3. The interaction of leadership style with cognitive
style does not show a statistically significant
effect. This means cognitive style isn't is a
moderating factor, so it cannot strengthen or
weaken the influence of leadership style on team
members' job satisfaction. In other words, the
influence of leadership style on team member job
satisfaction does not depend on the cognitive
style of team members. This result does not
support the third hypothesis which states that the
interaction between leadership style and
cognitive style influences job satisfaction.
7.2 Suggestion
When not considering aspects of locus of control
and cognitive style from team members, this
research successfully found that leadership style
achievement has a positive effect on job satisfaction
of team members in the inspectorate team. By
providing clear goals accompanied by a delegation
of tasks and the greater the responsibility to the team
members, the job satisfaction felt by the team
members is also higher. Whereas when considering
aspects of the locus of control and cognitive style of
the members of this research team managed to find
that the directive leadership style had a positive
effect on job satisfaction of team members in the
inspectorate team.
So that team member job satisfaction is achieved
so that work motivation also increases, the effective
leadership style is a combination of directive and
achievement leadership styles. The directive
leadership style provides clear instructions and
direction, while the achievement leadership style
encourages team members to be independent in each
assignment. One example of applying this
combination of leadership styles is to make the audit
program as concrete as possible, but gives the team
members the freedom to be creative in deepening
and expanding in the field.
The results of this study are expected to be input
for the Regional Inspectorate to make efforts to
make policies in forming teams to increase job
satisfaction received by team members through
situational factors consisting of many aspects such
as authoritarianism, abilities, task structure, formal
authority systems and norms and group dynamics.
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