Regional Economic Growth in Indonesia, Information and
Communication Technology Perspectives
, Nurwiyanta
, Sarwoko
and Alim Syariati
Universitas Janabadra, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin, Makassar, Indonesia
Keywords: ICT, regional economic growth, labor productivity, simultaneous equation, internet
Abstract: This paper aims to investigate the contribution of information and communication technology (ICT) to local
economic growth in Indonesia in the period 2008-2017, as it provided a critical backbone to the development
of the data industry in Indonesia, especially mobile data. This study tested a cross-section instrument on 33
provinces in Indonesia. The simultaneous equation model is employed to analyze the effect of ICT on regional
economic growth. This study assessed two policy settings, namely direct contribution to access and
availability for economic growth, and the indirect impact on labor productivity. The results revealed an
increase in the role of ICTs in encouraging regional economic growth in Indonesia, although most provincial
areas have limited ICT infrastructure. This paper opens an extended solution to the improvement of ICT
infrastructure and emphasizes a better in-depth analysis of ICTs on regional economic growth.
The idea of long-term economic growth followed the
theoretical framework of Solow-Swan (Solow, 1957;
Swan, 1956). This model makes technology the main
ingredient in long-term growth and economic
development. Over the past few years, growth was a
process of increasing capital and labor to achieve
higher returns. This Solow-Swan model shows that
because of fewer profits, there are limits to the
increase in the amount of money and energy to achieve
sustainable growth. Improved technology can offset
this declining profit and provide an opportunity for a
country to experience productivity growth.
Technology has always been at the forefront of
economic growth and productivity. Increasing capital
and labor input in the production process alone is not
enough to maintain sustainable growth. Productivity is
the primary driver of growth after a country reaches
its capital and labor use limits. Recognizing the
importance of technology in industrial growth, more
and more countries and companies are allocating their
resources for investment in technology.
Furthermore, technological advances have
contributed to human well-being, including in terms
of new jobs, goods, health services, travel, and
communication. At the same time, technology also has
a disturbing power. Technology can influence how
labor is employed, and companies operate.
Technological changes in the fourth industrial
revolution at the moment may not be as drastic as they
have been in the past, but the acceleration of
technological improvements and adoptions is
happening even faster. The previous industrial
revolution took decades to truly change so that the
adjustment time was longer, especially in the labor
Information and Communication Technology
(ICT) is one form of technology that is snowballing
today and can be an indicator in determining the
economy of a country. The high demand and
penetration of digital devices in various aspects of
human life has directly created a significant industry
in the field of technology and involves almost all
major nations in the world, with business value
increasing day by day (Indrajit, 2011). ICT has
become a new resource for economic growth. It is
observable from the impact of the use of ICTs in a
broad manner, which enables the implementation of
more efficient ways to produce, distribute, and
consume goods and services.
Several previous studies have shown that ICTs can
drive economic growth. The higher the development
of a country's information technology, the higher the
economic growth. There is a tendency that countries
with rapid ICT growth have fast economic growth as
Ridwan, ., Nurwiyanta, ., Sarwoko, . and Syariati, A.
Regional Economic Growth in Indonesia, Information and Communication Technology Perspectives.
DOI: 10.5220/0009207000320037
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Social Sciences (ICASESS 2019), pages 32-37
ISBN: 978-989-758-452-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
well. In the United States, in the period 1995-1998,
ICTs were able to contribute to the economic growth
of 4.73% (Jorgenson, Dale and Stiroh, 2000). Also,
some European Union member countries (notably
Ireland, the Netherlands, and Finland) and some
OECD countries (for example, US, Australia, and
Canada) have recorded increases in economic growth
and productivity, stable inflation, and reduced
unemployment through the application of ICT.
In the Asia Pacific region, a country like
Indonesia provided evidence that ICT diffusion is
positively correlated with the level of economic
growth. The role of communication equipment
calculates research in Asia regarding ICT's role in
economic growth. The results showed that the
accumulation of capital of communication equipment
had a positive impact on all Asian countries during
the 1990s, and positive side measures were similar in
Asian countries (Kanamori, Fujiwara, and Mitomo,
2004). This study provides the first step in
understanding the impact of using ICT in Asia.
Recently, the rise of the information society in
Indonesia exhibits the continuous development of
ICT, especially telecommunication firms, as
magnified by the transition from fixed-line phones to
the mobile cellular phone. Besides, due to the rapid
growth of telecommunications in Indonesia, the term
"Digital Economy" has penetrated the urban and even
rural areas in Indonesia. Telecommunication has
eliminated the distance and reduced the differences
between communities. Information is no longer
constrained by time, location, or demographics,
providing a great value to society.
