The Customers’ Satisfaction on the Quality Service of FIK UNY
Tennis Court
Panji Indraisuara
, Guntur
Yogyakarta State University, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Departement of Sport Science, Graduate School
Keywords: Satisfaction, Customer, Service
Abstract: The background of this research was the customer dissatisfaction toward the service provided by FIK UNY
Tennis Court. The purpose of this research was to know the level of customer satisfaction toward the service
provided by FIK UNY. This research is a descriptive quantitative research with the survey method. The
population and the sample of this research include the customers of the tennis court, in which the total
number of the customers is 75. In addition, this research employs accidental sampling technique, and the
data was analyzed by converting the frequency into the percentage. The result of this research shows that
the level of the customer satisfaction is good (on satisfied level). The result was gained from the average
achievement of the five categorized levels (very satisfied, satisfied, fairly satisfied, unsatisfied, and very
unsatisfied). The average of the satisfaction level reaches 72,42% which was obtained by each level of
satisfaction as follows; very satisfied 18,67 % (14 customers), satisfied 80% (60 customers), fairly satisfied
1,33% (1 customer), unsatisfied 0% (no customer), and very unsatisfied 0% (no customer).
To do a lot of activities requires healthy and fit
body. Fitness nowadays becomes one of the popular
phenomena in which many people are very curious
about. For that, several questions have arisen like
What is fitness? How does fitness influence our daily
activities? and How can we get fit body? According
to those phenomena and questions, it can be
concluded that many people are interested in fitness.
People start to realize that fitness is very important
aspect for their activities. Thus, many people start
doing some exercises or sports.
Many sport centers are built to facilitate people
doing exercises or sports. The FIK Tennis Court is a
means to fulfill people needs related to sports or
exercises. By this means, people can do sport while
they can also keep up the development of sports.
One of the good criteria of the FIK UNY Tennis
Court is that the court has been adjusted to the
national standard of court. There is also structured
organization which is used to apply the healthy life
principle especially by doing tennis.
Another good aspect from this court is that it also
holds various events. Those various events include
KR tournament, Post Graduate, UNY Rector
Trophy, etc. All those events are supported by
lighting facilities that can be used in the evening.
There are also other facilities such as a mosque/
praying room, a toilet, a changing room, a canteen, a
parking area, a spacious stand for seating in the
outdoor field in which the audience can enjoy the
events comfortably.
The management of the FIK UNY Tennis Court
is adjusted to the management theory in which the
administrative stuff, facility completeness,
organization and service have to be well managed.
That management will further influence the visitors’
interest which depends on the satisfaction when they
visit the court. In this case, the management will be
good if it adjusts the visitors, need, comfort and
satisfaction. Thus, the existence of the court will
increase and will be more useful for customers.
Satisfaction is one of the biggest factors which
affect the customers’ interest to visit the court. This
really depends on the services given by the court
itself. Thus, the satisfaction is shown by the
performance of the services and facilities in which
they have to meet the customers’ expectation (J.
Supranto, 2006). According to Kotler in Supranto
(2006) several factors which influence the customer
satisfaction regarding the services are (1) reliability,
Indraisuara, P. and Guntur, .
The Customers’ Satisfaction on the Quality Service of FIK UNY Tennis Cour t.
DOI: 10.5220/0009212800850091
In Proceedings of the 3rd Yogyakarta Inter national Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science in conjunction with the 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports
(YISHPESS and CoIS 2019), pages 85-91
ISBN: 978-989-758-457-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(2) responsiveness, (3) confidence/ assurance, (4)
empathy, and (5) tangible.
One of the aspects establishing the development
of tennis court is the customers’ satisfaction on its
service. A company has to know the need and
eagerness of the customers. The tennis court
management has to improve the quality of the
service. The improvement can be done by enhancing
the infrastructure for customers, the comfort of
tennis court and employees’ skills of service. The
rented cost is also an important factor on its process
of development. Those efforts have to be done in
order to give customers’ satisfaction. In other words,
customers are satisfied by the service provided by
the management of the court.
