5.1 Conclusions
Based on the results of the analysis, the following
conclusions can be drawn: 1) Revitalization of the
Medan traditional market has a significant effect on
competitiveness; 2) Revitalization of traditional in
Medan city market has a significant effect on traders
satisfaction; 3) Revitalization of the traditional
market in Medan City has a significant effect on the
increase in sales of traders; 4) Competitiveness has a
significant effect on the increase in sales of traders in
the traditional market of Medan City; 5) Trader
satisfaction has a significant effect on the perceived
value of the traditional market of Medan City; 6)
Perceived value has a significant effect on the
increase in sales of traders of traditional market in
Medan City; 7) Competitiveness partially mediates
the mediation of the influence between the
revitalization of the traditional market of Medan City
and the increase in sales of traders; 8) Trader
satisfaction partially mediates the influence of market
revitalization of traditional market in Medan city on
perceived value; and 9) Perceived value partially
mediates the the effect between traders satisfaction on
the increase in sales of traders in Medan traditional
5.2 Suggestions
Based on the results of the discussion, some
suggestions can be made for the Medan City
Government in particular, namely: 1) To improve the
quality of revitalization of traditional markets in
Medan in the future, researchers suggest that the City
Government should pay more attention to facilities
and infrastructure that support activities traders,
including providing adequate ac facilities, decent
escalators and emergency stairs, parks, resting places
for traders and consumers, and other facilities and
infrastructure that can support traders activities; 2) To
improve the competitiveness of Medan traditional
markets, market revitalization must be able to help
traders create something new/pioneer by providing
training in accordance with the expertise of traders,
providing information on the importance of product
innovation and providing socialization about
falsifying sanctions and copying other products; 3) In
providing satisfaction to traders, it is expected that the
traditional market revitalization carried out can cause
customers to buy other products from the same trader;
4) To create a positive value perception in the eyes of
traders, it is expected that market management is able
to provide quality services that match prices to
traders. Not only because the market has been
revitalized, but it also causes shop rental prices,
cleaning costs, security, electricity and water costs to
increase or become expensive; and 5) To increase
sales of traders, market revitalization must be able to
facilitate traders in achieving sales targets. Efforts
that can be made include; Medan City Government
must appeal to the public to shop in the revitalized
traditional market, market management provides free
parking services to customers, the Medan City
Government in collaboration with market
management organizes various kinds of
entertainment attractions to attract the public to visit
and shop in the revitalized traditional markets.
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