learning the skills. Therefore, a guidebook of
portfolio model in artistic gymnastics will be
equipped and developed the results of learning
process with effective model.
2.1 Motor Learning
In general, gymnastics is defined as physical training
on the floor or using tools to improve endurance,
strength, flexibility, coordination and self-control,
especially to arrange our body move functionally
(Wernner, Williams, and Hall, 2012). In gymnastics,
how to develop balance and spatial awareness such
as movement displacement, floated, balance, and
weight transfer are learned. Gymnastic activity must
be fun and challenging in all skills level (Gabbar,
LeBlanc, and Lowy, 1987). Gymnastics gives
opportunity for the athletes to have fun on
discovering their ability and obtain immediate
feedback. Another benefits from gymnastics are the
opportunity to create movements against gravity,
then enhances fitness and skills.
In children, self-assessment is a natural form in
gymnastics and provides challenges. Children can
discover against gravity and transfer weight
effectively, in accordance with their ability. The
gymnastic materials including the activities in
balancing skills, transfer weight and movement
concepts. Teachers cannot force children to try
exercising, whilst they have to develop the
gymnastic learning concepts suitable with the
children’s growth and safety.
The basic of body management and gymnastic
skills must consider several studies discussing about
the teaching process and understanding the
knowledge of the children in gymnastics combined
with the pedagogical knowledge (Graham 2008;
Shulman 1987). When we form gymnastic athletes,
we need to follow this steps; first, starts with the
knowledge about skills components in gymnastics;
second, count on the time that must be provided for
training; third, consider the movement development
system to determine suitable activity; fourth, create
modification for children who experience
difficulties; fifth, develop cognitive and affective
ability; last, create a structured learning
The instruction will be easier if all schools and
grades can be identified. Then, perform with
standard curriculum and a detail learning plan. The
evidence shows that learning situation have
indistinct similarities and differences (Wernner,
Williams, and Hall, 2012).
Children have opportunities to learn and act in
physical condition. Children learn how to
collaborate by sharing space and tools with the
others. Children also know how to appreciate the
others’ differences. Gymnastics have to provide
opportunity to be successful together through
interpersonal communication. Children learn how to
play with others and cooperate without judging their
gender, ethnics, and level of skills. Additionally,
they learn how to treat other with respects and solve
the problems with good manner. When children are
bound in gymnastic activities, they can enjoy their
participation alone or with the others, then transfer
positive feelings. As children who fulfil the
competencies in gymnastics, they overcome simple
skills and ready to challenge for harder task. For
example when creating a sequence of movements
based on the level of skills development, they can
show their work on the task as self-expression tools.
Psychomotor field provides the developments of
gymnastic skills and fitness. The core of this terms is
that pre-experience must improve the basic skills
appropriate with the movement task. Start with
simple task and increase to the more complex and
difficult ones. Several basic skills, for instance,
displacement with walking or running, balancing,
and rolling.
Learning concepts on body awareness and spatial
can help children to develop any movement
responses in order to challenge or do the tasks. Most
of the children learning in early control level.
Learning experience have to transform the skills to
be more efficient, effective, and easy to be adapted
with simple condition. Practically, the children will
walk, jump, roll and balance focusing on individual
skills then move forward into simple skills sequence.
In cognitive area, gymnastic learning is practical
in developing higher order thinking. Children try to
do basic skills with higher ways of thinking. The
assignments must be oriented toward the process of
problem solving in promoting the understanding and
ability to apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate
the movement. For example, an order to be balance
oriented in the fulcrum field and center of gravity.
Then, let them do the balancing with variety of
center of gravity from the lowest to the highest
gravity. Then ask them, “Which one is balance? And
why?” As a teacher, you can give an order to your
students to create a sequence of movement using
each of their body as three axis rotation. Gymnastic
program must provide opportunity for the children to
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)