If the customers feel satisfied by the service, they
will rent the tennis court regularly. Thus, the
management of the tennis court has to maximize the
operation of the facilities, services, promotions,
products, prices and location.
To sum up, this research was conducted to know
and to prove the customers’ satisfaction level in
using the tennis court. In addition, this research can
also be used as a reference to improve the quality of
tennis court management and the total number of
customers using the FIK UNY Tennis Court in
which as a public sport facility, it will be very
crowded on the holidays or weekends.
Based on the background, the research problems
are formulated as stated below: (1) The management
of the tennis court has not understood well the
customers’ satisfaction in using the court; (2) The
need and the eagerness of the court customers have
not been met yet; (3) The quality of service in
facilitating the need of the customers has not been
identified well; (4) The quality of service for the
customers related to customer satisfaction has not
been applied yet.
The purpose of this research is to know the
customers’ satisfaction level in using the services
provided by the FIK UNY Tennis Court.
There are four relevant researches as follows: (1)
Asih Suciati (2009) entitled Pengaruh Harga,
Lokasi, dan Kenyamanan Terhadap Loyalitas
Konsumen Menggunakan Kolam Renang
Tirtonirmolo Prambanan”; (2) Isnaini Pertiwi
(2011), entitled Tingkat Kepuasan Peserta Senam
di Delingsari Gamping Tengah Ambarketawang
terhadap Instruktur Senam”; (3) Retno Nurhayati
(2007) entitled Tingkat Kepuasan Pasien Terhadap
Kualitas Jasa Pelayanan di Klinik Terapi Fisik FIK
UNY; (4) Asrida Noor Eka Puspitasari (2008)
entitled Tingkat Kepuasan Konsumen Terhadap
Jasa Pengelolaan Kolam Renang Galuh”.
2.1 The Quality of Service
Modernity and the development of technology will
contribute to the tight competition among companies
to gain and to maintain their customers’ loyalty. The
quality of service has become an important factor
that has to be taken into account by companies in
order to gain the trust of the customers. In this case,
the consumption pattern and life style of the
customers demand the companies to give best
Service is an important matter for companies
who serve goods or services, so a manager should be
aware of that. Added to this, in a business, there is a
well-known saying “Customer is King” which
means that a company has to serve its own
customers well, in the same way they serve their
According to Wyckof (in Wisnalmawati, 2005)
quality of service is an expected primacy level and a
control of primacy to fulfill the customers’
eagerness. If the accepted service meets the
expectation, the service quality is perceived as good
and satisfied service. If the accepted service exceeds
customers’ expectation, the service quality is
perceived as ideal service. However, if the accepted
service is below the expectation, the service quality
is perceived as bad service (Tjiptono, 2005).
In addition, quality is a keyword that should be
considered by service providers. The providers
should serve the customer well and carefully. The
quality of application like characteristic or visual or
the performance of the product is the main strategy
for company or good/service provider. As a result,
the company or good/service provider achieves an
excellent accomplishment that is the continuity to
protect its existence. The primacy of goods/services
depends on the uniqueness and the quality of
services provided by the service providers. The
service should meet the customers’ expectation and
customers’ need or the users of the service.
According to the description above, service is a
performance or effort to serve the costumers. Even
though it does not have a visual appearance and
cannot be owned, service can be felt and it gives the
satisfaction to the customers who use the service.
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
2.2 The Nature of Customers’
The good or bad quality of the service of the FIK
UNY tennis court management can be known
through the satisfaction level of the users of the
Thus, it is really urgent to understand the
meaning of customers’ satisfaction itself. According
to Kotler (2008: 16) customers’ satisfaction depends
on estimation of performance and presumption of
relative product to the customer expectation. If the
performance of produce does not meet the
expectation, the customer will be unsatisfied. If the
performance meets the expectation, the customer
will be satisfied. If the performance exceeds the
expectation, the customer will be very satisfied.
Band in Musanto (2004) also agrees with the
theory. Band states that customers’ satisfaction is a
level where customers’ need, eagerness, and
expectation can be fulfilled. Then, it will bring the
repurchase or continued loyalty.
