The Analysis of the Effect of Government Expenditure and Balance
of Payment on Indonesian Economic Growth
Muhammad Nasir and Eddy Gunawan
Faculty of Economics and Business, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Keywords: Government Expenditure, Balance of Payment, Economic Growth.
Abstract: This research is aimed to analyze the effect of government expenditure and balance of payment on economic
growth in Indonesia. The data used in this research is secondary time series data on government expenditure,
balance of payment, and economic growth in Indonesia during the period of 1990 until 2017. Model of
analysis used in this research is Auto regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL). This model is regression model that
includes not only the value of variable explain current situation but also the value of the previous years. The
research results show the government expenditure for the current year and one year before affects GDP with
the probability of alpha 1 percent. Meanwhile balance of payment for current year affect GDP only at
probability of alpha 10 percent, but the balance of payment for one year before has the effect on GDP at 5
percent of alpha. Based on the Long run test it is found that both government expenditure and balance of
payment variables do not significantly affect GDP. Meanwhile for the Short run test it is found that
government expenditure has a negative and significant effect on GDP at 5 percent of alpha. So far, the variable
of balance of payment also has negative and significant effect on GDP at 1 percent of alpha. It is hoped that
this research can contributes and gives policy recommendation to the Government of Indonesia in the effort
to increase economic growth and welfare of the people.
During many years, the rate of global economic
growth has increased compared to the previous
periods. It seems there the contrast between
developed and developing countries. The economy of
developed countries is better compared to the
developing countries. On the other hand, developing
countries run with stable growth in terms of economic
In terms of economic indicator especially the
inflation rate, Indonesia experiences the increase in
inflation rate above 5 percent since year 1970 up to
economic crisis period. Not only in term of inflation
rate, has the unemployment in Indonesia also showed
increasing trend. In response to the economic
performance shown by economic indicators,
Indonesian government undertaken the
macroeconomic policy in order to foster economic
growth. This has been undertaken using both fiscal
and monetary policies.
The Indonesian government policy has also
focused on public finance sector via the control in
government revenues and expenditures. Not only in
Indonesia, had majority of developing countries put
more attention on budget deficit that becomes greater.
The increase in budget deficit usually comes from
reduction in government revenues. The increase in
budget deficit is also aimed to force economic growth
via fiscal policy in each country.
Suhartoko (2013) studied the relationship
between budget deficit and balance of payment or
well known by twin deficit. Traditional paradigm
according to him predicted that there is no correlation
between budget deficit and international balance of
Furthermore, Baharumshah et al. (2017) studied
the sustainability of fiscal policy in Malaysia. The
result shows that the former fiscal policy makers had
followed sustainable fiscal policy except when the
economic crisis during short period. In this case, the
government have to reduce the deficit if it exceed the
certain level I order to ensure the sustainability in
long-term. Specifically, it is found that the public debt
after it exceeds 55 percent than gross domestic
product (GDP) will have negative correlation with
economic activities.
Nasir, M. and Gunawan, E.
The Analysis of the Effect of Government Expenditure and Balance of Payment on Indonesian Economic Growth.
DOI: 10.5220/0009259204800484
In Proceedings of the 2nd Economics and Business International Conference (EBIC 2019) - Economics and Business in Industrial Revolution 4.0, pages 480-484
ISBN: 978-989-758-498-5
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The development process in developing countries
is undertaken with greater government expenditure
compared to government revenue. Thus it needs more
budget with greater external debts in order to fill the
budget deficit. Suhartoko (2013) explained the close
relationship between primary budget deficit with real
economic growth with the correlation coefficient as
much as 0.6.
Based on the data from International Financial
Statistic (2018), it shows that balance of payment
indicates the positive correlation with GDP. This can
be proven by the Indonesian data for the period of
2004 to 2017 with the fluctuation. In year 2004,
Indonesian balance of payment was USD 1,563
billion with GDP growth rate as much 5.03 percent.
