Effort to Improve the Learning Process and Outcomes of Rhytmic
Activities through Project based Learning at Smp N 3 Panggang
, Sri Winarni
Yogyakarta State University, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Departement of Sport Science, Graduate School
Keywords: Rythmic Activities, Project Based Learning
Abstract: This study aimed at improving the process and learning outcomes of the rhythmic activities of Grade VIII
students of SMP Negeri 3 Panggang using Project Based Learning.This research is a Classroom Action
Research conducted in 2 cycles consisting of 4 stages for each. The research subjects were students of grade
VIII of SMP Negeri 3 Panggang with a total number of 36. In each cycle, rhythmic gymnastics materials
were provided by employing Project Based Learning. The instrument used to assess the students is a test
sheet and observation sheet for students’ performance and attitudes filled by the researcher as the teacher.
While the instrument used to assess the teacher is an observation sheet to be filled by the collaborators and
questionnaires filled by the students after the learning process has finished.The research findings showed
that there was an increase in student learning outcomes in that they have met the specified Standard of
Achievement that is 75. In terms of cognitive aspect, from 36 students, only 6 students or about 17% of
students did not reach the SoA while 30 others or 83% of students met the SoA. In addition, in terms of
psychomotor or skill aspect, of 36 students, 2 students or 6% did not meet the SoA and 34 others or 94 of
students reached the grades in accordance with the specified SoA.
Physical Education learning process especially in
SMP 3 Panggang often experiences many problems,
one of which is the difficulty to achieve the expected
learning objectives optimally. Based on the results
of preliminary observations toward the learning
process of Physical Education at the school, it was
found that: (1) Teachers used lecture learning
method that tend to only transfer information
without involving the activeness of students, so that
the learning was monotonous; (2) Students were
more likely to be passive. As seen from 36 students,
few students were seen to be serious in learning,
while the others seemed to be joking and bored with
ongoing learning; (3) The students were still afraid
to perform gymnastic movements that their
performance was far from it was expected. (4) The
students lacked of communicative attitudes,
creativity and cooperation during the learning
The Act No. 20 of 2003 concerning the National
Education System explains that the notion of
education is a conscious and planned effort
contained in the objectives of national education and
primary school education, namely to create an
atmosphere of learning and learning activities with
the aim that the students educated actively develop
their potential to have religious spiritual strength,
self-control, personality, intelligence, noble
character, and the skills needed by society.
Therefore, learning process must involve students as
much as possible in order to be able to explore
various potentials within students, and finally
students feel they have the motivation to learn,
which will have an impact on the learning outcomes.
The prior observed learning activities had an
impact on the students’ low motivation to learn, low
level of activeness, as well as low interaction to
work together. These caused students to feel bored
and passive during the learning process which
ultimately led to the stance that learning goals and
student learning outcomes cannot be achieved
optimally. This can be seen when the teacher
Ruswantini, . and Winarni, S.
Effort to Improve the Learning Process and Outcomes of Rhytmic Activities through Project based Learning at Smp N 3 Panggang.
DOI: 10.5220/0009212600790084
In Proceedings of the 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science in conjunction with the 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports
(YISHPESS and CoIS 2019), pages 79-84
ISBN: 978-989-758-457-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
discussed about the tasks given together with the
students. There were some students who could not
finish their work because the students did not
understand the materials presented by the teacher.
The stated problems above occurred because the
teacher used the lecture learning method in the
learning process and tended to only read aloud the
materials from some references for the students and
then the students made a move from the assignment
given by the teacher individually. Therefore,
creativity is urgently needed by the teacher to have
the expertise to choose and use appropriate learning
strategies so that learning process could be fun.
Thus, the students are able to be active and
successful learning process can be achieved
According to Mulyasa (2007), teachers need to
pay attention to several things to support students
achieving learning goals, namely: (1) reducing the
lecture method; (2) modifying and enriching
learning materials; (3) using a variety of procedures;
(4) creating learning situations that can develop
students’ ability to move and work together; (5)
involving students in various activities. In this case,
Project Based Learning is an innovative learning
model or approach, which emphasizes contextual
learning through complex activities (Cord, 2001;
Thomas, Mergendoller, & Michaelson, 1999; Moss,
Van-Duzer, Carol, 1998) in Muh. Rais (2010).
