quality. The characteristics of dawet made from taro
are white, the aroma is rather unpleasant, and the
texture is chewy. This product also has a low calorie
so that it can be consumed by people who are on a
diet. According to Nurdjannah and Amiarsi (2011),
taro flour has health benefits, including energy
sources, both for digestive health, improving the
body's immune system, carbohydrate substitute for
people with diabetes, blood pressure and heart
health, as well as increasing vision. But not all
people can enjoy processed products from taro, for
example, obese people, and allergic sufferers who
are sensitive to the mucus and oxalate content
contained in taro
Generally, taro tubers are only consumed by
boiling, frying, or by other conventional methods.
And dawet is generally made with rice flour. Both
rice flour and taro flour are Indonesian local raw
materials. The differentiation of dawet products is
also expected to be a surprise for consumers or
tourists, so they are interested in getting new
experiences trying new flavors from local culinary
products. Taro is mostly found in Bogor, West Java.
The identity of various culinary cities in Indonesia
need to be strengthened with innovative products
based on local products.
Local cuisine is currently being concern in
tourism. Because eating is basic needs of tourists.
According to Chang, Hall & Mitchell, and Scarpato
(in Mak et.al, 2012) there are increasing numbers of
destinations for their culinary resources in
promoting and differentiating themselves from
others, for example, Australia, New Zealand, Italy,
and Singapore. Today, many tourist destinations use
food as one of the tourist attractions in their tourism
marketing (Lin, Pearson & Chai, 2011).
Furthermore, Telfer and Wall (in Mak, et.al, 2012)
state that tourist expenditure for food reaches one
third of total tourist expenditure, therefore the
economic benefits resulting from the consumption of
tourist meals can give impact on the economic
sustainability, competitive destinations, and
development of hospitality business. in that area.
Local culinary innovation products such as Taro
Dawet ice is very potential to be developed as
regional tourism attractions.
Taro flour can be substituted in making dawet up to
100%, but the best sample is 20% percentage of
subtitutions. It’s position is in the first rank of the
test of preference. The characteristics is good in
color (white), flavor (rather unpleasant, but not too)
and texture (chewy) and all is accepted by the
examiner in sensory evaluation. The difference in
the level of preference for the sample tested are in
the hedonic test of color and flavor, while it does not
differ in texture and taste. Whereas in the hedonic
quality test, all samples have significant differences
in terms of color, taste, and texture. After doing the
proximate test taro resulting dawet is low in
calories. Suggestions for the use of sugar to be
added sufficiently so that it is safe for Diabetics
sufferers. It can also added with other natural
sweeteners such as honey. Suggestions for further
research is to be able to do the experiments on other
local culinary products varied from taro tubers, other
tubers, and other culinary products made by local
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