The Development of Kolangs Learning Model for Learning Running
Material for Children's with Mental Disabilities in SMPLB
Aditya Arif Rachman
, Sumaryanti
Yogyakarta State University Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Sport Science, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Kolangs Learning, Basic Techniques, Running
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to produce a Kolangs learning model for learning running material for mentally
retarded students in SMPLB. The approach taken in this research was research and development. The
subjects of this study were the VII grade students of junior high school. Small-scale trials were conducted to
six students of grade VII Sukoharjo SMPLB Public School. A large-scale trial was conducted to 20 students
of grade VII SMPLB B-C YPAALB Langenharjo Sukoharjo and grade VII students of SMPLB B-C
HAMONG PUTRO Jombor Sukoharjo. The effectiveness test was carried out on six students of grade VII
SMPLB ABCD YSD Polokarto Sukoharjo. In collecting the data, instruments used were: (1) interview
guidelines, (2) observation guidelines, and (3) GPAI. The techniques to analyze the data were carried out in
quantitative descriptive analysis and qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of this study are in the form
of Kolangs learning model for learning running material for mentally retarded children in the SMPLB. From
the assessment results of the experts and practitioners, the Kolangs learning model had a validity of 0.988.
Based on the results of the effectiveness test, the percentage value of Kolangs learning models represented
that it was a very effective learning model and it could improve the skills of start, run, and finish, as well as
the affective aspects, consisting of cooperation, discipline, and sportsmanship. In addition, the Kolangs
learning model was also very suitable with the characteristics, growth, and development of the students and
it allowed the students to easily learn the basic running techniques in the SMPLB.
Learning to run as school subject is considered to be
less attractive and only basic techniques are taught,
making students less enthusiastic or not interested in
learning the subject. The teacher provided
explanations and divided some tasks and technical
exercises without providing an interesting way of
learning that makes students feel bored in the
teaching and learning process. The results of the
observations showed that 7 out of 10 teachers
generally gave lecture model and directly explained
the basic technical material. In delivering the
learning material, 3 out of 10 teachers delivered the
materials using video learning guides. In addition,
from the results of observations, physical education
teachers only provided warming up, lectures, and
direct practice. The students could only do the basic
techniques without knowing whether the techniques
are right or wrong. The learning atmosphere was
direct so that students could develop their potentials,
which means that the education process must be
oriented to the students. Therefore, the students must
be seen as developing and potential organisms. The
teachers are required to not only provide materials or
force the students, but also develop the students’
potentials. Therefore, the students can memorize the
materials and facts. In other words, they can do
something beyond their abilities.
Dimyati (2009) says that learning is all activities
designed by the teacher to help someone learning a
new ability or value in a systematic process through
the stages of design, implementation, and evaluation
in the context of learning activities. Basically,
learning process must educate the students to
understand the appropriate learning process and can
encourage the students to develop their abilities
optimally. Next, Dimyati (2009) says, "teaching-
learning process is an activity of teachers which are
programmed in instructional design, to make
students learn actively, which emphasizes the
provision of learning resources."
Rachman, A. and Sumaryanti, .
The Development of Kolangs Learning Model for Learning Running Material for Children’s with Mental Disabilities in SMPLB.
DOI: 10.5220/0009209300270036
In Proceedings of the 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science in conjunction with the 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports
(YISHPESS and CoIS 2019), pages 27-36
ISBN: 978-989-758-457-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
From seven SMPLB being observed, Sukoharjo
State SMPLB, Surakarta State Senior High School,
Langenharjo SMPLB Sukoharjo, BC HAMONG
PUTRO Jombor Sukoharjo SMPLB, YSD Polokarto
ABCD SMPLB, and Abc Tawangsari SMPLB
Sukoharjo, six SMPLB still administered teacher-
centered models so that the students were not
actively involved in learning. The students were
sometimes required to match some notions regarding
the materials. The impact was on the students’ low
scores and there were some students whose grades
were far from the minimum criteria of learning
mastery (KKM). From 20 students, only five
students scored above the KKM. This is still far
from the expectations in running class.
