The Intention of Accounting Software’s Adoption for Village-owned
Enterprises Financial Reporting in Indonesia
Rini Indahwati
and Nurlinda
State Polytechnic of Medan, Jl. Almamater no 1 Kampus USU, Medan, Indonesia
Department of Accounting, Jl. Almamater No.1 Kampus USU Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Intention, Voe, Accounting Software
Abstract: This research aims to analyse the influence of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence
and facilitating conditions on the intention to adopt accounting software in village-owned enterprises
(VOE). The data collected by a convenient sampling method by sending the questionnaire to the
respondents by e-form. The result showed that only performance expectancy significantly affected the
intention to adopt accounting software for financial reporting. Meanwhile, effort expectancy, social
influence and facilitating conditions were not significantly affected the intention to adopt accounting
software in village-owned enterprises.
Village-owned enterprises (VOE) are the platform
for village’s economics development. The existence
of these enterprises will raise the level of people’s
wealthy in villages. This is the reason of the
importance of village-owned enterprises in
Recent situation show that villages receipt the
donation from the Ministry of Village, Development
of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration for
the village’s development. The data show ed that the
reporting of the budget still inappropriate. For
example, in Parigi Moutong District that received
the donation from Ministry of Village, Development
of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration, but
when the auditor examines the reporting of the
donation, the auditors found that there are several
problems with the financial reporting
( This problem
related with the capability of the human resources to
perform financial report.
Technology, especially accounting software,
could help this financial reporting’s problem.
UTAUT is a model that used to explained the
behaviour of technology’s users (V Venkatesh,
Morris, GB, & Davis, 2003). This model consist of 8
(eight) variables to predict the intention of
technology’s adoption. The variables are
behavioural intention, use behaviour, performance
expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence and
facilitating conditions.
2.1 UTAUT Model
The Unified of Acceptance and Use of Technology
(UTAUT) developed by V Venkatesh et al.,
2003).UTAUT Model combined the 8 (eight) main
variables; theory of reasoned action (TRA),
technology acceptance model (TAM), motivational
model (MM), theory of planned behaviour (TPB),
combined TAM and TPB, Model of PC utilization
(MPTU), innovation diffusion theory (IDT), and
social cognitive theory (SCT).
UTAUT aims to help entities to understand the
users’ reaction to the new technology. (Wang,
2005). UTAUT developed from TAM’s Model that
consist of 4 (four) constructs that affected the
intention to use the new technology; performance
expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence and
facilitating conditions (V Venkatesh et al., 2003).
Indahwati, R. and Nurlinda, .
The Intention of Accounting Software’s Adoption for Village-owned Enterprises Financial Reporting in Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0009205703860391
In Proceedings of the 2nd Economics and Business International Conference (EBIC 2019) - Economics and Business in Industrial Revolution 4.0, pages 386-391
ISBN: 978-989-758-498-5
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.2 Performance Expectancy
Performance expectancy defined as the level of
someone’s perception that using a technology will
help themselves to gain the highest performance (V
Venkatesh et al., 2003). According to Handayani &
Sudiana (2015), indicators that used to measure
performance expectancy are complexity, perception
of easiness of use and easiness to learn.
Meanwhile, other indicators that used to
measure the performance indicators are (Hormati,
1. Increasing the productivity
2. Increasing the quality
3. Increasing the effectiveness
2.3 Effort Expectancy
Effort expectancy refers to the level of the easiness
of using a new technology (V Venkatesh et al.,
2003). The easier a system to operate then user need
less effort to perform. A friendly system asked for
less effort.
According to Handayani & Sudiana (2015),
several indicators that operated to measure effort
expectancy are:
1. The Management easiness’s perception
2. Speed for doing a job
3. Performance’s gain
4. Motivation
Hormati (2012) operated these indicators to
measure effort expectancy:
1. Easy to learn
2. Easy to use
3. Interaction
4. Easy to perform a job
2.4 Social Influence
Social influence defined as the level of individual’s
perception of others influences in using a new
technology (V Venkatesh et al., 2003). According to
Handayani & Sudiana (2015), indicators that used in
measuring the social influence on information
systems are:
1. Family factor
2. Friends
3. Social Factors
4. Influencing people
Hormati (2012) operated these indicators to
measure the social influence variable:
1. The influence of colleagues
2. The influence of Manager (Leader)
3. Company’s support
4. Social Status
2.5 Facilitating Condition
Facilitating condition defined as someone’s belief
about the infrastructure that will support the use of
new technology (V Venkatesh et al., 2003).
