (Y.2) 0.887 Vali
Profitable (Y.3) 0.939 Vali
There are 2 tests to measure the consistency of
reliability. If the composite reliability value is 0.7,
it is reliable. So if <0.7 then it is not reliable. From
table 4, it shows that the composite reliability value
for almost all constructs is 0.7, only the
characteristics of fishermen and education are <0.7.
This shows that almost all constructs in the estimated
model meet the composite reliability criteria.
Reliability testing can also be strengthened with
Cronbach’s Alpha. Cronbach’s Alpha is a measure of
reliability that has values ranging from zero to one
(Hair et al., 2010). The recommended value in the
Cronbach's Alpha test is> 0.6 (reliable), and in Table
4 shows all constructs have a Cronbach’s Alpha
value> 0.6, so it can be said that all constructs are
4.2 Structural Model Testing (Inner
After the estimated model meets the Outer Model
criteria, the structural model (Inner model) is then
Creteria R
is endogenous latent variable:
value of 0.67 is categorized as substantial,
value of 0.33 is categorized as moderate,
value of 0.19 is categorized as weak
value> 0.7 is categorized as strong
Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intention among University Students: A Comparative Study between IPB University (Indonesia) and
Table 5. Output R-square (IPB University)
R Square R Square Adjusted
Y 0.849 0.846
Based on Table 5 we can draw conclusions, the
influence of variables X.1, X.2, and X.3 on the Y
variable gives an R-sq value of 0.849 which can be
interpreted that the variability of the construct Y can
be explained by variables X.1, X. 2, and X.3 is 84.9%
while the remaining 16.1% is explained by other
variables not in the research model.
Table 6. Output R-square (WULS-SGGW)
R Square R Square Adjusted
Y 0.648 0.64
Based on Table 6 we can draw conclusions, the
influence of variables X.1, X.2, and X.3 on the Y
variable gives an R-sq value of 0.648 which can be
interpreted that the variability of the construct Y can
be explained by variables X.1, X. 2, and X.3 is 64.8%
while the remaining 35.2% is explained by other
variables not in the research model.
4.3 Hypothesis Testing
The hypothesis testing criteria in this study are of
significance level (α) of 5% and are determined by the
following criteria:
1. If t arithmetic> t table (1.96) then the hypothesis
is accepted.
2. If t arithmetic <t table (1.96) then the hypothesis
is rejected.
3. Hypothesis testing can also be determined by the
P-value with criteria as follows:
4. If the P-value <0.05, the hypothesis is accepted.
5. If P-value> 0.05, the hypothesis is rejected
Testing the complete hypothesis can be explained as
Table 7. The effect of each exogenous variable on endogenous variables (IPB university)
Original Sample
Sample Mean
Standard Deviation
X.1 ->
Y 0.405 0.384 0.105 3.854 0.00
X.2 ->
Y 0.269 0.278 0.116 2.325 0.02
X.3 ->
Y 0.303 0.315 0.055 5.555 0.00
Based on the picture above we can draw
conclusions, the influence of Attitudes towards
Entrepreneurs Intention gives an original sample
value of 0.405 which can be interpreted about the
magnitude of the Entrepreneurial Intention that can be
emulated by Attitudes towards 40.5% while 59.5% is
needed by other variables in the research model. The
attitude towards positive toward the Intention of
Entrepreneurs is getting bigger The attitude towards
the Intention of Entrepreneur will be higher The t-
statistic value of Attitude toward is 3,854 and the t-
table value with a significance level of 5% = 1.96,
then the t-statistic value is greater than t-table.
Important attitude towards having significance to
entrepreneur's intentions.
Subjective Norms of Entrepreneurial Intentions
provide an original sample value of 0.269 which can
be interpreted as a large Entrepreneurial Intention that
can be understood by Subjective Norms is 26.9%
while 73.1% can be influenced by other variables that
are not in the research model. Subjective Norms have
a positive impact on Entrepreneurial Intention so that
the greater the Subjective Norms, the Entrepreneurial
Intention will be higher. The t-statistic value of
Subjective Norms is 2.325 and the value of t-table
with a significance level of 5% = 1.96, then the t-
statistic value is greater than t-table. Adding
Subjective Norms to Entrepreneur Intention.
The effect of Perceived Behavior on Entrepreneur
Intention gives the original sample value of 0.303
which can be interpreted as the amount of
Entrepreneurial Intention that can be understood by
Perceived Behavior is 30.3% while 69.7% is
discussed by other variables that are not present in the
research model. Perceived Behavior has a positive
impact on Entrepreneur's Intention so that the greater
the perceived Behavior the Entrepreneur's Intention
will be higher. Perceived Behavior t-statistic value is
5.555 and t-table value with a significance level of
5% = 1.96, then the t-statistic value is greater than t-
table. Perceived behavior has significance to the
Entrepreneurs Intention.
EBIC 2019 - Economics and Business International Conference 2019
Table 8. The effect of each exogenous variable on
endogenous variables (WULS-SGGW)
Sample (O)
Mean (M)
Standard Deviation
X.1 -
> Y 0.256 0.246 0.143 1.784
X.2 -
> Y 0.152 0.152 0.111 1.371
X.3 -
> Y 0.434 0.451 0.185 2.348
Based on the picture above we can draw a
conclusion, the effect of Attitude towards
Entrepreneur Intention gives an original sample value
of 0.256 which can be interpreted that the influence
of Entrepreneur Intention that can be explained by
Attitude towards is 25.6% while the remaining 74.4%
is explained by other variables that do not exist in the
research model. Attitude towards a positive effect on
Entrepreneur Intention so that the greater the Attitude
toward the Entrepreneur Intention will be higher. The
t-statistic value of Attitude towards is 1,784 and the t-
table value with a significance level of 5% = 1.96,
then the t-statistic value is smaller than t-table. This
means that Attitude towards does not have a
significant effect on Entrepreneur Intention.
The influence of Subjective Norms on
Entrepreneur Intention gives an original sample value
of 0.152 which can be interpreted that the influence
of Entrepreneur Intention that can be explained by
Subjective Norms is 15.2% while the remaining
84.8% is explained by other variables that are not in
the research model. Subjective Norms have a positive
effect on Entrepreneur Intention so that the greater the
Subjective Norms, the higher the Entrepreneur
Intention. The t-statistic value of Subjective Norms is
1,372 and the value of t-table with a significance level
of 5% = 1.96, then the t-statistic value is greater than
t-table. This means that Subjective Norms do not have
a significant effect on Entrepreneur Intention.
The effect of Perceived Behavior on Entrepreneur
Intention gives an original sample value of 0.434
which can be interpreted that the influence of
Entrepreneur Intention that can be explained by
Perceived Behavior is 43.4% while the remaining
56.6% is explained by other variables that are not in
the research model. Perceived Behavior has a positive
effect on Entrepreneur Intention so that the greater the
Perceived Behavior, the higher the Entrepreneur
Intention. Perceived Behavior t-statistic value is
2.348 and t-table value with a significance level of
5% = 1.96, then the t-statistic value is greater than t-
table. This means that Perceived Behavior has a
significant effect on Entrepreneur Intention.
Each country has a different dominant entrepreneurial
intention factor. This is influenced by factors
mentioned in the study and also there are several other
factors which are not mentioned. In this case, a
functional campus is needed to maximize students
who have business entrepreneurial intentions. So that,
the intention can later be realized well, not only in the
form of intention but also in real action which in the
end will become a momentum to increase the number
of entrepreneurs in the country.
Authors gratefully acknowledge that the presented
research is supported by IPB University and Warsaw
University of Life Science-SGGW.
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