Learning model is a plan or a pattern that is used
as a guide in planning the learning. Every learning
model has its advantages and disadvantages. The
Kolangs learning model is a new breakthrough of
learning model based on a combination of
cooperative models, in order to cover the
shortcomings of each learning model with a more
complex unitary model. The Kolangs learning model
contains interesting games that teach basic running
techniques. This can make the students more
interested in participating the learning session
because the learning is not monotonous as it keeps
changing but the learning goal remains.
Kolangs learning is a packaged combination of
learning model that is interrelated and
complementary to each other in order to create an
ideal learning. This is in accordance with what was
stated by Muslich (2010) that there are five
principles of learning activities that can develop the
potential of students, namely: (1) learner-centered
activities, (2) learning through doing, (3) developing
intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and social
intelligence, (4) lifelong learning, (5) independent
learning and learning to work together.
The essence of the formal education process is
teaching, while the core of the teaching process is
learning. Therefore, teaching cannot be separated
from learning, so the learning process in educational
terms is called the teaching and learning process
(PBM) (Ali, 2008). On the other hand, Rosdiani
(2012) said, "teaching-learning process is the
process of interaction between students and their
environment, so that there are better behavior
The special characteristics of the learning model
are: (1) logical theoretical rationales compiled by the
creators or developers. The learning model has a
reasonable theory of thinking. The creator or
developer makes a theory by considering his theory
with actual reality and does not fictitiously create
and develop it, (2) rationale for what and how
learners learn (learning objectives to be achieved).
The learning model has clear goals about what will
be achieved, including what and how learners learn
well and how to solve the learning problems, (3)
teaching behavior. It is needed so that the model can
be implemented successfully. Thus, the ideal
teaching can be successfully achieved in its
implementation, (4) learning environment needed.
Hence, the learning objectives can be achieved. The
learning model must have a conducive and
comfortable learning environment, so that the
learning atmosphere can be one of the supporting
aspects of the learning goals.
According to Rumini (1993) children aged 12/13
to 17/18 are still classified as early teens. At this
time, students want to find their identities and to be
valued as individuals. Viewed from the physical and
psychological development of the students, the
students from SMPLB are not yet mature.
Furthermore, Rumini (1993) says that physical
growth as well as psychological state in early
adolescents has not developed maximally. By seeing
the changes in adolescence, it can be concluded that
adolescents want to actualize themselves and their
existence as individuals want to be recognized by
others. Adolescence basically also experiences
biological or physiological changes in
psychological. According to Agustiani (2006),
changes in adolescents and interactions during
adolescence are physical, emotional, cognitive, and
psychosocial implications.
Learning for students is also associated with the
learning model used by the teacher. The model is
defined as a conceptual framework that is used as a
guideline in carrying out activities. It can be defined
as: (1) a type or design, (2) a description or analogy
used to assist the process of visualizing something
that cannot be directly observed, (3) a system of
assumptions, data, inferences used to describe an
object or event mathematically, (4) a simplified
design, (5) a description of a real or imaginary
system, and (6) a reduced representation in order to
explain and show the nature of the original form
(Sukmadinata, 2012).
The learning model has four aspects of
development, namely: (1) steps (syntax), explaining
how the implementation of a model, the form of
activities to be carried out, how to start it, and what
the next action gradually done, (2) the social system
that supports the implementation of each model,
explains how the structuring plan and the
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
relationship of students and teachers, as well as the
norms that build the relationship, (3) the principle of
interaction between students and teachers,
explaining the dynamic role of teacher and students
in each model. In other words, the teacher can be a
guide, facilitator, motivator, and assignor, (4)
explanation of the support system, this system is
outside the learning model but it is one of the
conditions that determine the level of success of the
learning models implemented (Rosdiani, 2012).
