The Effect of Five-way Hoops Target Exercise Training on Basketball
Ability of Basketball Extracurricular Participants
at SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta
Abdul Malik Karim Amrulloh
, Sugeng Purwanto
, Ahmad Rithaudin
Yogyakarta State University, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Departement of Sport Science, Graduate School
Keywords: Basketball, Skill Shooting, Exercise, A Set of Five-Way Hoop Target.
Abstract: In basketball, shooting is very decisive in scoring points. Therefore, in basketball the shooting ability must
be improved properly. This research is a type of experimental research which aims at determining the effect
of five-way hoops target on the basketball shooting abilities of basketball extracurricular participants. This
research was conducted at SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta, using a sample of 14 male extracurricular
participants. A pre-test was conducted by using a One Hand Set Shoot test instrument from five directions,
namely: between angles of 0 -36, angles of 36 - 72, angles of 72 ° -108, angles of 108 -144 and angles of
144 -180 respectively, for 10 times. After the test, a treatment was given by playing a five-way hoops target
for 16 meetings. Then the post-test was conducted by the same way of doing the previous test. From the
results of the pre-test and post-test conducted, it can be hypothesized that there was an increase in the
basketball shooting ability of basketball extracurricular participants.
Extracurricular activities are non-formal educational
activities organized by formal education jams related
to the development of the interests and talents of the
students. These activities are aimed at developing
the potential needed by each extracurricular
participant in accordance with the needed potential.
The task of the trainer of these activities, in addition
to fostering athletes, is to observe the potential
needed by the participants, both the strengths and
weaknesses. However, it would be better if these
activities are compared to the existing programs,
both in terms of the potential possessed and the
training program provided. Therefore, a
consideration whether it would need improvement or
not can be taken to increase the potential needed.
In addition, monotonous, less varied, and less
innovative training methods tend to make
participants or athletes for the sport extracurricular
activities feel bored. Thus, their abilities in other
aspects are not thoroughly touched because of the
monotonous trainings. Basketball, as one of sport
extracurricular activities, requires continuous
trainings on many aspects, such as heart and lung
endurance, muscle strength, agility, and accuracy.
Then, apart from those physical aspects, the
psychological aspects of the athletes must also be
taken into account; for instance the athletes’ learning
motivation must be developed and raised so that
they are able to join the learning activities well.
There are differences in psychological profiles
between gifted and non-gifted sport participants
(Kruger, Pienaar, Kemp, & Nienaber, 2013).
Morgan (2015) explains that for coaches to pay
attention to psychological skills is a very useful
factor and helps to discover the athletes’ talents for
their future careers Psychological skills can help
coaches improve their training practices to gain the
success for athletes (Camiré & Trudel, 2014). Based
on the explanation above, to improve the skills of
athletes by providing a variety of exercises is really
necessary. By doing so, it is expected that athletes
are accustomed to all conditions and are motivated
to always improve their abilities.
Based on observations conducted toward the
men's basketball athletes at SMK Negeri 3
Yogyakarta located on Jalan W.R. Monginsidi No.2
Yogyakarta, it turned out that the athletes performed
low shooting ability during practices. The problems
Karim Amrulloh, A., Purwanto, S. and Rithaudin, A.
The Effect of Five-way Hoops Target Exercise Training on Basketball Ability of Basketball Extracurricular Participants at SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta.
DOI: 10.5220/0009213700990109
In Proceedings of the 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science in conjunction with the 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports
(YISHPESS and CoIS 2019), pages 99-109
ISBN: 978-989-758-457-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
were then examined and finally formulated as
follows: the athletes’ difficulty in shooting, in
understanding the basic movements of shooting, in
feeling the balls.
Furthermore, other obstacles in basketball
extracurricular activities at SMK Negeri 3
Yogyakarta Special Region were found, one of
which was the lack of coaches or trainers. In fact,
those athletes independently without any guidance
or direction from the coaches.
The existence of coaches on the training sessions
is really crucial. A couple years ago when the school
basketball athletes were trained by coaches, they
successfully won pretty good year-to-year
championships like the ones of LKS / O2SN and
other events and finally could finish at the second
place on the men's basketball invitations event in
2015. However, since there was no coach for this
extracurricular activity, starting at the mid-2015, the
basketball team of that school has never won any the
basketball championship because there was no
training program to be implemented on the practices.
Due to the difficulties faced by the basketball
extracurricular students regarding the shooting
ability, the problem limitation was conducted in an
effort to establish the limits of the research problem
to be studied. This limitation was also to avoid
different interpretations and to give clear
explanation regarding the scope of this research.
Thus the problem limitation in this study referred to
is the participants’ lack of understanding toward the
technique to be used as a means to improve their
shooting ability.
