Kang (2011) showed the same result also. V
Venkatesh, Thong, & Xu (2012) found that there
was a significant effect of performance expectancy
on the intention to use new technology.
According to those researches above, so the
hypothesis of this research is
HI: There is a positive significant effect of
performance expectancy on the intention to use
accounting software in VOE
2.8 The Effect of Effort Expectancy on
the Intention for Adoption
Several researchers found that there is an effect of
effort expectancy on intention to use new technology
[Hormati (2012); Indahwati & Afiah (2014); V
Venkatesh, Thong, & Xu (2012); Lai et al (2009)].
Different result found by Handayani & Sudiana
(2015), which is the result was effort expectancy not
significantly affected the intention to use new
Ling (2008) concluded that effort expectancy
played an important role to affect the intention to use
ERP. Payne & Curtis (2008) found that effort
expectancy is a significant variable in the intention
to use audit technology.
Im et al (2011) found that effort expectancy had
a positive significant effect on the intention to adopt
new technology
According to the researches’ result above, so the
hypothesis of this research is:
H2: There is a positive significant effect of effort
expectancy on the intention to use accounting
software for VOE
2.9 The Effect of Social Influence on
the Intention for Adoption
The result of Hormati (2012), Indahwati & Afiah
(2014) found that social influence affected the
intention to adopt new technology. Handayani &
Sudiana (2015) found that social influence affected
the intention behaviour.
Lai, Lai, & Jordan (2009) also found that social
influence had ad positive significant effect on the
intention to adopt new technology. V Venkatesh,
Thong, & Xu (2012) found that there was a
significant effect of social influence on the intention
Based on the researchers above, so the
hypothesis of this research is:
H3: There is a positive significant effect of
social influence on the intention to use accounting
software for VOE
2.10 The Effect of Facilitating Condition
on the Intention for Adoption
Based on several researches, it can be stated that
facilitating conditions had a significant effect on the
intention to adopt new technology [Hormati (2012);
Indahwati & Afiah (2014)]. (Oswari, Suhendra, &
Harmoni, 2008) found that facilitating conditions
significantly affected the performance of small-
medium enterprises.
Payne & Curtis (2008) concluded that
facilitating conditions was a significant factor for the
intention to adopt audit technology. Meanwhile, Im
et al (2011) found that facilitating conditions had a
significant impact on the intention to use new
technology. Venkatesh (2012) found that intention to
use and facilitating conditions had a significant
According to several researches above, in can be
stated that:
H4: There is a positive significant effect of
facilitating conditions on the intention to use
accounting software for VOE
3.1 Measurement’s Parameter
3.1.1 Performance Expectancy (X1)
Performance expectancy defined as the level of
someone’s perception that using a technology will
help themselves to gain the highest performance (V
Venkatesh et al., 2003). Indicators that used for
measuring the performance expectancy, refers to
Hormati (2012) consist of increasing the
productivity, increasing the quality , increasing the
effectiveness. Variable measure with the Likert scale
1 – 5.
3.1.2 Effort Expectancy (X2)
Effort expectancy refers to the level of the easiness
of using a new technology (V Venkatesh et al.,
2003). Indicators that used for measuring the
performance expectancy, refers to Hormati (2012)
consist of easy to learn, easy to use, interaction, easy
to perform a job.