The development of learning models would be
better if it involves some aspects, like the ones
determined by Bloom (1956) in Himberg,
Hitchinson, & Roussell (2003), namely there are six
levels of cognitive aspects as follows: (1)
knowledge, (2) comprehension, (3) application, (4)
analysis, (5) synthesis, and (6) evaluation. Affective
aspects have five levels, namely: (1) receiving, (2)
responding, (3) valuing, (4) organizing, and (5)
characterizing. Psychomotor aspects have three
levels, namely: (1) direct observation and
assessment of students' behavior during learning, (2)
giving tests to students to measure knowledge, skills,
and attitudes after participating in teaching and
learning process, and (3) when the learning is
finished. Thus, the learning process will run better if
the process involves some models in order to create
positive interest from students in the teaching and
learning process. Kolangs learning which is based
on a combination of cooperative and direct learning
models is a learning model used in this study,
especially in running subject. The students have
different levels of intelligence, therefore the way
they learn the basic running techniques is different
between one and the others. To overcome this,
Kolangs learning, the newer method, is created to
provide more acceptable learning to students from
those who have a high level of intelligence to
students who have a low level of intelligence.
According to Rosdiani, (2012) the best physical
education learning process is achieved when it
involves three aspects of learning: cognitive,
affective, and psychomotor.
Therefore, it is expected that students can be
interested in following the learning process because
learning will be more varied and tend to be not
monotonous as in the conventional methods.
Learners at the upper middle level will tend to like
and try new things. By using this developed learning
model, students are expected to master the skills,
cognitive, and affective easily. It is because this
learning model provides character education so that
the students are expected to not only prioritize
individual egos, but be able to socialize with their
There are some basic running game techniques
that must be mastered by students, namely start, run,
and finish. These three basic techniques are
inseparable in running games. Each movement has
its own purpose. The start movement aims to start
the run properly. The aim of the run is to move
properly and quickly towards the finish. The finish
movement aims to level the time.
According to Hergenhahn & Olson (2008) the
most basic form of learning is repetition. Learning is
gradual rather than direct, in other words learning is
done with systematic small steps. In developing
learning models in Physical Education, the
applicable curriculum must be considered, so that
the products are in accordance with the
characteristics of the students (Rosdiani, 2012).
Curriculum is the experiences and activities planned
by the school which aims at modifying student
behavior towards expected behavior (Suherman,
2001). The physical education curriculum is part of
the overall school curriculum which contributes to
the philosophy, goals and objectives of education.
In physical education, it is expected that the
students are given the freedom to explore and
develop their talents and potential to maximally
support their growth and development. In
accordance with the demands of the 2013
curriculum, the students must be more active
meaning that they are given more space to find out
their talents and potential. From a number of
opinions expressed by experts, it can be concluded
that the learning model in physical education is a
learning model which is created to deliver materials
about motion activities to support the body's
development of students through interesting game
models and media.
The implementation of running learning with the
Kolangs learning model is easy and can attract the
attention and interest of students because learners do
not only learn one basic technique movement but
learn some basic techniques in different games. The
Kolangs learning model for this running game
consists of six games, namely: (1) Regional Marking
Games, (2) Taking Wild Ball, (3) Happy Games, (4)
Zigzag Running, (5) Relay Run, (6) Fun Run.
Each game has characteristics to improve
running skills. These skills will be elaborated as
follows: (1) Kolangs learning model can improve the
skills of start through Regional Marking Games,
Happy Games, Zigzag Running, Relay Run, Fun
Run, (2) Kolangs learning model can improve
running skills in the SMPLB through Regional
The Development of Kolangs Learning Model for Learning Running Material for Children’s with Mental Disabilities in SMPLB
Marker Games, Taking Wild Ball, Happy Game,
Relay Run, Fun Run, (3) Kolangs learning model
can improve Finish skills in SMPLB through game
Regional Marking, Taking Wild Ball, Happy Game,
Zigzag Run, Relay Run, Fun Run, (4) Kolangs
learning model can improve student cooperation
which is characterized by having cooperative
attitude with their group mates and disciplined
attitude towards running learning, (5) Kolangs
learning models improve the students’
sportsmanship which is characterized by
competitives attitudes between groups in each game
performed, (6) Kolangs teaching model is able to
make students easier to learn basic techniques of
running which is characterized by being more active
and happier. It was because the learning of Kolangs
can facilitate and explore learners on improving
basic techniques with activities in running games
with physical activity on the basic running technique
of start, run and finish.