A study from the International
Telecommunication Union revealed 25 percent of
Indonesia's population had accessed the internet in
2016, showing the climate of information disclosure
and public acceptance of technological developments
and changes towards the information society. The
high number of internet users in Indonesia is
inseparable from the rapid growth of cellular phones
(Batunanggar, 2019). In 2017 there was 88.13 percent
of households in Indonesia having/controlled at least
one mobile telephone number. This figure is much
higher when compared to the conditions in 2012,
which only reached 83.52 percent.
This paper examines the causal relationship of
ICTs to growth, using panel data from 33 provinces
in Indonesia for the ten years 2008-2017, where ICTs
are multiplying in various regions in Indonesia. The
data compiled from three primary sources are the
dataset of the Statistics Indonesia (for regional
economic indicators), the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU) database (for ICT
penetration indicators), the Indonesian Ministry of
Communication and Information.
The contribution of Romer (1986; 1990) and Lucas
(1988), had provided a stimulus to investigate
endogenous factors that determine economic growth.
It centered on the central question or idea of which
"the main engine of growth."
One of the engines of growth is human capital. It
is static, instead of being static, it is very dynamic and
possessed abundant productive capabilities. Every
step of development would yield to the stock of
knowledge obtained. Therefore, this kind of
improvement would boost economic growth. Quah
emphasizes the demand for supply, argues that the
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
revolution encourages the advancement of workforce
skills, consumer sophistication, and broad-based
education level improvement; furthermore, it urges
increased use of technology and increases the
productivity of labor, leading to the increase of
economic growth (Quah, 2002). Levine argues that a
lesser barrier to information, essential driver of ICT,
would promote increased investment (1997).
Even before the advent of ICTs, the imminent
impact of the increased access and participation on
information and effective communication yielded
economic growth, as evidenced in Japan, Korea, Hong
Kong, and Taiwan. The extraordinary economic
growth in the late 80th as a result of how companies
and people had better access to market information.
Besides, they benefit from more effective
communication with foreign partners and each other.
The slow development of productivity had been
observed as a critical inhibitor of economic growth in
many developing countries (Cirera, 2016). One of the
answers to the previous problem was the advancement
use of ICT (Cirera, Lage, and Sabetti, 2016), as it
could facilitate a more efficient approach to factors of
production utilization and promoting the application
of and to other technologies. Its potentiality as a
productivity driver in areas with lower ICT adoption
or underdeveloped infrastructure, such as Sub-
Saharan Africa.
Although the magnitude of ICT contributions to
the growth of productivity still sparked heated
conversation and debate, various study findings such
as Pilat (2004); Draca, Sadun, and Reenen (2006);
Litan and Rivlin (2001) revealed that ICT positively
affected the productivity growth. Polak found a low
elasticity, despite being positive of 0.3% (2014). This
low elasticity could be explained by the fact that ICTs
are integral parts of many production and capital
Regional Economic Growth in Indonesia, Information and Communication Technology Perspectives
technologies, which makes it difficult to separate the
effects of ICT investments on the impact of other
production factors. The debate over the contributions
of ICT remains an open question of whether ICT could
potentially become an important driver of productivity
growth and subsequently increase economic growth.
The rapid application of ICTs raises essential
questions about the possible impacts on the company's
operations. For example, Bloom, Sadun, and Reenen
(2012) investigate how ICTs affect worker autonomy,
differentiating between cost reduction in the
information, or even communication. They found that
as the independence of workers increased would
provide freedom, despite shrinking for the first time,
while in the future, decisions were decentralized, and
worker autonomy increased.
Several studies have empirically analyzed the
relationship between ICT and productivity. At the
sectoral level, Basu et al. (2004) examined ICT could
differentiated the US and UK productivity
performance. Focusing on the reduced ICT costs,
cheap ICT investments are likely to create significant
changes only if companies can radically apply their
other inputs and increase productivity. They
concluded that the different productivity patterns was
the result of unmeasured investments in intangible
organizational capital of these two countries after
Among all types of ICT investments that have an
impact on productivity, internet adoption is the main
application that triggers many kinds of research.
Sánchez, Gallego-Álvarez, and Rodríguez-
Domínguez (2011) investigated the effect of the
internet on productivity as evidenced in Spanish-based
corporations. They reported three channels where the
internet can affect productivity: (i) the reduced
transaction costs in the production and distribution of
goods and services; (ii) the increased management
efficiency, by a more effective management of supply
chains, and a more effective communication within
the company as well as customers and partners; (iii)
the increasing competition provided the platform of a
more transparent prices with a more expansive market
potentiality for buyers and sellers, who put pressure on
suppliers to implement techniques that translate into
cost savings. The important conclusions of this study
indicate a positive impact on the productivity of
internet adoption but it would decline as a certain level
of usage is reached.
