relationship of students and teachers, as well as the
norms that build the relationship, (3) the principle of
interaction between students and teachers,
explaining the dynamic role of teacher and students
in each model. In other words, the teacher can be a
guide, facilitator, motivator, and assignor, (4)
explanation of the support system, this system is
outside the learning model but it is one of the
conditions that determine the level of success of the
learning models implemented (Rosdiani, 2012).
The development of learning models would be
better if it involves some aspects, like the ones
determined by Bloom (1956) in Himberg,
Hitchinson, & Roussell (2003), namely there are six
levels of cognitive aspects as follows: (1)
knowledge, (2) comprehension, (3) application, (4)
analysis, (5) synthesis, and (6) evaluation. Affective
aspects have five levels, namely: (1) receiving, (2)
responding, (3) valuing, (4) organizing, and (5)
characterizing. Psychomotor aspects have three
levels, namely: (1) direct observation and
assessment of students' behavior during learning, (2)
giving tests to students to measure knowledge, skills,
and attitudes after participating in teaching and
learning process, and (3) when the learning is
finished. Thus, the learning process will run better if
the process involves some models in order to create
positive interest from students in the teaching and
learning process. Kolangs learning which is based
on a combination of cooperative and direct learning
models is a learning model used in this study,
especially in running subject. The students have
different levels of intelligence, therefore the way
they learn the basic running techniques is different
between one and the others. To overcome this,
Kolangs learning, the newer method, is created to
provide more acceptable learning to students from
those who have a high level of intelligence to
students who have a low level of intelligence.
According to Rosdiani, (2012) the best physical
education learning process is achieved when it
involves three aspects of learning: cognitive,
affective, and psychomotor.
Therefore, it is expected that students can be
interested in following the learning process because
learning will be more varied and tend to be not
monotonous as in the conventional methods.
Learners at the upper middle level will tend to like
and try new things. By using this developed learning
model, students are expected to master the skills,
cognitive, and affective easily. It is because this
learning model provides character education so that
the students are expected to not only prioritize
individual egos, but be able to socialize with their
There are some basic running game techniques
that must be mastered by students, namely start, run,
and finish. These three basic techniques are
inseparable in running games. Each movement has
its own purpose. The start movement aims to start
the run properly. The aim of the run is to move
properly and quickly towards the finish. The finish
movement aims to level the time.
According to Hergenhahn & Olson (2008) the
most basic form of learning is repetition. Learning is
gradual rather than direct, in other words learning is
done with systematic small steps. In developing
learning models in Physical Education, the
applicable curriculum must be considered, so that
the products are in accordance with the
characteristics of the students (Rosdiani, 2012).
Curriculum is the experiences and activities planned
by the school which aims at modifying student
behavior towards expected behavior (Suherman,
2001). The physical education curriculum is part of
the overall school curriculum which contributes to
the philosophy, goals and objectives of education.
In physical education, it is expected that the
students are given the freedom to explore and
develop their talents and potential to maximally
support their growth and development. In
accordance with the demands of the 2013
curriculum, the students must be more active
meaning that they are given more space to find out
their talents and potential. From a number of
opinions expressed by experts, it can be concluded
that the learning model in physical education is a
learning model which is created to deliver materials
about motion activities to support the body's
development of students through interesting game
models and media.
The implementation of running learning with the
Kolangs learning model is easy and can attract the
attention and interest of students because learners do
not only learn one basic technique movement but
learn some basic techniques in different games. The
Kolangs learning model for this running game
consists of six games, namely: (1) Regional Marking
Games, (2) Taking Wild Ball, (3) Happy Games, (4)
Zigzag Running, (5) Relay Run, (6) Fun Run.
Each game has characteristics to improve
running skills. These skills will be elaborated as
follows: (1) Kolangs learning model can improve the
skills of start through Regional Marking Games,
Happy Games, Zigzag Running, Relay Run, Fun
Run, (2) Kolangs learning model can improve
running skills in the SMPLB through Regional
The Development of Kolangs Learning Model for Learning Running Material for Children’s with Mental Disabilities in SMPLB