In basketball, shooting is very important in
scoring points. Thus, the players' shooting skills are
required to be improved gradually to prepare them
winning the plays (Savaş, Fatih Yüksel, & Uzun,
2018). Shooting techniques are very diverse. The
forms of shooting movement techniques in
basketball games include: (1) One-handed shots
above the head, (2) Lay-up shots, (3) Shots produced
by catching the ball and continuing to shoot, (4)
Shots produced by jumping with two hands and (5)
relation shots (Muhajir, 2007). Shooting should be
performed from various directions in order to get
more chances to collect points to win. With proper
training, basketball athletes can improve their
shooting techniques from various directions.
Exercise is a process of systematically preparing
athletes to achieve optimum quality of achievement.
By being given regular and directed, exercise is able
to enhance physical and mental condition of the
athletes (Suharno in Irianto, 2002). In general, most
exercises in sports are directed at physical
conditioning and improving technical skills also
game tactics (Oudejans, Koedijker, Bleijendaal, &
Bakker, 2005).
Conducting the exercises for 16 meetings can be
said as a practice, because there have been
permanent changes, for example muscle hypertrophy
due to heavy lifting (Soegiardo, 1991). The optimal
trajectory of a basketball shot depends on the
shooter. This can be defined as one that maximizes
the probability of a successful shot (Khlifa et al.,
Based on the explanation above, it can be
concluded that the more an athlete or basketball
extracurricular participant does the exercise, the
easier he is able to form a ball feeling so that an
athlete is able to estimate the optimal trajectory of
the shooting. The kind of exercise also affects a
certain movement as well; in physiology it is a
routine activity with a method that has a purpose.
Different forms and methods cause different results
(Soegiardo, 1991). Determination of target practice
is the right target for shooting techniques so a
training using a five-way hoops target game was
A target game is one of the classifications in
TGFU (Teaching Games for Understanding) which
has different characteristics compared to the other
forms of classification. This game will be highly
determined by the own ability of each player. This
needs the players’ accuracy and foresight without
any interference from other parties, i.e. from the
opponents (Pambudi, 2010).
Some theoretical reviews were done before
conducting the research. Those theories were
reviewed as follows:
2.1 Basketball Game
Basketball is a game played by two teams, each of
which consists of 5 players (Muhajir, 2007). This
type of game aims to score points as many as
possible by getting the ball into the opponents’ ring
and to prevent the opponents to get scores. In
playing this game, players can push the ball, hit the
ball with open palms, and throw or dribble it in all
directions on the court. Basketball is a combination
of defence and attack, for that a player must master
the basic techniques and skills of playing basketball
to play well (Wissel, 2000). Basketball is a team
game played by five players for each team, making
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
use of a large ball and two hands to play
(Sumiarsono, 2002). The principle of the basketball
game is that the ball must not be carried away, but
must be bounced by running or walking and passed
to teammates.
From the definitions offered by the experts
above, it can be concluded that basketball is played
by two teams consisting of 5 players each team. The
goal of basketball is to get or score points by putting
the ball in the opponents’ basket and prevent the
opponents from doing the same thing. The ball can
be passed to teammates using operands by hands or
by dribbling (batting, pushing, or tapping) several
times on the floor without touching them with two
hands simultaneously. Its basic techniques include
foot working, shooting and capturing, dribbling, re-
bounding, moving with the ball, moving without the
ball, and defending.
The techniques of basketball games consist of:
(1) throwing the ball (Passing), (2) proposing the
ball (Dribbling), (3) shooting the ball into the
basketball ring (Shooting), (4) rotating body
(Pivote), (5) Exercising (Foot Work) (Abidin, 1999).
He further explains some information related to
basketball: (1) the ball is made of synthetic rubber
wrapped in leather, (2) the weight of the ball is not
less than 600 grams and not more than 650 grams,
(3) the circumference of the ball is not less than 75
cm, (4) the ball is pumped with sufficient air
pressure, so that if the ball is reflected from a height
of 180 cm, it will bounce as high as 120 cm, (5) The
ball must be completely round and flat.
While the size of the basketball court based on
FIBA (Federation of International de Basketball)
regulations in 2010 is as follows: (1) the length of
the field is 28 m, (2) the width of the field is 15 m,
(3) the distance between the field line and three
point line is 0, 90 m, (4) the center circle of the field
has a diameter of 3.6 m, (5) the distance of the field
line to the ring board is 1.575 m, (6) and the distance
of the three point line to the ring is 6.75 m.
