Integrated Reporting, Is It Really Matters?
Minda Muliana Sebayang
, Azhar Maksum
, Rina Bukit
, Khaira Amalia Fachrudin
Ph.D. student at Faculty of Economic and Business, Universitas Sumatera Utara
Lecturer at Faculty of Economic and Business, Universitas Sumatera Utara
Keywords: CSR Disclosure, Environmental Disclosure, Integrated Reporting, Stock Price
Abstract: As a new model of financial reporting in the world, the using of integrated reporting in many countries
nowadays has been expanded so do with the importance part of CSR disclosure and environmental disclosure
in annual report. This research desires to explore the scope of integrated reporting, CSR disclosure and
environmental disclosure in listed public companies in Indonesia and the enforce to company value, especially
stock price. All of the consumer goods industry listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange were be part of the
population in this study. Quantitative research method is used in this research and the result of this study
revealed that the scope of integrated reporting quality disclosure in Indonesia is getting extensive and
significantly influencing the stock price of manufacturing companies.
In the new economy era, companies that were
founded should not only be solely for profit
maximization. The stock price indicates the value of
the company. The company's performance reflected
in the financial reporting will be responded by all
stakeholders in the stock market and will be used to
obtain funds or alternative financing (Tandelilin,
2010). Stock market can reflect the market response
to company financial performance published in the
annual report . The stock market price reflects the real
value of the company (Sutrisno, 2012) so that the
higher the price of shares, then it can be said that the
value of the company is also high (Husnan, 2015).
Anyhow, market member continually invest in stock
market in an endeavor to acquire profits, which can
be acomplished by utilize the abnormal returns
involvement over a period, as a result of an anomaly
market (Hirshleifer, Teoh, & Yu, 2011) and the entity
must be able to provide the information they need in
financial report or annual report.
Public companies at the present time should be
responsible to their environment and society because
they can not stand alone without the support of the
community. Changes in the new economic era also
makes the company should be clear in disclose all
financial information and non-financial. To retain
their business, companies must pay attention to the
sustainability of their business in the short, medium
and long-term sustainability, and all information must
be disclosed in company the annual reports.
Sustainability reporting is a company forms of
communication and accountability to apparent a
stakeholder with regard to the environmental
performance Good Corporate Governance. An
integrated disclosures made by the company will be
found in the annual report as a form of company
accountability and transparancy to the stakeholders
(Baiman & Verrecchia, 1996; Clarkson,, 2008).
Integrated reporting is a concise and integrated
financial reporting that covering all enterprise
information either financial or non-financial
information, for example the company profile, the
management profile, good corporate governance,
corporate social responsibility and audited financial
Management, the owners of the company and
stakeholders have a different concern about the entity
and it makes the gap between them and boots the
agency theory. Differences in information holding on
the two parties also lead to information gaps called
information asymmetry. Either the management or
stakeholders are those who are rational and motivated
by personal interest (Jensen & Meckling, 1976).
Legitimacy Theory is a theory that focused on the
Sebayang, M., Maksum, A., Bukit, R. and Fachrudin, K.
Integrated Reporting, Is It Really Matters?.
DOI: 10.5220/0009308105080514
In Proceedings of the 2nd Economics and Business International Conference (EBIC 2019) - Economics and Business in Industrial Revolution 4.0, pages 508-514
ISBN: 978-989-758-498-5
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
company interaction with the external parties.
Companies need legitimacy or recognition from
external stakeholders in order to maintain the
company's sustainability and to keep the public trust
so that the operation of the company should be
reciprocal to the public (Dowling & Pfeffer, 1975;
Lindblom, 1993; Deegan,, 2002). As stated in
the efficient market hypothesis, new information
feasible in financial statements should be returned to
the market immediately. Therefore, this research
presents the relevance of CSR disclosure,
environmental disclosure and integrated reports
disclosure influence the company’s stock price.
2.1 Stock Price
The stock price is formed by supply and demand
mechanism in the capital market. If a stock
experiences excess demand, then the stock price tends
to rise. Conversely, if the excess supply then the price
of shares tends to fall (Sartono, 2010) . The price of a
legal stock that occurs on the stock market at a
particular time determined by market participants and
is determined by the demand and supply of shares in
the capital market (Jogiyanto, 2014). The main factor
that will all affect the stock price is public companies
are external and internal factors (Brigham, 2014).
