of muscle fibers. Thus, the effect of exercises on
endurance covers increase in muscle and stamina.
The description above emphasizes on how
stamina in physical condition system affect every
branch of sport. Without good physical condition,
athletes cannot put up with exercises or fight in
tournament. Based on the observation during micro
lecture, PPL, internship in Yuso volleyball club
Yogyakarta, the athletes’ stamina was still
considered low since they felt worn out after using a
little amount of power for just an hour. As explained
above, there are several methods to improve stamina
such as continuous training, fartlek, interval training,
long running, long swimming, sprint training and
cross country. Aerobic capacity is determined by
organs’ ability inside the body to transport oxygen
throughout the whole body tissues. Oxygen transport
and circulation system improvement is one of the
goals of stamina training. Athletes who possess a
good aerobic capacity may recover themselves in a
jiffy and withstand an intense training in longer
term. Thus, stamina/aerobic capacity is determined
by: (a) Lungs as a place to transfer oxygen, (b)
Blood (Erythrocytes and Hb) oxygen carriers, (c)
Blood vessels in the body, (d) Heart that controls
blood flow, (e) Mitochondria in muscle cells, and (f)
Mitochondria that increases stamina.
Sprint training is a short-term running exercise
done repeatedly with high intensity. The principle of
sprint training is given maximum load in a short
term, repeated for several times. Active recovery is
given during the interval between sets and sessions
by doing basic technique such as lower passing and
upper passing. The goal is to make sure that the
athletes are still in training zone and to improve
basic technique of passing, especially when the ball
touches the hand. Sprint training is held in a flat
lane. It improves the ability of the body to get into
activities. Based on the characteristic, sprint training
improves anaerobic capacity, especially muscle
strength, speed and power, as well as endurance,
with the energy system of ATP-PC (Alactacid).
Yuso volleyball club Yogyakarta is a sport club
located in the Special Region of Yogyakarta with
members of certain age group and ability in
volleyball game. Based on the observation during
micro lecture, PPL, internship in Yuso volleyball
club Yogyakarta, athletes’ stamina was still
considered low since they felt tired after using a
little amount of power for just an hour. The given
training was less attractive and boring for the
athletes. The typical sprint training was done
unwillingly and less variative. After a deeper
observation via the coaches, it was found that they
had not learnt what training works better for
athletes’ stamina improvement, especially for
women athletes whose stamina had not yet been put
into test.
This research aimed to learn the effect of active
recovery in sprint training on the endurance of
women’s volleyball athletes aged 12-14 years. Thus,
the researcher eagerly studied about “The Effects of
Active Recovery in Sprint Training on the
Endurance of Women’s Volleyball Athletes Aged
12-14 years at Yuso Club Yogyakarta”.
2.1 Type of Research
This research is an experimental research that used a
one-group pretest-posttest design.
2.2 Place and Time of the Research
The research took place in YUSO volleyball club
Yogyakarta, held in the volleyball field of SMK
Negeri 2 Yogyakarta, AM Sangaji Street,
Cokrodiningratan, Jetis. The research was held from
August 9th to September 15th 2018. The treatment
was performed for 16 times with a cycle of 3 times
per week (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 3 pm-
2.3 Research Subject
The research subject was a total of 24 Yuso club
women’s volleyball athletes aged 12-14 years. The
sampling technique used was a purposive sampling
with the criteria of: (1) Women's volleyball athletes
aged 12-14 years, (2) able to participate in all
training programs that had been arranged during 16
meetings, (3) had been in training for at least 6
months, (4) had a minimum of 13.4 to 22.1
2.4 Operational Definition of Variable
2.4.1 Dependent Variable
Dependent variable in this research was the stamina
of women’s volleyball athletes aged 12-14 years.
Stamina may refer to a physical condition or
situation where it can last for a long term. An athlete
is considered having a great stamina when she
hardly feels tired or is able to keep moving when she