2.2 Shooting
Shooting is one of the techniques used to get scores
in a match by putting the ball into the ring. Shooting
is a combination of the legs, waist, shoulders and
elbows, and hands (Abidin, 1999). The thrust and
control of the final shot are determined by the
flexibility of the hands. The final shot is done by
releasing the ball from the middle finger with a soft
touch of the fingertip to make round the back of the
ball and smooth shot. According to Sumiyarsono
(2002), shooting is an attempt of players to put the
ball into the opponent's basket by obtaining as many
points or scores as possible. Meanwhile, according
to Kosasih (2008), the notion of shooting is a
technique to move the ball.
From some definitions above, it can be
concluded that shooting is a basic technique used in
basketball games, namely by putting basketball into
the ring to get a score or point. It is a determinant of
winning or losing a match. There is also the purpose
of shooting according to (Dasamardana, 2013), that
is to score some points which will determine the win
or lose of a team.
According to Muhajir (2007), the shooting
movements in basketball games include: (1) One-
handed shots above the head, (2) Lay-up shots, (3)
Shots produced by catching the ball followed by
shooting (Lay-up), (4) Jump shots with two hands
and (5) Relation Shots. According to Kosasih
(2008), there are seven types of shooting techniques,
namely: (1) Lay-Up Shoot, (2) One Hand Set Shoot,
(3) Jump Shoot (shots while jumping), (4) Free
Throw Shoot (free shots), (5) Three Point Shoot, (6)
Hook Shoot, (7) Runner Shoot (shots with dribbling
with steps extended). Meanwhile according to
Abidin (1999), there are 7 (seven) basic techniques
of shooting namely:
2.2.1 One Hand Set Shot
One Hand Set Shot is often used in basketball
games. To do a one hand shot is basically the same
way as that used for free shots, including sight,
balance, hand position, elbow adjustment, rhythm of
shots and their implementation. Meanwhile,
according to Kosasih (2008), one hand set shoot is a
shot using one hand with another hand is placed
beside the ball serving to keep the ball and
compensate for the shooter's hand movements
without jumping. According to Abidin (1999) one
hand set shoot is a type of shooting that is often done
in basketball games both in close ranges and long
distance shots to get a score.
2.2.2 Free Throw
Free throw is a type of shot that requires habit, skill,
concentration and confidence. Success with free
shots requires the right beliefs and techniques, as
well as confidence. According to Kosasih (2008),
these shots are taken because of violations and done
to put the ball into the ring with one point for each
shot. According to Priyanto (2012), the goal of a free
throw is to put the ball into the ring to score a point
from behind the line of shot by taking advantage of
The Effect of Five-way Hoops Target Exercise Training on Basketball Ability of Basketball Extracurricular Participants at SMK Negeri 3
the opportunity given because the opposing team
makes a foul.
2.2.3 Jump Shot
Jump Shot is often used by all players in basketball
games. The jump shot movement must be
accompanied by a jump and then at the peak of the
jump shot, the ball must have been released through
the arms, wrists and fingers with the whole power.
Then, the ball is lifted simultaneously with the legs,
back and shoulders upward. Meanwhile, according
to Kosasih (2008), jump shoot is a type of shot done
by adding a jump when shooting where the ball is
released at the highest point of the jump. A jump
shoot is carried out when the space for the shot is
tightly guarded and the shot is accompanied by a
2.2.4 Three Point Shot
Three Point Shot is carried out and prepared at a
reasonable distance from a predetermined line, to
avoid stepping on the line and to focus on the
basketball hoop. According to Kosasih (2008), these
shots are taken because of violations and done to put
the ball into the ring with one point for each shot.
Meanwhile, according to Fauzan (2011) a three-
point shot is a shot with the highest points carried
out from the outside of curved line and aims to get
more points.
2.2.5 Hook Shot
Hook Shot has the advantage of being difficult to
be blocked even by tall opponents. The hook shot is
only done if the shooter is close to the basketball
ring about 3 to 4 meters away. According to Kokasih
(2008) the hook shoot is a shot related to the
direction of the shot sideways and directs the ball
towards the ring. This type of shoot needs further
training, because it is an advanced shot. According
to Abidin (1999) the superiority of a hook shot is a
shot that is difficult to be blocked even by
2.2.6 Lay-Up
Lay-Up is done close to the basketball hoop, after
slipping the ball or dribbling. To be able to make
high jumps in lay-up movements, it takes speed in
the last three or four steps to get the ball. According
to Kosasih (2008), lay-up shot is a shot done with
the 1 to 2 footsteps approaching the ring and carried
out by jumping accompanied by shooting. This
shoot is often used by players because the shooting
distance is closer to the basketball hoop and easier to
2.2.7 Runner Shot
Runner Shot is lay-up shot which was made further
from the basketball ring with the longer steps too.