Although ICTs cover a variety of applications,
internet adoption is in the frontrow driver of how it
developed rapidly inside the firms. Loundes (2002)
shows that the percentage of businesses using the
internet in Australia has doubled in three years. In
1998, 29 percent of Australian companies used the
internet, while it increased to 69 percent in 2001.
Recent data shows that internet penetration reaches
almost all companies in developed countries; 97.9
percent of businesses with ten or more employees in
OECD countries have internet connections (Cirera,
2016). Even developing countries have a high
percentage of companies using ICT (Cirera, 2016).
For example, the rate of Turkish and Mexican
companies that use the internet is more than 90 percent
(OECD, 2012). However, ICT adoption is not evenly
across all types of companies. Walczuch, Braven, and
Lundgren (2000) have shown that small companies in
the Netherlands do not adopt the internet at the same
speed as their larger counterparts.
Bresnahan et al., using company-level data,
suggest that the reduction in ICT prices will increase
investment in work organizations and product and
service innovations, which in turn increases the
demand for skilled workers to increase productivity
growth (Bresnahan, Brynjolfsson, and Hitt (2002).
The Bresnahan study, using US-level company data
from 1987 to 1994, found evidence of
complementarity among the three types of innovations
(ICTs, workplace reorganization, and complementary
new products and services). In other words,
companies that adopt innovation tend to use more
skilled labor, and the impact of ICT on labor demand
is more significant when combined with
organizational investment. In short, they highlight the
importance of ICT as an enabler of organizational
change, which leads to productivity growth.
Furthermore, using the same company-level data,
Brynjolfsson and Hitt specifically investigate the
influence of computerization on productivity and
output growth (Brynjolfsson and Hitt, 2003).
According to them, ICTs affect productivity because
companies change their production processes and
produce complementary innovations in and
throughout the company. Their main conclusion is that
the estimation of computerized contributions to output
growth continues to increase in the long run. In the
short term, the output contribution measured from
computerization is roughly the same as the computer
capital cost, but in the long run, their participation is
significantly more significant than their expenses.
Furthermore, Polder et al. (2010) investigated the
impact of ICT on productivity using data for more than
5,000 Dutch companies from 2002 to 2006. Polder,
including ICT investment as an input to innovation
similar to investment treatment in R & D within the
framework proposed by Crépon, Duguet, and
Mairessec (1998). Their central hypothesis is that
ICTs affect productivity through an innovation
process. Thus, ICT is input to the innovation process,
such as the input of other knowledge for R & D. In
other words, ICTs enable higher levels of productivity
through an innovation process because this is an input
of innovation to increase output and ultimately leads
to higher company performance. The findings of
ICASESS 2019 - International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Social Science
Polder et al. show that investment and use of ICTs are
essential drivers of innovation output in
manufacturing and services. Besides, they found that
the strong effect of ICT on productivity is through
organizational innovation.
Internet penetration in Indonesia is increasing,
from 25.37 percent in 2016 to 32.34 percent in 2017.
One indicator illustrating this phenomenon is the
correlation between the percentage indicator of the
population using the internet and per capita GRDP,
which shows a positive relationship of 0.723
(Statistics Indonesia, 2017. Judging from the growth
of research conducted by Nata found that ICT
investment in Indonesia both in telecommunications
and hardware and software has a strong influence on
the growth of the Indonesian economy, and the high
growth rate of ICT investment has triggered high
economic growth in Indonesia (Nata, 2007). Hardware
has an active role if viewed in terms of it's physical,
whereas software has a high contribution in terms of
service services.
The analytical method used in this study is the panel
data method with quantitative analysis and
strengthened by qualitative analysis. This study will
conduct a simultaneous modeling framework of ICT,
human capital, labor productivity, and regional
economic growth in a model that explicitly connects
all variables is the most appropriate equipment to see,
both directly and indirectly, the impact of ICT on
regional economic growth. Therefore, in this study, a
simultaneous equation regression model will be used
using the two-stage least square (TSLS) regression
technique to see the relationship between ICT, human
capital, labor productivity, and regional economic
growth. Thus, the general specifications of the
structural equation system used in this study are:
P = f(ICT, HC) (1)
Y = f(P, ICT, HC) (2)
Where P is labor productivity; Y is regional
economic growth; ICT is information and
communication technology which is proxied by the
ICT Development Index, and HC is human capital
proxied by the Human Development Index.