2.2 Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR) Disclosure
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) disclosure is
about how companies manage the business processes
to produce an overall positive impact on society
(Kusumadilaga, 2010). This definition is lifted from
the philosophy of how to manage a company well in
part or as a whole to get a positive impact on itself
and the environment. The company must be able to
manage its operating business by producing products
that are positively oriented to society and the
environment. The World Business Council for
Sustainable Development (WBCSD) which is an
international organization that stands out in 1955 and
consists of 120 multinational companies from 30
countries of the world through its publication said that
company should making a good business sense and
have a commitment to behave ethically and attribute
to economic development while improving the
quality of life of the workforce and their families as
well as the local community and social at large.
CSR disclosure goals is to empower the society
not to deceive society and the empowerment aim to
build a society autonomy. The corporate social
responsibility often interpreted as a company
generosity but the point of Company Social
Responsibilty is how to build the entrust of the
society. CSR disclosure associated with the
sustainability and acceptability. Its means the
company keep on sustaining and continuing run their
operation business in long term. So far, the term of
CSR Disclosure measured by the amount of money
spent by companies for social activities but the truth
is CSR activities is not only about spending money
for social activities but also about general public
empowerment that can not be valued in amount of
fund. It shows that Corporate Social Responsibility
disclosure is one form of action is lifted from ethical
considerations companies to increase the employees
life quality and at the same time improving the life
condition around companies community and the
disclosure of this information can increase the
company stock price (Singh, 2017; Hussaeny,,
2.3 Environmental Disclosure
Environmental Disclosure is a voluntary disclosure
information both qualitative and quantitative
information made by the organization to inform or to
disclose its activities, where the disclosure contains
of financial and non-financial information (Nurdin,
2006). Environmental disclosure as a compilation of
information related to environmental management
activities by companies in the past, present and future.
This information can be obtained in many ways, such
as qualitative statements, assertions or quantitative
facts, financial statement forms or footnotes. The
field of environmental disclosure includes the
following matters, for example, expenses or operating
costs for pollution control facilities or equipment in
the past and present and the demand of this disclosure
is getting exapanded (Al-Tuwaijri & Christensen,
2004; Reinhard, 1999).
2.4 Integrated Reporting Quality
In the International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRS) framework declared that financial statements
are a deliberated representation of the financial
position and performance of an entity and the purpose
of financial reporting is to provide financial
information about the reporting entity that is useful to
existing and potential investors, lenders and other
creditors in making decisions about providing
resources to the entity (IFRS Foundation, 2015). For
that purposes the company’s financial statement must
be reliable to stakeholders as a support information
for decision making.
Integrated Reporting, Is It Really Matters?
The International Integrated Reporting Council
(IIRC) describe integrated reporting as a report an
integrated report as company announcement
transparency reports to stakeholders. The reporti
contains of the organization strategy, administration,
performance and the company value creation in short,
medium and long term (IIRC, 2015). This report will
cover the lack of traditional financial reporting that
does not disclose company non-financial information
transparently to the stakeholders. The framework
developed by IIRC will be able to increase the value
of the company in the short, medium and long term
(IIRC, 2013). Integrated reporting is a new advanced
reporting about how organizations think about their
business models and how they create value (Adams,
2013). Through Integrated reporting the company not
only disclose financial information but also non-
financial information and explain the process of value
added development in the entity. The results of many
research in various countries show that the
implementation of integrated reporting can increase
share prices in the short cycle of reporting and
corporate value in the long term (Churet & Eccles,
2014; Martinez, 2016; Rivera-Arrubla,, 2017;
Willows & Rockey, 2018)
2.5 Conceptual Framework
The conceptual framework for this reserach can be
seen at figure 1.