From the description above it can be concluded
that Kolangs learning model is interpreted as a series
of learning activities carried out by students to
analyze and find a basic concept in small and
heterogeneous groups with the teacher guidance.
Hence, the learning process is structured and
feedbacks can be obtained by the students. This
learning model can be used to develop cognitive
aspects in the form of appropriate decision making
in each game, affective aspects in the form of
cooperation, sportsmanship, as well as discipline,
and psychomotor aspects in the form of mastering
basic running skills, namely start, run, and finish.
2.1 Type of Research
The type of research is research and development.
Sukmadinata (2010) said that research development
or often referred to as research and development
(R&D) is a process or step to develop a new product
or improve existing products.
2.2 Time and Place of Research
The research was carried out in March until July.
Small-scale trials were carried out at Sukoharjo
SMPLB Public School. A large-scale trial was
conducted in YPAALB Langenharjo B-C SMPLB
Sukoharjo and VII grade students of BPL-B-C
HAMONG PUTRO Jombor Sukoharjo.
Effectiveness test was carried out in YSD Polokarto
Sukoharjo ABCD SMPLB.
2.3 Research Subject
This research classified the subject test into two,
namely: the subject of a small group trial,
administering six students at VII grade of Sukoharjo
State Senior High School. The subjects of the large
group trial in the development research were 20
students at VII grade of SMPLB B-C YPAALB
Langenharjo Sukoharjo and VII grade students of
Sukoharjo. In addition, six students of grade VII of
SMPLB ABCD YSD Polokarto Sukoharjo tested the
effectiveness of the final product.
The technique of determining the trial subjects in
this research was simple random sampling method.
According to Sugiyono (2011), simple random
sampling is a sampling technique that provides equal
opportunities for each element (member) of the
population to be selected as a sample member or
2.4 Procedure
The procedure in this study was adapted from the
development model of Sugiyono (2010), covering 10
steps that must be implemented, namely: (1)
information gathering, (2) planning, (3) initial
product development, (4) initial trials, (5) revisions
to compile main products, (6) main field trials, (7)
revisions to compile operational products, (8) trials
of operational products, (9) revisions of final
products, and (10) dissemination and
implementation of development products. The
results of the dissemination products can later be
widely implemented by educators, SMPLB teachers
and education activists according to the age and
characters of the students.
Dwiyoga (2004) states that each researcher can
choose and determine the most appropriate step for
the research based on the conditions and obstacles
encountered. Based on this opinion, in this research
the simplification procedure was carried out in
accordance with the constraints and conditions in the
These steps were adapted into eight development
research procedure designs, namely: (1) collecting
information in the field, (2) analyzing the products
to be developed, (3) developing initial products, (4)
conducting expert validation, (5) conducting small-
scale trials and revisions, (6) conducting trials large-
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
scale and revised, (7) making final products, and (8)
conducting effectiveness tests.
The effectiveness test was carried out to find out
the effectiveness of the learning material in the
running subject. The final product testing was done
in order to find out whether the product that had
been produced is feasible and has advantages in the
level of model implementation in the field. The
effectiveness test used was in the form of
experiment. The steps to implementing the
experiment were carried out through 3 stages,
namely: (1) pretest (2) implementation of the
treatment (3) posttest.