Given the size of regional economic growth seen
from ICT, human capital, and labor productivity,
structural equations (1) and (2) become:
= α
+ α
+ α
+ ε
= β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ ε
Next equation (3) is substituted to equation (4):
= β
= β
= β
Where P
is labor productivity; Y
is regional
economic growth; ICT is Information and
Communication Technology proxied by the ICT
Development Indeks; HC
is Human Capital proxied
by the Human Development Index; i is the province
I, where i = 33 provinces in Indonesia; t is year t,
where t = 2008-2017; α, β is estimated parameters; α
is intercepting; and ε is error term.
The Two-Stage Least Square (TSLS) method can
work on a simultaneous equation system that is over-
identified and exactly-identified. For an exactly-
identified equation, besides being estimated by the
TSLS method, it can also be assessed by the indirect
least square (ILS) method to produce parameter
values that meet the best linear unbiased estimator
(BLUE) criteria.
Then through equation (5), brought to the reduced
form equation. The reduced form equation in question
is as follows:
= π
+ π
+ π
+ µ
= regional economic growth
= (β
+ α
= (α
+ β
= (α
+ β
= composite term error
Based on the estimation results using 33 districts/
cities, it shows that the direct effect of ICT on
Productivity (P) is 0.386, which means that an
increase of 1 point ICT Index will result in an increase
in labor productivity of 0.386 percent with a
significance level of 1% (0.01). This means that the
effect of ICT on P is significant, presented in table 1.
These results are in line with Quah's view, which
states that ICT penetration will encourage skill
improvement and increase the education level of the
workforce, thus increased labor productivity and,
finally, economic growth (Quah, 2002). Likewise,
Levine (1997) argues that ease of accessing ICTs is
believed to be an important driver of increasing
productivity faster, which in turn increases economic
Based on the estimation results in Table 1, it
shows that the direct effect of Productivity (P) on
regional economic growth (Y) is 0.173, which means
an increase of 1 percent labor productivity will
Regional Economic Growth in Indonesia, Information and Communication Technology Perspectives
increase the economic growth of 0.173 percent with a
significance level of 0.013. These results are
consistent with Cirera's opinion that states that low
productivity growth is one of the main factors that
inhibit economic growth in many developing
countries. One potential for productivity growth is the
adoption and use of ICT. Information technology can
facilitate productivity growth by utilizing production
factors more efficiently and promoting the
application of other technologies. The potential of
ICT as a productivity enabler is even more enormous
in areas far from the availability of technology,
especially in developing countries, which until now
have tended to have lower rates of ICT adoption and
underdeveloped ICT infrastructure (Cirera, Lage and
Sabetti (2016).
Based on the estimation results in Table 1, it
shows that the direct effect of ICT on Y is 0.331,
which means that an increase of 1 point ICT Index
will result in a rise in regional economic growth (Y)
of 0.331percent with a significance level of 1%.
These results support Nata's study, which found that
ICT investment in Indonesia in both
telecommunications and hardware and software has a
strong influence on Indonesia's economic growth, and
the high level of ICT investment has triggered high
growth in Indonesia (Nata, 2007). Hardware has an
active role when viewed in terms of its physical,
while software has a high contribution in terms of
service. The fact is that internet penetration in
Indonesia is multiplying, from 25.37 percent in 2016
to 32.34 percent in 2017; moreover, it encourages the
development of internet usage in economic activities
or digital economy phenomena. One indicator that
can illustrate this phenomenon is the correlation
between the percentage of the population using the
internet and the GDP per capita which shows a
positive relationship of 0.723 (Statistics Indonesia,
Table 1: The Estimate Results.
of Effect
Estimate t-statistic Prob.
P <----
0.386*** 3.804 0.000
Y <----
0.331*** 7.139 0.000
P <----
0.076** 2.100 0.036
Y <----
0.015 0.917 0.359
Y <----
0.173* 2.491 0.013
An important finding in this study is that ICTs have a
significant relationship to regional economic growth
in Indonesia. This relationship begins with the
influence of ICT penetration on labor productivity.
Information and communication technology can
facilitate productivity growth by utilizing production
factors more efficiently and promoting the application
of other technologies, which in turn, encourages
increased use of technology and increases labor
productivity and, as a result, encourages economic
Thanks for comments and suggestions from
reviewers and audiences of The 2nd International
Conference on Applied Science, Engineering, and
Social Sciences 2019 (2nd ICASESS 2019).
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