Systematic Review of Physical Literacy in Aquatic Activity
Nur Sita Utami
, Subagyo
, Slamet
, and Hedi Ardiyanto Hermawan
Faculty of Sport Sciences, Yogyakarta State University, Colombo Street No.1, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Literacy, Swimming
Abstract: The expansion of physical literacy vocabulary can be done with active motion in land and water
environment. Swimming is a basis for movement skills in aquatic activities. The systematic aim of this
review is to ascertain the swimming variables in the topic of physical literacy research. Data analysis used
meta-aggregation approach with Miles and Hubberman Model. Data were collected through Google Scholar
in the period of January 2018 to January 2019. The results of the review of 7 articles indicated that
swimming has not been used as the main variable in the topic of physical literacy research.
The physical literacy movement popularized by the
International Physical Literacy Conference inspires
researchers to study the topic of physical literacy
problems in aquatic activities. The researchers have
the idea to conduct a systematic review so that the
state of the art research of the topic is drawn.
Aquatic activities are included in Curriculum
2013 with a three-star code. The code means that
aquatic activities can be held at school or not,
according to the school's potential. This policy came
about by considering the availability of swimming
pools in each different school. In general, this policy
gives physical education teachers the leeway not to
be optimal in carrying out aquatic activities. On the
other hand, aquatic activities are needed by
individuals to master the basic skills and attitudes of
safety in water.
Mastery of basic physical activity skills, such as
resistance training, swimming, and cycling allows
individuals to move actively (Hulteen, 2017).
Furthermore, these skills are the basis for more
specific movement skills such as marathon running,
mountain biking, and swimming in the strait.
Mastery of these advanced movement skills can be
developed into a triathlon.
The basic skill of aquatic activity is swimming.
Individuals who have physical literacy skills will not
stop at mastering basic swimming skills. Individuals
will explore themselves to develop other skills in
water, for example diving, water polo, and
The results of the study are expected to be a
reference for researchers in developing further
Research Group research topics with current
problems. On the other hand, researchers can utilize
the results of research as lecture materials for
aquatic learning and support for the implementation
of swimming elementary courses.
2.1 Research Design
A systematic review was used in this research to
obtain information on the results of physical literacy
research in aquatic activities.
2.2 Participants
Articles were collected with keywords Physical
Literacy AND Swimming through Google Scholar's
digital database. The number of search results
included 5,170 articles. Furthermore, there were 7
selected articles which were published online in the
period of January 2018 to January 29, 2019. The
terms of the article being reviewed contain physical
literacy and swimming words.
2.3 Data Collection
Researchers as research instruments perform content
validation, namely the selection of articles based on
the appearance of keywords in the content of the
Utami, N., Subagyo, ., Slamet, . and Hermawan, H.
Systematic Review of Physical Literacy in Aquatic Activity.
DOI: 10.5220/0009308302110213
In Proceedings of the 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science in conjunction with the 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports
(YISHPESS and CoIS 2019), pages 211-213
ISBN: 978-989-758-457-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
article. Inclusion and exclusion criteria are presented
in table 1 below.
Tabel 1: Inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Inclusion criteria English-language academic
research articles published online
and included in the Google
Scholar database
Exclusion criteria articles containing physical
literacy and swimming words
2.4 Data Analysis
The meta-aggregation approach was carried out in
data analysis. Miles and Hubberman model was used
to analyze this research data.
The results of a review of 7 articles have not shown
specific studies of physical literacy in aquatic
activity, particularly swimming. In general, physical
literacy is the main variable of research. Swimming
is only mentioned as an example of aquatic activity
that can be done to develop physical literacy.
One effort that parents can do to develop
children's physical literacy is to introduce outdoor
physical activities that involve large muscles (Gehris
et al., 2018). Swimming is an alternative physical
activity that can be done outdoors. This activity is
one of the recommendations for parents in
developing children's physical literacy.
Swimming is an exception activity for using a
pedometer in the research of Trembley et al (2018).
The research of the level of physical literacy of
children in Canada aged 8-12 years (Tremblay et al.,
2018) was measured with a SC-StepRx pedometer
(Steps Count, Deep River, ON, Canada). Pedometer
is placed on the right waist of children. It is used for
seven days, except when sleeping, bathing, and
To explore the way elementary school children
in Ireland connect physical activity in shaping
physical education experiences that aim at
promoting lifelong participation. Tests given to
individuals were in the form of drawing and writing.