2.5 Data, Instruments, and Data
Collection Techniques
The data obtained in this study were qualitative and
quantitative data. The qualitative data were the data
obtained from the results of expert judgements of the
material and practitioners' validation in the form of
comments, input, or suggestions to determine the
feasibility level of Kolangs learning products. The
quantitative data were based on the data obtained
from the response scores from experts and students
to measure the product feasibility, as well as from
assessment scores in the experimental data to
determine the effectiveness of the developed
Kolangs learning model.
The data collection instruments in this study
were the instruments to collect empirical data in the
effort to draft a model. The instruments needed to
draft a model consist of: (1) interview guidelines, (2)
scale of values, (3) observation guidelines, and (4)
Interview was the technique used in collecting
the data, by conducting direct communication using
interview guidelines as a data collection tool. The
questions prepared were adjusted to the purpose of
conducting the interviews, to explore the learning
process in the SMPLB especially about physical
education learning for students and the obstacles
faced by teachers regarding physical education
learning in running games to support the background
of research problems. Value scale was used to assess
the feasibility of game models developed before the
implementation of small-scale trials. After the
experts considered that the learning model was in
line with the elements in the value scale, a new game
model could be tested in a small-scale trial.
Observation was one of the data collection
techniques that not only measures the attitudes of
respondents (interviews and questionnaires) but can
also be used to record various phenomena that occur
(situations and conditions). Documentation was
done to search and collect the data in the form of
notes, transcripts, books, newspapers, magazines,
minutes, report cards, agendas, and so forth.
Documentation method was intended to obtain the
data based on the existing data sources in schools,
namely in the form of school profiles, organizational
structure, and results of the assessment. Other
instruments used in this study were lesson plan and
syllabus. The four instruments were used to obtain
the data related to the ability of the teacher, the
learning process and the facilities and infrastructure
To obtain the feasibility of the instruments used,
the steps taken were: (1) compiling the instructional
guidelines, (2) consulting the instrument guidelines
to the experts or validators, (3) arranging the items
of the instrument, (4) consulting the instruments to
the experts or validators to get a valid instrument.
The test given to students was the GPAI (Game
Performance Assessment Instrument) test that has
been validated by experts consisting of cognitive,
affective, and psychomotor tests.
2.6 Data Analysis Technique
The results were analyzed using qualitative and
quantitative descriptive analysis techniques. The
contents or material data which were in the form of
comments, suggestions from the experts and the
students, and the results of researchers’ observations
during the trial process were analyzed descriptively
by using qualitative method, and concluded as input
to improve or revise the developed products. While
in the form of data scores of responses of material
experts and students obtained through questionnaires
were analyzed descriptively quantitatively with
percentage techniques and categorization.
The steps used to determine the product
eligibility criteria were developed by changing the
data obtained from the questionnaires in the form of
responses to interval data. In the questionnaire, five
choices were provided using a Likert scale to
provide feedback about the developed product. The
categories in the scale were 4, 3, 2, 1 classified as
very good, good, good enough, and not good
The instruments made must be examined by the
teacher to find out the readability, the substance
being asked, and the language used. The results of
the study were used to improve the instrument, and
then the instrument was tested in the field. The
categorization of assessments can be seen in Table 1.
The Development of Kolangs Learning Model for Learning Running Material for Children’s with Mental Disabilities in SMPLB
Table 1: Categorization of kolangs learning model of
running for mentally retarded children in the SMPLB.
Game Model Score
Rating Category
Very good / very effective
72 95
Good / effective
48 71
Good enough / quite effective
Not good / ineffective
1. The lower limit of the highly effective
category is 0.80 x 120 = 96, and the upper
limit is 96.
2. The lower limit score in good or effective
category is 0.60 x 120 = 72, and the upper
limit score is 72.
3. The lower limit score in good enough or quite
effective category is 0.40 x 120 = 48, and the
upper limit is 48.
4. The scores classified as not good or
ineffective when they are less than or equal to
2.6 Research Results and Discussion
The product produced through research and
development was Kolangs learning model for
administering game of running in SMPLB which
contains learning steps of eight games. Each game
contains cognitive, affective, and psychomotor
elements that are integrated in the game. In this case,
the overall criteria in learning was very effective to
be applied to the VII grade students of SMPLB.