According to Handayani & Sudiana (2015),
indicators that used to measure the facilitating
condition are:
1. Condition that will facilitate
2. Knowledge
3. Compatibility
4. Acceptable
5. The influence of co-worker
Hormati (2012), used these indicators to
measure facilitating condition variable:
1. Availability of facilities
2. User’s skill
3. Compatibility
4. Availability of experts
2.6 Intention for Adoption
Intention defined as the willingness to perform a
behaviour (Hormati, 2012). Behaviour explained as
the interest to do something, meanwhile intention
will determine the behaviour (Hartono, 2007).
Handayani & Sudiana (2015) used these
indicators to measure the intention for technology
1. Intent to use the technology more often
2. Predicted to use the technology
3. Plan to use the new technology
4. Confidence to use the new technology
(Hormati, 2012) operated 3 (three) indicators to
measure the intention for technology adoption:
1. Willing to use
2. Predicting to use
3. Planning to use
2.7 The Effect of Performance
Expectancy on the Intention for
Hormati (2012) found that performance expectancy
affected the intention to use in Indonesia’s
government. Indahwati & Afiah (2014) also found
the performance expectancy affected the intention to
use accounting software for Small Medium
Handayani & Sudiana found that performance
expectancy affected the intention to use. Lai, Lai, &
Jordan (2009) found the same result. Im, Hong &
The Intention of Accounting Software’s Adoption for Village-owned Enterprises Financial Reporting in Indonesia
Kang (2011) showed the same result also. V
Venkatesh, Thong, & Xu (2012) found that there
was a significant effect of performance expectancy
on the intention to use new technology.
According to those researches above, so the
hypothesis of this research is
HI: There is a positive significant effect of
performance expectancy on the intention to use
accounting software in VOE
2.8 The Effect of Effort Expectancy on
the Intention for Adoption
Several researchers found that there is an effect of
effort expectancy on intention to use new technology
[Hormati (2012); Indahwati & Afiah (2014); V
Venkatesh, Thong, & Xu (2012); Lai et al (2009)].
Different result found by Handayani & Sudiana
(2015), which is the result was effort expectancy not
significantly affected the intention to use new
Ling (2008) concluded that effort expectancy
played an important role to affect the intention to use
ERP. Payne & Curtis (2008) found that effort
expectancy is a significant variable in the intention
to use audit technology.
Im et al (2011) found that effort expectancy had
a positive significant effect on the intention to adopt
new technology
According to the researches’ result above, so the
hypothesis of this research is:
H2: There is a positive significant effect of effort
expectancy on the intention to use accounting
software for VOE
2.9 The Effect of Social Influence on
the Intention for Adoption
The result of Hormati (2012), Indahwati & Afiah
(2014) found that social influence affected the
intention to adopt new technology. Handayani &
Sudiana (2015) found that social influence affected
the intention behaviour.
Lai, Lai, & Jordan (2009) also found that social
influence had ad positive significant effect on the
intention to adopt new technology. V Venkatesh,
Thong, & Xu (2012) found that there was a
significant effect of social influence on the intention
Based on the researchers above, so the
hypothesis of this research is:
H3: There is a positive significant effect of
social influence on the intention to use accounting
software for VOE
2.10 The Effect of Facilitating Condition
on the Intention for Adoption
Based on several researches, it can be stated that
facilitating conditions had a significant effect on the
intention to adopt new technology [Hormati (2012);
Indahwati & Afiah (2014)]. (Oswari, Suhendra, &
Harmoni, 2008) found that facilitating conditions
significantly affected the performance of small-
medium enterprises.
Payne & Curtis (2008) concluded that
facilitating conditions was a significant factor for the
intention to adopt audit technology. Meanwhile, Im
et al (2011) found that facilitating conditions had a
significant impact on the intention to use new
technology. Venkatesh (2012) found that intention to
use and facilitating conditions had a significant
According to several researches above, in can be
stated that:
H4: There is a positive significant effect of
facilitating conditions on the intention to use
accounting software for VOE
3.1 Measurement’s Parameter
3.1.1 Performance Expectancy (X1)
Performance expectancy defined as the level of
someone’s perception that using a technology will
help themselves to gain the highest performance (V
Venkatesh et al., 2003). Indicators that used for
measuring the performance expectancy, refers to
Hormati (2012) consist of increasing the
productivity, increasing the quality , increasing the
effectiveness. Variable measure with the Likert scale
1 – 5.