Then, in year 2009, the GDP had declined to be 4.62
percent but with the increased in balance of payment
to be USD 10,628 billion. Then for the next many
years, the GDP continuously fluctuates whereas the
balance of payment experience deficit.
The government policy in financing economic
development using debt especially external debts thus
only benefit in the initial time of development. Thus,
beside government put attention on economic growth,
the future government debt also has to be considered
by the government.
There are many researches on the fiscal policy
and national such as the research by Badinger (2017),
Baharumshah (2017), and Badinger (2015). This
research put more focus on deficit budget. Secondly,
the researcher does not find the study on balance of
payment and economic growth in Indonesia.
Based on those research background and
literature reviews, majority of research put more
attentions on fiscal policy and national debt and also
the movement in international trade. The research on
government expenditure and balance of payment are
still limited. Thus based on the above research
background the researcher would like to study about
“The Effect of Government expenditure and Balance
of Payment on Indonesian Economic Growth”.
Economic growth is defined as the change in
economic activities in the economy that cause the
goods and services produced increases (Sukirno,
2013). Conventionally, the economic growth of one
country can be measured by the percentage increase
in gross domestic product (GDP). It is also applied for
regional economic growth by using the percentage
increase in gross regional domestic product (GDRP).
By measuring economic growth, it is also can be used
in evaluating the effectiveness of the economic
GDP is one of the best measures in evaluating
economic performance of one country. The aim of
GDP is summarizing the economic activities in
certain monetary unit during certain period of time.
GDP can be measured using two approaches those are
income and expenditure approaches (Mankiw, 2007).
The economy basically saves a certain amount of
national income in order to increase capital goods that
are not out of order. But, in order to foster the
economic growth, it is needed new investment that is
the additional in net capital stocks. This theory states
that investment affects aggregate demand via
increasing in production capacity. In this case the
government expenditure has the role as one of
investment given by the government in induce
national income.
According to Ilyas (1989), the government
expenditure relates to all of the expenditures that
aimed to increase the welfare of overall society.
Furthermore, according to Soediyono (1992),
government consumption expenditure that usually
called government expenditure or government
purchase includes all of the expenditures where the
government directly receives the compensation. In
Indonesia, the government expenditure is allocated in
National Budget (APBN) or Regional Budget
(APBD). Every year, the budget is allocated into
many sectors via the development program and
activities (Suparmoko, 1998).
Furthermore, balance of payment can be defined
as the systematic account that record the transaction
undertake by the citizens include the organization and
private sectors with foreign citizens in the period of
one year. Balance of payment is useful because it
shows the structure and composition of economic
transaction and also international finance of one
country. On the other hand, balance of payment is
also the important indicator about the situation of the
economy of one country.
When the balance of payment of a country deficit,
this means that the citizens of the country has to pay
more for the foreign citizens compared to the income
from the payment of foreign citizens. Whereas the
surplus shows vice versa condition. In addition,
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank
use balance of payment indicator as one of indicator
in loan giving decision for a country.
The deficit of balance of payment is also can be
caused by the domestic inflation. If the balance of
payment experiences deficit then the international
companies in the country have to adjust with the
condition such as price, inventory, and stock
The Analysis of the Effect of Government Expenditure and Balance of Payment on Indonesian Economic Growth
adjustment. The government has to undertake the
policy in anticipating trade deficit by market
measures and non-market measures. The market
treatment is undertaken in order to anticipate deficit
such as currency evaluation. Meanwhile Non-market
treatment is such as tariff, quota, and currency
So far, there are many studies about the relation
between government expenditure, balance of
payment, and economic growth. Badinger (2017) in
his research estimated the impact of fiscal institution
on fiscal policy result, and also issues relate to the
measurement and endogenity with new method. The
result showed that the countries with tight fiscal
policy have high fiscal account and low output.
