The Effect of Low-impact Aerobic Dance
on Weight Loss in Women
Andi Fepriyanto
, Dian Helaprahara
, Ainur Rasyid
Department of Physical Education, STKIP PGRI Sumenep, Indonesia
Keywords: Low-Impact Aerobic Dance, Weight Loss and Women.
Abstract: Women have several parts of the body that can be used to fill with fats. The fat is at risk for obesity. Low
impact aerobics is a gymnastics that displays movements and tempos that are easy to do. The aim of this
study is to study low impact aerobic exercise on weight loss in women. 20 subjects were taken from the
Dharmawanita association. The method in this study used experiments, so that the pre-test and post-test
data were taken and analyzed. The results of research conducted routinely 3 times a week showed that (p
<0.05) so that low impact aerobic exercises can significantly reduce women's weight gradually.
Women have special tissue for hoarding fat, giving
them a typical feminine form, for example in the
gluteal area (buttocks), and in the shoulder and chest
Piles of fat tissue in these particular areas are
firmly returned by a woman's body if it lacks of
energy, and decrease only when the energy
deficiency is even further. Women increase their
excess weight by 20% of their ideal weight
according to their age, so that they can be obese
(Sediaotama, 2000). Without exception for newborn
women, obesity cannot be returned. (Hugh and
Jamie, 2014) reported that the majority of adult
women failed to meet recommended levels of
aerobic activities, including the ones whom have a
great opportunity to increase aerobic participations.
Motions can help to reduce fat and make women
healthy and pleasant to look. Some of these activities
include walking, jogging, or cycling. Nowadays,
people rarely do these activities due to lack of time,
and as a result, they gain some weight (obesity). It is
difficult for obese people to carry out activities. This
is risky to reduce the physiological functions of the
human body.
One of the easiest ways to lose weight is by
exercising. Gymnastics has many variations and is
easy for all to follow. Gymnastics is an activity
related to the aerobic energy system.
Low impact aerobic exercises are types of
aerobic exercises carried out with a low rhythm,
which is slower with the basic motion of the road, so
that it leads to a pleasant and easy to follow
direction. Low impact aerobics is also an aerobic
physical activity that is useful for improving and
maintaining health and endurance of the heart, lungs,
blood circulation, muscles and joints (Rosa, Siti and
Herlina, 2015). In addition, these movements can
consist of various movements that are repeated and
combined from various movements. The
combination of movements should be no more than
three movements so that they are easily carried out
correctly in order to achieve accurate intensity
(Giriwijoyo and Sidik, 2013).
This study aims to determine whether there is an
effect of giving a low impact aerobic exercise on
women's body weight.
This research is a pre-experimental design study.
Therefore, it is often referred to as "quasi
experiment" by using a type of research design
pretest and posttest group design
Fepriyanto, A., Helaprahara, D. and Rasyid, A.
The Effect of Low-impact Aerobic Dance on Weight Loss in Women.
DOI: 10.5220/0009304101800182
In Proceedings of the 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science in conjunction with the 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports
(YISHPESS and CoIS 2019), pages 180-182
ISBN: 978-989-758-457-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 Subject
The research subjects used in this study were 20
mothers selected from Dharmawanita
, Saronggi
District. The subjects’ anthropometrics were shown
in table 1. Each subject filled out the consent letter
to following this study completely.
2.2 Procedure
The procedure was described as follows. First, the
subjects were measured for anthropometrics,
including his weight for the initial data. Then, the
subjects underwent low impact aerobic exercises,
from warming up to cooling down, 3 meetings in
one week, for 6 weeks with a duration of 40 minutes
in each exercise.(Giriwijoyo and Sidik, 2013) to lose
weight, the minimum duration should not be less
than 30 minutes. After the treatment is finished, the
subjects were weighed again to find out the final
weight to be used as the final data and after that the
data were analyzed.
2.3 Data Analysis
After the data is obtained, the data were analyzed.
The data analysis in this study was done using the t-
test statistical method to determine differences in
body weight before and after being given treatment
for women. The mean and standard deviation
should also be calculated prior to t-test, so that later
it will be easier to analyze different test data.
The research data were obtained from the results of
the pre-test and post-test body weight of the research
subjects. They were then analyzed. In the table 2, it
can be seen that the average body weight is 59.5 ±
3.98. The ideal body weight with an average subject
height 153.65 ± 3.6, obtained an average of 53.55 ±
3.9, where the period the body of the subject has an
overweight of 59.4 kg. If it is associated with a body
mass index table with an average height of 153,
normal weight should be in the range of 44-54
(Giriwijoyo and Sidik, 2013). After a low impact
aerobic exercise, the subjects’ body weights were 58
kg in average, so there was a decrease of 1.5 kg.
Table 1: Anthropometric research subjects
Anthropometric Rata-rata
Old (year) 35 ± 4,2
Height (cm) 153,65 ± 3,6
Weight (kg) 59,5 ± 3,98
IMT 25,4
Table 2: Results of weight data analysis
N Pre-test Post-test
Weight (Kg) 20 59,5 ± 3,98 58 ± 2,79*
*) p<0.05 significantly different body weight
between pre test and post test.
Based on table 2, the average numbers of body
weight were 59.5 ± 3.98 for the pre-test and 58 ±
2.79 for the post-test. After being tested using the t-
test, it can be said to have a significant relationship.
From the results of statistical calculations using the
t-test, the findings showed that there were significant
differences between before and after being given
low impact aerobic exercise treatment. In
conclusion, it can be said that low impact aerobic
exercise has a significant influence on weight loss
for the subjects. Although the quantity is not
maximal, but there is a significant decrease. These
findings is in line with the research conducted by
(Wu, Tu, Hsu, and Tsao, 2016) that low impact
aerobic exercise can significantly decrease a
percentage of body fat.
After doing routine activities, a person's weight
will decrease because doing aerobics is a good way
to burn calories and fat. Many muscles are mobilized
from the top and bottom of the body. The more
muscle you exert, the more calories you burn (Lynne
Brick, 2001).
It can be said that there is a relationship between
aerobic exercise and weight. If someone does
aerobic exercise regularly, the person will
experience weight loss and will be
free from disease.
Finally, their quality of life will be better. This
opinion is supported by (Brick, 2002), saying that
aerobic exercise is one of
the best ways to reduce
one's weight, to develop muscle health, and to
improve a better quality of life. The same thing was
conveyed by (Denise, 2008), that 4 weeks of
functional trainings would result in increased
functional levels in older adults.
The Effect of Low-impact Aerobic Dance on Weight Loss in Women
In addition, according to (Kurniato, 2015) to be
able to deal with old age, to enjoy their lives, and
stay fit in terms of both health and fitness, the
elderly must do regular exercise activities, practice a
healthy lifestyle, rest, do not smoke and have a
routine checkup. One effort to achieve health is
doing exercises. In order to be able to obtain a
healthy body, one must routinely do such activities.
Exercise regularly is an effective and safe alternative
to improve or to maintain fitness and health if it is
done correctly.
From the results of this study, it can be concluded
that low impact aerobic exercise can reduce women's
weight. Every housewife should routinely do
gymnastics at least 3 times a week, and has a
balanced diet that contains a lot of nonfat protein, so
that the body weight is maintained on the BMI or
ideal body weight of an adult.
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Dian rakyat.
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)