Validity test and reliability test were conducted to
find out which instruments were valid and reliable.
Kolangs learning model was declared valid because
the values of r count were 0.881, 0.898, 0.881, and
0.879, which were more than r table, 0.801.
Furthermore, Kolangs learning model was reliable
because the value of r count was 0.988> than 0.6.
Further explanation can be seen in Appendix 14 on
page 165. Generally, there were five models in very
good categories and one model in good category.
The detailed explanation of each game model is
discussed as follows.
The Regional Marking Game was included in the
very good category with an average score of 108.75,
having percentage of 90.63%. The things causing the
Regional Marking Game was in very good category
are explained as follows. a) The game developed the
ability of students to find their own right foot
position on the basic technique of running in groups
and the students are required to think and work
together when performing the games. b) The
students looked happy and active when playing the
Marking Game. d) The Marking Game equiped the
students to have the ability to carry out basic
techniques in playing a ball-free running game and it
was encouraged game for students. d. the game was
oriented to the needs of the learners and it could
explore basic techniques of learning activities,
including start, run, and finish correctly. e. the game
developed the students ability to work together and
motivated them to interact with other students. f. the
game encouraged the students to solve problems and
it also encouraged them to comply with regulations.
Happy Game was also included in the very good
category with an average score of 113.00, having
percentage of 94.17%. Things that cause the Happy
Game model was in the very good category is
explained as follows: a. it developed the students’
ability in the right footsteps and steps when running
in the game and the students were required to think.
b. the students looked happy and active when
playing the Happy Game. c. the game equiped the
students to have the ability to use the right foot to
step up and it delighted the students. d. the game
was oriented to the needs of students and it could
explore learning activities regarding the basic
techniques, including start, run and finish in short
distance running. e. the game developed the ability
of students to work together and it motivated them to
interact with other students. f. the game encouraged
the students to solve problems and it encouraged
them to comply with regulations.
Zigzag Running Game was included in the very
good category with an average score of 102.75,
having percentage of 85.63%. The things causing the
Zigzag Running game model was in very good
category are explained as follows. a) It developed
the ability of students to carry out the correct
running technique in the space provided and the
students were required to think when they were
playing. b) The students looked happy and active
when doing the Zigzag Running game. c) The game
equiped the students to have the ability to make
basic moves of short-distance and fun running
games. d) The game was oriented to the needs of the
students and it could explore the learning activities
of basic technical movements, including start, run
and finish in short distance running. e) The Zigzag
Running Game developed the ability of students to
work together and it motivated them to interact with
other students. f) The game encouraged the students
to solve problems and encouraged the students to
comply with regulations.
The Taking Wild Ball game was included in the
very good category with an average score of 113.75,
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
having a percentage of 94.79%. The things causing
the game model was in a very good category are
explained as follows. a) It developed the ability of
students to run and take the ball and students are
required to think when they were playing the game.
b) The students looked happy and active when
playing the game. c) The game equiped the students
to have the ability to run and take the ball while
running and it was in accordance with the
characteristics of the students. d) The Taking Wild
Ball game was oriented to the needs of the students
and it could explore activities in learning basic start
and short distance running techniques. e) Playing the
game developed the ability of the students to work
together and it motivated them to interact with other
students. f) The game encouraged the students to
solve problems and it encouraged them to comply
with regulations.
Relay Run game model for basic running
learning technique was included in the good
category with an average score of 95.75, having
percentage of 79.79%. The things causing the Relay
run game model was in the good category are
explained as follows. a) It developed the ability of
students to pass the hoops and when playing the
Relay Run, the students were required to think. b)
The students looked happy and active when doing
the Relay Run game. c) The game equiped the
students to have the ability to run and it was in
accordance with the characteristics of students. d)
The Relay run game was oriented to the needs of
learners and it could explore basic learning
activities, including start, run and finish in short
distance running. e) The game developed the ability
of students to work together and motivated them to
interact with other students. f) The game encouraged
the students to solve problems and encouraged them
to comply with regulations.