Project Based Learning as a model of cooperative
and accommodative learning of students’ abilities
towards free and creative thinking processes using
projects (activities) as the core of learning
(Muh.Rais: 2010). In this activity, students explore,
assess, interpret, and synthesize information to
obtain various learning outcomes (knowledge, skills,
and attitudes).
The implementation of Project Based Learning
(PBL) model includes steps (syntax) which becomes
its trademark and sets it apart from other learning
models such Discovery Learning model and
Problem Based Learning model. The learning steps
are: (1) determining the project; (2) making a project
plan; (3) scheduling; (4) completing the project with
teachers’ assistance and monitor; (5) assessing
results / preparing reports / presenting; (6)
evaluating project processes and results. This study
aimed at describing the application of PBL, find out
students' responses about learning using PBL and
whether the application of PBL learning models can
improve the process and learning outcomes of
students in Physical Education subject especially in
rhythmic activity materials.
This research was expected to provide alternative
ways of teaching teachers to improve teachers’
performance, enrich variation in providing subject
matters, and improve their ability to use various
learning models, especially PBL as an effort to
improve teacher professionalism.
It was also further expected that the application
of PBL model could be used by the researcher as a
means to practice the acquired theories and self-
development programs at the real condition of
school. This also trained creativity in designing
interesting learning and practicing the ability to
overcome problems that arise in classrooms.
Through PBL, Physical Education learning
process can provide a varied learning experience so
as to improve students’ learning outcomes, increase
students’ motivation to learn, increase students’
involvement in learning process, foster a sense of
responsibility and cooperation between students. In
addition, it can provide a policy foundation that will
be taken in improving the quality of students’
learning outcomes and provide input to the school in
terms of improving the learning process.
This research was conducted at SMP N 3 Panggang
on the first semester. The subjects of this research
were students of grade VIII with a total number of
36 consisting of 29 male students and 7 female
students. This research is in the form of Classroom
Action Research which can be interpreted as an
observation of learning activities in the form of an
action, which is deliberately raised and occurs in a
class simultaneously.
The approach used in this study was a qualitative
descriptive approach that is research that describes
how a learning model is applied and how the
expected results can be achieved. The qualitative
research method is called the naturalistic research
method because the research is conducted in natural
conditions where the researcher is a key instrument
and the data collection technique is carried out by
triangulation (Sugiono: 2010). This study used a
form of collaborative action research, where the
researcher acted as the teacher while the Natural
Science and the Indonesian teachers acted as
This study used a Classroom Action Research
model developed by Suharsimi Arikunto (2010)
which lasted for two cycles. Each cycle consisted of
planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting
stages. The planning stage of the activity carried out
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
by the researcher was compiling a plan to determine
the steps which were taken in action. The
implementation phase of the research action
explained the steps of activities that must be carried
out by teacher and students to improve learning
outcomes. The action implementation activity began
with cycle 1, then continued with the action cycle
phase 2. Observation was the process of collecting
data in that the researcher made observations and
recorded everything happening during the
implementation of treatment to obtain accurate data
for improvement of the next cycle. In the reflection
stage, the researcher evaluated what had been done.
The data in this research were collected by
observation, documentation techniques, and
assessment techniques. The tools used in the
observation technique are observation sheets. The
documentation in this study is in the forms of
photographs and videos. Meanwhile, the assessment
techniques included oral tests and skill or
performance assessments. Then, the data were
analyzed after each cycle of action. Data analysis
techniques used in this study were descriptive
qualitative techniques, namely data reduction, data
presentation, and drawing conclusions. Data
reduction is the process of selecting data that have
already been collected, focusing and simplifying
data to compile data. Data presentation is done by
compiling in the form of tables and narratives. Then,
the data were compared and combined with varied
information or data obtained from the data reduction
results to provide the possibility of drawing
conclusions and taking action. Conclusion is the
core of data collection. Conclusions can be drawn
from the results of students’ assessment both
individually and classically during learning process
3.1 Results
The initial situation before the application of PBL
could be described that the teacher in teaching and
learning process was monotonous so it could not
attract the attention of students to join the learning
process. Learning activities there were more teacher-
centered and did not involve students directly. It can
be seen that from 36 students, there were only 8
(22%) students who met the school Standard of
Achievement and 28 (78%) others still scored below
the SoA in cycle 1.