According to Kosasih (2008), this runner shot is
done by the same way of doing lay-up, but taking
longer starting point from the ring basket. Overall,
the runner is done by the same way of doing lay-up
2.3 The Nature of Exercise
The nature of the exercise in this chapter discusses
the definition of exercise, the aims and objectives of
exercise, as well as the principles of exercise based
on several expert theories, as described in the
following section:
2.3.1 Definition of Exercise
Exercise or training, according to Irianto (2002), is a
process of systematically preparing the athlete's
physical condition to achieve maximum
achievement. It is given regularly and directed way
to improve the athletes’ physical and mental
condition. Meanwhile, according to Setiawan
(2012), training is a process of improving the ability
to exercise that contains material, theory and
practice, using methods, and rules, so that its goals
can be achieved well.
According to Soegiardo (1991), exercise in
physiology is a routine activity given using certain
methods to achieve certain goals. Different forms
and methods cause different results.
From above definitions, it can be concluded that
exercise is a systematic process that is carried out
repeatedly in connection with a matter that wants to
be learned with the aim of increasing abilities better
than the previous ones.
2.3.2 Objectives of the Exercise
The purpose of the exercise or training is as a
refinement of the abilities possessed by athletes.
This is based on the task of the trainer according to
Irianto (2002), which states that the trainer has a
fairly arduous task of improving athletes as multi-
dimensional beings which include physical, spiritual,
social and religious aspects.
According to Irianto (2002), before a training
program is implemented, it is necessary to set
training objectives, which are useful for: (1)
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
increasing motivation to practice; (2) reminding the
athletes on their responsibility to achieve the training
objectives; (3) encouraging the athletes to reach
higher achievement.
Setiawan (2012) adds that the purpose of training is
to improve the athletes’ skills and performance to
achieve the goals of the training.
2.3.3 Principles of Exercise
According to Irianto (2002), there are several
principles which need to be considered in the
training process, including:
a. Overload Principle
Super-compensation (increased performance)
will occur if the load given to the exercise is just
above the threshold of sensitivity or critical point,
accompanied by sufficient recovery.
b. Reversible Principle
"If you do not use it, you will lose it" that is the
philosophy of the reversible principle, meaning that
the adaptation of the exercise that has been achieved
will be reduced or even lost if the training is not
sustainable and irregular. In other words, it results in
detraining (decreased performance).
c. Specificity Principle
The philosophy of the principle of specificity is
SAID (Specific Adaption to Imposed Demand),
meaning that the exercise should be specific to the
desired target.
2.3.4 Hoop Medium
According to Sudrajat (2010), the word media
derived from Latin is a plural form of "medium"
which literally means "intermediary" or introduction
to the source of the message with the recipient of the
message. Meanwhile, according to Krisjarwanto,
(2015), a hoop is a ring made of rattan, while what is
meant by a hoop media is a circular object or rattan
rings made of wood which is used as an
intermediary for communication between the teacher
and students during the learning process. Hoops
have suitable sizes, as follows: (a) diameter: 80-90
cm, (b) thickness: 8-12 mm, and (c) weight: 300
grams. Based on the description above, it can be
concluded that the hoop media is a tool or media
made of plastic or rattan in a circle and is useful as a
tool in providing learning material so that the
material can be conveyed.
2.3.5 Target Games
According to Pambudi (2010), target game is one of
the game classifications in TGFU (Teaching Games
for Understanding) which has different
characteristics compared to other forms of
classification. The success of this game will be
determined by the athletes’ accuracy, foresight, and
accuracy without any interference from the
opponents. According to Rithaudin & Saryono,
(2012), target games are games where the players
will get a score if a ball or other similar projectile is
either thrown or hit with direction to achieve a
predetermined target. Meanwhile, Krisjarwanto
(2013) explains that "in target games, players score
by throwing or striking a ball to a target". The target
game is a game which requires concentration,
calmness, focus, and high accuracy in the game.
Based on the description above it can be
concluded that target game is a form of game that
relies on a good level of accuracy and foresight so
that the players will get a score if the object used as
a tool to play can hit the target correctly.
According to Mitchell et al in Pambudi (2010), it
is explained that the players will get a score if a ball
or other similar projectile is thrown or hit with
direction on a predetermined target, i.e. the fewer
blows to the target the better. In addition, there are
also several forms of target games which are
commonly done, e.g. archery, golf, bowling, billiard,
snooker with various modifications (Pambudi,
Basically the target game requires accuracy,
foresight, estimation/ feeling, and high concentration
so that in doing the game the target is achieved with
a lot of scores. In addition, the right tactics to hit the
target can be predicted with frequent target aiming
exercises including: archery, gate ball, wood ball,
darts, bowling, and golf. According to Krisjarwanto
(2015), the hoop target game is a game which uses
the hoop media. The players will score a point if the
thrown and hit ball with direction on the hoop target
has been done. In addition, the hoop target game is
as intermediate shooting or hitting practice using the
distance specified in the form of modification.
