The Effects of Social, Cultural, and Internet Access on Labor Productivity

Raina Linda Sari, Sirojuzilam Hasyim, Inggrita Gusti Sari Nasution, Herfita Rizki Hasanah Gurning



Human resource development is a part of the focus of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Indonesia relates most targets and indicators SDGs into Indonesia's development plans. Productivity is one of the problems of human resource development that needs to be resolved by the government. This paper aims to analyze the effects of education and health (social factors), crime (cultural factor), and internet access on labor productivity in Indonesia. This paper uses panel data which is estimated using the Fixed Effect Model (FEM). This research can prove that to increase Indonesian labor productivity can be achieved by improving health, reducing crime, and increasing internet access. Meanwhile, this paper has not been able to prove that education affects Indonesian labor productivity.


Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Sari R., Hasyim S., Sari Nasution I. and Hasanah Gurning H. (2019). The Effects of Social, Cultural, and Internet Access on Labor Productivity. In Proceedings of the 2nd Economics and Business International Conference - Volume 1: EBIC, ISBN 978-989-758-498-5, pages 537-541. DOI: 10.5220/0009314205370541

in Bibtex Style

author={Raina Linda Sari and Sirojuzilam Hasyim and Inggrita Gusti Sari Nasution and Herfita Rizki Hasanah Gurning},
title={The Effects of Social, Cultural, and Internet Access on Labor Productivity},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 2nd Economics and Business International Conference - Volume 1: EBIC,},

in EndNote Style


JO - Proceedings of the 2nd Economics and Business International Conference - Volume 1: EBIC,
TI - The Effects of Social, Cultural, and Internet Access on Labor Productivity
SN - 978-989-758-498-5
AU - Sari R.
AU - Hasyim S.
AU - Sari Nasution I.
AU - Hasanah Gurning H.
PY - 2019
SP - 537
EP - 541
DO - 10.5220/0009314205370541