The teacher is expected to be able to optimize the
infrastructure available even if it is not in
accordance with the prescribed standards. Many
teachers who are creative make learning fun even
though using makeshift facilities and infrastructure,
but there are still many teachers who cannot
maximize existing infrastructure in schools.
The seventh last factor is the school
environment. A conducive school environment will
lead to the achievement of educational goals and the
success of national education. The school
environment is considered conducive based on
whether or not the school atmosphere supports to
organize the teaching and learning process, the
habits of teachers and students in schools, and the
community around the school.
All the factors above are closely related to the
implementation of learning process to achieve
educational goals. Teachers must pay attention to the
factors which influence the success of learning and
learning objectives. Success in learning does not
come by itself but with careful planning and
alignment between schools, students, teachers, and
parents of students. All of them will be very
influential in achieving learning goals and overall
educational goals
Based on this research, it can be concluded that
physical education learning using the K13
curriculum is more effective because of several
factors. In this curriculum, the teachers master the
materials more; the learning process is carried out
adjusting to other learning; more time allocation is
provided, teachers play the roles of facilitators; and
teaching media are used properly and effectively.
The author would like to thank all the coaches of
some martial arts college in West Kalimantan
involved and contribute to this preliminary study.
The authors also thank the faculty and the students
of sports science at the Graduate Program,
Yogyakarta State University
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