Meanwhile, Johnson (2010) explains that "A game
target, for use in conjunction with a thrown article,
comprises adjacent upper and lower hoop members
and has aligned vertical axes and horizontal axes".
The target game used in this study was a
modification of the hoop which can change its
position on the vertical and horizontal axes by
adopting the development of previous research.
According to Dasamardana (2013), in basketball,
the game is divided into two areas related to points
namely 1) shots with a point of 2 in the area of 2
points within 4-5 meters, and 2) shots with a point of
3 outside the area of 3 points. Both have different
The Effect of Five-way Hoops Target Exercise Training on Basketball Ability of Basketball Extracurricular Participants at SMK Negeri 3
areas, but there is a shot that is worth 1 point, which
is a penalty shot done if something goes wrong and
the referee gives a penalty in the form of a penalty
Here is a picture of the students' angle to take a
photo shoot.
Figure 1: Shooting Position from Five Directions.
One-Way Horizontal Position Target Game.
Participants play the game with the hoop media in a
horizontal position. Then, each participant shoots
from one direction or the area between the angles of
72 ° -108 °, from a 2-point area with a distance of 4-
5 meters.
Five-Way Horizontal Position Target Game.
Participants play the game with the hoop media in a
horizontal position. Then each student shoots from
five directions: between 0 ° -36 ° angles, 36 ° - 72 °
angles, 72 ° -108 ° angles, 108 ° -144 ° angles and
144 ° -180 °angles. The shooting was done 10 times
divided by 2 sets from with a distance of 4-5 meters.
One-Way Vertical Position Target Game.
Participants play the game with the hoop media in a
vertical position. Then, each participant shoots from
one direction or the area between the angles of 72 ° -
108 °, from a 2-point area with a distance of 4-5
Five-Way Horizontal Position Target Game.
Participants play the game with the hoop media in a
vertical position. Then each student shoots from five
directions: between 0 ° -36 ° angles, 36 ° - 72 °
angles, 72 ° -108 ° angles, 108 ° -144 ° angles and
144 ° -180 °angles. The shooting was done 10 times
divided by 2 sets from with a distance of 4-5 meters
This research is conducted with the aims to produce
a study (treatment) as many as 16 times a meeting of
something to be discussed, this research was
conducted by Soegiardo (1991), by trying as many
as 16 times the meeting can already be discussed,
because there have been completed changes, for
example hypertrophy due to heavy lifting.
According to Sugiyono (2014), the experimental
method can be interpreted as a research method used
to search for certain studies against others under
controlled conditions. The purpose of this study was
to identify the effect of target training on the
participants’ shooting ability. The research design is
One Group Pretest and Posstest Design, namely
research that does not use a comparison group
before making preparations prior to the
implementation/ intervention given (Guntur, 2012).
Schematically, it can be written into formula 1
01 X 02 (1)
Notes: 01 = Pre-test using 5-way shooting 10
times from each angle. X = The group that is treated
with one-way horizontal position hoops, one-way
horizontal position hoops, one-way vertical hoops
target, and hoops vertical position of five directions.
02 = Post-test using 5-way shooting 10 times from
each angle.
Thus this experimental research was intended to
get a picture as it is about the effect of the target
training on the shooting ability of basketball
extracurricular participants at SMK Negeri 3
To achieve the objectives of this study, it is
necessary to know in advance the research variables,
because the variables are something that will be the
object of research which play a role in the event to
be measured. According to Sugiyono (2014), the
definition of a variable is basically something which
is determined to be studied in order to obtain its
information. Meanwhile, according to Suryabrata
(2012), the term variable can be interpreted in
different ways. In this paper variables can be
interpreted as everything that will be the object of
research observation. While in this study there are 2
variables, namely: (1) Target Exercise (Independent
Variable), A definition of training according to
Irianto (2002) is a process to systematically prepare
the athletes’ condition to reach maximum
achievement. It is usually given regularly, and in
directed way to enhance the athletes’ physical and
mental condition. While the hoop target game is a
game which uses accuracy, foresight and speed by
making use of hoop media as a tool or means to
play. Therefore, it can be explained operationally
that the game of the hoop target is the systematic
process of training to achieve an improvement in the
quality of shooting movements to be better than it
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
was before. This target game was carried out as
many as 16 meetings covering 4 types of exercises
namely: horizontal one-way horizontal, one-way
horizontal target position training exercise, one-way
vertical position hoop target exercise, five-way
vertical position limited hoop target exercise; (2)
Shooting Ability (Dependent Variable), The
operational shooting ability can be shown by the
ability of a child or basketball extracurricular
participant to put the ball into the basketball hoop
within 30 seconds. The shooting was done 10 times
divided by 2 sets done from 5 different directions, as
follows: between 0 ° -36 ° angles, 36 ° - 72 ° angles,
72 ° -108 ° angles, 108 ° -144 ° angles and 144 ° -
180 ° angles respectively for each participant from
the 2-point area at a distance of 4-5 meters from the
basketball hoop.