Fun Run game model was included in the very
good category with an average score of 103.50,
having percentage of 86.25%. The things causing the
Fun Run game model was in good categories are
explained as follows. a) It developed the ability of
students in running and when playing Fun Run
game, the students were required to think. b) The
Fun Run game equiped the students to have the
ability to run regularly when running and it
encouraged the students. c) The Fun Run game was
oriented to the needs of the students and it could
explore the basic learning techniques, including
start, run and finish in short distance running. d) The
game encouraged the students to solve problems and
encouraged them to comply with regulations.
Another game that was included in the good
category was Run Relay game. The Run Relay game
was in the good category because the Relay Run
game rules did not make the students move
dynamically like the the other games and only
required the students to stay in a place. The Kolangs
learning model for overall running games in the
category was very good with the average score of
108.53, having percentage of 90.44%. Thus, it can
be concluded that the Kolangs learning model for
running games in the SMPLB was feasible to be
used and it can serve as a guidance for running
learning in the SMPLB.
From the experts and the physical education
teacher as the model testers, revision processes were
carried out on the draft of the Kolangs learning
model so that finally the Kolangs learning model of
the running game in the SMPLB was produced. The
learning model is contained in a practical guidebook
for Kolangs learning model for running games and it
is suitable for use. The practical guidebook of the
Kolangs learning model for running games consists
of six games, namely: (1) Regional Marking Game,
(2) Taking Wild Balls, (3) Happy Game, (4)
Running Zigzag, (5) Relay Run, and (6) Fun Run.
In testing the effectiveness of the product, the
research subjects used was the Polokarto SMPLB
students, involving six students. This effectiveness
test was carried out four times with the pretest and
followed by posttest. The pretest and posttest results
of the product effectiveness test are shown in the
pretest and posttest tables. The assessments were
also taken, namely the assessment of cognitive,
affective and psychomotor which were incorporated
into the assessment instrument.
Result summary of the pretest and posttest t-test
analysis of the games is as follows.
Table 2: T-test results of the pre-test and post-test in
regional marking game.
Std. Deviation
t-test for
of means
From Table 2 above, it can be seen that the
Regional Marking game has a significance value of
p of 0.001. Because of the significance value of
0.001 <0.05, this result indicates that there were
The Development of Kolangs Learning Model for Learning Running Material for Children’s with Mental Disabilities in SMPLB
significant differences. The increased percentage
value in Regional Marking game was 35.12%.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the modification
of the Regional Marking game was developed
effectively to improve running learning in mentally
retarded children in the SMPLB.
Table 3: T-test result of the pre-test and post-test in happy
Std. Deviation
t-test for
of means
From Table 3 above, it can be seen that the
Happy Game has a significance value of p of 0.004.
Because of the significance value of 0.004 <0.05,
this result shows that there were significant
differences. The increased percentage value in
Happy Game was 32.91%. Thus, it can be concluded
that the modification of the Happy Game was
developed effectively to improve running learning in
mentally retarded children in the SMPLB.
Table 4: T-test result of the pre-test and post-test in zigzag
run game.
Std. Deviation
t-test for
of means
From Table 4 above, it can be seen that the
Zigzag Running game has a significance value of p
of 0.001. Because of the significance value of 0.001
<0.05, this result indicates that there were significant
differences. The increased percentage value in the
Running Zigzag game was 35.12%. Thus, it can be
concluded that the modification of the Zigzag
Running game that was developed was effective for
improving running learning in mentally retarded
children in the SMPLB.
Table 5: T-test result of the pre-test and post-test in taking
wild ball game.
