dominant incentive factor for the tourist to
visit nDalem Prince Joyokusuman tourist
attraction. Based on the result of the
research, the recapitulation of the
respondents’ response about cultural
motivation in visiting nDalem Prince
Joyokusuman shows that it has 1279 in total
and 4.26 as its average value. It means that
Cultural motivation has a very high
influence in motivating the tourist to visit
nDalem Prince Joyokusuman (Gadri Resto)
tourist attraction.
c. Interpersonal motivation has several sub
indicators, such as: to meet family or
colleague and friends. Based on the average
value and the total score of Interpersonal
motivation, it is included as an incentive
factor for the tourist to visit nDalem Prince
Joyokusuman tourist attraction. Based on the
result of the research, the recapitulation of
the respondents’ response about
Interpersonal motivation in visiting nDalem
Prince Joyokusuman shows that it has 795 in
total and 3.97 as its average value. It means
that Interpersonal motivation has a high
influence in motivating the tourist to visit
nDalem Prince Joyokusuman (Gadri Resto)
tourist attraction.
d. Status and Dignity motivation has several
sub indicators, such as: the needs for
recognition and reputation. Based on the
average value and the total score of Status
and Dignity motivation, it is included as an
incentive factor for the tourist to visit
nDalem Prince Joyokusuman tourist
attraction. Based on the result of the
research, the recapitulation of the
respondents’ response about status and
dignity motivation in visiting nDalem Prince
Joyokusuman shows that it has 817 in total
and 4.08 as its average value. It means that
Status and Dignity motivation has a high
influence in motivating the tourist to visit
nDalem Prince Joyokusuman (Gadri Resto)
tourist attraction.
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