The development process in developing countries
is undertaken with greater government expenditure
compared to government revenue. Thus it needs more
budget with greater external debts in order to fill the
budget deficit. Suhartoko (2013) explained the close
relationship between primary budget deficit with real
economic growth with the correlation coefficient as
much as 0.6.
Based on the data from International Financial
Statistic (2018), it shows that balance of payment
indicates the positive correlation with GDP. This can
be proven by the Indonesian data for the period of
2004 to 2017 with the fluctuation. In year 2004,
Indonesian balance of payment was USD 1,563
billion with GDP growth rate as much 5.03 percent.
Then, in year 2009, the GDP had declined to be 4.62
percent but with the increased in balance of payment
to be USD 10,628 billion. Then for the next many
years, the GDP continuously fluctuates whereas the
balance of payment experience deficit.
The government policy in financing economic
development using debt especially external debts thus
only benefit in the initial time of development. Thus,
beside government put attention on economic growth,
the future government debt also has to be considered
by the government.
There are many researches on the fiscal policy
and national such as the research by Badinger (2017),
Baharumshah (2017), and Badinger (2015). This
research put more focus on deficit budget. Secondly,
the researcher does not find the study on balance of
payment and economic growth in Indonesia.
Based on those research background and
literature reviews, majority of research put more
attentions on fiscal policy and national debt and also
the movement in international trade. The research on
government expenditure and balance of payment are
still limited. Thus based on the above research
background the researcher would like to study about
“The Effect of Government expenditure and Balance
of Payment on Indonesian Economic Growth”.
Economic growth is defined as the change in
economic activities in the economy that cause the
goods and services produced increases (Sukirno,
2013). Conventionally, the economic growth of one
country can be measured by the percentage increase
in gross domestic product (GDP). It is also applied for
regional economic growth by using the percentage
increase in gross regional domestic product (GDRP).
By measuring economic growth, it is also can be used
in evaluating the effectiveness of the economic
GDP is one of the best measures in evaluating
economic performance of one country. The aim of
GDP is summarizing the economic activities in
certain monetary unit during certain period of time.
GDP can be measured using two approaches those are
income and expenditure approaches (Mankiw, 2007).
The economy basically saves a certain amount of
national income in order to increase capital goods that
are not out of order. But, in order to foster the
economic growth, it is needed new investment that is
the additional in net capital stocks. This theory states
that investment affects aggregate demand via
increasing in production capacity. In this case the
government expenditure has the role as one of
investment given by the government in induce
national income.
According to Ilyas (1989), the government
expenditure relates to all of the expenditures that
aimed to increase the welfare of overall society.
Furthermore, according to Soediyono (1992),
government consumption expenditure that usually
called government expenditure or government
purchase includes all of the expenditures where the
government directly receives the compensation. In
Indonesia, the government expenditure is allocated in
National Budget (APBN) or Regional Budget
(APBD). Every year, the budget is allocated into
many sectors via the development program and
activities (Suparmoko, 1998).
Furthermore, balance of payment can be defined
as the systematic account that record the transaction
undertake by the citizens include the organization and
private sectors with foreign citizens in the period of
one year. Balance of payment is useful because it
shows the structure and composition of economic
transaction and also international finance of one
country. On the other hand, balance of payment is
also the important indicator about the situation of the
economy of one country.
When the balance of payment of a country deficit,
this means that the citizens of the country has to pay
more for the foreign citizens compared to the income
from the payment of foreign citizens. Whereas the
surplus shows vice versa condition. In addition,
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank
use balance of payment indicator as one of indicator
in loan giving decision for a country.
The deficit of balance of payment is also can be
caused by the domestic inflation. If the balance of
payment experiences deficit then the international
companies in the country have to adjust with the
condition such as price, inventory, and stock