Figure 1 Conceptual Framework
In Indonesia the disclosure of CSR,
environmental and integrated reporting is getting
expanded and will be, in long term, increase the value
of the firm, in this research is stock price. Thus, based
on the conceptual framework above, the hypotheses
in this study are:
H1: CSR disclosure has a positive effect on stock
price in public manufacturing companies in Indonesia
H2: Environmental disclosure has a positive effect on
stock price in public manufacturing companies in
H3: Integrated reporting quality has a positive effect
to the stock price at manufacturing in Indonesia
H4: CSR disclosure, environmental disclosure and
integrated reporting quality have a positive effect on
stock price in public manufacturing companies in
This study investigates the extent and content of CSR
disclosure, environmental disclosure and integrated
reporting quality of manufacturing firms in Indonesia.
Content analysys used word count to measure the
quantity of all the disclosure. We used the IDX and
ICMD data base to test our hypotheses. Although not
all public manufacturing companies published their
annual report annually we limitation our research on
consumer goods sub-sectors listed on the Indonesia
Stock Exchange. Due to missing consience among
these firms the final sample consisted of 31 firms,
from 42 population. The hypothese were tested with
a four-year panel for 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017,
amount to 124 firm-year observations.
3.1 Dependent and Independent
CSR disclosure is a proprietary score developed by
Rouf (2011) with 39 item to disclose in annual report.
Content analysis used to count the disclosure in every
observation, will give value 1 if the firm disclose the
information in their annual report and 0 if not. The
disclosure index of environmental will use in this
research to examines the influence of environmental
disclosure based on 10 item on list of disclosure items
developed by Bachman and Espejo (2013)
benchmark, value 1 if the firm disclose the
information in their annual report and 0 if not. The
Integrated reporting quality used the eight content
elements developed by IIRC (2013), value 1 if the
firm disclose the information in their annual report
and 0 if not.
The multiple linear regression analysis used to
measure the effect of all independent variables to
dependen variable with the following equation:
Y = a + b 1 CSRD + b 2 ED + b 3 IRQ + e
Y = Stock price
a = constanta
EBIC 2019 - Economics and Business International Conference 2019
b 1- b 3 = regression coefficient
CSRD = Corporate Social Responsibility
ED = Environmental Disclosure
IRQ = Integrated Reporting Quality
e = Standard Error
4.1 Descriptive Statistics
This field provide a brief overview of some of the
general facts and characteristics that were identified
in this sudy. Discussion concentrates on the
minimum, average, maximum and standard deviation
values of CSR disclosure, environmental disclosure,
integrated reporting quality value and stock price.
The minimum value of CSR disclosure is 0.82 and the
maximum value of CSR disclosure is 0.87. The
average of CSR disclosure in the 2014-2017 period is
0.8377 and the standard deviation of CSR Disclosure
in the 2014 during research period is 0.02133.The
minimum value of enviromental disclosure is 0.77
and the max value is 0.87. The average value of
environmental disclosure is 0.8418 with the standard
deviation value is 0.02747. Integrated reporting
disclosure has 0,71 minimum value and the maximum
value is 0.89. The average value of integrated
reporting quality is 0.8390, thus the standard
deviation is 0.05022. The minimum value of the stock
price during the research period is PT Pryidam Farma
Tbk in 2015 and the maximum value of the share
price is 390 for PT Delta Djakarta, Tbk in 2014.
4.2 Research Data Analysis Results
Afterward we ran classical asumption test before
carrying out the multiple linear regression and the
result of multiple linear regression analysis shows on
table 1.
Table 1 Results of Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
Model Unstandardized
B Std. Error
1 (Constant) 13.247 1.250
CSR_Disclosure 15.166 6.739
Environmental_Disclosure 11.798 5.141
4.283 2.751
Source: Data analysis result, 2019
Regression model was analyzed with CSR
disclosure, environmental disclosure and integrated
reporting quality as the dependent variables and stock
price as dependent variables. Based on 1 the
regression equation for this research is:
Stock Price = 13.247 + 15.166 CSR Disclosure +
11.798 Environmental Disclosure + 4.283 Integrated
Reporting Quality
It can be conclude that in every increase of CSR
disclosure, environmental disclosure and integrated
reporting quality will boost the company stock price
about the each regression cooefficient.
Partially, the results of hypothesis can be seen in
the following table.
Table 2.