According to Sugiyono (2013), population is an
area consisting of objects / subjects which have
certain qualities and characteristics to be studied and
then to draw conclusions. The population in this
study were basketball extracurricular participants of
SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta, totalling 14 participants.
The instrument of this research was a test of
ability to shoot from different positions or angles
before and after being given treatment. This research
instrument is a type of experimental research using a
shooting test which in its implementation, the
shooting was carried out 10 times divide by 2 sets
done from 5 directions, namely: between 0 ° -36 °
angles, 36 ° - 72 ° angles, 72 ° -108 ° angles, 108 ° -
144 ° angles and 144 ° -180 ° angles. Each
participant shot from the 2-point area with a distance
of 4-5 meters from the basketball hoop. The test
scores were obtained from the in balls only. Finally,
the score results on the test before being given
treatment will be compared to those after being
given treatment.
3.1 Data Collection Technique
Data collection techniques used in this study were
tests (tests of shooting as many as 10 times
opportunity from 5 different directions or areas,
namely: between 0 ° -36 ° angles, 36 ° - 72 ° angles,
72 ° -108 ° angles, 108 ° -144 ° angles and 144 ° -
180 ° angles respectively for each participant from
the 2-point area at a distance of 4-5 meters from the
basketball hoop before and after being treated. There
are 2 types of data collected in this study.
Pre-test Collection Techniques, Pre-test data
were obtained by using a shooting test from 5
different directions; between 0 ° -36 ° angles, 36 ° -
72 ° angles, 72 ° -108 ° angles, 108 ° -144 ° angles
and 144 ° -180 ° angles, 10 times 2 from each angle.
There is also a sequence in getting research data as
follows: (1) Participant lined up into 2 lines sharing,
praying, getting explanation of training materials;
(2) Participants did warm up activities; (3)
Participants were divided into 2 groups and each
group conducted a series of shooting tests from five
angles 10 times 2 from each angle according to
instructions instructed by each participant (there
were 2 participants); (4) Participants conducted a
series of shooting tests from five angles using one
hand set shoot 10 times from each angle; (5) The in
balls are recorded by each participant (there were 2
participants); (6) After all participants did the
shooting, participants rested for approximately 5
minutes. (7) Then, they did the same pre-test with
the same plot; (8) After conducting the test, the
participants cooled down, lined up, evaluated and
Post-test Collection Techniques, Post-test data
were obtained by using a shooting test from 5
different directions or areas, namely: between 0 ° -
36 ° angles, 36 ° - 72 ° angles, 72 ° -108 ° angles,
108 ° -144 ° angles and 144 ° -180 ° angles, 10 times
2 from each angle. There was also a sequence in
getting research data as follows: (1) Participants
lined up while sharing, praying, getting explanation
of training materials; (2) Participants did warming
up; (3) Participants were divided into 2 groups and
each group conducted a series of shooting tests from
five angles 10 times 2 from each angle according to
instructions instructed by each participant (there
were 2 participants); (4) Participants conducted a
series of shooting tests from five angles using one
hand set shoot 10 times from each angle; (5) The in
balls were recorded by each participant; (6)After all
participants did the shooting, participants rested for
approximately 5 minutes; (7) Then, they did the
same pre-test with the same plot; (8) After
conducting the test, the participants cooled down,
lined up, evaluated and prayed
3.2 Data Analysis Technique
In this study there are several steps to analyze the data,
a. Data Normality Test
According to (Sugiyono, 2013), the parametric
statistics work based on the assumption that the data of
each variable to be analysed, is based on a normal
distribution. For this reason, before the parametric
statistical techniques were used, the normality of the data
must be tested first.
Normality test is carried out to test whether or not the
data to be analysed is normal. The test depends on the
The Effect of Five-way Hoops Target Exercise Training on Basketball Ability of Basketball Extracurricular Participants at SMK Negeri 3
variable to be analysed, or to be processed. According to
Sugiyono (2013) data normality can be tested using Chi
Square. Furthermore, the data normality testing with Chi
Square is processed using SPSS 16 program. According to
Arisandi (2015), the data will be said to be normally
distributed if the calculated Chi Square value (X2 count) is
smaller than the Chi Square table (X2 table) at the level
significance α = 0.05. The sample normality was tested
using the formula suggested by Sugiyono (2013) as shown
in the formula 2 below.
