visit estimation model. Coastal tourism objects have
the potential to drive the regional economy and
community income, but the exploration of existing
potential is not optimal and on the other hand, the
involvement of local communities both directly and
indirectly in tourism activities is very limited. The
limited role of the community in the activities of
tourism business activities is an obstacle in the
process of increasing people's income. The positive
impact on the area but not spread evenly to coastal
communities. The need for a strategy of empowering
the added value of various community productions to
meet the desires of tourists visiting the coast. This
study aims to analyze the attractiveness of attractions,
the quality of attractions, the nature of culinary
services, the number of tourist visits significantly
influence regional income both partially and
simultaneously and describe the direct, indirect and
total effect of coastal destinations in the Deli Serdang
and Serdang districts as North Sumatra Province.
With the estimation model can explain the number of
tourist visits on the coast will be determined by the
attractiveness of attractions, the quality of attractions
and the nature of culinary services.
Much research has been done, there is still a lot of
focus on the general nature of research objects such
as Lake Toba, but is still limited to coastal
destinations, with the provision of previous research
to be a reference for conducting specific research on
objects of coastal destinations with locations in Deli
Regency Serdang and Serdang Bedagai. The urgency
of exogenous variable determination: Attraction
attraction, quality of attractions, and culinary services
will determine tourist visits and local income levels.
The results of the study will provide input to the
government and stakeholders in determining policy
planning and management of coastal destinations.
According to Sunaryo, B (2013) from various studies
and studies that have been carried out in various
countries, it can be empirically proven that the
amount (volume) of tourist visits (number of tourists),
length of stay of tourists and destinations (light of
stories) and foreign tourists spending ( money
spending) and the amount of domestic tourist
mobilization of a country, besides being able to be a
source of foreign exchange earnings, also functions
as an instrument of equitable development, fostering
a variety of business fields and employment
absorption related to tourism or as a motor to increase
gross regional income (GRDP) . The business
development of tourism for a coastal area will have a
positive impact on non-economic development
aspects (biyon economic benefit) including being an
instrument of community renewal such as
accelerating the process of technology adoption and
the development of modernization values and will be
able to accelerate the achievement of social and
cultural development goals others such as fostering
the love of the motherland, national unity, increasing
the pride of identity and friendship between tribes and
between nations. There are three components in travel
products (Triple A) which are steering OK. A. Yoeti
(2005): 1) Attraction is something that has an
attraction for tourists (Culture, Nature, Social and
Haretage), 2) Amity / facility is something that meets
the needs of tourists while in the tourist destination.
Tourism destinations (accommodation, restoration /
basic infrastructure, travel agencies), 3) Accessibility,
which is something that makes it easy to connect,
tourists from the place of origin to tourist destinations
(tourism destinations), tourism products are not a
consideration of the decision to travel in a but the
value of expection about satisfaction with the
direction of the quantity of the product. According to
Darmawan R (2017), there are four elements of a
good product quality assessment: 1) Uniqueness is a
product as a combination of scarcity and
attractiveness that is typical of seeing a tourist
attraction, 2) Authenticity / purity is a product not
contaminated by or adopting a model or different
value from the original value, 3). Authenticity is a
product that is associated with the degree of beauty or
exoticism of culture as cultural aktrasih, 4) Diversity,
namely the products offered to tourists must be given
many choices of products that are of different quality.
It could be a natural view or cultural heritage that is a
mainstay tourist attraction. According to Macro
theory (Samuelson and Mankiw, 2017) the
explanation of income streams whose essence is
income (Y) equals consumption (C) formulated Y =
C. Understanding this identity, that one's income is
income for others. Related to the expenditure of
tourists in this coastal destination is regional income.
This basis is a consideration for establishing
endogenous variables of regional income. The
decision of tourists to visit the coastal tourism area
will have a positive effect on the regional economy,
while the decision of tourists to the destination area is
determined by various factors, including:
attractiveness with indicators, attractions, amenities,
facilities and accessibility and quality of tourist
attraction products consisting of indicators. The
uniqueness of authenticity, authenticity and diversity.
Culinary properties consisting of indicators of
intangelocity, heterogeneity, inspirability,
complementary of food. The number of tourist visits
has a positive effect on regional income.