Lelis et al. (2018) found that the balance of
payment is the problem for the economic growth in
Brazil that cover the ratio between export and import
income elasticity. Lelis et al. (2018) also found that
export is more sensitive upon the change in real
exchange rate.
On the other hand, Fatas et al. (2006) argued that
the limitation in the budget cause low policy volatility
and the limitation of fiscal reduces the response of
fiscal policy on output shock. Fasanya et al. (2018)
also found that import is cointegrated with relative
price and income, and the optimal level of economic
Furthermore, Maulana (2015) also studied the
effect of foreign investment, net export, and deficit
budget policy on the economic growth of ASEAN
countries. The result shows that Foreign Direct
Investment (FDI) and net export have a positive and
significant relationship on economic growth in
ASEAN countries. Whereas the variable of
government budget deficit has a negative and
significant affect on the economic growth ASEAN
Nizar (2013) studied twin deficit from perspective
balance of trade with VAR method. The result shows
that budget deficit caused the increase in government
expenditure by 1 percent of GDP that cause the
equilibrium of balance of trade change.
This research is aimed to verify and analyze the effect
of government expenditure and balance of payment
on economic growth in Indonesia both in long-run
and short-run. Meanwhile the urgent of the research
is to give the policy recommendation to the
government both regional and national on how the
effect of government expenditure and balance of
payment on Indonesian economic growth.
Furthermore, the innovation is hoped is the policy
recommendation in the effort to increase economic
growth and the welfare of society.
The scope of this research is Indonesia. The
variables used are GDP as the dependent variable,
meanwhile government expenditure (GE) and
balance of payment (NP) as the independent
variables. The focus of methodology is on the effects
of the variables. So far, the researcher also test and
verify the causality relationship between government
expenditure and economic growth in Indonesia.
In order to analyze the data, the data used is time
series data that covers government expenditure,
balance of payment, and economic growth during the
period of 1990 to 2017. The data sources are from
Indonesia Statistic Board (BPS), World Bank, and
other institutions.
The model used in this analysis is Auto
Regressive Distributed Lag Model (ARDL). This
model is the regression mode that can explain well the
economic variables. Meanwhile, the Auto Regressive
Distributed Lag Model is the regression model that
ensure not only the current variables but also the
previous one with the model of distributed lag model
with introducing one or more in the variables in the
past (Gujarati, 2003:233). Thus the ARDL Model in
this research is:
The form of ARDL:
+ e
Where LNPDP is natural logarithm of economic
growth that is measured in term of percent, LNGE is
natural logarithm of government expenditure that is
measured in term of the amount of government
expenditure in billion rupiah per year, and LNNP is
natural logarithm of balance of payment.
Based on the estimation procedures as explained in
the research method, the first step undertaken is
stationarity test in order to verify whether the
variables are stationary at level i.e. I(0), first different
i.e. I(I) or second different i.e. I(2). According to
stationarity test using Philips Perron (PP) test, thus
the results of stationarity is as in Table 4.1 below:
EBIC 2019 - Economics and Business International Conference 2019
Table 4.1 The Results of Stationarity Test Based on
Phillips-Perron test statistic
At Level First-Difference
Prob.* Prob.*
GDP 0.0104 0.0000
LOGBP 0.5734 0.0001
NP 0.5254 0.0014
Note: Significant at alpha of 0.05.
Source: Estimation Result.
Based on Table 4.1 it can be seen that there is the
difference in level of stationarity of the variables
where only GDP stationary at level, whereas LOGBP
and NP are stationary at first difference.
Furthermore, Lag Length Criteria estimation
conducted by determining optimal lag. The lag is used
in order to see the time needed for Y response. The
appropriate choice of lag can be chosen using
Schawrtz-Bayesian Criteria (SBC), Akaike
Information Criteria (AIC) or other information that
has smallest criteria. In this research the optimal lag
is chosen based on AIC value. By looking at AIC
criteria then it can be chosen the lag that gives the best
model that is at lag 1.
