treatments; only the correct answers increased to 11
with the right answer.
From the data table, it is found that respondents
get an increase in the value of knowledge after
treatment, both in the control group and the
experimental group. Wilcoxon test results obtained
data p <0.05, which means there are significant
differences in the value of knowledge between before
and after the puzzle game treatment.
Knowledge is a process that is passed by an
individual through various kinds of sense of
acceptance he has. The process that develops in a
learning process will be stored in the form of
memories where these memories can be reopened in
the future. This suggests that the intensity of someone
or someone's attention to the learning process will
affect how much results are achieved in learning.
Most of one's knowledge is obtained through the
sense of hearing (ears), and the sense of sight (eyes)
(Notoadmodjo, 2005 p.50).
Several things affect one's level of knowledge.
Internal factors such as education are needed to get
information (such as things that support health to
improve the quality of life). Education can affect a
person including one's behavior about lifestyle,
especially to participate in the development of
knowledge. Another factor is the environmental
factor. The environment is a condition that exists
around humans, where he can influence the learning
process. The next factor is socio-culture, where socio-
cultural systems that exist in society can influence the
attitude in receiving information (Notoadmodjo,
Puzzle games are included in Educative
Learning Media. Educative learning media here is the
media used for student learning, which is more
familiarly referred to as an educational game tool
(APE). APE is "a game tool deliberately designed
specifically for educational purposes" (Mayke
Sugianto, T, 1995). Meanwhile, according to Suyadi
(2009: 53), what is meant by APE is "all forms of play
that can provide knowledge and abilities of children."
Thus this educational play tool is a tool used for
playing children but can help the learning process of
students by developing certain aspects of children.
According to Sudono in Suyadi (2009: 53), this
game can be created by making a game that has
properties such as loading and unloading, grouping,
combining, composing, and others. The teacher can
make this type of APE following the needs and
environmental conditions of students. Surely this tool
must be made as attractive as possible so that students
are interested in using it.
In addition to intelligence tests, this educational
puzzle game has many functions, including 1)
Practicing concentration, accuracy, and patience 2)
Strengthening memory 3) Introducing children to the
concept of 'relationships' 4) By choosing shapes, can
train children to think mathematically (using left
brain). Within the scope of the game, excellent
features in the game such as feeling to be challenged,
imaginative, and fun, provide the perfect situation for
students to be able to connect with learning. Then the
competitive nature of the game, where one must
defeat their opponents to win through collaboration
with friends and set different strategies, has shown
significant benefits for learning. Finally, the game in
learning allows two-way communication where there
is not only material or instruction but also a condition
where learning is actively absorbed through different
strategies (Baker et al., 2005).
In this study, group 1 received treatment in the
form of teaching using the Teaching Program Module
/ Unit (SAP). Respondents get the material through
the lecture method, asking questions and discussions
with other friends or teachers who provide the
material. This method is one method that is often used
to improve public health knowledge in general.
Teaching in the context of health is defined as an
effort to increase one's knowledge and abilities of
existing situations or systems through learning to
achieve better health outcomes or understanding
(Muninjaya, 2004).
The results obtained by group 1 are in line with
research conducted by Afrianto (2013), who uses
teaching to increase knowledge of self-protection
tools (PPE) for paprika farmers in Kumbo village.
There was a significant increase in the knowledge of
participants after being given treatment. Of the 20
farmers (65%) who previously had insufficient PPE
knowledge, no farmers had less PPE knowledge.
Teaching can improve one's knowledge because
teaching provides new information to individuals.
There is a significant increase in the value of
knowledge between groups one and group two.
Deeper research is needed regarding the appropriate
duration and type of learning that can explore the
benefits of puzzle educational games to the fullest.
The method of learning with puzzle games still needs
to be investigated further, whether it can stand alone
or should be an additional method of learning that
already exists.