Cycle I Results
The assessment on the teacher activity by
applying PBL model was conducted using teacher
observation sheets. The results of observations in the
first cycle showed that the researcher got an average
percentage value of 100%, which is included in the
criteria of very good (A). On the learning process,
the teacher opened learning well. The teacher only
needed to improve activities to monitor the students’
discipline and skills in conditioning the classroom.
Motivation given by the teacher to students when
using PBL model could increase the enthusiasm of
students in learning. Group discussion activities
have increased, as seen in the discussion there were
no students who were still busy playing alone.
Students looked more enthusiastic, so the learning
process ran smoothly.
Based on the results of observations and data
analysis in the first cycle of meeting 1 and meeting
2, the reflection in the first cycle was as follows: (1)
the learning steps taken by the teacher by using the
PBL model were already good, namely obtaining a
score of 100%. At meeting 2, however, the teacher
still needed to improve the results obtained for
aspects that have not been seen yet; (2) the results of
the cognitive test in cycle 1 showed that only 8
students (22%) obtained the scores meeting the SoA,
while 28 others (78%) could not meet the SoA.
Then, for the psychomotor aspect in cycle 1, the
number of students who met the SoA was 17 or 47%
and 19 others or 53% students failed, (3) the
activities of students during the learning process
using the PBL model have shown improvement on
several aspects from meeting 1 to meeting 2.
However, some students were not confident enough
to express their opinions on the answers of other
groups. They were still hesitant and lacked of
courage to express impressions or opinions about
learning. The results of reflection from the first cycle
were then used to carry out the improvement of
learning in the second cycle.
Cycle II Results
Based on the results of observations and data
analysis in the second cycle of meeting 1 and
meeting 2, the reflection in the first cycle was as
follows: (1) the teacher’s performance regarding the
learning steps using PBL model was scored 100%,
so that the results obtained was categorized very
good too; (2) the learning outcomes of students in
the second cycle of meeting 2 showed the final grade
average of the class. The results of the cognitive test
was that 30 or 83% students succeeded to meet the
SoA, while the 6 or 17% others failed. Furthermore
for the psychomotor aspect in cycle 2, the number of
Effort to Improve the Learning Process and Outcomes of Rhytmic Activities through Project based Learning at Smp N 3 Panggang
students who met the SoA was 34 or 94% and 2
others or 6% students failed; (3) the activities of
students in the PBL learning process have shown
improvement. In this cycle, all aspects of the
students’ performance are already visible. There
were no students busy with themselves. In other way
around, the students have gained courage to ask
questions to the teacher or express their impressions
or opinions.
Improved student learning outcomes provide a
picture of the attention and understanding of
students towards learning process. The impact of the
attention and understanding of the students on
learning is also shown by an increase in mastery
learning in general. This increase can be seen in the
following table.
Table 1: Improvement of Students’ Knowledge and Skill Achievement.
No Cycle
Knowledge/ Cognitive
The skills/ Psychomotor Increase(%)
Complete Not yet
Complete Not yet
1 Cycle 1
8 28 61.3% 17 19 47%
2 Cycle 2
30 6 34 2
The table shows a comparison of the average
value of student learning outcomes starting from
cycle I and cycle II. Based on the calculation of the
data that has been done, it can be seen that the value
of student learning outcomes in participating in
learning rhythmic activities has increased in each
cycle. In cycle 2, 30 or 83% students succeeded to
meet the SoA, while the 6 or 17% others failed for
the knowledge or cognitive test. It has improved
much compared to the previous result in cycle 1 that
only 8 or 22% students succeeded to meet SoA,
while 28 or 78% others failed. Then for the skill or
psychomotor test in cycle 2, there were 34 (94%)
students who succeeded to meet SoA, and only 2 or
(6)% of them failed. . It has improved much
compared to the previous result in cycle 1 that only
17 students or 47% succeeded and 19 or 53% failed
to achieve it.