Mowen (in Trisno Musanto, 2004) adds that a
key of customer satisfaction lies on the performance
that is shown by the agents which is interpreted as
the quality of the agent. According to this theory,
the customers’ satisfaction has closed relationship to
the quality of service or product provided by the
service providers.
Satisfaction is a function of performance’s
impression and expectation. If the performance is
below the expectation, customers will be unsatisfied.
Then, if the performance meets the expectation,
customers will be satisfied. Finally, if the
performance exceeds the expectation, customers will
be very satisfied or happy. Based on Richard Oliver
quoted by Handi Irawan (2002) satisfaction is the
fulfillment responses from the customers.
Satisfaction is a result of customers’ assessment.
The goods/services have given satisfaction level in
which fulfillment level can be more or less. In other
words, customers’ satisfaction is accumulated result
obtained by the users of certain service.
Based on the explanation above, it can be
concluded that customers’ satisfaction will be
materialized by the positive relationship of the
customer expectation of the product quality or
performance provided by producers. The level of
customers’ satisfaction depends on the quality/
performance of product which is provided, the
greater the quality or performance of product, the
greater the satisfaction of the customers.
The attention to the customers’ satisfaction or
dissatisfaction increases over the time. The
enhancement happens because of the purpose of a
company that is to create customers’ satisfaction.
The greater level of customers’ satisfaction will
bring the great profit for the company. It is because
the customers will likely repurchase the companies’
products. On the other hand, the less level of
customers’ satisfaction, it might lead the possibility
of the customers to change the product. They will
possibly buy the competitors’ products.
Tse and Wilton (1988) in Lupiyoado (2004)
customers’ satisfaction or dissatisfaction is
customers’ responses of disconfirmation evaluation
which is felt between the previous expectation and
actual performance after using the service.
If good or service companies do not really
understand about customers’ expectation, their
satisfaction is very difficult to be obtained. The
similar quality of product or service gives the
different satisfaction to different customers. Thus, a
company has to frequently pay attention to the
quality of product or service given to the customers.
According to the several theories, it can be
summarized that customers’ satisfaction is the
responses of customers’ reaction. The customers
compare the given performance and the result of the
customers’ expectation. If the result is below the
expectation, the customer will be disappointed,
unsatisfied or very unsatisfied. On the other hand, if
the service meets the expectation, the customer will
be satisfied and if the service exceeds the
expectation, the customer will be very satisfied.
Customers’ satisfaction gives several benefits.
Those benefits include the harmony relationship
between companies and customers, the good basic
willingness of repurchase, the creation of customer
loyalty, oral recommendation giving the profit for
company, good company reputation, and an increase
in profit.
2.3 Affecting Factors of Customers’
Customers’ or users’ satisfaction is not easily
obtained moreover with a different level between
each customer. It shows that there are several
affecting factors of customers’ or users’ satisfaction.
Thus, it is needed to know what factors contribute in
the satisfaction of each customer or user.
According to M oenir (in Yulaimi and Putu R,
2007), for a service to be satisfactory to a person or
a group of people, there are four main requirements,
namely; (1) polite attitude, (2) manners of saying
what should be received by other people, (3) good
timing in saying, and (4) hospitality.
The Customers’ Satisfaction on the Quality Service of FIK UNY Tennis Court
Furthermore, there are other factors that can
affect customers’ satisfaction coming from the
consciousness of the employees who work in that
hospitality. Rules which are applied in the service
factor and organization that runs the service factor
also play a role. The other ones are facilities and
infrastructures as the service supports to ease
customers to get their product.
According to Philip Kotler in Supranto (2006) it
can be specified from the theory of service,
treatment and customers’ satisfaction that affecting
factors are said as follows: (1) Reliability,
Reliability is the ability of service providers to
execute the promised service with consistency and
trustworthiness. Customers’ satisfaction will be
fulfilled if the product/service quality matches the
promise made to the customer; (2) Responsiveness,
Responsiveness is the will to help customers and
execute the treatment swiftly and responsively.
Responsiveness will give a good impact on
customers’ satisfaction, because a good response
will give a great satisfaction value; (3) Confidence,
Confidence is the knowledge and politeness of
employees and also their ability to create assurance.
