Basketball game is a type of games played by two teams
consisting of five players for each and has the goal to win
the match by finding as many points as possible by getting
the ball into the opponent's ring and preventing the
opponent's ball from getting into his own ring. In this
game, to be able to find a lot of points, the players must be
able to master the shooting techniques well.
Shooting is one of the efforts to put the ball into the
ring by the players to get points in the basketball game.
However, shooting requires a good level of accuracy in
order to put the ball into the ring as many as possible so
that a lot of points can be gained.
Because shooting is one of the most important basic
techniques in basketball, this research intended to improve
shooting skills through the practice of five-way hoops
target. The analysis on the collected data resulted in the t
count value (4.593)> t table (1.771), and p value (0.001)
<of 0.05. These results indicate that the calculated t value
was greater than the t table which meant that the
hypotheses were accepted. Therefore, it can be concluded
"there is an influence between the implementation of five-
way hoops target on the shooting ability of basketball
extracurricular participants at SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta".
Furthermore, the research findings also indicated that
shooting practice using the target exercise can affect the
ability to shoot. The effect could be shown by the positive
results with an increase of 15.95%. By applying this target
practice, the extracurricular participants were trained to
shoot with a large number of repetitions. As a result, their
accuracy will be improved progressively.
According to Pambudi (2010), five-way hoops target
is one of the game classifications in TGFU (Teaching
Games for Understanding) which has different
characteristics compared to the other forms of
classifications. This game will be highly determined by
the own ability of each player. This needs the players’
accuracy and foresight without any interference from other
parties, i.e. from the opponents. For the players deal with
their accuracy and foresight, this target game was
conducted by using the hoop media as a tool or means to
The implementation of this target game in this case
aimed at increasing the level of accuracy and foresight.
Indirectly, by using this target training exercise,
participants were required to shoot with a lot of repetitions
so that they became accustomed to progressively improve
their speed and accuracy. Moreover, the use of the hoop as
a target training medium with a larger diameter compared
to the ring improved the participants’ ball feeling when
shooting with a large number of repetitions. For this, the
shooting ability of students was expected to enhance.
Based on the research findings and discussions, some
conclusions can be drawn as follows:
The data analysis and hypothesis testing resulted in the
value of t arithmetic (4.593)> t table (1.771), and p value
(0.001) <of 0.05. Therefore, it can be concluded that there
is an influence between the five-way hoops target on the
shooting ability of basketball extracurricular participants
at SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta. The research Ho was
rejected and Ha was accepted, that is, there was an
influence between the five-way hoops target training
exercises on the shooting ability of basketball
extracurricular participants at SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta.
Besides knowing the effect of the training on the
ability to influence between the practice of target hoisting
game on the shooting ability of basketball extracurricular
participants at SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta, this can be used
as a guide for coaches in order to improve the quality of
players to achieve desired achievements.
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