3.1.2 Effort Expectancy (X2)
Effort expectancy refers to the level of the easiness
of using a new technology (V Venkatesh et al.,
2003). Indicators that used for measuring the
performance expectancy, refers to Hormati (2012)
consist of easy to learn, easy to use, interaction, easy
to perform a job.
EBIC 2019 - Economics and Business International Conference 2019
3.1.3 Social Influence (X3)
Social influence defined as the level of individual’s
perception of others influences in using a new
technology (V Venkatesh et al., 2003). Indicators
that used for measuring the social influence refers to
Hormati (2012) consist of the influence of
colleagues, the influence of manager (leader) ,
company’s support, social status . Variable
measured by Likert Scale 1 – 5.
3.1.4 Facilitating Conditions
Facilitating condition defined as someone’s belief
about the infrastructure that will support the use of
new technology (V Venkatesh et al., 2003). Hormati
(2012), used these indicators to measure facilitating
condition variable : availability of facilities, user’s
skill, compatibility, availability of experts.
3.1.5 Intention to use (Y)
Intention defined as the willingness to perform a
behaviour (Hormati, 2012). Behaviour explained as
the interest to do something, meanwhile intention
will determine the behaviour (Hartono, 2007).
(Hormati, 2012) operated 3 (three) indicators to
measure the intention for technology adoption:
willing to use, predicting to use , planning to use
3.2 Research Model
Figure 1.
3.3 Population and Sample
The population of this research are all the village-
owned enterprises (VOE) that joint the village-
owned enterprise forum in 2019. Total VOE that
listed as the member of village-owned enterprise
forum in 2019 are 510 enterprises.
Samples chose by the Slovin formula. Based on
that formula, total samples that had been chosen are
84 (eighty four) VOE.
3.4 Instrument & Data Collecting
The instrument to measure the research data is a
questionnaire. Research instrument operated with
the Likert Scale form 1- 5.
3.5 Data Analysis
Data analysed with PLS (Partial Least Square).
Before the analysis process, we examined the
validity and reliability of the data.
Table 1.
4.1 Descriptive Analysis
Based on table above, we can figure out that most of
the respondents are men. Most of the respondents
are graduated from college, and aged between 35
44 years old. Most of them are able to uses computer
and also had a proper financial skill.
The Intention of Accounting Software’s Adoption for Village-owned Enterprises Financial Reporting in Indonesia
4.2 Data Analysis
Figure 2.
The figure above, showed that X1 formed by 4
(four) indicators, which are helping the financial
reporting process, helping in accelerated the time for
financial reporting, enhancing the user productivity
and providing the chance for the improvement of
financial reporting process. X2 formed by 2 (two)
indicators. The indicators are the easiness to use and
the application was easy to use.
X3 formed by 2 (two) indicators, which are
influence from people who was respected by user,
apparatus’s influence to user for adopting
accounting software. X4 formed by 3 (three)
indicators. The indicators are facilities in VOE, the
knowledge to use the facilities, compatibility of
facilities with other’s facilities in VOE.
Table 2.
Based on the table above, it can be shown that
only X1 (performance expectancy) significantly
affected the intention to adopt accounting software
(Y). The p-value for performance expectancy to
intention to adopt is 0.033< 0.05.
Meanwhile, the p-value for X2 (effort
expectancy) to Y (intention to adopt) is 0.470> 0.05.
It means that effort expectancy not significantly
affected the intention to adopt accounting software.
P-value for X3 (social influence) to Y is 0.346 >
0.05. This value means that social influence not
significantly affected the intention to use in village-
owned enterprises.
Furthermore, the p-value for X4 (facilitating
conditions) to Y is 0.326. It means that facilitating
conditions not significantly affected the intention to
use accounting software for financial reporting in
Based on the discussion, it can be concluded that
performance expectancy significantly affected the
intention to use accounting software for financial
reporting. Effort expectancy, social influence,
facilitating conditions are not significantly affected
the intention to adopt accounting software for
financial reporting.
The authors gratefully acknowledge that the present
research is supported by Politeknik Negeri Medan,
Accounting Department of Politeknik Negeri
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The Intention of Accounting Software’s Adoption for Village-owned Enterprises Financial Reporting in Indonesia