force to certain direction. Plyometric exercise
illustrated the characteristics of muscle full strength
contraction with the very swift response, dynamic
loading or complicated muscle extension (Radcliffe
& Farentinos, 2002). Plyometric has several profits,
utilize of the force and the speed attained by
antigravity body weight acceleration, this occurrence
cause the speed force in plyometric exercise that
encourage several sport activities such as jumping,
running and throwing more often compared to the
weight exercise or it can be said to be more vigorous
or explosive (Chu, 2000).
That plyometric exercise using the weight in the
exercise to advance the power, may not always in
the form of external weight which requires some
tools such as dumbbell or vest (Bompa, 1994).
Conversely, it can also be in the form of the athletes
body weights as well, likewise if the athletes trained
are still in young ages or amateur. The load of their
own bodies like in jumping, hopping, push-up, etc,
are able to develop the muscle strength. The above
questions are strengthened by the research result of
Avery, stated that the additional exercise to the
training program increases the muscle strength
(Avery, 2007).
The result is also toughened by the research from
(Dwi, D.R.A.S, 2018) explained that based on the
pretest and post-test outcomes, it can be understood
that the experiment group of inclined sprint running
exercise affected positively through the long jump
result approximately 95.00%. Hill exercise on uphill
and downhill slopes has been frequently used by
distance runners to advance the mechanical
perspective; power represents a rate of performing
mechanical work, or a product of force acting upon
an object and the object’s velocity (Krishan, Sing, &
Selvam, 2011). In human movement associated
sciences, muscle power is generally considered to be
an essential factor that responsible for successful
rapid movements performed with maximum effort,
including jumping, sprinting, throwing, and kicking.
Observed by the stimulus from the foot circle
movement, uphill exercise is extensively different
from the flat running exercise. When ascending, the
extensor muscle of foot circle joint will work
tougher to restrain the load affected by the
gravitational force on oblique (diagonal) track. Thus,
the enlargement takes place inside the muscle fiber
and the quantity of the capillary increased, and as a
consequence, the quality of foot circle muscle
contraction increased. Indirectly, the muscle in foot
circle utilizes the heavy load and if the athletes run
in flat track, the foot shove will be stronger.
Downhill method is an exercise descending the
hill that is performed by the maximum speed
without reducing the rate and oppose the body
weight so that it can fabricate the maximum speed.
Downhill exercise is aimed to train the frequent
speed of the feet movement so it can generate the
maximum speed. The downhill exercise is also
raised the dynamic strength. The power exercise is
done whenever the athletes have built their pace of
strength and speed since power is the calibration
between strength and speed. The structure of the
power movement is always explosive. Thus, all
types of exercises in biomotoric components of
strength and speed become the power exercise
speed, when it is in light intensity until the rapid
rhythm (Sukadiyanto, 2011).
Based on the data analysis result, description, and
the test result of the research, and discussion, it can
be concluded, that:
(a) There is a significant different in inclined
forward kick through the leg power of the athletes of
Tekad club Taekwondo athletes, by t
7.906 > t
2.571, and significance score of 0.001 < 0.05, and
percentage raise about 4.08%.
(b) There is a significant effect of inclined
backward kick through the leg power of the athletes
of Tekad club Taekwondo athletes by t
3.503 >
2.571, and significance score of 0.017 < 0.05, and
the percentage raise of 3.73%.
(c) The inclined forward kick is better than the
inclined backward kick through the leg power of
Tekad Club Taekwondo athletes, with the post-test
difference of 0.17 cm and the raise of the
percentage in the exercise of inclined forward kick
of 4.08.
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