Table 4.2 The Result of Length of Optimal Lag (Lag Length
0 NA 57.97712 58.12438 58.01619
1 118.2003* 52.81711* 53.40614* 52.97338*
2 10.39969 52.95536 53.98616 53.22883
3 6.076845 53.27130 54.74387 53.66197
4 6.481176 53.43210 55.34644 53.93998
Source: Estimation result.
The next step is cointegration test for the model.
This test is aimed to determine whether the
nonstationary variables are cointegrated or not. Based
on Pesaran et al. (2001), the cointegration test used in
this research is Bound Test Cointegration.
Table 4.3 The Results of Cointegration Test (Bound Test
Critical Values
ower Bound
Upper Bound
1% significance level
5.15 6.26
5% significance level
3.53 4.42
10% significance level
2.91 3.69
Source: Estimation result.
Estimation of ARDL model conducted in this
research is to know the effect of government
expenditure and balance of payment on Indonesia
economic growth. Table 4.4 shows the estimation of
Lag model of ARDL (1 1 1).
Table 4.4 Estimation Result of ARDL Model
significant at 1%, 5%,10% level of alpha.
Source: Estimation Results.
Based on the estimation, it can be seen that there
are many independent variables that have the effects
on GDP those are current government expenditure
and the lag of government expenditure with the
probability of 1 percent. For the variable of balance
of payment for the current year has the effect on GDP
by 10 percent alpha, but the balance of payment for
the previous year has the effect on GDP at level of
alpha 5 percent.
The ability of the regression mode in explaining
the relation between dependent and independent
variables can be seen from coefficient of
determination as much as 0.329591. This means that
government expenditure for the current year and one
year before and also balance of payment for current
year and one year before explain the model by 32.9
The Long-run and Short-run Effects
Based on the cointegration bound test, then it is
found the long-run equilibrium in this analysis that
affects Indonesian GDP. The result of long-run and
short-run analysis can be seen by Table 4.5 below.
Table 4.5 The Long Run Model
Dependen Variable: PDB
Variable CoefficientStd. Erro
t-Statistic Prob.
LOGBP -0.442007 0.641691 -0.688816 0.4985
P 2.69E-11 7.71E-11 0.348800 0.7307
C 13.36411 8.394936 1.591925 0.1263
significant at 1%, 5%,10% level of alpha.
Source: Estimation results.
The Analysis of the Effect of Government Expenditure and Balance of Payment on Indonesian Economic Growth
The estimation results as in Table 4.5 shows that
both the variable of government expenditure and
balance of payment do not have significant effect on
GDP. But even though the government expenditure
and balance of payment do not affect GDP in the
long-run, the reality is reverse in short-run. Table 4.6
shows the estimation results for the short run.
Table 4.6 Short Run Model
enden Variable: D
Variable Coeficien
Std. Erro
t-Statistic Prob.
-16.47604 3.490927 -4.719676 0.0001
D(NP) -1.93E-10 8.20E-11 -2.352704 0.0285
* -0.804832 0.141042 -5.706330 0.0000
significant at 1%, 5%,10% level of alpha.
Source: Estimation Results.
Based on the research findings, it can be concluded
that generally, the government expenditure for the
current year and one year before has the effect on
GDP with the probability of 1 percent. The balance of
payment in current year affect the GDP only by 10
percent, but balance of payment of the previous year
affects the GDP by 5 percent. Based on long run test,
it is found that both the variable of government
expenditure and balance of payment do not affect
GDP significantly. But for the short run test, it is
found that the government expenditure has a negative
and significant effect on GDP by alpha of 5 percent.
The variable of balance of payment has a negative and
significant effect on GDP by alpha of 1 percent.
This research is part of my research project with
Assistant Professor Research Skim funded by Centre
for Research and Social Work (LPPM) of Syiah
Kuala University. The research project is under year
2019 funding resources from Syiah Kuala University
Own Income (PNBP) 2019.
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