have good concentration whenever receiving lessons
in school, both inside and outside the classroom.
Physical abilities consist of ten biomotoric
components, namely 1) structure, 2) endurance
(consisting of cardio respiratory endurance and
muscle endurance), 3) explosive power, 4) speed, 5)
flexibility, 6) accuracy, 7 ) reaction, 8) agility, 9)
balance, and 10) coordination (Bompa, 1983). A
person who has good physical fitness will have a
relatively better quality of the components
mentioned above.
Lifestyle is a person's style of living expressed in
his activities, interests, and opinions (Kotler, 2002).
Lifestyle describes "the whole person" in interacting
with their environment. In addition, lifestyle is to
show how people live, how they spend money, and
how they allocate time (Minor and Mowen, 2002).
Therefore, it can be concluded that lifestyle is a
pattern of life which is expressed in their activities,
interests and opinions in spending their money and
allocating their time.
Lifestyle is an illustration for everyone who
wears it and describes how much the moral value of
the person in the community around him. Lifestyle is
an art that is cultivated by everyone. Lifestyle is also
very closely related to the times and technology. As
time goes on and the technology becomes more
sophisticated, there is also a widespread of
development in the application of human lifestyles
for everyday life.
Healthy lifestyle includes behaviors and
activities related to efforts in maintaining and
improving health that affect physical fitness. Healthy
lifestyle has an important role to improve the health
of each individual. It can be done by having a
balanced diet, doing regular patterns of activities or
sport, and getting enough sleep, so that each
individual will be free from disease (Suryanto,
2011). This makes the body healthy, and physical
fitness can be maintained properly.
Healthy lifestyle is a simple choice that can
appropriately be done by having a healthy diet,
thoughts, habits and environment. Being healthy can
include anything to reach good and positive results.
Healthy living involves adequate and good physical,
psychological, environmental and financial aspects.
According to the healthy lifestyle tabloid, healthy
living is a way of organizing life processes to
provide positive conditions for yourself and the
In fact, along with the entry of globalization in
Indonesia, life patterns are now becoming sedentary.
A sedentary lifestyle is a pattern of life where a
person does not do much physical activity or does
not do many movements. People with sedentary
lifestyles often ignore physical activities, or tend to
do activities that do not require a lot of energy.
Nowadays, children prefer to enjoy games and
social networks in the electronic devices rather than
playing with peers around their houses. They prefer
chatting using electronic devices to directly
interacting with their friends. When going to school,
children are also spoiled with vehicles owned by
their parents even though the distance between their
houses and schools is not too far away.
The school has tried to provide students' rooms
and play halls, such as table tennis courts in separate
rooms, but not all students have optimized all of
them. Food sold in school canteens, ranging from
fast food to snacks, also does not support students to
maintain physical fitness. This problem can certainly
be an obstacle for students to maintain physical
fitness. On the other hand, there are also students
who bring food from home, which is certainly
cleaner and healthier.
The desire of parents to have smart children also
affects the child's rest time. After school, they are
still required to take lessons at the parents' will. Rest,
which is considered so important for junior high
school students, gradually decreases and this may
affect the fitness of students later. However, there
are also parents who have paid attention to their
child's physical fitness by giving the vitamins to
their children to avoid the risk of illness.
According to the explanation above, it can be
explained that lifestyle problems affect students'
physical fitness. One of the examples is the problem
of 8
grade’s attendance at Sleman 1 Junior High
School which is rarely perfect. Almost every day,
there are a number of students who go to the School
Health Unit (UKS) complaining about their physical
fitness. This problem is suspected due to the lack of
movement, lack of sense of achievements in sport,
and food and beverages which is not promoting
physical fitness sold in the school environment. The
expectations and goals of learning to get good
results are thus not fully achieved as expected.
Based on the description above, a study is
needed to investigate the relationship between
healthy lifestyles and the level of physical fitness of
eighth grade students at State Junior High School 1,
in Sleman , in Special Region of Yogyakarta in the
Academic Year of 2015/2016.