Thus, customers will be satisfied if there is a
guarantee to the service quality given by service
providers or the goods taken by customers; (4)
Empathy, Empathy is caring or giving personal
attention to customers. This will become important
because the customers’ satisfaction will be achieved
if the customers are comfortably using the given
service; (5) Tangibility, Tangibility is the physical
appearance of equipment, employees, and
communication media. This also will give a positive
impact to customers’ satisfaction, because the
greater the quality of the facilities used in the service
the greater the customers’ satisfaction will be.
2.4 Tennis Court Service
2.4.1 Tennis Court Management
Essentially, the word ‘management’; according to
Widasa (2007) is an activity to achieve goals
through the work of someone else. On the details, he
proposed that management includes planning and
other groups’ effort to achieve a goal, and with the
less use of capital such as time, money, material and
also obstacle met.
2.4.2 The FIK UNY Tennis Court
The growth of sport facilities cannot be separated
from many factors coming from the facilities
themselves. One of the important means to promote
sport facilities is trough marketing.
The FIK UNY Tennis Court has 6 courts which
are convenient and ready for the night use,
consisting of 4 indoor courts, and 2 outdoor courts.
The FIK UNY Tennis Court is situated near the
UNY Athletic and Football Stadium or besides the
UNY Main Library, so it is easy to find and
accessible by personal vehicles.
3.1 Research Design
This research is a descriptive quantitative research
employing survey method and the data were
measured by using questionnaires given to some
respondents. This research aimed to know the level
of customers’ satisfaction towards the service
quality of the FIK UNY Tennis Court in 2016. The
value obtained was then analyzed using descriptive
analysis and then written in the form of percentage.
3.2 Research Time and Place
This research was conducted in FIK UNY Tennis
Court in May 2016. As for the test of research
instrument was conducted in FIK UNY Tennis Court
in March 2016.
3.3 Research Subject
This research subjects were customers of FIK
UNY’s Tennis Court. Research subject is
determined using accidental sampling technique on
customer of the FIK UNY Tennis Court.
3.4 Population and Sample
The population of this research included the
customers of the FIK UNY Tennis Court. As for the
sample of this research were customers of FIK
UNY’s Tennis Court.
3.5 Data, Instrument, and Data
Collection Technique
Instrument is a tool used to obtain the data in a
research. The instrument in this research is
questionnaire to measure tennis court customers’
satisfaction towards service of the FIK UNY Tennis
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
Court. This questionnaire was given to customers
using the FIK UNY Tennis Court.
The data collection method in this research was
through questionnaire: (1) First of all, the researcher
found information about customers using the tennis
court; (2) Secondly, the researcher made some
appointments with some customers as the sample of
the research; (3) Then, the researcher gave
questionnaires to the sample of this research; (4) The
researcher made a transcript of the questionnaires;
(5) The next step was coding. In this step, if there is
a missed data, there will be an extra addition of the
data using the questionnaires; (6) After that, the
obtained data were processed and analyzed.
Before being used as the instrument of this
research, the questionnaires were tested in terms of
their validity and reliability. They were tested on 20
customers using the FIK UNY Tennis Court. Their
validity and reliability test was then processed using
Microsoft Office Excel 2010 and SPSS V.18.
After the data were collected, the next step was
to analyze the data so that they could be led into one
conclusion. The data analysis technique in this
research was descriptive quantitative analysis by
using the precentage of relative frequency. The
formula is as follows (Anas Sudijono, 2008:40).
P =
𝑋 100%
P = Questioned Percentage (Relative Frequency)
F = Frequency
N = Number of Respondents
The category of the obtained value in the result
of this research is determined by the conversion
criteria, according to Arikunto (2006: 2007), and
then the data were interpreted into five levels,
Table 1: Category Level.
(Arikunto, 2002)
4.1 Research Result
This part will show the research result of customers’
satisfaction in using the FIK UNY Tennis Court.