The results of children's drawings and writings will
describe awareness, knowledge, and understanding
of physical activity and physical education. Most
girls draw activities that do not require the
participation of others, for example walking with
dogs, swimming or riding horses (Parker et al.,
2018). Swimming is one of the physical activities
chosen by girls. On the other hand, boys tend to
draw physical activities that involve teamwork.
Knowledge and understanding in encouraging
physical literacy can be taught through the
curriculum. Physical literacy learning in physical
education can be transferred through core traditional
activities, such as athletics, dance, games,
gymnastics, outdoor education, and swimming (Cale
and Harris, 2018).
The examination results of the curriculum of
Physical Education and School of Sports or Faculty
of Sport Sciences in Turkey show that the general
subjects given are Gymnastics, Athletics,
Swimming, Rhythm Education, Sports Psychology,
Sports Movement and Skills Learning, Recreational
Practice, Kinesiology, Sports Pedagogy, Educational
Games , and Dance (Basoglu, 2018). The integration
of physical literacy between semesters 3-6 can be
very useful for the development of physical literacy
(Basoglu, 2018).
To examine the effect of perception of physical
literacy in predicting the success of coaching and
leadership behavior from the perception of athletes
in Hong Kong high schools. Each participant
competed individually and in teams. The individual
sports that were competed were field and track, table
tennis, badminton, swimming, jumping rope, and
trampoline. The team sports that were competed
were basketball, soccer, dodgeball, ice hockey,
handball, baseball, korfball, and rugby. The
conclusion of the research is the key to the success
of the concept of athlete formation is the
understanding of physical literacy (Li et al., 2019).
Swimming is an aquatic activity that can be
introduced to children from an early age. Swimming
with parents will strengthen the foundation of
children's physical literacy, especially in aquatic
activities. On the other hand, parents will learn from
swimming trainers on how to develop children's
motor skills in water (Nováková and Čechovská,
The heart of physical literacy is the development of
physical competence. The three elements of motion
that form the basis of physical competence consist of
a wide range of motion vocabulary, memory and
accuracy of motion, and improvement of motion
quality (Maude, 2010). The expansion of motion
vocabulary needs to be done with variations in the
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
motion environment. Motion is not only done in
land, but also in water. Motion carried out in water
has an ease, that is, the body seems lighter.
However, the challenge of motion in water is a
different breathing technique. Habituation is needed
so that water is not swallowed.
Swimming is a basis for physical literacy in
aquatic activities. In the period of January 2018 to
29 January 2019, there were no studies using
swimming as the main variable in the topic of
physical literacy research. It was Google Scholar-
based article search. Research with physical literacy
variables is increasingly diverse. Swimming is
written in research as an example of one of the
recommended aquatic activities.
Physical literacy is expected to expand the
vocabulary of motion. Expansion can be done with a
variety of environments to move. The aquatic
environment has the advantages and challenges of
motion. Supported body weight feels lighter being in
water. However, breathing skills become a challenge
at the beginning of learning motion. The foundation
of physical literacy for aquatic activities is
swimming. The results of a review of 7 articles
indicated that swimming has not been used as the
main variable in the topic of physical literacy
This article is a publication of a Research Group
grant entitled Systematic Review of Physical
Literacy in Aquatic Activity funded by DIPA UNY.
Basoglu, U. D. 2018. ‘The Importance of Physical
Literacy for Physical Education and Recreation’, 6(4),
pp. 2016–2019. doi: 10.11114/jets.v6i4.3022.
Cale, L. and Harris, J. 2018. ‘The Role of Knowledge and
Understanding in Fostering Physical Literacy’.
Gehris, J. S. et al.,2018. ‘Resource to Share with Parents:
Helping Your Child Develop Physical Literacy’, 3084.
doi: 10.1080/07303084.2018.1478559.
Li, M. et al. 2019. ‘Influence of Perceived Physical
Literacy on Coaching Efficacy and Leadership
Behavior: A Cross-Sectional Study’, (August 2018),
pp. 82–90.
Maude, P. 2010. Physical Literacy Throughout The
Lifecourse. Whitehead, M (edt). Oxon: Routledge
Taylor & Francis Group.
Nováková, T. and Čechovská, I., 2019. ‘THE
13–20. doi: 10.2478/afepuc-2019-0002.
Parker, M. et al., 2018. ‘“ Drawing ” conclusions: Irish
primary school children ’ s understanding of physical
education and physical activity opportunities outside
of school’, 24(4), pp. 449–466. doi:
Tremblay, M. S. et al. 2018. ‘Physical literacy levels of
Canadian children aged 8 – 12 years: descriptive and
normative results from the RBC Learn to Play – CAPL
project’, 18(Suppl 2).
Systematic Review of Physical Literacy in Aquatic Activity