3.2 Discussion
Based on the conducted observations, the PBL
model was implemented in accordance with the
steps in the learning implementation plan. The
findings in the first cycle of the action showed that
the teacher has done the learning process quite well,
one of which was that the teacher explained the
learning activities to be carried out. The teacher also
provided motivation for students to always be
enthusiastic in learning. This was done to prepare
and guide students to be actively involved in
learning. The students were expected to have
motivation to learn, so that the learning objectives
could be achieved well.
The learning process was carried out in cycle I
and cycle II in accordance with the lesson plans
which have been prepared. Broadly speaking,
learning process in the first cycle and second cycle
can be summarized as follows: (1) the teacher gave
an explanation of the material on rhythmic activity;
(2) the students formed groups and are given the task
of completing their respective tasks; (3) the students
discussed to complete the given tasks; (4) each
student took turns explaining the movements and
ways of completing the tasks that have been
discussed within the groups; and (5) the students
completed the test or evaluation at the end of the
activity individually.
In the planning stage of cycle I the researcher:
(1) chose material for students to learn; (2) designed
a lesson plan with the PBL model; (3) prepared
learning media and examples of rhythmic movement
activities through videos and images; (4) prepared
data collection tools or instruments to be used for
data collection in the form of teacher observation
sheets during the learning process using PBL model,
student worksheets (LKS), items and answers to
individual tests, student observation sheets during
the learning process, field note sheets, and cameras
for documentation purposes in the form of photos
and videos during learning activities.
The first meeting of cycle I was held on
November 12, 2018, and the second meeting on
November 15, 2018. Each meeting was conducted
for 3 x 40 minutes. The activity began with greeting,
checking attendance, giving apperception,
conveying information about materials to be carried
out, and telling the purpose of the activity to be
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
carried out. After that, the teacher gave examples of
how to do rhythmic motion activities by showing
videos and pictures that are adjusted to the material
taught, then the teacher gave the students
opportunity to ask about examples of how to do
rhythmic motion activities given. However, none of
them asked.
After that, the teacher together with the students
determined the theme / topic of the project by
compiling a series of rhythmic motor activity (basic
steps, movement and swing arm and hand, the
straightening of the joints, and the rhythm of
motion) as forming the heating motion in the
rhythmic activities. The theme chosen was be
healthy and happy, in order that the rhythmic
movement activities carried out would make the
students healthy and happy.
The next stage was that the teacher created
groups based on the chosen theme. The 36 students
were divided into 5 groups with the members of
each group totaling 6 or 8 students. Then, each
group determined the title of the project associated
with the chosen theme. The teacher facilitated the
students to demonstrate a variety of initial attitudes,
footsteps, arm swings, alignment of body joints, and
rhythmic movements in rhythmic gymnastics. They
tried the rhythmic basic movements (initial attitude,
footsteps, arm swings) to get explanations and
problem solving, as well as receive feedback from
the teacher.
At the time of the core activity took place, the
teacher also provided reinforcement to students as
well as assessed the activities of students using the
observation sheets and affective assessment. At the
next stage, the teacher gave individual tests to
students. The teacher gave instructions on the
assessment of knowledge and the teacher asked the
students to practice a series of movements that were
successfully made by each group.
In the closing part of teaching, what the teacher
did were reflecting on the learning process and
summing up the materials. The teacher asked the
students if they still found the materials confusing.
Next, the teacher asked how the students felt after
joining the learning activities using the PBL model.
Furthermore, the teacher invited the students to carry
out prayers and the took a leave by greeting.
The application of PBL model in Physical
Education subject ran smoothly on the first cycle.