Note: X² = Chi square,
= Frequency / amount of
observational data (based on the data obtained),
expected frequency / amount (percentage of area of each
field multiplied by n), f
= Difference 𝑓
with 𝑓
b. Homogeneity Test
Homogeneity test is used to determine the obtained
data were homogeneous or not. This
Homogeneity was
tested using the formula proposed by (Sugiyono
2013) as follows:
 
 
Based on the results of the calculation is then
compared by looking at the value of table F, if
greater than 𝐹
) then 𝐻
which states the difference
between the two groups was rejected. In other words the
two groups are not homogeneous. The significant level in
table F is 5% with F table = N largest -1 (numerator) and
smallest N -1 (denominator). If the 𝐹
is smaller than
. 𝐹
< 𝐹
), then the variant of the
data can be concluded to be homogeneous.
a. Hypothesis Testing
After normality and homogeneity tests have been
carried out, to prove statistically whether a result can be
said to be significant or not, namely by means of a
different test (t-test), using the following formula
proposed by (Arikunto, 2002) as follows:
Notes: Md= Mean Differences (( M 𝑋
) /
mean of the difference between the pre test and the post
= Number of squares of the deviation of the
mean difference, N = Subject in the sample, SD =
Standard deviation of crude numbers. Hypothesis criteria
are accepted if t count is greater than t table
> 𝑡
), but if t count is smaller than t table
< 𝑡
), the hypothesis is rejected, before the
results of 𝑡
are consulted with 𝑡
with a
significant level of 5%.
This research was carried out in the basketball
extracurricular activities at SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta
which was located on Jalan W.R. Monginsidi No.2
Yogyakarta. The pretest was conducted on Friday 13 May
2016 and the post-test was on 14 June 2016. The treatment
was carried out 16 times with a training frequency of four
times a week, on Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays and
Saturdays. The subjects in this study were basketball
extracurricular participants at SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta.
The research data were collected using a close-range test
(two-point shoot) from five directions or positions. The in
ball will be given a point, while the out ball will be
counted zero, then added up, which becomes a pretest and
post-test. The results of the pretest and post-test were
compared after the athletes were given treatment using a
hoop target for 16 meetings. Thus, the data were obtained
when conducting close-up shooting tests (two-point
shootings) during the pre-test and post-test.
4.1 Data Distribution
The research that has been carried out aims at determining
the effect of the target exercise on increasing basketball
shooting ability of SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta
extracurricular participants. Then, the results of the pre-
test and post-test shooting ability of basketball
extracurricular basketball participants in SMK Negeri 3
Yogyakarta can be described in the following section.
The results of the study were described using
descriptive statistical analysis as follows. The conducted
pre-test resulted in a minimum value of 16, maximum
value of 31, average (mean) of 21.50, variant of 21.500,
with the standard deviation of 4.637. Meanwhile, the post-
test resulted in a minimum value of 18, maximum value of
34, mean of 24.93, variant of 18.841 with standard
deviation of 4,431. The research finding is presented in the
frequency distribution with the formula of searching for
many classes = 1 + 3.3 Log N; range = maximum value -
minimum value, and class length with the formula = range
/ many classes, (Sugiyono, 2013).
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
Table 1: Frequency Distribution of Shooting Ability of
Basketball Extracurricular Participants at SMK Negeri 3
Yogyakarta Pre-test.
No Interval Frequency Percentage
28 > 2
25 – 27 1
3 22 – 24 3 21,428
4 19 21 4 28,571
5 <18 4 28,571
Total 14 100
Table 2: Frequency Distribution of Shooting Ability of
Basketball Extracurricular Participants at SMK Negeri 3
Yogyakarta Post-test.
No Interval Frequency Persentage
31> 2
28 – 30 1
25 – 27 4
22 – 24 5
<21 2
4.2 Increased Percentage of Shooting
In the previous section, it is explained the descriptive
statistics of the shooting ability of basketball
extracurricular participants at SMK Negeri 3 Daerah
Istimewa Yogyakarta using the practice of target hoops.
To find out the magnitude of the improvement of the
participants’ shooting ability, the formula of increasing
percentage was used in this research. To find out the
percentage, then the following formula was implemented.
𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑑𝑖𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡
𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡
Note: mean difference is obtained from the difference
of post-test and pre-test mean. The mean of the pre-test
results was 21.50 while the posttest results’ mean was
24.93. After obtaining the pre-test and post-test mean
values, the increase percentage can be calculated as in the
following formula 6.
Known the average value of pre-test and post-test, the
increase in the percentage can be calculated as follows:
24,93  21,50
100 %
𝑒𝑛ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 15,95 %
The results enhancement was calculated in the
percentage of 15.95%. This can be interpreted that the
practice done using the hoop target game can improve the
shooting ability of basketball extracurricular participants
of SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta.
