strength factor in competitive SMEs in Desa Baru and
Dusun Tuntung, Deli Serdang Regency, consists of:
1. Diversity of food SMEs products
2. Strategic Location
The location of the place to sell the mpek
is decisive in increasing competitiveness for
the development of food SMEs in the Desa
Baru and Dusun Tuntung, Deli Serdang
Regency , because the main condition in a
location is accessibility, namely the level of
ease in reaching and heading for a location that
is in terms of surrounding locations (Tarigan,
3. Quality Raw Materials
Raw materials with good quality are one of
the requirements to produce good, and vice
versa if the quality of raw materials is poor
will produce poor products (Holidin 2011).
The weakness : .
1. Not having its own packaging or label and the
lack of product promotion activities.
2. HR knowledge is still low
According to Munandar (2008), the
process of forming organizational behavior
starts from the formation of individual
behavior, then individual behavior forms
group behavior that describes organizational
3. There is no contract with the supplier
4. The technology used is still simple
5. Access to banking is still low
According to Ervia et al. (2015) SMEs
have several challenges such as limited access
to capital, raw materials, information
technology and human resources
6. The absence of a good financial accounting
The absence / absence of financial reports
at the SMEs of Desa Baru and Dusun Tuntung
Deli Serdang Regency , have not been able to
compile financial reports based on accounting
standards applicable to SMEs. This is seen
from the evidence of recording that is done,
namely only recording the entry and exit of
cash, and does not record all assets owned.
Such a situation results in SMESs not being
able to know all kinds of activities that can
affect the reduced and increasing value of an
asset owned, the amount of liabilities to be
paid and the total capital owned.
1. It is expected that SMEs in Baru Village and
Tuntung Village , Deli Serdang Regency,
North Sumatra will prepare financial reports
based on applicable regulations, namely using
SAK ETAP. It is intended that SMESs in Baru
Village and Tuntung Village, Deli Serdang
Regency , North Sumatra are able to find out
complete information about all assets owned.
In addition, by compiling financial statements
based on SAK ETAP in the future.
2. SMEs in the New Village and Hamlet
Tuntungan Deli Serdang North Sumatra
should archive all evidence of transactions and
recording routine, it aims to facilitate the turtle
sunan reports finances.
3. It is necessary to recruit competent human
resources in the field of accounting to help
prepare financial reports and include regular
bookkeeping training .
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