The teacher was good enough in the implementation
of learning in line with the lesson plans which have
been made previously. In this cycle, the students’
activeness and involvement in the learning process
began to emerge. This showed that the students
showed positive attitudes in the first cycle when
PBL model was applied. The students’ learning
outcomes were not satisfying that there were still
quite a lot of students who failed to meet the SoA.
The planning stage of cycle II was arranged
based on the results of reflection on the cycle I. This
stage began with the improvement and preparation
of lesson plans that will be carried out based on
reflection of the cycle I. Here, the PBL model was
still applied to overcome problems arising in the
previous cycle.
The first meeting of cycle 2 was held on
November 19, 2018 for 3 x 40 minutes. The
activities in this meeting were similar to those in the
first cycle by using the selected materials, namely
rhythmic motion activities. Then, the second
meeting was held on November 29, 2018 for 3x40
minutes by practicing the results of the previous
The results of observations in the second cycle
showed that the researcher got an average
percentage value of 100%, which is included in the
criteria of very good (A). On the learning process,
the teacher opened learning well. The teacher only
needed to improve activities to monitor the students’
discipline and skills in conditioning the classroom.
Motivation given by the teacher to students when
using PBL model could increase the enthusiasm of
students in learning. Group discussion activities
have increased, as seen in the discussion there were
no students who were still busy playing alone.
Students looked more enthusiastic, so the learning
process ran smoothly.
The conducted observation resulted in that the
teacher carried out the steps of learning very well.
The students’ activeness and involvement have
improved compared to theirs in the previous cycle.
This reflected that the students have shown more
positive attitudes in the second cycle. There is a
significant improvement made by the teacher and
students because the implementation of the learning
in this cycle was based on the reflection toward the
process in the previous cycle. Among others, by
providing more motivation, explaining more details
to students about the correct rhythmic activity
movements and giving guidance evenly and
thoroughly to students.
The assessments of students in first and second
cycles consist of knowledge and skills aspects. The
skill assessment result was obtained by the optimum
score when practicing the basic running technique,
while the knowledge one was based on the scores of
the knowledge test results.
Effort to Improve the Learning Process and Outcomes of Rhytmic Activities through Project based Learning at Smp N 3 Panggang
Based on the findings of the first and
second cycles, it can be seen that the use of PBL
model on Physical Education subject for rhythmic
motion activity materials was carried out by teacher
well, and the research could run smoothly. In
addition, the students also increasingly understand
the application of PBL model. This can be seen from
the enthusiasm of students when participating in the
learning process.
The findings also indicated an improvement on
the students’ learning outcomes. The percentages of
the students who completely succeeded to meet the
Standard of Achievement for the knowledge and
skill aspects were 22 % and 47%, and they improved
in the second cycle by 83% and 94%. This showed a
significant improvement of the learning outcomes.
Almost all of the students could meet the specified
SoA in the second cycle. This improvement is an
indicator that the application of PBL model could be
used to improve learning outcomes of Physical
Education subject on the rhythmic motion activity
material of the eighth grade students at SMP Negeri
3 Panggang
Based on the data exposure and research findings as
well as the discussion, several conclusions can be
drawn. The application of PBL on Physical
Education subject for rhythmic activity materials of
grade VIII students at SMP Negeri 3 Panggang has
been carried out by the teacher well, and the
research was also conducted smoothly. This
happened because the teacher reflected at the end of
the first cycle, then the shortcomings were made in
the second cycle. The application of PBL could
improve the students’ learning outcomes. The
teacher was able to increase the learning attitudes of
the students, encourage students to try to apply their
knowledge by working in groups, discussing,
working together in solving problems together
Based on the conclusions above it is recommended
for teachers to improve learning outcomes of
students by using a variety of methods and applying
learning models in accordance with ongoing
learning activities. This can make students more
active and eager to participate in the learning
process. Teachers can give rewards to students to be
more active and not ashamed to answer questions. In
addition, teachers can provide guidance equally both
in groups and to all students
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YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)