Std. Deviation
t-test for
of means
From Table 5 above, it can be seen that the game
of Taking Wild Ball has a significance value of p of
0.004. Because of the significance value of 0.004
<0.05, this result shows there were significant
differences. The increase percentage value in the
game was 37.78%. Hence, it can be concluded that
the modification of the Wild Ball Taking game was
developed effectively to improve running learning in
mentally retarded children in the SMPLB.
Table 6: T-test result of the pre-test and post-test in relay
run game.
Std. Deviation
t-test for
of means
From Table 6 above, it can be seen that the Relay
Run game has a significance value of p of 0.003.
Because of the significance value of 0.003 <0.05,
this result indicates that there were significant
differences. The increased percentage value in Run
Relay game was 26.93%. Therefoe, it can be
concluded that the modified Run Relay game was
developed effectively to improve running learning in
mentally retarded children in the SMPLB.
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
Table 7: T-test result of the pre-test and post-test in fun
run game.
Std. Deviation
t-test for
of means
From Table 7 above, it can be seen that the Fun
Run game has a significance value of p of 0.002.
Because the significance value was 0.002 <0.05,
then this result shows there were significant
differences. The increased percentage of Fun Run
game was 35.12%. Hence, it can be concluded that
the modification of the Fun Run game was
developed effectively to improve running learning in
mentally retarded children in the SMPLB.
Table 8: Percentage of the pre-test end post-test.
64,06 %
85,94 %
21,88 %
61,98 %
90,10 %
28,13 %
53,13 %
90,63 %
37,50 %
The following is a comparison histogram of the
product effectiveness test results of the Kolangs
teaching model, which comprises each domain. The
histogram can be seen in Figure1.
Figure 1: Histogram of pre-test and post-test average value
in product effectiveness test.
The percentage value obtained at pre-cycle
was 59.94% and in the first cycle the percentage
obtained was 89.45% so that there was an increase
of 29.55%. Based on this, the effectiveness of the
Kolangs learning model for running material in the
SMPLB was included in the very effective category
because the percentage value obtained as a whole
was 89.45%.
The product of Kolangs learning model for running
games was produced in the SMPLB. It is in the form
of a learning model containing learning steps of
eight games. Each game contains elements of
cognitive, affective, and psychomotor integrated in
the game with the overall criteria in learning which
was very effective to be applied to class VII students
of SMPLB. The results of this study answered the
problems in the research questions, namely: 1)
Kolangs learning model could improve the start skill
in short-distance running in the SMPLB. 2) The
Kolangs learning model could improve the short-
distance running skills in the SMPLB. 3) The
Kolangs learning model could improve the finish
skill in short distance running in the SMPLB. 4) The
Kolangs learning model enhanced the students
cooperation which is characterized by their
cooperative attitudes with their group mates and
disciplined attitudes in running learning. 5) Kolangs
learning model increases students’ sportsmanship
which is characterized by the competitive attitudes
between groups in each game performed. 6) The
Kolangs learning model for running games was in
accordance with the developmental characteristics of
SMPLB mentally retarded students. In addition, it
was easier for the students to make the right
decisions as indicated by the types of activities that
contain elements of psychomotor, cognitive, and
affective development. 7) The Kolangs learning
model allowed the students to easily learn the basic
short-distance running techniques which were
characterized by more active and happy students. It
was because the Kolangs learning could facilitate
and explore the students’ ability to improve the basic
techniques with activities in the running games by
showing the physical activities regarding basic
techniques of running, namely start, running, and
Kolangs learning model was very effective to
improve the running skills of the SMPLB students.
The research product of this development was the
Kolangs learning model which was packaged in
DVD and practical guidebook for Kolangs learning
models for running games entitled "Kolangs
Learning: A Learning Model for Learning Materials
Running Mentally Retarded Children in the
SMPLB." six games, namely: (1) Regional Marking
Game, (2) Happy Game, (3) Zigzag Running Game,
(4) Wild Ball Taking Game, (5) Relay Run Game,
and (6) Fun Run Game.
The Development of Kolangs Learning Model for Learning Running Material for Children’s with Mental Disabilities in SMPLB
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YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)