supported by the research of Ayu Sri Wahatma Dwi
and Ary Wirajaya (2013). But the results of this study
adverse to the research conducted by Santy
Kusumaningrum (2016) and Fifin Syahadatina
(2015), which states that the capital structure partially
has a positive and significant effect on firm value.
From the results of the test, there is a negative and
significant influence between the capital structure on
firm value which indicates that capital structure is not
always a benchmark in increasing the value of the
company. So, in order to increase shareholders’
prosperity, the company does not rely on the level of
capital structure of the company.
4.3.2 Effect of Profitability on Firm Values
Profitability is income minus expenses and losses
during the reporting period. Analysis of profitability
is very important for creditors and investors. For
creditors, are to know the source of interest and
principal payments. While for investors, are to
determine the changes in the value of the firm.
From the results of study showed that profitability
partially has a positive and significant effect on firm
value. The results of hypothesis testing showed tcount
of 2,397 and ttable of 2,015 (2,397 > 2,015), a
substantial amount of 0.021 < 0.05 with a positive
coefficient direction, so H2 is accepted. The result is
supported by previous research, namely by Nunung
Nur Hanifah (2016), Ayu Sri Wahatma Dwi and Ary
Wirajaya (2013), Santy Kusumaningrum (2016) and
Benny Halomoan Situmorang (2016) have shown that
profitability partially has a positive and significant
effect on firm value. But contrary to the research
conducted by Nur Hidayah (2015) which indicates
that profitability partially does not have a substantial
impact on firm value.
From the above results which states that there is a
significant influence between profitability on firm
value which proves that company profitability is a
benchmark in increasing the value of the firm. In this
case, investors must pay attention to the level of
profitability of the company in investing because with
the increase in the profitability of the company, it will
increase stock prices. So that, this can increase the
prosperity of the investors.
4.3.3 Effect of Firm Size on Firm Values
The size of the firm is one of the variables that are
considered to influence the company's decision to
choose the form of funding. The size of the firm will
affect the company's debt policy. Companies that are
large and have a good reputation in the market will
use debt more as a source of funding. The increase in
debt can increase shareholder’s value. This states that
the size of the firm influences the increase in firm
The results also indicate that the size of the firm
influences the value of the firm because it is shown
from tcount of 2,129 and ttable of 2,015 (2.129 >
2.015), with a positive coefficient direction, so that
H3 is accepted. The size of the firm has a positive and
significant effect on the value of the firm. The results
of this study are supported by previous research
conducted by Nunung Nur Hanifah (2016) and Santy
Kusumaningrum (2016). But it is contrary to the
research conducted by Ayu Sri Wahatma Dwi And
Ary Wirajaya (2013), which states that the size of the
firm does not affect the value of the firm.
You (1995), in his paper gives a survey of the
theories of the determinants of firm size and the
distribution of firm sizes, with a special emphasize of
small firms. Thus, firm size is one of the company's
benchmarks in increasing the value of firm. So,
shareholders or investors also need to consider the
size of the firm in investing.
4.3.4 Effect of Capital Structure,
Profitability and Company Size on
Firm Value
Capital structure, profitability and firm size
simultaneously influence the value of the firm
because it shows from Fcount of 9,113 and Ftable of
2,82 (9,113 > 2,82), with a significant amount of
0,000 (0,000 < 0,05). So, to increase the value of the
firm, it is necessary to consider the capital structure,
profitability, and size of the firm.
The results of this test is supported by previous
research, namely by Nunung Nur Hanifah (2016)
with the results that simultaneously capital structure,
company growth, firm size, and profitability have a
positive and significant effect on firm value. Thus,
increasing the capital structure, profitability, and size
of the firm can also increase the value of the firm.
According to Cuong’s (2014) study has shown that
there was triple threshold effect exists between debt
ratio and firm value.
The purpose of this study is to test and analyze the
effect of capital structure, profitability, and firm size
on firm value. From the results of the study, it can be
concluded, that:
1. Capital structure has a significant effect on firm
value, but has a negative coefficient direction.