This research was conducted on 20 to 26 of May
2016 and it included 75 respondents. The result of
this research can be described as follows:
1. The Level of Customers’ Satisfaction in
Using the FIK UNY Tennis Court
From the analyzed data, the result can be described
into a table as follows:
Table 2: Statistical Description of Customers’ Satisfaction
in Using the FIK UNY Tennis Court Service.
Statistic Score
Mean 95.6000
Median 93.0000
Mode 92.00
Std. Deviation 9.59166
e 61.00
From the data above it can be described that the
level of customers’ satisfaction in using the FIK
UNY Tennis Court service has the mean of 95.6,
median of 93, mode of 92 and Standard Deviation of
9.59. Meanwhile, the maximum score is 121 and
minimum score is 60. From the data above, the
customers’ satisfaction in using the FIK UNY
Tennis Court service can be categorized as the table
Table 3: The Category of Customers’ Satisfaction in Using
the FIK UNY Tennis Court Service.
No Interval F P(%) Category
81% - 100%
14 18,67
61% - 80%
60 80,00
41% - 60%
21% - 40%
0% - 20%
Total 75 100
No Interval F P(%) Category
81% - 100%
14 18,67
61% - 80%
60 80,00
41% - 60%
21% - 40%
0% - 20%
Total 75 100
The Customers’ Satisfaction on the Quality Service of FIK UNY Tennis Court
F= Frequency
P = Percentage
VS = Very Satisfied
S = Satisfied
FS = Fairly Satisfied
US = Unsatisfied
VUS = Very Unsatisfied
From the table above, it can be seen that the level
of customers’ satisfaction in using the FIK UNY
Tennis Court service is satisfied with the average
achievement of 72,42%. It included 14 respondents
or 18.67% with very satisfied, 60 respondents or
80% with satisfied, 1 respondent or 1.33% with
fairly satisfied, and 0% for unsatisfied and very
Below you can see the graphic for customer’s
satisfaction in using FIK UNY’s tennis court
Graphic 1: The Diagram of the Customers’ Satisfaction
Level in Using the FIK UNY Tennis Court Service.
From the data above, it can be seen that the level
of customers’ satisfaction is categorized satisfied
with the average achievement of 72,42%. The
category was obtained from the average result
consisting of 14 respondents or 18.67% with very
satisfied, 60 others or 80% with satisfied, 1
respondent or 1.33% with fairly satisfied, and 0 %
for both unsatisfied and very unsatisfied.
Tennis as sport is known as a prestigious and
expensive sport. Therefore, its service providers tend
to give the maximum service aiming to please the
customers to get highest satisfaction. Thus,
providing good service by attitude or performance
will affect the customers’ satisfaction in using FIK
UNY Tennis Court.
According to Band in Musanto (2004: 125), the
customers’ satisfaction is an improvement where
needs, wants and hopes from customers can be
fulfilled that it will result in repeat buying and
continuous loyalty. Supranto (1997: 227) adds that
service is invisible, intangible and quickly
disappeared work. It can be easily felt rather than
owned, and if it works well, the users can actively
participate in its consumption.
Essentially, the fulfillment of the customers’
needs has become the most necessary aspect in the
service process. Apart from performance and
attitude of the providers, the customers’ satisfaction
is also affected by the quality of the facilities and
tools equipped in the FIK UNY Tennis Court. With
suffice facilities, the customers will easily get what
they want and need when they use the court.
5.1 Conclusion
According to the research finding and discussion, it
can be concluded that the customers’ satisfaction in
using the FIK UNY Tennis Court is categorized
satisfied with average achievement of 72,42%. The
category was obtained from the average result
consisting of 14 respondents or 18.67% with very
satisfied, 60 others or 80% with satisfied, 1
respondent or 1.33% with fairly satisfied, and 0 %
for both unsatisfied and very unsatisfied.
5.2 Suggestion
According to the drawn conclusion above, it is
suggested that: (1) The FIK UNY Tennis Court
management should be able to improve the quality
of the service provided; (2) The quality should be
improved holistically so that the customers will be
comfortable in using the FIK UNY Tennis Court.
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2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
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The Customers’ Satisfaction on the Quality Service of FIK UNY Tennis Court