4.3 Data Analysis
The data analysis is used to answer the hypotheses that
have been proposed in the previous chapter. The
conducted analysis tests included the normality test,
homogeneity test and hypothesis test (t test). The results of
the normality test, homogeneity test and t test can be seen
in table 3.
Table 3: Normality Test Results.
P Information
10 16.919 1.714 998 Normal
9 18.307 3.143 958 Normal
The results in table 5 above describe that the shooting
ability pre-test resulted in 𝓧2value (1.714) <𝓧2table
(16.919), so it can be concluded that the pre-test data on
the participants, shooting ability were normally
distributed. The post-test results were also considered
normally distributed since the value 𝓧2(3.143) <𝓧2table
4.3.1 Homogeneity Test
Based on the conducted homogeneity test, it can be
concluded that the variant is homogeneous since the
obtained F value (1.47) <F table (4.67).
4.3.2 T test
T test in this study is intended to answer the hypotheses
which have been proposed. This testing was done to
determine the acceptance or rejection of the proposed
hypotheses. This testing was done using t-test (paired
sample t test) at a significant level of 5%.
The data analysis resulted in the value of t count
(4.593)> t table (1.771), and p value (0.001) <of 0.05.
These results indicate that the value of t count is greater
than t table. These results mean that the research
hypotheses were accepted, so that it can be concluded
"there is an influence between the five-way hoop target
training exercises on the shooting ability of basketball
extracurricular participants at SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta".
The Effect of Five-way Hoops Target Exercise Training on Basketball Ability of Basketball Extracurricular Participants at SMK Negeri 3
Basketball game is a type of games played by two teams
consisting of five players for each and has the goal to win
the match by finding as many points as possible by getting
the ball into the opponent's ring and preventing the
opponent's ball from getting into his own ring. In this
game, to be able to find a lot of points, the players must be
able to master the shooting techniques well.
Shooting is one of the efforts to put the ball into the
ring by the players to get points in the basketball game.
However, shooting requires a good level of accuracy in
order to put the ball into the ring as many as possible so
that a lot of points can be gained.
Because shooting is one of the most important basic
techniques in basketball, this research intended to improve
shooting skills through the practice of five-way hoops
target. The analysis on the collected data resulted in the t
count value (4.593)> t table (1.771), and p value (0.001)
<of 0.05. These results indicate that the calculated t value
was greater than the t table which meant that the
hypotheses were accepted. Therefore, it can be concluded
"there is an influence between the implementation of five-
way hoops target on the shooting ability of basketball
extracurricular participants at SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta".
Furthermore, the research findings also indicated that
shooting practice using the target exercise can affect the
ability to shoot. The effect could be shown by the positive
results with an increase of 15.95%. By applying this target
practice, the extracurricular participants were trained to
shoot with a large number of repetitions. As a result, their
accuracy will be improved progressively.
According to Pambudi (2010), five-way hoops target
is one of the game classifications in TGFU (Teaching
Games for Understanding) which has different
characteristics compared to the other forms of
classifications. This game will be highly determined by
the own ability of each player. This needs the players
accuracy and foresight without any interference from other
parties, i.e. from the opponents. For the players deal with
their accuracy and foresight, this target game was
conducted by using the hoop media as a tool or means to
The implementation of this target game in this case
aimed at increasing the level of accuracy and foresight.
Indirectly, by using this target training exercise,
participants were required to shoot with a lot of repetitions
so that they became accustomed to progressively improve
their speed and accuracy. Moreover, the use of the hoop as
a target training medium with a larger diameter compared
to the ring improved the participants’ ball feeling when
shooting with a large number of repetitions. For this, the
shooting ability of students was expected to enhance.
Based on the research findings and discussions, some
conclusions can be drawn as follows:
The data analysis and hypothesis testing resulted in the
value of t arithmetic (4.593)> t table (1.771), and p value
(0.001) <of 0.05. Therefore, it can be concluded that there
is an influence between the five-way hoops target on the
shooting ability of basketball extracurricular participants
at SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta. The research Ho was
rejected and Ha was accepted, that is, there was an
influence between the five-way hoops target training
exercises on the shooting ability of basketball
extracurricular participants at SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta.
Besides knowing the effect of the training on the
ability to influence between the practice of target hoisting
game on the shooting ability of basketball extracurricular
participants at SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta, this can be used
as a guide for coaches in order to improve the quality of
players to achieve desired achievements.
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The Effect of Five-way Hoops Target Exercise Training on Basketball Ability of Basketball Extracurricular Participants at SMK Negeri 3