Variable Name B t
13.247 10.597 1.97993 0.000
CSR disclosure 15.166 2.250 1.97993 0.026
11.798 2.295 1.97993 0.023
4.283 1.557 1.97993 0.022
coefficient (R) =
= 7.397
= 2.68
= 0.000
Predictor: (Constant)
CSR disclosure, environmental
disclosure and integrated reporting
endent variable: stock
Source: Data analysis results, 2019
The table above shown that the CSR disclosure,
environmental disclosure, integrated reporting
quality variables is positively affect the stock price in
manufacturing company in Indonesia, partially and
simultaneously, because the significance value is less
than α 0.05.
The coefficient determination (R2) of this
research is 0.135 and can be concluded that the
changes variations in stock prices are influenced by
CSR Disclosure, environmental disclosure and
integrated reporting of 13.5 %, while the remaining
86.5 % influenced by other factors not concluded in
this research model.
CSR Disclosure is a form of disclosure in company
action with the public at large and can influence
stakeholder perceptions in decision making. CSR
activities must be carried out by the company as a
form of accountability for its presence in the
Integrated Reporting, Is It Really Matters?
community and can increase its legitimacy. The
increase in legitimacy is reflected in the company's
share price. Corporate Social Responsibility
disclosure is one form of company adaptation with
companies ethical consideration that are geared to
increase community economy, accompanied by the
increasing of the life quality of employees and their
families, as well as well as improving quality of
community more broadly.
Environmental disclosure on company’s annual
report is expected to increase the firm’s legitimacy in
society because the firms operation should be
environmental impact. This is a signal to stakeholders
that the company concentrating in company's
sustainability. Good corporate environment
performance will reduce costs to overcome future
damage and loss of the company's natural resources.
Environmental disclosure will be a goodnews for
stakeholders sehi guns can draw invest r to invest
because investors will have the assurance that the
company performing maintenance on the company's
resources in the future for doing prevention activities
and managing environmental damage so that costs for
environmental damage in the future can be diverted
to increase the company's capital in carrying out its
industrial activities in order to maximize the
company's profit and the value of the firm. The big
company is more widely disclose their environmental
information in annual report because they have more
complecated stakeholders.
One way of integrated reporting increase the
stock price by identifying risks and opportunities in
the company's financial statements, based on the
clarity of the company's commitment to increasing
the wealth of company's owner. This has been able to
be carried out optimally by the company, then
opportunities and risks can be overcome properly.
The identification of opportunities and risks is carried
out by the management of the company based on
government policies , macro and micro economic
conditions and so on.
After the issuance of Indonesian government
rules No. 47 of 2012 concerning Social and
Environmental Responsibility of Limited Liability
Companies, compulsorily companies in accordance
with those referred to in the regulation must disclose
their social responsibilities, this is expected to be
responded positively by investors and potential
investors because they believe the company has
fulfilled its obligations and in accordance with the
principles of sustainable development so that
investment risk is reduced which means investors will
be more interested in buying the company's shares.
An increase in demand for company shares will cause
stock price to rise, because stock prices are formed by
the existence of transaction mechanisms in the capital
market that are determined by stock demand and
supply. An integrated reporting can disclose all the
stakeholders information needed in one report so that
can be used in decision-making.
The conclusions in this study are:
1. From the results of the partial testing proved that
CSR Disclosure significantly affect stock prices
in companies listed on the Stock Exchange
2. From the results of the partial examination it is
evident that Environmental Disclosure
significantly influences the stock price of
manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia
Stock Exchange .
3. From the results of the partial test it is evident that
the integrated reportin g has no significant effect
on the price of p on the manufacturing companies
listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange .
4. From the results of simultaneous testing, this
researcher was able to prove that CSR Disclosure,
Environmental Disclosure and integrated
reporting affected the stock prices of
manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia
Stock Exchange.
This study uses index standards that are not
necessarily in accordance with the outward disclosure
conditions in Indonesia. So it is necessary to use a
standard that can represent the extent of corporate
disclosure in Indonesia.
Next researcher can expand the sample, more
variables and extend the observation period so that
research results can be more representative because it
can improve the data distribution.
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